The table has been set for both the competitors and the TV network. Two good days of covering practice, qualifying and the Nationwide Series race have done a great job of building up the anticipation for the Cup Series.
Thanks again to ESPN for allocating the resources to cover the all-star charity race on Saturday. It would have been nice to see the celebrity races, but the coverage of the main event was a good start. Perhaps, this will become an annual event.
Chris Myers will greet TV viewers at 1:30PM ET from the Hollywood Hotel today. He will guide Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond through a thirty minute pre-race that should include some interesting topics. Mark Martin, the Busch brothers and the Top 35 rule should be on the menu.
Calling the race as usual will be Mike Joy with Waltrip and Larry McReynolds. On pit road will be Steve Byrnes, who is nursing a toe injury. He will be joined by Dick Berggren, Krista Voda and Matt Yocum. More on the injury to Byrnes on Monday's This Week in NASCAR on SPEED at 8PM. Thanks for the update!
Bristol is a challenge to the TV director like almost no other track. Laps around 15 seconds, pits on both the front and back stretches and accidents that happen in the blink of an eye make it a non-stop frenzy in the TV truck.
One of the big issues for Fox this season has been the inability to tell the tale of those teams outside of the top fifteen or so on the track. This is especially true for the front runners who fall to the back for a variety of reasons and are never heard from again.
The "old school" TV philosophy on this track was to let the rooftop cameras simply pan back through the field until they found cars racing for position. The standings shuffle so much at this track that following the leader until the final twenty laps is basically meaningless.
Digger should appear under caution conditions. Seeing him and running the animation during green flag racing would probably cost TV viewers a lap. Pit stops under caution should be a challenge for Fox in terms of what cars to highlight and how to follow the backstretch cars all the way around pit road.
Under green, the track is so loud that it has been tough for the pit reporters to even be heard. Hopefully, this week the cars that fall out of the race will be documented and the drivers interviewed despite their positions in the race.
The pieces are in place for a very good TV race and that is just what the sport needs at this time. We will be commenting on the race while it is progress, so please click the comments button below to join us.
TDP is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time from your day to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»Did I hear correctly that Raceday is going to show hilites of the Old Fart race?
just had to check that i was actually watching raceday on speed b/c they're actually interviewing dw right now AND labelled him as a fox analyst.
huh. how 'bout that: they even gave a broadcast announcement for fox's coverage of the race today.
will wonders never sease?
ok, gotta focus a bit more: that last word is "Cease," not "sease." sorry, gang!
off to work around until the actual green flag: see everyone then!
Hey Red, Let me add to that. They're showing the race right now.
That thing really needed DW.
I agree JD DW should have been in that race it really would have been interesting. DW, Rusty and Sterling hopefully next year, are you listening David Hill!
Liked the coverage of the celebrity race thanks Speed/Raceday. Anyone see Wendy's interview with Tony she always gets the best out of Tony
@ nrf, ditto.
The race sold out at the 11th hour?
Wow. Definitely a sign of the times for sure.
Wonder what Spencer will say about TBR and Mayfield now and also about Kvapil's deal getting shut down after today...
I agree about the Smoke interview, only caught the back half of it but it sounded good, Tony was in good spirits
Lets try this again
See David Hill even Sterling wants DW in the Legends race
Penske certainly has trained Kurt on the PR side of the biz.
JD the other piece if that is that it appears somewhat of a total transformation, he toes the line even when things do not go well, unlike his brother. Maybe it's an age/maturity thing too.
Junior is off the interview list, huh? Things sure have changed this season.
I wonder if it's JR's decision or someone else's
I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a LOT of Digger today.
JJ in Aric's car I missed that rumor, how is that possible
@ Nrf, does this mean we have to go through another 5 yrs of KyB and his tantrums? You'd think he'd follow by example.
KyB is a remarkable driver but, I still think he needs the Jimmy Spencer treatment.
Re: JR. I wasn't paying attention. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about Tony Jr again.
A Digger fan gear hauler!? A 30-second Digger gear commercial!? Spot on JD, this is not going away any time soon.
While I appreciate knowing that Jimmie's wife is in Vogue I'm not sure it belongs in the prerace and then there was the "joke" after, this I can like without
OK, the plane chasing was funny.
still no comment on why Watts was chasing that tire, interesting, JD
Red, Fox and Speed are both owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Dot, maybe more. JD/Coach have their hands full. I also wonder if a stable personal life doesn't help too.
Look at that crowd it looks pretty packed to me. They won't have to worry about camera angles for this race
Nice rendition of the National Anthem.
There will be a new column up this week for the final time on the Tiregate issue. Nice article by Dave Rodman on NASCAR.com that talks about it in detail.
@ink--Digger even has his own channel on Hulu...
Maybe those are the blue disco shirts underneath. That was one for the memory bank.
Did I miss the Digger cartoon?
Well, there ain't no dirt inside the track.
No digger cartoon today-biiig improvement rite there!
I'm working on that one. Please stand by....
Not bad... no Digger cartoon. I wonder if they'll sneak it in during a long yellow.
Solid camera work to start this
Wow look at all the rubber flying around when they are showing the low camera angle (because I refuse to mention the name of the stupid character)
I felt tires would be something of an issue today. guys were cording early yesterday...
If Digger does show up, how he is going to dig thru concrete/asphalt?
I was out in the car for a bit. I REALLY do not like PRN. Those guys are like ESPN and think THEY are stars of the show.
Love MRN and miss them..can never remember what tracks PRN covers.
FOX broke up here briefly on the 19.1 station here at beginning of race and it's a gorgeous sunny day. (Solar flares)
Missed Jimmie interview and thus the 'joke'.
Nice pictures and good sound make for a nice foundation. That low angle on the outside wall is great.
David, good point.
Hey...a triple split on the pit stop!! Anyone hear the earth stop spinning right there?
I thought I read they only made 6 cartoons of that character...so maybe they will be spread out over Fox's season.
I find myself avoiding SPEED shows like Trackside as I am tired of the constant promotion of cartoons over valid reporting of racin g season. I did not know Travis Kwapil lost his sponsor until on interview on car radio.
Did Bodine ever get a sponsor? I don't think so. :(
JD...it was great except for the pit clocks were broke and they had JJ who didnt pit...
TK really didnt lose his sponsor though, they only had support for the first 5 races and that was it. Unfortunately they just havent run well to convince the folks at golden corral to stay beyond that
Does Blaney have a curse on him? He seems like such a nice guy in interviews but gosh...he has a time.
David, well...there was that!
yea I was wondering about that when Travis mentioned things just not going their way.
Tough year for smaller/struggling teams for sure. The Weather is gorgeous in Bristol just like ohio and hopefully lots of the country.
LOL Kyle busch's spotter telling him not to worry about the 64, he'll park soon.
Dont worry, start and park's dont exist in NASCAR! -sarcasm-
Will say this has been good coverage so far, aside from missing the start of that first pit sequence they have been solid. wonder what we will see from hammond at the cut away car today
Blaney to the garage....sigh
That TONE for the STUPID DD Wallpaper has got to go.
Be nice to give Marcos some TV time!
Those of you with live scoring, keep us up to date on the "start and park" set please.
The track surface camera is adding nothing today. half of it is the apron and you can really only see the bottom groove of cars...poor decision there.
What's with so many hairy faces this season? :)
I am thinking it's too nice a day to be watching this race.
@Sophia--PRN = SMI Tracks = Bruton Smith = Texas, Atlanta, Sears Point, Bristol, Loudon, Charlotte, and Vegas. He also owns Kentucky but there's no Cup race there yet.
Crash, JJ spotter track is block almost good luck, too funny
Sophia -- glad to know that I'm not the only one hearing it -- I thought I was going crazy(ier). LOL
Marlin and Nemecheck are lapped and Blaney is the only one that is off track
I believe thats their only car too at the 64 camp...
Well, Bodine is now off the track -- I'm not saying he started and parked though -- since it appears he had help -- alhtough he was seriously not up to speed though.
justin tv online is hanging on buffering...and streaming seems SEVERAL minutes behind Fox tv
What is the other site to watch online?
I thought I bookmarked it but can not find. Want to go out on patio.
these guys are running a TON of front camber today
Think Chad knows something that no one else does? He is on TWIN on SPEED Monday at 8PM. Should be interesting.
THANKS for the quick list of PRN races. Just emailed it to myself, :)
I think its a good strategy. From what we've seen all weekend you cant imagine there will be many if any long runs. He gets the caution in another 60 laps they made it a fuel run and then everyone comes with them. Tada, track position. Also it gives you an idea of what to do late much like when Elliott won here in 2001 ran the last 100 plus laps on the same tires and fuel
Marcos knows where to hang out today to get some TV time. At least on the track.
Hey, they show Digger but no one is mentioning him. YEA!!!!!
no one talking about burton making his way to 11th. great strategy and work getting up there so soon
Chad has to do something to keep his driver up front - Johnson usually runs like crap at Bristol. All alone up front is better for him.
Way to show Front Row Joe pulling off the track and not saying a word about it...
I just saw Front Row Joe pull into the pits. Anyone know if he parked?
@ David, It's sad that we have to report who's where and doing what during the race.
Mark Martin appears to be falling back -- did he pit or stay out?
boy that's a GREAT view of the asphalt from the ground hog
09 87 64 43 all in the garage
That's tough to take with Mayfield and Riggs at home.
sorry that was 66 not 43, it's 66 in 43rd my mistake
I am sooooo envious of Digger.
I heard DW say 09 going to the garage, pretty off-hand, but I heard it.
Reutiman's in 3rd - apparently invisible.
3 wide and we have Joey in a box, wasn't this an ESPN problem, nut oveall coverage seems better this race, we are seeing racing
09, 87, 64 and 66 are all many many laps down. 64 is probably out of the race, 87 and 09 will probably be in and out of the pits several times depending how the race unfolds. dont know whats up with the 66 though
47 is 5th too
The camera work compared to ESPN at the nationwide race is like night and day. Apparently there is more than one car on the track at a time...who knew?
Biggest waste of camera the ground cam here..excuse for PRODUCT PLACEMENT ADD.
I just lost HD again...I need to go out on patio...will read comments and come in if something happens.
hi gang! sorry to be late to the party.
nice camera catch on the "incident" between the 26 and the 42. great job following up on dw's comment of "i think i've been seeing that coming for a while now."
hahaha, i love this...here i am in low def land and i guess ignorance is bliss. =p
something happened sophia...j mac spun
finally said something about Burton
ya know what i really like about "crank it up" the most? they should a TON of racing, all thru the pack, just so they can get the sound effect -- and we get to see practically every car.
This is the point where you have to start telling the stories because there is now a LONG way to go.
"This is the point where you have to start telling the stories because there is now a LONG way to go."
Or playing Jerry Punch bingo.
Never thought I would pine for rabbit ears but here we are, a slightly windy day in 2009 and my reception resembles an animated gif of a series of daguerreotypes, with a misfit at the ragtime piano trying to keep time. If not for TDP I would abandon this sport, keep up the good work, all.
Reutimann, Ambrose, and Newman are all good stories. You can follow up on Mark Martin or guys like Gilliland and Allmendinger or maybe stir up the pot some with Almirola and being 2 laps down already and on the outside looking in of the top 35 and how he may be out of a job soon....
HMcP: that is, hands down, THE most inventive and intelligent comment i've ever seen on this site:
" . . . and my reception resembles an animated gif of a series of daguerreotypes, with a misfit at the ragtime piano trying to keep time" indeed! masterful phrasing, my friend, just masterful.
This race broadcast is horrible.
hey, here's a thing; according to racetrax from fox, hammond is twittering right now!
Geez, there is a long way to go and it sure isn't very exciting racing since KyB is running out there all alone except when he's putting cars a lap down.
very difficult to see laptop in sun even with this old matte screen.
THANKGOD for regular tv..this HD stuff is a joke for bad signals...sigh. We inherited a tv with this but sill watch mainly SD 4:3 ratio tv's. MORE RELIABLE signal.
i am listening to the ESPN PRN guys on patio. Usually the squirrels will come up close to feed when I am out here but must be the radio voices. :)
oh look another shot of the asphalt! At least though Fox is showing the racing in the field and giving wider shots. I do like that.
ESad would be a story to touch on since he was in the top 5, now around 16th.
They need to send Digger out to clean the tire boogers off that camera.
PRN says the guy running fourth loves to 'pan for gold' in his off time..then he said it's on Biffle's land...is BIffle running 4th?
I am confused
hey david? i know you mentioned this earlier and the booth just sorta mentioned it but i have the feeling that these tires are throwing marbles a whole lot more than i remember. is it the new second groove having an impact, ya' think? 'cause i thought goodyear brought pretty much the same tires as last time.
and when i looked at those tires yesterday, it looked a whole lot like a camber issue to me.
Typical Fox follow the leader directing. There are other cars besides the #18. I had enough of this trash.
@dot: "tire boogers"? is that an offical nascar-sanctioned term -- "tire boogers'? excellent, m'dear!
Sounds like even the broadcast team is having a tough time finding anything exciting to talk about. Although I agree, talk about Reutimann and Ambrose being up front or some of the guys who seem to be struggling. Give us some info, tv guys.
@ dear Sophia, Marcos is 4th, Biff is 9th according to Racetrax.
Ok have any of the cautions be when we are NOT at commercial.
Tire boogers! Oh, my! LMAO. so true
HPmc or whomever, indeed, folks better not COUNT on HD reception. Really pitiful this digital conversion. We used to get races with rabbit ears on FOX if cable went out...now with Digital signal...get used to "intermittent picture/volume and digitizing"
Sad ain't it??
I love our SD tvs!!!!!!!!
Sophia, Marcos Ambrose mines on the bif's property. Heard this on Fast Talk I think.
Saw it on Friday, saw it again today, getting these cars to turn is such a pain in the rear the teams look like they have really started getting even more aggressive with the camber in order to try and get the cars to turn. I would imagine that even though the tire is the same from last year the cars have gotten faster and the teams have learned more which would mean the tires wear out faster and moreso.
They talked about the tires cording earlier in the weekend but Goodyear stated they felt it was due to a green racetrack, Kyle busch even had a problem with it yesterday but it improved as the race went on so my best guess is that the tires will improve with the marbles and such as the race continues. Dont want to be the guy that gets nerfed up to that outside lane though...probably wont hold onto it.
Camber looks really aggressive, more aggressive then usual for some guys, but I don't think we will see major issues because of it. We just had the longest green run of the race and no one had a problem, should be a good omen for the rest of the race. Might be a good time to blow the track off though
@Dot..thank for the Marcos update..these ESPNPRN guys could've repeated Marcos name at the end of their conversation.
These "radio guys" really do act like TV guys. I miss MRN.
I didn't think it was Bif as they spoke like it was a new interesting character in the sport...thus my question. Thanks again.
@ PammH, thanks for the tidbit.
I do NOT KNOW Who this ONE VOICE is on PRN talking about Classic Rock but his voice/delivery gets on my last nerve.
He also can not get a sentence out easily today. Geez...my dose of Vitamin D is come up to a close soon. :)
AND my laptop battery is low.
NOW they are talking SEINFELD and FACEBOOK. Get these guys off my radio.
I NEVER say that about MRN!!
PRN, SMI...SMI is all about the SHOW so why wouldnt their radio personalities fit the company mold?
tony lost 10 spots on pit road? Did I miss something?
oh boy..Jr says car is chattering after last pit stop.
No bueno. NOT GOOD! sigh.
There is some bird tweeting a two tone DING DONG song. give anything to know what kind of bird that is...not a gold finch, robin, cardinal, or blue jay.
WOW..i am bored...talking birds on the Daly Planet!
Mike Joy just said ESPN. I'll wager no one at EXPN would ever say the words "FOX" or "SPEED".
Nice big reset at the halfway point would be nice.
david; do you know which teams corded out earlier? i only came in to the last part of that discussion on saturday (i think) so i didn't hear which team it was. i'm wondering if it's one of the elite teams or a mid-packer or two, looking for an advantage and running risk/reward calculations.
JD your blog to Fox ears, NEED a reset please. Larry Mac just said this is about the time we get those long green flag runs. Sounds like a perfect time to me
enough whining about sonsorships. i'd rather have corperations have the money to pay their own employees
The only teams i heard that had issues this weekend were the #18 Nationwide car, and Robby Gordon. However the reports on SPEED said there were several Cup teams talking about corded tires but were optimistic they would get better as the weekend progressed.
Sounds like Jamie Mac is well off the pace, too.
My biggest problem with digital may be the Louis CK notion of "everything's amazing, nobody's happy," that is, when the technology works it is in fact the revolution we were promised a la the jump from black and white to color but when it doesn't work, it REALLY doesn't work. Which makes the digital adopter unhappy at the least but able to skip advertisements in retort so its kind of a grey area, just like life.
@Sophia--De Nada :)
@dot--LOL! Love it! Tire Boogers
Lucky shot on the camera.
Finally a bump and run for Clint. Bout time he got one on Carl
If they cant find time for a field rundown / reset.... something is wrong.
Booth seems to be struggling today.
via twitter, hammond says update from hollywood hotel coming soon . . .
red, nice to know they are reading my Twitter pages...lol!
Sophia, where do you live? Mite be able to help w/the bird song. I kinda dread Bristol on Fox, simply because they jam down our throats DW's record. Enough!
Talking tires now.
I wish the Leaderboard algorithyms wouldn't list cars as 1 lap down just because they haven't crossed Start/Finish and the leader has. GPS ought to be able to sort out which cars the leader has passed and which he hasn't.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
Question answered...20mn later but I'll take it;)
I agree the booth does seem to be struggling today -- it's like they're flat. As you said, good time for a full field run down and plenty of time to do it.
Sounds like the ugly car doesn't want to work well here today. Hard to pass even though there's more room on the track.
jd, i have so far avoided twitter b/c i fear addiction! i just found it intriguing that hammond is twittering during the race. guess SOME folks are capable of taking advantage of technology, huh?
DW was talking about wanting to see beating and banging and guys not giving an inch today in the prerace, now he is wanting Marcos and Denny to not take each other out?!
Instead of Digger, we get that stupid video. I don't even know what it's for.
LOL @David -- DW pick a side? you're kidding -- he has always talked out of both sides of his mouth --
kenny, nascar.com doesn't list laps down so you can use that one if desired: i use racetrax and ignore the lap down counter for the most part. but i agree: you're not a lap down just because you're behind the leader and haven't gotten to the start/finish line yet.
Anyone else's picture get all pale bluish for a few seconds?
Just got home from Humane Society doggy walk and race was running about lap 200. My fav is running in 36th so I'm already disappointed. Looks like a pretty tame race although the booth sounds flat but maybe it's because Mike Joy is sick. Don't like those interviews taking bigger boxes than the races. Looks like Jamie Mac is running really slow.
not complaining, just looking for an explanation:
screen just went petty blue with a band across the screen, moving down the screen. thru the band, the picture was claer but the entire rest of the screen was that petty opaque blue. i could see the race but it was rather interesting. any ideas why, gang?
Twitter is hilarious. I have spoken with everyone from Jimmy Fallon to Shaq.
Very happy to have a lot of folks following TDP and I appreciate them doing that.
I live in SW Ohio near Cincinnati. My sister gave me a cd with lots of birdsongs on them with names of birds on it..haven't listened yet and now wish I had.
PRN just gave a run down but I was on the phone..Did bring my cord out...reading here does not ENCOURAGE me to watch TV.
JD what is' Hammond's Twitter ID. Folks should ask for more RUN DOWNS on tv.
jr still 17th. Tony is 21st, Robby 24th I think, Harvick 31st, these guys too fast for me to type :)
Just looked like the switcher in the truck has a brief problem after clearing the baseball promo getting back to the race ticker.
That is why there was that slice at the top of the screen. Looks like they just reset it and all is fine.
They all use the NACSCAR_On_FOX address, but do not respond individually. That was actually a pic of Hammond and Myers getting ready, not a tweet from Hammond.
Ok OT does Twitter autoupdate or do you have to refresh it? I'm looking or Hammond but can't find it
thanks, jd. i hadn't seen it before and wondered what it might be. tv production has endless possibilities for minor -- yet interesting -- moments, eh?
as for twitter: well, the rule imposed by our daughters is that "parental units may not have a facebook account while children live at home" b/c it's "just not cool!" so, maybe i'll go the twitter route and get a leg up on them!!
What is up with Mike Joy? Yesterday they announced this would be a sell-out, the 54th in a row at Bristol. But this is the second time Joy has alluded to the fact that it isn't, saying "a nearly packed house" as they came out of commercial. What gives? Sell out or not?
that blue screen was very interesting. race is kinda at a boring stage at the moment, imo. @Sophia-you are hearing a tufted titmouse. no giggling, you non-birders! ;) it's a real bird!
talking about gordon and camber....imagine that ;)
Twitter does not auto-update and once again all the Fox guys are grouped in the NASCAR_ON_Fox tag.
Caution alert 88 about to get lapped
@ Pamm H, you are just full of titbits, oops mean tidbits today. Yeah, I laughed even though I've heard of that bird before.
Thanks JD
nrf, it's now nascaronfox with no underlines. See if that works for you. I just pulled it up and already had it to follow from last week.
David said...
"talking about gordon and camber....imagine that"
yeppers! i was watching his splitter when they were using someone's in-car in front of him. the 24 set-up always has the splitter riding higher off the track than a lot of other cars and he looked to be leaning on that right front a bit. course, that just might be the effect of the banking at this particular track as well.
Can someone answer my question a few messages above - is this a sell-out or not? Mike Joy and Bristol track seem at odds
NRF that was funny because kyle's crew mentioned something about caution about to come out a few laps ago. didnt know what they were talking about but that makes sense lol
If you click on the Twitter logo on the main TDP page, you can look at who I am following and you will find most of the NASCAR TV types.
All tickets sold, all seats have people sitting in them not quite but close
Yeah red thats actually why they are as crazy on the camber as they are as well. the banking is nuts and we just got our caution...denny leads
I cannot believe the caution didn't come out for the golden boy. It was a perfect time. I guess JR doesn't have to take David G to dinner now.
"Lookie there, 88 lucky dog, Ha Ha Ha" Kyle Busch
Jr taking Vickers to dinner instead.
We love that triple-split!
@nrf--if you're using their site it does not autoupdate so you have to refresh every so often. But I use tweetdeck and it updates whenever someone sends a tweet. There are about a million other twitter applications and I think some of them autoupdate too. The only thing is that if someone is not following you then they won't get your message. So if I respond to JD he won't get mine because he's not following me.
@JD--do you have Mad Max on yours? I love his! He sometimes types Italian and he had so much fun posting his pic from Vegas :). He's so adorable!
THANKS!!! I love the titmous and have SEEN it often..and wondered what delightful bird was making that sound.
Appreciate the info. Nice to know there is a birder on here...I can look birds up in books but 'songs' are another story. :)
Thanks Gymmie I'll check it out
Jeff Hammond calling out tony junior on twitter. There's a weird sentence.
I wish the broadcast would post what lap they are on instead of showing us how many laps are left. I don't have a calculator in my hand. That's why I like live leaderboard.
@gymmie Thanks for the heads up that Papis is on there. He's a character.
:) (im on there as Uwila instead of TheTrackGirl- but just joined, so I'm figuring out the ropes)
And can I just say that I am loving the fact that there is no Digger acknowledgment at all.
Hammond: Time to find out if Tony Jr. can make a difference for Junior now. If they don't figure this out, they may need to make a change.
Interesting words from someone who is usually laidback about that stuff.
Track Girl,
Thanks for following, it's a lot of fun.
Re: Tony Jr, how much say does JR really have if he wants him as his CC?
i am a tech ignoramus as I can use Tweetdeck for searches but find it and Grid totally confusing!! I know they auto update but I just check my @replies to see if I missed somebody replying to me...easy to do if you don't hang out there much.
But it's great to get folks to support fellow locals and we RT each other (Retweet) so your message might be seen by more folks than from one tweet.
And sometimes you get very nice responses on the timeline or private.
ONE PROBLEM: Twitter allows vulgar language to display which is un acceptable to me. Also many spam for porn sites..so not for the kiddies!
Reut and JPM in 9th and 10th, be nice to hear about them.
did the biff just go behind the wall?
@gina: worse than that: car loaded into the hauler. done for the day. good news: biff apparently feels ok.
I thought somebody said Rick H has the influence on Jr and Tony Jr and FINAL SAY.....if they don't start producing and keep on the arguing on radio-with no advancement i say make a switch though I know even tho I am a jr fan, that's not a popular sentiment.
Biffle is out. Has been for over 50 laps. Blew up.
Biff lost a cylinder a while back and has had a hard time maintaining speed...
Dot said...
Re: Tony Jr, how much say does JR really have if he wants him as his CC?
who knows any more? this whole weekend has been bizarre in re: the matter, what w/dale, tony jr and a few other drivers discussing it. seems to me that when/if mr h thinks a change is needed, it will happen.
real question is: who then moves on top of the box?pops would kick butt and get it done but he's working for jrm right now as crew chief for the n'wide 88.
That switching back and forth between cameras was a little hard to handle. Can I assume they couldn't continue to follow 18 48 with the lap cars because of blocked views or something. Please tell me they were not doing it on purpose
Did Biffle wreck? In between my coming in from out of doors, talking too room mate and speaking of Twitter, lol.
even PRN called it the Kyle B charity race or somethin' earlier.
p.s. never mind, Thanks david..I did not hear Greg blew up
There are some big names on the sidelines. It might be a big surprise when and if it happens.
thanks for the update on Biffle -- I guess I was paying more attention to the computer than to the race. I just tried the twitter thing -- I can tell that is another thing I'll have to play with to learn!
@ dear Sophia, I had heard that too about Rick H. He better do something soon or NASCAR will change the Chase to the top 25.
100 to go, tell the stories of the top 20 and the surprises please!
sound but no picture in Minneapolis. I think I have been comcastisized...
Looks like Fox will have a lot of extra time at the end of the race. I hope we see a lot of interviews.
Thanks for confirming Rick H story. Frankly, I think a change is needed though I know it could be a car issue..but I feel Jr has over driven a lot of cars for years and they still can't figure out the balance between CC and info clearly given to Jr.
Personally, I'd like to see a change and SOON.
The quicker they yank off this band-aid the better!!
jd; agreed on "big names on the sidelines." i was just pondering the hms stable from that perspective myself. wonder if the feelers have gone out and that's what led to dale's defense this week?
as a dale fan, i can respect his loyalty to his cousin -- hell, it's one of the character traits of his that i respect the most! -- but i think mr h needs to step in and try something different before the entire season is sacrificed.
yes, my driver wants his cousin on top of the box but his owner wants a championship for him and may have to be the bad guy in all this. it may be what's needed to get the best out of dale. tony jr is a strong car chief, may just not be the best crew chief, ya' know?
(by the way: tv-related news. comcast sent a message thru the cable system this morning saying they may lose nfl channel due to impass in the negoatiations with the nfl.)
Let me know if it clears up.
@Dot -- that is just priceless!
If you use FOX TRAX they are showing Hammond's twitter posts in the "inside the trax" box
Why do they say "only in theaters"? Like it's going to be shown only in my living room.
JR two positions from going a lap down. I smell a caution.
Thank you Gina.
@track girl--you're welcome!
@sophia--yes that's what I like about tweetdeck, when I was just on the site I'd miss some of my @replies and forget to check.
if anyone wants to follow me, I'm vegangymmie :)
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