There was a time when the only way to enjoy a NASCAR race was either to attend in person or listen to the MRN radio broadcast. Later that week, the glossy NASCAR magazines and National Speed Sport News would arrive in the mail to fill-in the details of the races and show pictures of the action. My, how times have changed.
The hottest destination right now for NASCAR information is the Twitter.com messaging system. I would highly suggest that fans who get their NASCAR information online jump right in the deep end of this pool. Don't be scared, it's simple and free to sign-up and use. If I can do it, anyone can.
Twitter allows folks to follow the updates (called Tweets) provided by anyone from fan bloggers to the NASCAR TV networks. Jeff Hammond even blogs during the NASCAR on Fox races from the Hollywood Hotel.
Each Tweet is 140 characters long, or about three sentences. Folks like Jayksi update breaking news while reporters like Marty Smith offer previews of new stories and information fans have not yet heard online.
Twitter was suggested to me by an executive of the International Speedway Corporation who thought that updating the topics of my columns each day would benefit my website. It certainly did. Thanks to Lenny Santiago, who is also on Twitter.
Simply by typing NASCAR into the "find people" heading, fans get a good overview of many top NASCAR Twitter contributors to follow. By typing "NASCAR Twitter List" into the Google search page, fans can find various sites that have already done the work of combing through Twitter to find those NASCAR connections.
The benefit of Twitter is that you can easily view it anywhere. Desktops, laptops, Blackberrys, iPhones and even your inexpensive Sprint cell phone can keep you updated with NASCAR or any other sport or entertainment category you wish.
One feature I have enjoyed is the ability to easily add or delete people who I am following from my list. There are no hassles, so when the list gets too big or some organization sends out just a little too much information, they can go away with the click of a single key.
The list of stories on Jayski has always been a great starting place for fans, but Jay and many other popular sites including The NASCAR Insiders, Rowdy, Catchfence and that's racin' provide wonderful updates throughout the day.
So, if you are game to take the plunge, let us know what you think about this unique form of information updating. If you are a veteran Tweeter, let us know how it has been working for you and what you might want new fans to know.
TDP welcomes comments from readers. Just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thanks once again for stopping by The Daly Planet.
I have to be honest, I joined Twitter and I just don't get it. What's so popular about this place? I signed on for the Nascar info and the Tweets are really stupid and make no sense.
I've joined too to see what it was all about and well, I'm setup to follow your blog and some of the other NASCAR sites, but although I'm glad to know when things are updated on your site, I'm not sure that I find it all that useful for me. A lot of tweets are just silly (including mine)
I am going to try it. We shall see...
I signed up with twitter just so I could follow TDP and see who TDP was following. I think I was the 6th or 7th follower at the time you opened your account. And in doing that I found other sites that I did visit. Not sure if I get it either as it pertains to the blog TDP in that yes I can always check in on TDP from my blackberry and do not need twitter to do that. I just find that now at times I also sign in on twitter from my phone to see if I may have missed something from your blog or a comment to someone you follow. And at times some of the tweets are cute, funny, but I do see and understand how it can help your site. I have looked at twitter,nascaronfox. Just does not do anything for me at this time. Just for an example some comments from the last race from chris m. They just seemed so bogus, besides it was just another window open that kept me from the inprogress on TDP where it was really happening.
All we have to remember is your new motto at the top of your page everyday.
Where NASCAR Fans Talk TV All The Time
I got my Facebook which from what I hear is about the same. The only thing that differs is that Twitter seems to be less people and more.... I don't know how to say this... not people (TV shows, groups of people, sports, etc.). I'm good for now... my question is when did Twitter come about? I first heard of it only about two months ago or so.
Twitter has been around 3 years but I just heard about it a year ago and started using it a few months ago. Hope this link to explain it is ok, JD
it can be silly and stupid..and fun and informative. Folks that Tweet too much I UNFOLLOW..like 75 or more tweets. There is Twitter Etiquette everybody should read.
You can't just promote your stuff/business or folks see you as spam or a rolling billboard.
It's fun to follow people in your area to keep up with what is going on locally...News, events, restaurants, music. Even if you are not a social butterfly it's fun to keep informed.
I hate all the "ghost twitters" of which there are many. Famous people that have others Tweet their comments.
Remember the plane crash on the Hudson? About 12 seconds after it happened it was Twitter. That first picture of folks on that plane was AROUND the globe from Twitter (You can post Twitpics)
Some people post all day and for hours and need to get a life. But if you pick who you follow, and read their tweets, it can be fun.
But follow a chatter box that doesn't know how to DM or just 'thinks twitter is a chat room' and you can just stop following.
It's great to chat with locals and also promote your business, or band or restaurant.
You will often see the FAIL WHALE as Twitter is often over capacity. Lately all celebs/tv/radio personalities think they NEED to Tweet. So it's too trendy at the moment but we hope it passes soon.
p.s. meant 75 tweets a DAY
Some people do over 100. if I see your avatar in 8 out of 10 Tweets, I unfollow!
Good Twitter Etiquette is 10-30 tweets a day. They say if you have more than that to say, start a blog! :)
Some just spout platitudes...but I get great local news and fun stuff. You need to have a little conversation at random with folks in betweenn promoting something.
Other folks need to get a life if you are online for 8 hours of Twittering? Some tweet from work, restaurants, golf courses!:)
To me this is just the flavor-of-the-month that will only be replaced in short time.
You see, first I had to have a Friendster page. Then it was a MySpace page. Then it was a Facebook page. Now it is Twitter.
All of these applications are virtually the same, the only difference being how slick the interface is. One thing that is interesting is that the shelf life of these brands seems to keep getting shorter, as people are always looking for the next new thing.
I predict Twitter will be replaced by another hot, new, "revolutionary" website built around "social networking" and that it will happen before the Chase begins.
What's so popular is that folks can keep up with news and messages from a host of people at the same time without the hassle of email or the website maintenance of a Facebook or MySpace page.
It's not a website page. Just a box for your comments and a list below of the Tweets from those who you chose to follow. Nothing to design or maintain at all and you can check it anytime.
Anon 3:30AM,
Twitter came around because of the email hassles of MySpace and Facebook. It should be interesting to see where it goes, but for right now the best and most immediate NASCAR info is certainly on Twitter.
My favorite thing about motorsports on Twitter isn't really NASCAR related - it's NHRA. With the tape delay on ESPN, that's a frustrating sport to follow. But the John Force folks in particular do a great job of tweeting during eliminations, so you can follow that sport "live".
>But for right now the best and most
>immediate NASCAR info is certainly >on Twitter.
To me, that is like saying that the biggest and most beautiful diamonds are in a cave in South Africa. The question is how many diamonds do you have to dig through before you find the Tiffany?
I still think that some of the innovations Twitter offers over a Facebook-like interface will be isolated and then put into another, newer, sleeker application/website/portal... likely very soon.
If you mention Friendster to someone today, they cock their head sideways and look at you like you have been in asleep like Rip Van Winkle. That will be Twitter by October.
I agree completely that Twitter is the flavor of the month and will eventually be replaced by something else. Social networking as a whole is the hot thing in NASCAR right now, though they're a bit late in jumping on that ship. While there are a couple of NASCAR Twitter related accounts that are useful like the one that Nationwide has that gives extensive updates about the N'wide races, a lot of it seems to be Tweets about every random thought that comes into someone's head. Even if that person is a driver or media member I don't need to know about what someone had for breakfast or that they're on the way to the track now. Twitter and Facebook have their uses but the teams, drivers and sponsors need to make it just one of many ways to promote themselves and reach fans, not the only way, since despite what it may sometimes seem there are many fans who will never use Twitter or other social networking sites.
I agree people Tweet minutia but they do the same on Facebook. I had Facebook but only three OFFLINE people I knew used it so I deleted it (Though FBook always hovers even deleted but that's another story)
People post on FBook "I'm going to a movie", "going out for Pizza". It drove a friend and I nuts so I stopped.
In Twitter you only SEE the Tweets of those you CHOSE to follow. When you go to Twitter.com you see the public timeline that changes constantly.
If you are in a city with tv stations, or newspapers follow them, and check out who follows THEM. great way for info and as JD said if you follow some NASCAR folks, you can keep up with NASCAR stuff. Wood Brothers Twitter.
It's people like Ashtun Kurcher (some pop actor) and Oprah coming on to eat up bandwidth with huge followers that gives it a bad name. Oprah ANNOUNCED she would start Twittering and before her first TWEET she sent out from her show, 260,000 followers? I don't get that.
I don't follow until I see what folks are putting out there but it's a fabulous tool when used PROPERLY!
I never heard of Friendster. :-)
Twitter is like all things ...do it in MODERATION and learn to do it. I am still learning the ropes. Lots of great current events articles and sometimes just fun offbeat stories or quotes.
RSS is still my choice.
What this world really needs is an anti-social networking tool.
(Think about it)
SOME people need to get off the computer/Crackberry and call/VISIT face to face folks for REAL TALK and not just yap minutia.
If you're whole computer life is "Friends on myspace or Fbook" you have not met in person, that's a social malcontent. (those folks may be email buddies but not FRIENDS!)
Then again, for those who are shut ins or semi housebound, Email,Fbook, Twitter, etc great for keeping in TOUCH.
A friend of mine who encouraged I try FB has heard from friends he knew 30 years ago. That's kind of cool. i was only 2 30 years ago (insert cough and sarcasm there! :)
But it does seem social networking is over done.
on another note if on computer off and on, Twitter lets me know whats happening locally. i.e. My sister called from friends car STUCK on main artery of Interstate on way to a meeting. I told her I heard on twitter major semi crash and would be closed BOTH directions...and before she leaves to come north, call me back..as it's supposed to be closed for HOURS.
Twitter updates me before LOCAL radio does?!
So it's useful.
But if you are giving me playxplay on Crackberry your dining service is bad, your salad is wilted, your chicken under done, etc..that's a bit annoying. UNLESS you are a food critic and I follow a couple of those.
I just got a new NASCAR driver following me that I was not familiar with..so it's all good...I am tired of the big names...but don't look for Twitter to die off soon..been around for 3 years..just getting TOO SATURATED for now..but the peeps that find it useful will stay on.
ALSO it's great for LOOKING for a job I have read and SEEN with my own two eyes. just have to be SAVVY.
I choose SLOWLY who I follow..to many just SELLING STUFF or "Life Coaches" Thus I don't even follow a 100 people yet.
Some think it's a power thing to get 1000's of followers...
FBook same way and Myspace...how many "friends".
JD you got folks talking about Twitter, lol.
some still have NO CLUE what it IS and how to use it...takes a learning curve
I think every hardcore fan should sign-up and put together a list of favorites to follow. If it works, the benefit will be very clear. If it is not for ya, no problem.
Good luck,
Ok, now I get it. I just read a Tweet about Nascar's banquet going to Las Vegas. Didn't know that until it popped up on my Twitter page.
I dont need to be that connected to the world. Spend enough time on the PC to follow everything this way.
Im with bevo tho, anti-social networking indeed!!
Everyone has their own thing...this idea just hasn't taken off with me yet.
Computer dummy Dot here. Does the question at the top of the Twitter page always ask "What are you doing?"
I just signed up for this. Like I told JD in an email, too much technology for this old hag.
@ dear Sophia, we're the same age. lol
I don't pay too much attention to the practice sessions on tv... thank goodness I signed up, now I can learn of my driver's results.
(UPS Racing does Twitter updates... excelent whenever they give me a heads-up on whether David Ragan makes an appearance on tv, or so.)
@Dot regarding age. WOW, no wonder we agree on a lot here.
that "What are you doing" just means what TWEET do you want to send out. I have conversations about local stuff or news breaking. I also help promote a band and a couple of small independent restaurants. Thus my need to follow mostly local yocals.
One person I Tweeted a few times and then emailed. Now they are moving up here and we could meet. SAVVY blogger & INTERVIEW guy and his wife is going to graduate school here.
If I meet this Twit, or Twitter person, :-) will let y'all know how it goes. We connect on so many things but meeting in person is a whole nuther deal.
And earlier I read on TWITTER Jay Leno is in the hospital (food poisoning they think?)
so IF YOU FOLLOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE, you can get your news, weather, food/TV/movie reviews, racing updates, fun quotes, LINKS to great articles about everything in ONE PLACE.
Quicker to read Tweets from 50 people than to email ONE person..due to brevity of Twitter.
I have heard one business guy on radio interview say TWEETING HIM is the best way to get ahold of him over email. And if he has his cell turned off, he can check for Tweets. That's a Twitter holic in my book but it works for him.
I don't understand the need for Crackberries but don't have my own business. Lots of people have them for fun (folks with extra income!)
ALso those are HANDY for NASCAR crews but nobody is tweeting from the cars yet...even under pit stops.:)
Max Papis is fun to follow and his tweets sound GENUINE from him..he has even posted pictures of being out to brunch with family. SO if he has a 'ghost twitterer' they do a good job or portraying Max.
As you can tell, I have much to say on this topic. When I was first told about Twitter last summer I said NO WAY...that's stupid...then I opened my mind to it's possibilities.
Twitters just now gone over board mainstream(overboard as the media is apt to do)...the ones there since 3 years ago must hate the over crowdedness and Fail Whale of Twitter (over capacity sign)
I joined Twitter when JD first put it on his Blog and have found multple Nascar related Twitter members since. I personally have never posted one although I was tempted during the last cup race. I am hoping the drivers become official Twitter members(Marcos Ambrose is and I think Kevin & Delana) with the plan of being notified where their appearances are without having to remember to check their sites. I missed seeing some of my favorite drivers at the last Dover race because by the time I figured out they were there they were gone. That's my plan anyway. Also it's fun to see what others have to say without going to their site and it also lets me know when I need to check somethin out lit Jayski pit roads picks are in or Marty Smith has posted on ESPN.com
The box you can type in below is for you to post what you are doing now. It's just the format of Twitter.
You don't have to every type anything, you can simply click on find people and search for anything or anyone.
Thanks dear Sophia & JD. Since I'm a newby, I thought the question might change. Duh.
I tweeted a friend I found. I guess I'll learn by doing.
JD, I searched on the NASCAR list that you mentioned, so I've added a few new people to follow. I'm doing more following than actual tweeting since I don't want to be one of those people who tweet what they had for breakfast. LOL Just by reading the posts from you and the folks on here, I've picked up some ideas on how to use this service. I had heard about it but I also hadn't joined until you put your link up there and since I have so much fun on here, well, I had to try it.
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