SPEED has added the Thursday Sprint Cup practice live from 3 to 4:30PM. Steve Byrnes will be paired with Larry McReynolds and Jeff Hammond. Bob Dillner and Wendy Venturini will report from the garage area.
Regan Smith will appear on Trackside Friday night at 11PM on SPEED. Also appearing as a guest will be Jessica Simpson, who will be doing a pre-race concert and performing the national anthem on Saturday night.
Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure (click here to view homepage) will sponsor 66-year old Morgan Shepherd's entry into the Nationwide Series race on Friday night at LMS. DJRA is a racing school and ride-a-long experience. Shepherd's regular sponsor will share signage with DJRA. Smart move.
Ricky Craven will be back on Monday as a panelist on NASCAR Now at 5PM. He will be joined by Ray Evernham and Mike Massaro. Allen Bestwick is the host.
Speaking of Evernham, getting email about both owners and their Monday TV shows. Evernham was not asked about the Patrick Carpentier incident on NASCAR Now and Michael Waltrip was not asked on TWIN about his driver line-up for LMS this weekend. Do you think this is fair because they are acting as commentators, or should they get the same treatment as anyone else in the news?
NASCAR on Fox commentator Jeff Hammond is the media guest on Tradin' Paint this weekend. How do you feel about a fulltime SPEED and Fox TV commentator appearing on this show? Is the show better with TV and radio types or print/Internet journalists?
Thursday at 1PM on ESPN Classic fans will get to see action from Rockingham Speedway. This track is been off the schedule for years, so new fans might enjoy seeing the style of racing that the sport grew-up with in the South. Richard Petty and Bill Elliott battled for the win in the 1983 Carolina 500.
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On the driver changes, I don't think either were mentioned on those Monday shows because neither had been confirmed when the shows were taped.
In regards to Jeff Hammond being on Tradin Paint, what else should they do? They need new opinions on the show, and because of ESPN's exclusivity clause, there's a smaller pool of guests they can pull from.
I don't see Hammond as a real journalist. He has wonderful insight as a commentator but does very little reporting. Tradin' Paint is one show that I always try to watch because I get a chance to see and hear the print reporters in a situation that requires them to respond without the time for research and editing. The "off the cuff" discussions are always interesting and entertaining. We also get varied opinions that are not always the "company line". It's refreshing to hear something other than the pap we get from the other shows. That said, I do not feel that bringing in one of the network cheerleaders is beneficial to Tradin' Paint.
I understand that the results were published on Tuesday. My point was that shouldn't Ray have been asked about what happened?
Over on SPEED, shouldn't Waltrip have been asked who would be in his third car at LMS?
Even if they both decided not to comment, at least the questions would have been asked.
Fine line to walk I guess...
If owners are hosts on the shows, then they need to be asked the same questions (and expected to answer them) as if they weren't hosts.
Having said that, I agree that neither of these stories/deal were fully resolved (esp. MWR and AJ) when the shows were taped.
Having Hammond (who I love) on TP defeats the purpose of having the show in the first place.
Find actual journalists who cover NASCAR--there are a bucnh of them.
Why of course Jessica Simpson should be on Trackside. Heaven forbid we have any knowledgable females like Krista and Wendy on there. How did Erin Crocker and Chrissy Wallace ever make it on the show, I don't think they were singing the national anthem the weekend they were on, were they?
Ray was asked about Carpentier being released on Sirius and he supposedly said he was totally out of the loop about it and all he knew was the same as everyone else - what he read in the press release. He has very little input into decision making at Evernham these days as he is apparently only a minority owner now and seems mostly involved in a consultant type role on the competition side. So maybe he's not being asked questions on the show because they know he doesn't really have any answers.
As for TWiN, if it's not yet confirmed or ready to be announced who is driving the #00 it seems to me to be a waste of time to ask Michael about it if he's only going to say "no comment." I'd much rather them spend time discussing things they can talk about. Of course the other issue is that when Michael is asked questions about himself or MWR, some complain that he promotes his own interests too much.
I think it is great that DJ is helping to ssonsor one of the nicest guys in NASCAR who runs a limited budget and is out there because he truly loves the sport and we definitely need more drivers like him. I think that the people that own teams and appear on shows l;ike NASCAR Now and TWIN should not be treated any differently than anyone else and I personally do not have a problem with tv commentators like Jeff Hammond appearing on Trading Paint and frankly with some of the strong opinions that he has, it should definitely be one interesting show.
I will probably watch the opening segment of Trackside and that’s all.
Glad that DJ is sponsoring Morgan and hope that will also get him more TV time. :)
Monday afternoon has gotten to be rather hectic in my household and I simply forget that Nascar Now is on TV. I doubt that this Monday will be any different.
Mikey has been asked before on TWIN if there is any news about MWR and he will answer the question. Don’t find him not being questioned on the last show to be strange.
I will watch Tradin Paint as I do every week. I think having Jeff Hammond on the show will be interesting.
If only he had told AB that on Monday.
If the TV listings I read are accurate, I'm very disappointed in this week's NASCAR TV schedule. Speed Channel is nowhere in sight this week as far as on-track action goes, so we have next-to-nothing:
Thursday Cup practice: no TV
Friday 1st Cup practice: no TV.... but ESPN2 will be on the air at the same time with NASCAR Now. It's one thing for live NASCAR to get pre-empted by another sport. It's extra ridiculous in my eyes to pre-empt live Cup practice with a NASCAR studio show.
Friday Happy Hour: joined already in-progress after another NASCAR(?) Show - "Auto Racing Explained". And if the normal production pattern holds true, we'll see MAYBE 5 minutes of on-track action in between all the full-screen nonsense.
Enormous letdown indeed. ESPN's lack of dedication to the sport is no surprise. Speed not jumping in this week to fill ESPN's holes is very surprising however.
This should be a great weekend of racing. NASCAR should have huge momentum off of FOUR straight fantastic finishes in Cup. This is the home of most of the teams. Lots of rookies and new teams are popping up all over the place, so there are larger-than-normal car counts in both series. Scott Speed, Brad Keselowski, and Bryan Clauson could make their first Cup starts.
But all of that basically means nothing, because NASCAR and their ridiculous TV contract have completely taken the air out of their own sails big time. The Cup coverage on ESPN has been a complete joke. The awful coverage and accompanying decline in TV ratings at Talladega certainly bore that out. And now with this huge weekend with countless storylines looming, we're going to see almost nothing on TV. Two Cup practice blackouts, one joined-in-progress Cup practice that will be ignored and covered up by ESPN will full-screen nonsense. Two qualifying sessions with presumably true-live coverage, studio guests, and more full-screen nonsense that will negate all the storylines and go-or-go-home drama.
Be proud of the mess you've created NASCAR. I think the lack of buzz in the air surrounding the Chase and this weekend in particular can be traced back to one thing - TELEVISION. I don't think we can ask for anything more on the track than what we've gotten the last 4 straight weeks. I sure as hell can't say the same about the TV coverage though. Sitting at home it's hard as hell to get excited about what's going on during the preliminary sessions leading into the races and what's going on in the races themselves WHEN WE CAN'T SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING ON TV!
Create a NASCAR channel or give everything to Speed Channel so we can see the on-track action and nothing but the on-track action all weekend, every weekend. And get rid of ESPN and their junk coverage. The suits at ESPN obviously don't respect NASCAR, many anchors and production staff members at ESPN's sports programs (Sportscenter, PTI, ATH, ESPNEWS, Mike & Mike, etc.) obviously don't respect NASCAR, and one or more of the members of the ESPN NASCAR production truck itself obviously don't respect NASCAR and find it "boring". That's way too much for NASCAR to overcome and "wait out", in my opinion. ESPN will never change. Get rid of them now and find someone else that will actually cover this sport in full, and with respect - cable network or not.
Oh yeah, JD, while I'm on the subject, what happened to the Memphis article you've been working on? Anything to report yet or is there still talk going on behind-the-scenes regarding this 'issue' as we speak?
On the right side of the main page is the weekend TV line-up. Just added yesterday was Thursday coverage of practice on SPEED from 3 to 4:30PM.
All of the other issues are correct. This should be a critical time for ESPN as fans are not going to take the entertainment and interview show again while cars are at speed on the track.
The Memphis issue is being resolved as we speak, I should have news on that shortly. I have been cooperative with the networks involved and NASCAR, so hopefully things will work-out for the fans.
Well strick,
You right what I and many others feel. I was downright depressed to hear ESPU is covering on Friday. with the HORRIBLE TV coverage, I would rather "Watch NASCAR practice and Quals on SPEED with the boys" and skip the stinking ACTUAL race.
THAT's HOW HORRIBLE ESPN's coverage is.
And we know the practice and quals is NON existant when PSPN covers the stuff on Friday. So much JUNK on the screen we could be watching tennis for all we know by the pictures flying through the air.
TPTB at NASCAR better start paying attention and stop the all is well ostrich in the head syndrome. :(
SPEED is not available to all and I know we pay extra to have it. But it would be nice to put it on basic in MORE HOMES and let EVERYBODy see the extra shows, Trucks, and get to know the SPEED gang period.
Some many find the guys a little goofy (especially the Sunday shows) but I love the shows.
EXCEPT the OUTSIDE SHOWS that are ruined with SCREAMING FANS and dizzying/vertigo inducing moving signs. You'd think Speed folks could say "if you want to watch the show be quiet, or we will tape later when you all are sleepin!?" :-)
I remember Mikey YELLING at a crowd member to be quiet last year!! LOL
ESPN just annoys me to no end. (Surprise I know!) I will read about NN here if it has a worthy show.
Thanks for the Speed practice and Memphis TV updates JD. The NASCAR.com, Speedtv.com, and my DirecTV program guide did not include the last-minute Speed update.
Thanks Speed for jumping in there at the last minute and doing your best to help out the on-track action starved TV viewers like myself that have been dealing with ESPN's ignore-the-track junk for far too long now. It's just a shame NASCAR won't let Speed cover everything like they did under the old TV contract.
I still stand by everything else I commented on regarding ESPN. Ignoring the on-track action while they're on the air because someone in the truck apparently thinks NASCAR is boring is incredibly disrespectful and insulting to me as a fan. Add in the treatment of NASCAR by the ESPN schedule-makers and the lack of respect the sport receives across the board on all of ESPN's platforms and I don't see what NASCAR has to gain by sticking with ESPN. ESPN needs NASCAR and its big ratings numbers a lot more than NASCAR needs ESPN and their lack of commitment to growing and promoting this sport, in my opinion.
i won't be tuning in at all this weekend due to family responsibilities and i can't say that i'm upset about missing the races. espn has done such an unprofessional job since taking over cup broadcasts that i can't even anticipate watching the race any more. i might miss watching n'wide but not so much that i'll go out of my way to find time to catch a few minutes. (now, if it were the trucks . . .!)
so, i'll catch up with everything on sunday evening sometime and i will decide if i want to actually sit thru the re-run of the cup race after reading the comments.
jessica simpson? really? seriously? yeah, she strikes me as a big nascar fan. pandering, pure and simple.
props to dale jarrett racing: one classy gentleman helping another. true racers, both of them.
jeff hammond on trading paint: this show is tanking fast. hammond is an analyst, not a journalist (not that there are many journalists in nascar either but that's a different discussion!) TP used to be a driver and a journalist, going toe to toe over controversial issues. not so much now and not worth my time.
finally evernham and waltrip: all i can say is that the networks have been hoisted by their own petard. they decided to have (even name-only) owners on the shows as regular panelists so they have created the mess. if i cared enough to watch, the only thing i could suggest would be that the "host" set the discussion parameters VERY clearly and then ask the question. i'm not certain that's something those shows can manage.
basically, i'm pretty much done with the "stuff" that's out there and generally only watch the actual races. that's a serious change from the time when i waited for coverage and watched every moment i possibly could. internet helps me catch up with what i may have missed that interested me -- all it requires is my ability to find it on the 'net and then watch on my laptop's smaller screen.
Amen Stricklin & Red,
You both said it best. Nicer than I could. I will attempt to watch the espu "coverage" - I will watch the practice added on SPEED ( Thanks Guys @ SPEED) If the actual race "coverage" coverages the cars on the track off goes the TV sound & possibly the tv set, I'm Still Honked about Dega.
Why Hammond on Tradin Paint? OK he writes a column on Fox.com - but really here now- why not a "real" journalist? C'mon there has to be 1 out there thats not tied up in a #$%^ contract!
Which brings me to Jessica - why???
I mean - I thought eye candy was on Wind Tunnel? Why not get another not so well known driver to get him some air time? You know the ones who get no mention, anyone not in the Chase?
I really don't get it. I guess I'm old...
I actually expect more candor and objectivity from Hammond than several well-known, so-called journalists.
I would like to see Bob Margolis on Tradin' Paint, and wonder whether he's never been asked or whether he has been asked but has declined.
How about Claire B. Lang or Dave Moody? I don't recall seeing them ever on TP. They both have call in shows that reach alot of fans. I think that would be a good perspective to hear from. What about JD? I hear he is available too! He does more writing than most of the NASCAR journalists on TP anyway. He should qualify.
richard and haus,
I have repeatedly written columns about having a wider assortment of media personalities on the show.
Margolis and many other veteran NASCAR writers are apparently not on the SPEED or NMG list for this TV series.
In addition, considering changing the format next season to having Roberts with two guests and eliminating "the driver" is an idea that was kicked around.
A constantly changing panel worked for Bestwick this season on Mondays, so why not TP?
Sophia, your tennis analogy cracked me up.
If any of you watched the TWIN video extra on nascar.com, SB did say something to MW about Dinger and he confirmed it.
Re: Jeff Hammond. Nothing could have been better than Ray Dunlap last week. It was the best TP I've seen in a long time. Hoping for just as good a show this week, but I doubt JH has the same fire in him as Ray.
Re: Jessica Simpson. Oh, she's cute. Should be fun if the guys don't drool all over her.
Well, if someone thinks Jessica Simpson has anything to do with Nascar, and can appear on Trackside, then I guess Jeff Hammond on Tradin' Paint isn't a problem.
In all honesty, I have absolutely no idea why a racing show needs to put on a minimal talent like Ms Simpson. Did any of see her on Dancing with the Stars? She can't sing, for heaven's sake. I don't give a rip that she's singing the National Anthem, she's got absolutely no business being on Trackside. She needs to stick to sitting in the luxury boxes cheering on her boy toy, Romo.
As for Hammond, while I like him on the Speed and Fox race broadcasts, he's not a journalist and therefore should not be on Tradin' Paint. He has the ability to express his thoughts on Trackside, so why does he need to be on another show. I want to see the likes of David Poole or any other true race journalist and not a TV personality.
@majorshouse--I agree about Mr. Morgan :). I'm very happy to see DJ helping him :). I know DJ has bought him some tires in the past.
I'm excited that SPEED is stepping in to help with practice tomorrow. My guide is updated (TWC in DFW).
I don't get Jessica being on either. Hopefully she'll be on the last 5 minutes like Keliie was. But I'll be watching on the DVR so regardless I can skip it.
I don't mind Hammond being on TP...will be an interesting to see how he does. I'd love to see more journalists on as well. I wish they'd let Waid come back, I miss him on TV :(.
I look forward to seeing what they're going to do about Memphis. I hope it's something that will allow a good majority of the fans to watch live.
I'll DVR Trackside so Jessica will be very brief on my TV. Not to sure about Hammond, this entire show is not what it use to be with all the Speed guys as guests, need to use outside (for lack of a better word) talent if they want to have credibility (although Dunlop was pretty good). Glad Speed added practice and my guide also has it listed.
I am a Petty fan, so not really unbiased, and I do enjoy seeing Kyle and believe he is always candid. I do believe TP needs to have a driver or other insider on the show to keep the media honest.
I suspect the pool of available media candidates may be shrinking with the economic downturn, the incresed cost of travel, and the increasing downturn in the newspaper business. I believe David Poole missed a couple of races before the Chase started and Mulhern has missed more races this year than in the past.
JS on Trackside, as a woman who is quite knowledgable about Nascar-turns my stomach. But not susprising...And Hammond on TP-not so much. But I'm open-minded on that one, since his column on a certain website is pretty good. So I guess I'm a reverse sexist! Imagine that...;) And I'm out!
JS is a bad singer. If it wasn't for studio technology and reverb live and vocal enhancement, she would not be the 'singing star' she is and I use the term loosely.
If the crowd is not screaming I will tune in to the show but will expect Hammond to wear a bib for his drool re: Jessica! (J/kidding Jeff!)
Well, not sure about Trading Paint but he has had some good opinions online...so I will give that a wait and see approach. sorry I missed last week. NP was so disappointing as it was GUEST TALK (zippy) instead of tech talk.
JD I noticed you mentioned new SPEED execs? How new?
Love the guys on our cameras but worry about the guys in suits continuing to ruin our NASCAR related shows on the station. :(
P.S. I watched the TWIN bonus and totally forgot about Mikey mentioning AJ.. Duh
P.P.S. And hear I have been screaming about producers and directors...but sometimes the head Execs can micromanage. I saw it happen years ago on a couple soaps I used to watch when a certain Daytime creep took over the network. :( His opinion on people over 50 and in "nursing homes" still makes me cringe. And the soaps got violent and very misogynistic and insulting to longtime fans. Sure it's just a couple of soaps but it's happening all over tv (Guys in "suits" insulting tv viewers)
Thanks again to SPEED for trying to save Friday racing coverage from that 4 letter network.
@ Strick, don't hold back. Just kidding. I agree with you 100%. And you too, Red.
@Jo, I'm with you about Jessica Simpson. I guess our ages are showing. I have no idea what she can offer on Trackside. Well, maybe if I were a guy, I probably could. If she can match a driver to the car he drives, I'd be amazed.
Regarding DJRA sponsoring Morgan, what a guy. I have LOVED DJ since 1996. He will always be my driver. If he wasn't in the booth, I swear I would not watch the Cup races on ESPU.
@ Sophia, I read you when I was previewing my comment. Right on, sister.
Hammomd on Trading paint, NO. He has kept up with all the changes on the cars, and knows the sport. For the most part he is another NASCAR yes man. Also he cannot say three or four sentences, without saying what me an DW did, just as he des in the booth, and on FOX.
Just out of curiosity ... Were those complaining about Jessica Simpson being on Trackside this week also complaining back in May when they had Kellie Pickler on the show ??
If the show is like it was back in May, Pickler had a "concert" after the show was taped ... and that may be the same reason why they're having Jess on this time ...
Having worked in the entertainment industry & news media ... Pickler has more "post production" work done than Jessica ...
Plus, they've also had Sadler's buddy Blake Shelton on the show ... and he's a singer ... Remember the infamous stage dive into the railing by Sadler ??
I'm glad that DJ is sponsoring Morgan ... I hope he gifted him with a fast engine and tires as well ... It would do a lot of good will for Morgan to win ... More drivers/teams should gift Morgan with sponsorship & equipment like DJ, Smoke, Harvick & others have done ... C'mon Kyle Busch - Give some assistance to Morgan as it might help you gain some credibility ...
For any of you who like to read about Nascar, Larry Mac's autobiography has an interesting bit about Morgan Shepherd. He drove for Larry Mac at one time...you might like to read about it. Not so sure LM is a MS fan,or at least, he wasn't at one time.
Still and all, props to DJ,Stewart, Harvick, and the guys who support a driver from the old days who still has the fire to race.
LMS weekend? espn has right now a PRE SEASON basketball game on!?!
Why did they bid for broadcast rights for NA$CAR? PreSeason BB???
WOW That should tell us Louder & Clearer than anything what TPTB think of NA$CAR as a sport & its fans. We get ignored for PreSeasonBB. Amazing.
I don't care if it's Simpson, Pickler, Tim McGraw or any other singer/actor, if they aren't involved with racing, they shouldn't be on Trackside or any other racing program. But, this is just Speed. This is a "racing" network who thinks Unique Whips, Barret/Jackson auctions, Big Shots Golf, guys driving wreckers and nearly naked babes as show hosts, are auto racing shows. But, I guess if ESPU tries to sell domino tournaments and the spelling bee as sports, then Speed can do something similar and get away with it.
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