There is the normal array of pre-race programming this Sunday leading up to the Sprint Cup Series race from the Texas Motor Speedway.
The six hours of shows before the race this week have some interesting twists. Chefs Mario Batali and Rachael Ray will be stopping by RaceDay on SPEED. This two-hour program is split in half this week because of the live coverage of the Brazilian Grand Prix Formula-1 race.
Before RaceDay is the normal line-up of Tradin' Paint, NASCAR Performance and NASCAR in a Hurry on SPEED. ESPN2 offers the one-hour morning edition of NASCAR Now at 10AM.
The complete list of the pre-race shows is located on the right side of the main page. This post will serve to host your TV-related comments about this block of programming. There will be a new post up for NASCAR Countdown and the Sprint Cup Series race later this afternoon.
PS - Thanks to some good folks at SPEED, I got my hands on some great Halloween pics of the SPEED gang at TMS. Will post them tonight after the TMS race.
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Anyone here got boots of Chinese plastic? Hmm..it must be a Texas thing. Very strange choice of tune-age.
JD ?, DId I miss something, granted I'm surfing and watching but I have no clue what your talking about
"Boots of Chinese Plastic" is the title of the song used to open RaceDay.
Very strange choice indeed.
OK normally I am not fond of the Rutledge pieces but that was funny and Tony certainly didn't have a problem working with Speed.
Thanks Rick, I was way confused.
@NRF -
I was confused at first too, but then I backed up the DVR to first verify that it WAS The Pretenders, then again to see the title of the song, because I couldn't relate the lyrics to NASCAR in no way whatsoever. ;)
On TP, WHY was Kyle dressed up like the King?
On Nascar in a Hurry, did they show the SPEED crew dressed up? I was making breakfest and missed a few segments?
Loved the Rutladge piece
At least now I know why Rachael Ray was on Carl's pit box for the NW race
ri88 They taped TP on Fri Halloween.
NRF that's what I thought but was cofused when no one else did the same so was wondering if it was another non-statement LOL, ty for clearing that up for me.
You guys are a mess this morning. Keep up people! :)
OMG!!!!!!!!!! picin' on the peeps!
JD it's that extra hour (of course I forgot and got up too soon) :)
That Rutledge piece and the Truck Series gang in costume on the same weekend...not bad for SPEED.
Wait till you see the pics I have from Texas...hilarious!
I'm glad Kenny brought up the idea of making it mandetory to be in nationwide for two years before moving to cup. I think they should go one step futher and make a one or two years in trucks before nationwide.
Not sure about that 'commercial' for the Petty driving experiance. As it's the king, ok, but don't think a packaged deal to Childresses winery would be recieved in the same way.
OK I just got home & now I'm gonna watch the taped stuff. JD you & the peeps have got me curious & curiouser.
What team did Bruton own?
I don't usually care for the Rut pieces, but I actually LOL'd at that one. Didn' watch NN, will see the same thing during the pre-race.
You better sit down. This time they found exactly what they should use Rutledge for...comedy.
The Rutledge segment was great.. I think he's hilarious.
I also like Kenny's idea of the mandatory 2 years in NW for these drivers. Either that, or have some sort of system where they accumulate X amount of points before they can enter a cup race.
I really think Jr was tring to keep Brad K in NW for his own good, and Gibbs would have done the same with Legano, but MONEY dictates that they must be in Cup to chase those sponsorship dollars. I feel like that was one of the things Jr was saying but didn't allude to directly. I can think of six or so dirvers over the last few years that would have been far more successful in cup if they had made their bones in Bush as had been done traditionally.
re what I just said, did anyone else go white when KP said that Nationwide was a complete joke?
Did you hear what Kyle said about next season for him? Wow...that was a whole lot of information.
Interesting to see that he solved the TDP hat issue by wearing Richard's hat and trying to pull off the Halloween deal.
Kyle Petty calling Grand-Am races on SPEED next season, that is going to be fun to watch.
I slept through RD, dang it.
I thought I read that Kyle was going to race in Grand Am. Now he's in the booth? Maybe it's time for me to change my meds.
Can't believe that NASCAR in a Hurry did not have some fun with the Halloween costumes. What a shame.
I agree that the drivers that come up through the truck and Nationwide series need to be there for at least two years to give them time to really mature and I really wish that we could eliminate all of the cup drivers for hogging the Nationwide series if it is going to be a developmental and feeder series for cup.
OK guys - finally I liked the Rutledge piece! too funny the scott speed bit & Tony was really funny! That was great use of Rutledge! And the Mikey impersonation!
Any one know what team Bruton owned? just wondering..
Great pre race part 1 show can't wait for part2 later
I think that if you abandon the idea that the best shold complete, then you can give credence to Kenny's idea of 2 years in Nationwide. It's true that it was a tradition to race there, but that was also part of the old boys network. There's a whole new generation.
Kurt B never ran a Nationwide(Bush) race before racing in the cup series. Carl only raced twice, Kyle about a year, Ryan N about a dozen races, etc. Why should they be punished by someone's idea?
The COT cars are so different that in a way, some of the best drivers are the ones with less experience.
I say that owners and sponsors sometimes think outside the box and a whole new exitement comes with it.
I say don't make Cup owners responsible for making a series profitable. At one time Jr had said that the Nat series had gotten so expensive and the money earned low, he thought about changing his team to a cup team. And now they are adding to the finacial burden by changing to their own COT.
Let freedom ring. If you have enough money to field a cup team, no one should put up barriers.
Okay, that was a cute election take-off, even Burton played along! And altho I figure he has a sense of humor, we always see his serious side-nice to see him "playful".
Kenny asked Mr. Penski a good question about testing but I thought the interview was incomplete without a question on the future of Dodge in the sport. Certainly Penski would have offered an interesting perspective on that.
@anon 2:09--that's where I'm conflicted. I'd love to see the 2 year rule because I think some are coming up too soon...yet there are some like Kurtsie who was successful going from Pick 'em Ups to Cup without a second in a Busch car and those like Cousin Carl who only ran a few Busch races. And then you have those like Jack Sprague who has Pick 'em Up championships and ran in Busch many years yet couldn't make it in Cup.
That's a shame they didn't show the SPEED costumes, but I look forward to the pictures :)
I don't know for sure if it was his car or one he leased, borrowed or whatever. But Bruton furnished a brand new Monte Carlo to Wendell Scott for the 600 back in 69
or 70. I remember the car for sure however,I could be off on the year.
Frank in Sebring.
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