Update: Truck series race on Monday at noon ET on SPEED with the CWTS TV crew. Thanks to Max Papis for the pic of the napping pit crew member for rent.
The weather forecast does not look good for the Martinsville area Saturday afternoon during the scheduled Camping World Truck Series race on Fox.
Thunderstorms are predicted and even The Weather Channel is not giving things much of a chance of clearing for the time needed to complete the event. This stirs things up a bit for the TV crews, because NASCAR will most probably move the CWTS race to Monday.
Since the Fox broadcast network does not have a Monday morning or afternoon sports "window" for a CWTS event, the race would probably move over to SPEED. As most of you know, SPEED is owned by The Fox Cable Networks company.
The twist in all of this is that SPEED's CWTS announce team of Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip are already on-site in Martinsville. They were on the air Friday to call the practice session for the trucks before the rain came but this weekend they are not scheduled to call the actual race.
Because the race is on Fox, it is Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds that are set to join Mike Joy to call the action. Should the race shift to SPEED on Monday, a good case can be made to bring Allen, Parsons and Waltrip back to add the commentary.
This would also be the case for the pit reporters. Currently, three of the Fox team are handling the Truck Series race. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander are the SPEED pit reporters. Finally, the Monday shift would eliminate the Hollywood Hotel and Chris Myers. Whether or not Krista Voda hosts a pre-race show for the Monday rain date is yet to be determined.
TDP will keep readers up to date on these changes as they happen on Saturday. Come back and check for updates if and when the rain keeps falling. Please feel free to add your comments about the Saturday TV on this post.
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Wow. the weather must be bad if they are thinking cancel already.
Ok, I hate to be the first to ask, but what will this mean for TWIN??
If Mikey does not make that show, we deserve a FUN FILL IN.
um, Ken Schrader around? :)
It would be a lovely choice,
I'm just sayin' . . .
I do hope the good news would mean if it's on Speed, none of that "D" junk.
It will definitely be interesting to see what happens and if it is that bad, that must be the reason they are talking postponement and I will definitely be watching Monday and I agree, what is going to happen to TWIN if Mikey stays and broadcasts the race.
Martinsville is only about 2.5 hours from Charlotte so Mikey could make it back if they did TWIN live.
If it has to be Monday, I'd certainly it rather be SPEED--our local FOX affiliate will never show anything but infomercials and ridiculous talk shows.
How about 3 hours of back to back DIGGER cartoons..
Soph, I think Schrader is in the truck race so both he and Mikey (if he stays) would be at the track and not available for TWIN since they tape earlier on Monday.
As long as they give me enough notice I'll have the DVR ready, I have to go out today and am worried they will shift things around so much I'll miss it, oh wait I'll just record everything on FOx and Speed til I get back an I should be good. I see much FF in my future
That will also twist things up for Wind Tunnel, Schrader was scheduled to be in the studio as Dave Despain's co-host.
We will see how things pan out shortly...
The track is getting wet, yet there's nothing showing on the radar. This could be a long day.
That gray hair on Tony Stewart was an interesting image.
NASCAR should force Fox to carry the race on FOX, not SPEED, whenever it occurs. Its unfair to the sponsors.
I don't understand why SPEED switched to the stupid game show. There are plenty of drivers to interview and stories to tell. If they can't get creative and fill a couple of hours, they need to get some new staff.
Nothing against the Fox Cup on-air gang (who I think are the best of the best), but in my opinion Rick, Phil, Michael, Ray, Adam, Krista, and that behind-the-scenes group ARE the Truck Series as far as TV goes and they should have had this assignment to begin with.
It's not like these two non-Speed races are on ESPN or TNT or something, they're still in the same family of networks, so to me it doesn't make sense to more-or-less bench the group of people that do a great job covering this series every other weekend from February to November.
When the Cup cars race on Speed Channel the Fox Cup gang does the race. To me common sense should then dictate that when the roles are reversed and the Truck Series races on Fox, the Speed Truck gang should do the race.
Of all the choices....NASCAR Smarts? Wow...
A bit off topic, but I can't find Nationwide practice or qualifying on any TV schedule (ESPN or SPEED) for next week in Texas. Any idea why?
Not really a fan of nascar smarts. but for what it is worth, this maybe the best show so far. I do enjoy the triva though. I have not watched all the programs this season. It is the production level of the program or the lower step Kyle Petty has taken. Not sure though. I just do not think it helps nascar on tv. I still cringe when I see KP on this program.
Is there not something else we could see on speed live concerning the race or nascar news? duh.....
I know... stupid game show!
Anon 12:04... I couldn't find it on my guide either. But my cable box only goes up to 8 PM the following week.
To Anonymous at 12:04....all of the Nationwide practice and qualifying at Texas takes place on Thursday....and none of those will be televised.
There is not even a NASCAR Now on Thursday until Midnight EDT.
NASCAR has to be one of the stupidest game shows ever made and it has nothing to do with the content.
The two contestants get either K Petty or R Wood who answer MOST of the questions for the fan and THEY GUESS THE REST.
amend above
I was gonna bash ESPN for not covering NW practice next weekend - and still will but why no SPEED covering it?
Hopefully it will change.
JD any insight?
Now it's 'Performance'. Boring! So I'm watching something else.
Happens every season. Thursday is not in the TV line-up so Texas misses out.
PS - We complain about it every season. The TV guys are not even set-up by then coming from Martinsville.
Anyone figured that NASCAR Smarts program out at all?
I have a hard time believing that Kyle Petty travels all the way to the Sprint Cup race to do a thirty minute game show that makes no sense at all.
I agree JD, I just cannot understand why Kyle Petty is a part of this program. It does not do a service to him. He deserves better.
Just read the update... not good at all.
On 'Smarts'...I only flipped back for updates. I don't get why they put schmuck like that on.
That Smarts show is crazy. I don't care for most of Speed's programming now.
I am sorry but I wish they would cancel Martinsville all together!As Kenseth once said..We drive our street cars faster on the way here than we do our race cars on the track!Its the one and only race I do not watch during the season..Its a slow pit race thats out dated..I hope It rains for a week!
I don't care for Martinsville all that much... but when it comes to the trucks... I'm in.
Look at all of those empty seats.
I bet Fox doesn't bother to show the radar. They hardly ever do that.
The radar looks like it did on Friday. The band of showers stretches back to Atlanta. My guess is Fox will at least kill their broadcast window time.
I happen to like Martinsville. Altough we are not there this season. We enjoy the track and the tailgating, and miss it today as we are not there.
Nice touch getting Phil Parsons in the Hollywood Hotel.
to add to the comment we travel from upstate new york to go to martinsville. it is such a great short track. look forward to go there next spring and dover this fall.
I never thought....should've had Rick Allen handle the Hollywood Hotel instead of Chris M. today.
If the track was dry, NASCAR should have moved up the green flag to get this race going.
Ron Horniday was smooth... Have you ever driven a Chevy Silverado? LOL great plug by Ron!
Yea! Max Papis air time!
It seems weird to have Phil in a suit... I am really glad he's in the hotel, now if we can just get rid of the goof ball (Chris). if he would just un dumb it down.
How nice was that for Matt C to give a shout out to Dave Marcis. Good to see a young dvr to know some unique history in the sport. Thanks Matt
Yeah, it was nice to see Papis on there. That guy always seems so enthusiastic about racing. I like guys like that. So much more fun to watch than crybaby little cup racers whining about something or another.
Come on cup racers. You have what many of us would consider the best job in the world. Take off the damn sunglasses and maybe make the effort to look like you actually want to be driving in the best racing series in the world.
Kyle Busch rules! How funny is that? Rain tuns into a Chris Myers payback session.
I think Fox is already tipping their hand that the race is going to get postponed, with Meyers comment. I think now it's about helping the Fox affiliates cover the air time so the affiliates don't have to come up with something to fill with.
I'm never a Kyle Busch fan (though I respect his skills). But I will say that this was one of the best Busch interviews in a while. He's starting to actually sound like a half-decent person. It's nice to see him poking fun of himself. That sort of thing goes a long way towards making up for childish acts.
I don't think Jeff will ever invite Chris over for supper.
If Jeff could take his baseball bat to Chris he would be so happy.
Jeff really doesn't show the love.
It doesn't sound like KB has any use for Chris.
I noticed the gray hair on Tony also. He has been a lot more clean cut this year.
And leave it to JAWS to keep the fire burning!
Hi Gang :)
<3 Schrader!
@stricklinfan--agreed! The Pick 'em Ups gang deserve to do the Fox shows. I love more of my YumYum but the gang defines the Pick 'em Ups and it's just not the same without them :(
Loved Grampa and Mad Max! I'm glad they spoke to them, especially Mad Max!
@Photojosh--yes he really does! I remember a few years ago during one of the IROC (RIP) races where he got into Marky Mark (IIRC it was here at TX) and he felt SO bad! He wanted to get the respect of the guys and learn at the same time and he felt horrible for wrecking Mark.
wow, did i did watch a kyle busch without sarcasm. will wonders ever cease. there may be hope. I doubt it though.
I happen to have it on during the Kyle interview. Looked positivley cute, some of those faces he made.
Hope they don't stay on too long.
I win, race will be Monday
booooooooooo........hafta wait 'till Monday now :(
It'll be on Speed on Monday....noon eastern....the Speed Truck crew doing the broadcast.
Question: Like this, where the broadcast was supposed to go until 4:30p.m. but because of rain the broadcast ended at 3:00....how is the affiliate warned that it's going to end early like that to make sure they have alternate programming ready? I'm assuming they're notified off-air somehow? Or does the affiliate just take their cue like the viewers do and hurry up and line up some other programming?
I just went to set the DVR for the race on Mon. The guide had already been changed showing the race. I bet the fans of Unique Whips and Pinks are mad that their shows are preempted.
@ Photjosh, I have always liked Max. Smart move on his part to start in trucks. I think there's another reason for his happiness, less pressure than if he were thrown into a CUP car. Same deal with Marcos. I'm glad that novelty has worn off.
@ Anon 3:04, They show the old standby, COPS. It's on here in LV.
Dot: It's not that the guide changed, it's that SPEED had a replay of the race scheduled for noon Monday anyway.
Well Fox tried to dump the "NASCAR on Fox" crew on us because the "Speed" crew must not be good enough for network TV. (wrong)
The Speed crew does an excellent job broadcasting the truck races! Now they will get to do their job and us viewers get a real race without any "kiddin because I care".
Yeah, and no stupid digger either.
On the brightside, gives me something to watch on Monday.
Not that it is bad, but watching orange county choppers on fox 5 from New York City. I currently live 30miles north of OCC which is located in newburgh, ny. Had no idea that this was going to be the rain out programming for the afternoon. Not what I expected to see.
@ SonicAD, the word NEW was shown on the description. Further investigation shows (T). Is it always like this? I haven't paid attention in the past as the race is usually not canceled. I got amazed for nothing.
Yeah Dot, SPEED has a Noon Monday replay of the Truck Series every week they race.
@hotaru--Digger has his own channel on Hulu so you can always check him out there 24/7 *giggle*
@Dot--Yup, they usually replay the race overnight ('cept for tonight because of F1) and replay at noon on Mondays and then Wed/Thurs replay the N'wide and Cup
@Lou--I love the OCC boyz <3
Thanks for the picture Max!
There is a new post up about the wet weekend from Martinsville.
I wonder if Kyle is on the quiz show because Speed is blowing off an existing contract.
JD—I am curious what the switch from Fox to Speed means for the advertisers. I don’t know for sure, but I assume all things being equal, it costs much more to air a spot during a weekend daytime sports event on a broadcast network like Fox than it does on a Monday afternoon on a basic cable TV network like Speed. Do the advertisers et any kind of reimbursement or adjustment for the switch of the broadcast? What are the behind the scenes mechanics like this that occurs when the race moves from Fox to Speed or Possibly from ABC to ESPN2?
Ari in DC
I'm not sure if it is the same for sports programming, but for regular tv when a show does not perform as expected ratings-wise, the advertisers are given "make goods." Basically, they are extra spots given to the advertisers to make up for the lost ratings. It also probably depends on the agreement that is signed by the advertiser and broadcast network/station and if there are any contingency clauses, such as what happens when the event is rained out.
One clue that Fox was going to run all the commercials at least once on the broadcast side was the fact that they came on the air and told us that the race would be starting shortly.
In fact, the rain was falling and everyone with a clue knew it was all for show. Drivers in their trucks and being interviewed on pit road were there to get on TV.
So, the commercials got run once on the broadcast network, now any dated promos or commercials will be changed and the remaining inventory will be run on SPEED.
The reconciliation after the two races will determine what amount of money is paid. Most of the advertisers are well aware they are buying a live sports product that stops if it rains.
There should be no increase at all in the commercial load of the remaining Fox Cup races due to this Truck Series rainout.
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