At TDP we are celebrating our second Christmas online and this certainly has been an interesting adventure to say the least.
The last two years have been perhaps the most dynamic in NASCAR TV history and 2009 appears to be on the verge of ushering in big changes for all of the NASCAR TV partners.
Many thanks to all of you for stopping by, this year we are poised to top 3 million pageviews. In addition, your comments have been read by the top NASCAR TV executives and many others in the industry.
After a week to catch our breath, it will be time to document the countdown to the "new look" TV networks as they prepare to roll into Daytona.
Have a safe and healthy holiday, TDP will return on Sunday, December 28th.
As usual, please feel free to offer your comments below.
Happy Holidays to all JD and all the folks who comment (and read.) I think we all learn a lot and hopefully, so do the 'powers that be'!
JD, I'd like to wish you, and yours, a very Merry Christmas.
To all the people that I've met here over the last 2 years, I also wish a very Merry Christmas.
May all of you be safe and have a most joyous celebration.
You have created a wonderful blog that is uniquely informative. You have done it in a professional manner that plainly states your perspective on issues that matter to a large segment of fans. You have also provided a credible venue for the rest of us to opine and vent in a comfortable online environment.
Thank you. Happy holidays to you as well.
Thanks for all you do, JD.
Reading your columns is a lot of fun and very informative.
Have a Wonderful Holiday JD and all all of you that help put this blog together. The 2009 season will be interesting and having The Daly Planet to come to will help make it a bit more understanding.
Thanks JD for providing somewhere to air our views, and somewhere where we know we are not alone in these views.
A safe and happy Christmas to all, including those in the Nascar industry whose futures are uncertain at the moment.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, JD and all the folks here on TDP. This is one of my favorite blogs and I enjoy reading your commentary on the NASCAR shows. Keep up the good work. See ya in 2009!
Wishing a Joyous Holiday Season to all.
Happy Holidays to you JD and thanks for providing this blog. I enjoy MANY of the regulars here and the anons who give us inside tidbits.
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to my fellow posters here, and Happy New Year.
I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. JD thank you for giving us such a great forum to air our views on the world of NASCAR.
Hi JD,
Merry Christmas to you and those around you, and all the individuals who post on this blog. These last two years have been great here. I did learn alot about the media coveage of the sport from this blog and enjoy the inside stuff on how it gets to us the fans. That is what got me to read this blog in the first place. Yep, looking forward to 2009. It could be interesting.
"Isn't TV fun."
Merry Christmas JD! Its been another great year. I wish you and your family have a happy and health holiday, and look forward to next year.
Thanks JD for a great year and all your hard work to make this site work.
Merry Christmas to everyone on TDP and hopes for a very Happy New Year for all of us!
Thanks for all of the hard work on this site. It does make a difference to the race fan.
Have a Safe and Merry Christmas and New years!!
Much joy and great racing in 2009 to everyone here! It's a genuine pleasure to "meet" you as we agree/disagree on what's happening in the media covering Nascar.
Thanks again, JD, for providing this forum.
Merry Christmas JD. This little experiment of yours has become a daily must-read. All the best for the future.
JD, thanks for making a "home away from home" for a bunch of Nascar fans! It's much appreciated & Merry Christmas & happy holidays to those regulars whose names are familar, week in and out.
Happy Holidays to you JD, may your Christmas be all you hope for!
To all of us who observe different Holidays - Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Kool Kwanzaa - hope I covered all events for the week.
Thanks to JD for all your work on this site, & to everyone who posts. I never come here without learning something!
I want to first second what fbu1 said, and everyone else.
Have a safe and Happy Holidays JD. Thanks for creating this blog. Its very professional and informative. And it never disappoints me.
Thanks for what you do, JD. This is definitely my place for NASCAR. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you JD and to all the posters and lurkers at the Daly Planet from here in the middle of the midwest icebox known as Iowa. Hope you all have a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Happy Holidays to you too JD and to everyone else. Can't wait to start our third year here and to have some more TV and racing fun!
First of all, thank you for all the work you do on this site and I hope you have a good Christmas.
Second, I hate that I completely missed the Q and A session last week (was working) and wonder if you can answer one last holiday wish from this anon that has enjoyed all the information and columns on your site since the early months.
I am a college TV student with some TV experience on my resume and I do recall a while back you mentioned that you were willing help out folks with various freelance or limited term positions in TV. What can I do to take advantage of that?
Thank You and Merry Christmas
I do hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
JD, I continue to be amazed by all the effort you put into TDP and the exceptional results. Thank you very much.
Anon 5:50PM,
Drop me an email with your location and interest. We will take it from there.
Happy Holidays to you JD and all my e-friends. I have had a fun year reading and writing at the Daly Planet and am so looking forward to 2009. May all of our racing wishes come true.
Happy holidays to JD and my fellow blogger friends. Keep safe, happy and healthy and for those of us not in those warmer clients bundle up it's cold out there.
PS Anyone catch the Insider it featured some Nascar wives. Lynn (?) Almendinger, Ingrid and Delana, limited info and they kept showing Brian Vickers who is not married.
Merry Christmas to JD and all in TDP-Land!
JD, thank you for all the hard work, and giving fans somewhere to voice our opinions. This is my first stop every day. I have enjoyed exchanging thoughts and ideas with everyone here. Have a wonderful holiday season, stay safe, and stay warm!
Twas the days before Christmas
And in J.D's blog
All the race fans were happy
That it's the end of the slog
Last season, it showed us
just who didn't care
But we kept after those networks
about who they put on the air
Now ES-PIN, Now hear us
You can't fool us now
Jerry Punch has to get off,
but we all wonder....how?
And the France-ster named Brian
Who cares not a hoot,
About the fans of his racing
Should just get the "boot"
As the crisis of sponsors
Causes big teams to merge
I hope that you'll join me
And resist the urge
To scream from your windows
And at your T.V. set
Merry Christmas! to NASCAR
We ain't done with you yet!
Happy Christmas
Bray Kroter
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here's hoping for a safe and exciting Nascar season and better production values all around.
Here's my list on what I hope Santa brings to some:
For ESPN: Smarter directors, and getting clues on how to produce a great race for home viewers.
For Speed: A better idea on what kind of network they want to be. Are you going to be a pure racing network or will we continue to be forced to watch such drivel as Unique Whips, auto auctions and men towing cars?
For Tony Stewart: Lots of good luck. Not a real good time to start a new race team.
For Dale Jr: More wins and proof you're not racing on your name only.
For all racers not named Jimmie Johnson: Great engineers, top-notch crews and a whole lot of luck.
For Brian France: Coal in his stocking and maybe a DVD of The Wizard of Oz so he can learn how to find a heart and a brain.
For Hunter, Helton and Pemberton--the three Un-Wise Men: The ability to interpret the rule book and the foresight to allow the drivers to be themselves and not corporate robots.
For Bobby Labonte, Rusty Wallace, Ryan Newman, Petty Enterprises and all other unemployed or under-sponsored drivers and teams, sponsorship to run viable programs.
For Chad Knauss: A book deal for his new non-fiction entitled, Cheaters Always Finish First.
For the guys on Raceday: Hope that Home Depot continues to sponsor their great show (rumor has it, they're not).
For Krista Voda and Wendy Venturini: A contract with ESPN and Fox to replace Spake and Little on Nascar broadcasts.
To Nascar Now: You don't need much, just keep on keeping on.
To the ESPN broadcast crew: HELP !! If not for Dale Jarrett, the entire crew would be a total disaster.
To Dr Jerry Punch: A ticket back to what he does best: pit reporting.
To Allen Bestwick: A new contract allowing him to take Dr Jerry's seat in the booth.
To the guys at Sirius Nascar: No changes. The XM/Sirius merger is changing things, not for the better in many ways. Leave channel 128 alone !!!
To the Automakers: Brains to get their "stuff" together in Detroit and continues support of all racing series.
Jack Roush: A good security system so others don't steal your equipment.
Carl Edwards: An anger management course. Get the name from T. Stewart.
To The Truck Series: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, and lots of sponsors and viewers.
For John Daly: Continued success with TDP.
To all Nascar fans: Better racing, cheaper tickets, better racing, different winners each week, better TV coverage, better racing, no interrupted TV coverage for local news, ESPN keeping the races on ONE channel, better racing, smarter start times for races, dumping one race each at Michigan, Fontana and New Hampshire, the return of the Southern 500, dumping the Chase and putting together a points system that makes sense, Nascar going back to basics, and did I mention--better racing.
To all the fans of TDP: A great Holiday, healthy New Year and better Nascar racing in 2009.
JD thanks for all you do and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Merry Christmas from us racing fans in Houston. JD, thanks for helping us enjoy Nascar a little bit better and vent our unhappiness with the race broadcasts.
Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukkah if appropriate) to JD and the TDP family!
Thank you JD for another wonderful year of great articles and the opportunity to chat with wonderful folks here.
I look forward to seeing what 2009 brings us and look forward to spending weekends once again with the TDP Posse :)
Happy holidays everyone! Merry Christmas, JD!
This is one site that I make it a point to read every day. Ever since I found this page about a year ago, I haven't stopped visiting since. Keep up the great work JD and everyone who reads and comments!
merry christmas and happiest of holidays to everyone on TDP! safe travel to and from family and friends' homes and i hope you enjoy the best present of all: time with those who love you most!
jd, you've created a terrific blog for us to enjoy: many thanks for this year-long gift to us! we've reveled in and agonized over the season together and now we wait less-than-patiently for the new race season to begin. the TDP comedy tour is no doubt working hard on new material for '09 and nascar and the media partners certainly will not disappoint in that regard!
our thoughts and prayers to those who remain unemployed right now: the new year will bring new hope, i'm sure!
finally, we pray the Lord will be with all those serving our country and who are away from home right now. keep them safe from harm, give their families strength and patience and let them know that they are in our thoughts daily.
happy holidays, everyone!! catch you on the flip side!
-- red
Thanks everyone!
JD, May I ask if you have received my inquiry regarding freelancing?
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