Friday night the Camping World Truck Series will be putting on a show at the Lowe's Motor Speedway. Coverage starts at 7:30PM with Krista Voda and the pre-race show.
Rick Allen takes over at 8PM to call the action with Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip alongside. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander will be reporting from pit road.
This field has Cup regulars, truck series regulars and plenty of one-timers with nothing to lose. Other than Daytona, this may be the biggest stage for the truck series drivers with the top owners in the sport all in attendance.
SPEED has perfected the old-school approach to this sport, from the solo anchor in the pre-race to only two pit reporters. The pictures show the racing and the commentary talks about the action the TV viewers are actually watching.
Michael Waltrip needs to make sure and play his role in this coverage, hopefully Rick Allen will be able to keep Waltrip's enthusiasm in check. This trio has come a long way from their first season together and has been working well this year.
Great pictures and sound come from this track at night with the Musco lighting that features no infield light poles to obstruct the view of the fans or the TV viewers.
This post will serve to host your comments about the CWTS race on SPEED. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thanks for taking the time to join us to watch the race!
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»hey all, stealth blogging tonight.
What does that mean?
Dot here. What's the weather doing?
Dot, looks good to me.
@ Karen, wrong answer. It's supposed to rain until I get home around 5:30ish. :)
I think it means JD has entered the Witness Protection Plan :)
Bevo too funny, perhaps it means he got a new laptop, we all know how much he loves the old one :)
Doesn't stealth mean like secret...under radar (like Stealth bomber?)
It is now 75° at the track. Forecast is Isolated T. Storms turning to Thunder Storms at 1:00am est.
Winds are North at 6 mph.
OK, you guys start without me. I'll catch up when I get home.
@ Charlie, thank you.
That means we did not promote it in advance. Hardcore fans only.
Happy Friday everyone...look forward to some good Pick 'em Up racin'
I was thinking it meant JD was going to blog as "anonymous!"
maybe that is coward blogging...i'm not sure
You know, I think we under-appreciate the ability of Krista Voda sometimes.
Love the Blue Angels. Did Rick pass out there momentarily?
Is it just me or does Rick Allen look really different?
Look at those dark clouds!
What a cute little boy :)...nice prayer
How precious was that little boy? Great job.
Yikes! Anthem
too fancy
What key or keys did they sing that in?
the boy was good...he hardly even seemed nervous though he probably was. Great anthem too--hard to mess up harmony though....at least one is bound to sound good at any moment, lol.
Krista's comments made me look up when Halloween falls this year--Talledega truck race! Can't wait to see how they follow that up.
too many keys. And some of the 'harmonies' didn't work.
My cats could've sung more on key.
I restate my idea that ALL ANTHEMS be instrumental only. Preferably with brass type band that gets it.
Great overhead shot of the track!
Perfect shot
I think Rick looks about the same. Good pre-race show and anthem. I think I saw Todd in a different uniform I wonder if they'll talk about that. Hope MW doesn't ruin the race - boy at teh cup qualifying DW wouldn't shut up.
weather looking UGLY.
glad YOU enjoyed the anthem
I guess we'll have to disagree on the anthem again, lol. I get that not everyone likes the 'extras' though...they made a few choices that probably weren't wise.
I think they changed keys before the end (intentionally)
I am still trying to use to the two pit stop rule. Tires one time, fuel the other.
Hey, the MRN affiliate I listen to online from Daytona is actually broadcasting this race tonight. Pretty cool!
Collective thinking, anyone but SDDD...
raganbaby, who is that? I'm in Orlando, too.
1150 WNDB out of Daytona Beach.
Closest affiliate I can get.
hi all! just got in -- need to catch up on the comments and will join everyone in a few.
first thought, tho': speed needs to turn that background music.
see ya' soon!
Remember those flashing lights? I saw them a little bit during qualifying (when trucks were going), and got a headache.
Don't know if they'll show up tonight, but be on the lookout.
Is it really that bad over there? One of the MRN guys said it look like a 'wall of water' nearby.
After Kansas, I don't want rain on this parade again.
That right there good be an omen for a really weird night of racing
Anyone got the weather radar on their computer?
is there a site that shows the intervals? Speed still has not shown them.
I have the weather thing and it is the one that is in motion and it looks good. The big dark cloud is moving more East and away from the track.
SDDD... ack, noooo!
Daly Planet Editor said...
Anyone got the weather radar on their computer?
preliminary look at weather channel radar shows small cells moving across charlotte as we type.
forecast says 75% chance of rain at 9PM, moving up to 90% at 10PM.
will see what else i can track down.
anyone find a live leaderboard for trucks yet?
Red I've given up looking for truck leaderboard, sad
If this is the SDDD show, I might make a quick store run....sheesh
he's such a buzzkill
(sorry SDDD fans )
nrf: i just keep hoping speed with have one -- some day soon.
can i also ask that speed change the way they handle replays? i like the live action and replay sharing the screen but can they lose that bottom third graphic and replace it with a larger screen for both replay and live action?
NRF I can't find it either.
did i just see a jack slide out of the pit as they went to commercial???
I like when Speed shows a replay, the ticker remains on the top of the screen. Some other networks drop the standings bar every single replay.
Hi guys, I'm here and all caught up.
Yep. Penalty time I imagine
Lucky dog update....then a comml?
SDDD on pit road? Hee hee.
There's 51 coming back in.
@bevo: thanks for the confirmation. now, did anyone see which team it was?
whoa! coming down to re-fuel counts as serving a stop and go pit penalty? i never knew that!
And therein is the problem with the stupid pit rules this year. It's not a penalty in that case.
Wow, poor Skinner.
Slow on that camera change.
ohhhhh. that was ugly. sure wish the camera had gotten to the skinner wreck a bit quicker.
WOW! HORRIBLE wreck for Skinner. Glad he seems ok.
Red, I don't consider that "serving" a penalty.
I'm glad the Principal is OK! How scary!
Oh my!
Skinner - Not good
OUCH! FRIGHTENING looking wreck.
Mikey wasn't kidding when he yelled HARD HIT!
ok, that's IT! there is NO reason to show skinner's wife being consoled on the pit box -- none.
first espn w/katie kenseth and now speed.
i expect better from the truck team.
Wow that was big, poor Skinner. I wondered why Mikey was yelling Skinner got clobbered since that wasn't the car they were showing at the time. This could be interesting with rain possibly on it's way, I really don't want another postponed rase
Looks like a security guy and a photographer got some sparks off of that.
Hi all just got home from work
I wonder if the photographer tokk some shots before he went to get some new shorts
Isn't getting out of the vehicle during the red flag a penalty?
@vicky d: i completely agree that a stop and go just isn't considered "serving the penalty."
i'm also somewhat chagrined that i didn't know that to be the case until now.
Mike only if you touch it, see Sterling Marlin
One wild & crazy night! An accident in the pacelaps, Pit Penalties, Trucks upside down and Shrub climbing out of his car.
Don't touch the front vallance!!!! Then it's a real penalty
WOW, I missed the camera glimpse of SKinner's wife (was blogging)
SHAMEFUL, indeed. I am surprised to hear that. :(
I know these were two freak incidents, but skinner just about got in the fence like Carl at Dega, is this a concerning trend?
@red- I didn't see the shot of his wife
Told ya this was going to be interesting!
Red I do see a little difference with Katie and Skinners wife (can't remember her name). Katie had left the pit box and was being persued by the camera. She was still on the box and most importantly we all knew Mike was OK.
well i still don't agree with it, it looked like the shot of his wife was well after he got out and was ok, and a very brief shot, unlike the immediate trailing of katie from ESPN at Dega, still don't agree with either
anon@8:58: you used the right language: "freak incidents." in both cases, the car/truck roof flaps engaged and had the desired effect. unfortunately, in both cases, another car/truck came thru and caused the original car/truck to go airborne.
freak, yes, but your point is well taken: maybe catch fences need to be even higher? and the first 20 rows taken out?
@Mike--you can get out and look but you can't touch/attempt to fix it ala Sterling at Daytona in 2K2 that lost him the 500. It's the same if a team is still working on their car/pick 'em up and red comes out. They have to stop working and put their tools down. If their car was involved in a wreck that went red they can hover around and look to see what they'll do to try to get it back out and get the tools ready but they can't lay a hand on it until it goes back to yellow.
Rain reported at Concord
airport approx 1 air mile away
Now that's an excited looking group of students. Nothing like a bunch of high schoolers to take looking underwhelmed to an entirely new level
another great overhead shot!
nrf: i understand your point about skinner's wife being on the box and we knew her husband was ok. but for me, it's still wrong to put a man's wife on camera at a time like that. she was obviously still shaken and for me, common human decency says to leave her alone at that moment.
as i said when espn put katie kenseth on the camera, i firmly believe that drivers' wives/girlfriends are simply off limits when a wreck happens.
Good to see both drivers are ok - good job on interviews!
skinner has a talent for understatement: "yep, that was a pretty hard hit there."
Red I actually agree with you but I won't flame them since she was on the box overall it still was a poor choice.
Other topic can the drvers get the window nets up from the inside?
hey speed guys? can you update us on the photographer and the security guy? thanks.
These guys are going to be racing their brains out with weather coming.
Maybe they could even do a field summary perhaps?
The weather radar I have from the weather.com shows most all the rain clouds moving away from the track now and not much behind it at all.
@vicky d: that becomes even more important with no live leaderboard for us to access, doesn't it?
Well we should have used up all the commercials by now. Jeezz
I know it looked like a 'freak' accident...I don't think it's a trend, it's always been possible. However...I know they've said Jeff & Jimmie said they think a change to the spoiler might help, and NASCAR was looking into it.
But the only solution I see is, build the fences as strongly as possible, and upgrade (like Bruton did at Louden) if they're not up to today's standards.
Johnny Sauter involved...imagine that...
Field summary would be nice. Or a recap of who else was involved in one or both the incidents, especially the ones involved in Malsam's spin. There were other trucks damaged that will continue on besides SDDD's.
JD said...
These guys are going to be racing their brains out with weather coming.
You know who you sound like, don't you?
Chris Myers?
Guess what....commercial time!
I think the rules need to be changed regarding penalties. You shouldn't be able to serve them under yellow. How fair is that? I could get penalized later and get screwed if the yellow doesn't come out.
Pretty clever of SDDD to assess the damage. Bet there's a new rule about that. I think it gives the team an unfair advantage. Next red flag let's see how many drivers get out.
I didn't see Angie. I was thinking earlier, during the 15 min comml break that this race had a BSPN feel to it.
@ JD, funny. They'll also be sailing into the turns.
ok I missed the memo, but not being a kyle fan I'm sure I'll enjoy it, could someone enlighten me what SDDD stands for? (kyle's new nickname apparently)
A field reset would have been nice after all this mess
jd, i'm w/charlie: i'm not seeing impending rain on weather.com. there's a cell that's over blacksburg but everything else looks to have moved north and east already.
wish we had someone at the track tonight.
We really needed a better reset. I almost think those guys are a bit shook up from the crash.
Edwards' and Skinner's accidents so eerily similar, that's what's freaky.
Daly Planet Editor said...
These guys are going to be racing their brains out with weather coming.
Glenn said;
JD, did you really have to go all "Rusty" on us?
Whatever happened to racing their butts off? :)
nope, I didn't sign in, I've had the misfortune of a hard drive crash earlier this week and I don't know 1/2 of my different names and passwords. (i'm lost)
FYI- backup your computer, you will probably last longer than it will.
@ Anon 9:18,
Shruba Duba Ding Dong. Created by hotaruraganbany6. It's an endearment.
Dot said...
@ Anon 9:18,
Shruba Duba Ding Dong. Created by hotaruraganbany6. It's an endearment.
or something . . .
Where are the intervals?!?! This is getting really frustrating.
wonder how much it cost that owner to have a black truck re-painted blue in 11 hours?
what's the ROI on that decision?
Red, they talked about him didn't they :)
red - This is the same #71 Sprint Cup team that has parked the last 2 weeks. They can't afford to race, but have the money to rip apart a truck to paint it a different color for kicks.
Karen, SPEED chose not to offer a real slo-mo replay.
I think we are eventually going to see just how close it was and how it looked on Monday in TWIN.
Not to bum anyone out, but what came to my mind was more the angle and not the height. The late Tony Roper touched with Steve Grissom in TX and was turned head on into the wall just like that and he did not make it.
I am sure we will be seeing that online and on TV for a while.
@robyn: this is, perhaps, my greatest frustration when i watch the trcuck broadcast: b/c there is no leaderboard available to us, the intervals and running order on the broadcast become critical.
and it's the one area that speed falls down on, in my opinion.
Quick off topic
Jenna Fryers' latest Tweet an hour ago about NASCAR CHANGING TIMELINE of Jeremy's drug testing, has me confused. She did not post a link. WTHeck is that supposed to mean that NASCAR did not know until Darlington?
I posted on the Jeremy comment section, peeps.
Now back to THIS race
re: Kyle, I know they can't touch the car in red flag but has ANYBODy ever gotten out to give details what's wrong on car? Seems odd as I never saw another driver do that before (except the old Marlin story which I have seen video of..pulling out a fender :) )
anon@9:27: thanks for the clarification. that just makes it all the worse, doesn't it?
add to the "list of things that make you go 'hmmmm.'"
no offense but I can't get over the fact for MONTHS I thought you were a guy. :) And you are a female type.
Makes me wonder about anons and other non gender niks, lol
I just figured out why there are S & Ps. They're the cushion for the other teams. If 4 or 5 fall out in the beginning, the series regulars can't finish last. More points for them.
Didn't mean to go OT. I thought of this when I saw Fontaine was 36th. Skinner is 29th.
Sophia, I am working with her and others on some info about all that stuff. I will update things when it comes together. Thanks.
ps - Brian France should reallllllly not have talked about this issue today.
Soph, I've seen drivers get the car to pit road before the red is thrown and the crew is all over that car without ever touching it. If they are really lucky it's already on the jack and they can even look under it. Just ask Chad
sophia said (in part):
. . ." I know they can't touch the car in red flag but has ANYBODy ever gotten out to give details what's wrong on car?"
i just asked this question on another board: i thought drivers had to remain in the car under a red flag unless/until nascar gave the ok to get put.
did i make that up or does anyone have more insight?
if not, its over to nascar insiders' wednesday column and see if tc or journ can help.
You're right about the Roper incident. I was at that race, it came to a rest just past my seats. Sick feeling.
@ JD - Brian France should not be seen or heard. He's a mess.
JD I was thinking the same thing. Talk about making it so much worse. I think it was Red who said something once about the 3rd generation in a family business not able to hold up their end. Can't they find something else for him to do and just let Helton and Darby talk.
Jojaye, I wonder if Nascar's office staff have random drug testing . . . . . .
For some reason it seems like the volume of the trucks is overpowering the booth guys, which is sort of unusual.
We will talk about the Mayfield suspension in another post, but as a friend of mine would say....it's fixing to get very ugly.
Re: the Roper accident. No safer barriers back then. How many would be alive today?
Ditto on the Emperor. JD, what fun we could have with that column.
One thing we have maybe overlooked tonight is the really solid performance of Michael Waltrip.
He really has learned from working with these two how to fit in.
Oh Lord JD.
Red don't you just love TC and Journo. NI for inside Nascar info and Dalyplanet for inside Nascar TV info.
Let's see if they allow green flag stops to take place. Or if a competition caution disguised as a debris caution is waved.
@sophia: seriously, no offense in re: gender discussion. in fact, your reaction makes me smile!!
my work here is done: i have created a moment of "hmmmm" when folks read a gender-neutral nickname on blogs!
@jd: brian france should really not ever say anything about anything. he is not competent to speak before the media and should be leaving that to helton or pemberton.
i just figured out one more reason why i like truck broadcasts: i get some really solid info from all of the announcers. and for those who "intensely dislike" waltrip -- just forget that it's him and listen to some of his stronger comments. if the same words came from someone else, it'd be good, strong insider info.
and did bevo and i really see a loose jack earlier? i haven't heard any penalty for it.
gee whiz, I am totally interested again in the whole saga and when you said Brian France should not have spoken up today, why does that not surprise.
I like the yellow wall at this track..looks good for night racing. I gotta phone call and distracted...
I am so glad Mike Skinner is ok.
Wonder how long before that makes it youtube! :)
Red it was Skinner's but the penalty is a stop and go which got served when he got fuel. Basically it was a freebie
Way to go Kyle!
Wow, will Kyle get parked for that one?
The driver can get out of the car under a red flag. The driver can't touch the car to fix anything but he is allowed to look.
I guess the one thing that makes people wonder about this deal with Kyle getting out is it just doesn't happen that often. Usually when cars or trucks are on the track in a red flag situation the car or trucks up on the track is not that damaged to have to look.
It also seems strange that since it is legal, why don't more drivers do it.
@Sophia- Jenny Fryer did post an article.
nice frame for the triple split.
hey, young mr busch just wrecked a few more trucks. to quote gomer pyle: 'Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise."
sounds like ray dunlap wasn't ready for the throw there!
Ut Oh, SDDD strikes again, and Hornaday should be tail end, I think.
Hi gang - what a wild race!
You would think that as a guest SDDD would be a little more polite.
I missed Brian France talking today. What did he mess up now?
Red, Ray wasn't ready but he handled it without making you go WTF was that. I'm good
Tracy, his comments are reviewed on NASCAR.com
Red, yes, the jack was Mike Skinner's and I think he got a penalty for it but it was a stop and go which he served the next time down pit road.
Waltrip is doing better tonight but I still prefer just Allen and Parsons in the booth.
Getting good info from the pit reporters as usual tonight but we could use more info through the field
Stop making excuses for SDDD! He messed up! If the media and NASCAR won't hold him accountable for his actions, then why should the fans expect SDDD to admit his mistakes?
Tracy, He bascially implied that Jeremy did illegal drugs. Not a bright move on his part, epecially if not true. Can you say slander/libel (not sure which one really applies written vs verbal).
@ Tracy, they'll be excerpts shown over the weekend I'm sure. You can read it @ Nascar.com.
He needs an appt with Dr Black.
Dot said...
You would think that as a guest SDDD would be a little more polite
ahh, but it's all ok b/c, remember, "he had no malicious intent." i guess that makes it all better, huh?
jd: having suffered thru how nascar has handled all sorts of other "uncomfortable moments," why am i not surprised the mayfield situation is about to go downhill in a very big way? even when it seems that it's fairly straight-forward, it gets all screwed up and france is generally in the middle of it.
yeah, 3rd generation family businesses are usually a hot mess.
Dot he needs more than Dr Black.
Good for Nascar put that Bozo in the back, hopefully he doesn't wreck anyone else.
Should be some DeLana sightings soon...
@ Robyn - thanks for the link very interesting article by Jenna
If anyone other than SDDD had pulled that it would not be the end of the longest line, it would be black flag -park it & we'll see ya at the hauler
Big penalty for SDDD. Wow, the end of the line. What a hardship for him.
yeah but now he's behind every truck look at how many he can hit coming through the field.
I agree Mikey has been better tonight. He and Phil sometimes seem to see who can talk more and louder. At least tonight they have been about equal. It drives me nuts when they talk over each other.
Fair penalty for SDDD. (i love that nickname):)
Wow, BF REALLY said that?
I don't think KB has made any friends tonight.
where was SDDD?
It's not paying to be the race leader tonight :(
I'll run second thank you.
Unfortuntely, it's the KB lovefest on Speed tonight. Poor poor Todd lots of dodging trucks to miss him.
Man, this race is a Hot Mess too. But it's sure fun to watch
Dot, LOL.
a friend of mine saw Brian France at the airport she works at...she thought he looked very ill...she wasn't even sure it was him till she checked with someone else. don't know what's up with that.
WOw Todds really done -I would not try to lead if I was driving til the end!
@nrf in re: ray's handling of the toss: agreed, and that's why i REALLY like this crew! i was startled when ray said "we're not quite ready yet" or somesuch but you're right: he handled it well.
in re: france: in all seriousness, do the nascar lawyers all have flat foreheads from pounding their collective heads on the table whenever france opens his mouth to speak?
One thing that makes Truck racing good is the camera work. You can sometimes see a wreck as it happens. They seem to know where trouble might be. I think that is twice now they have done that in this race.
@ VickyD 9:52, I was thinking the same thing. Did you notice Benson just let him go by? Smart move.
@Tracey--I saw the tweets come up with some of the comments and just shook my head...as stated upthread he's not qualified to speak about the sport he allegedly runs
This is like the Darlington Cup race all over again....it's not safe to be in the lead. They'll definitely have a camera isolated on the #51...as there's plenty of laps left to charge towards the front.
@ red- too funny! flat foreheads!
The Love Fest for Kyle B seems to spread faster than the SWINE or H1N1 or whtaever they call it now, flu.
Its ruining the truck series for me as it has the best racing.
But the Kyle B saturation and fatigue is just TOO MUCH.
ALL do it
Not real fond of that Ask.com commercial....
JD - it's got to be better than the BK commercial!
Daly Planet Editor said...
Not real fond of that Ask.com commercial....
agreed: just wrong in so many ways.
@ red,
in re: france: in all seriousness, do the nascar lawyers all have flat foreheads from pounding their collective heads on the table whenever france opens his mouth to speak?
Brilliant. You're killing me.
Yeah, and it's spread to the practice sessions too.
Boy did I lose it at SDDD (I have a problem, I guess)
But I don't want another ruined race 'cause of him.
JD why is it they actually answer that one, don't they usually leave it hanging put there unanswered?
Crap, second for SDDD.
Don't get back up there, don't get back to the lead...
I have not grasped the entire Ask.com thing since it started and I get all the PR emails.
I tried Google vs. Ask.com and stayed with Google. Makes no sense to me and has no real NASCAR tie.
But, I guess the check cleared.
STOP THE INTERVIEW for a crash!!!!!11
Colin Braun looks so young..and then the 10 spins!
Tried ask didn't like it actually, guess I don't ask the right question
So, while we have a moment. Make sure and check NASCAR.com tomorrow for the All-Star race.
They are going to have a limited RaceBuddy style online feature that will have four driver cams and various audio channels.
It is called All-Star Buddy...hmmm...more info with a click at NASCAR.com.
JD, I did the same comparison between ask.com and google. Same question. World of difference in what came back. Is ask.com a descendant of Ask Jeeves.com? In the very old days, Ask Jeeves was pretty good.
well, that was awkward. not sure how they could have interrupted that interview but it certainly should have been stopped when a truck went spinning.
i'm guessing maybe a hand on braun's arm and a "we have a truck spinning on the track" with a toss back to the booth? or something?
red said...
@nrf in re: ray's handling of the toss: agreed, and that's why i REALLY like this crew! i was startled when ray said "we're not quite ready yet" or somesuch but you're right: he handled it well.
I appreciate when someone admits to whatever is going on. No one is perfect, we all know it, so don't try to fake it or avoid it. I'm not as stupid as I look.
Ray may have upset some people in his time but he is dedicated to racing and it shows. Keep it up Ray.
Colin Braun is very young. We've seen him racing since the Grand-Am DP series and he was co-driving the Krohn Racing car. I believe he and his teammate won the championship in 2006 then and he was only 17.
@ JD, I saw that. I was wondering if it was animated or live. Is this some kind of preview? And, how much is it going to cost?
jd said (in part):
"It is called All-Star Buddy...hmmm...more info with a click at NASCAR.com."
i'm on the fence for tomorrow -- not sure i want to watch it at all. BUT . . . this might make me change my mind. i'll decide tomorrow night, i guess.
for me, ask.com is like the wikipedia of search engines. and that's not a good thing.
Todd with 2 DNFs in a row. Sad.
Dot, just click on NASCAR.com and they have a page on it. Free and all video cams.
Long face for Todd really bad to see all these wrecks tonight.
Red said.
i'm on the fence for tomorrow -- not sure i want to watch it at all.
Red, say it ain't so!!!
@ Anon 10:12, Oh, I know it's free now. What about later when BSPN starts showing the races?
Yeah, I'm cynical.
I'm on call tomorrow just praying I can pay attention to the race, not hopeful but a girl can dream.
Sophia, I forgot to tell you, made chocolate chip cookies tonight!See what you started...
Dot, there is no online portion of the ESPN coverage. RaceBuddy will again be free on TNT. I will have a full TNT preview in a couple of weeks.
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