Brent Musburger is down from his ranch and ready to lead the ABC team through another historic telecast of the Indy 500. Each season, TDP live blogs this one IRL race because it is truly a spectacle in auto racing.
Marty Reid will be coming to NASCAR in July to call the Nationwide races for ESPN2, but this Sunday he will handle the play-by-play on one of the biggest races on the planet. Joining him will be Scott Goodyear and Eddie Cheever.
Goodyear is the polite Canadian former driver who offers explanations and analysis. Cheever is the impulsive and emotional former owner who is often at odds with Goodyear in terms of reasons for actions on the track. The dynamic between the two is fun to watch.
Since ESPN sliced their IRL TV package in less than half this season, pit reporter Vince Welch has been working the NASCAR trail. Today, he returns to the IRL beat. Also on hand is Jamie Little, who has been full time on the NASCAR beat for several years now. The third pit reporter is Brienne Pedigo, an IRL regular. Finally, TV veteran Jack Arute rounds-out the reporting corps.
Hosting the entire telecast is ESPN's senior statesman, Brent Musburger. He has worked hard to fit in at Indy even as his NASCAR efforts flopped. Musburger was quietly removed from the ABC NASCAR races last season.
ESPN's head of field production is Jed Drake. He has taken the Indy 500 telecasts to a new level and eliminated a lot of the fluff and distractions of the past. This year's race should be squarely focused on the teams and drivers, instead of the celebrities and the gimmicks.
TDP invites you to watch the race with us and give us your views of the ABC coverage. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Thank you for taking some time out of your holiday weekend to join us.
1 – 200 of 383 Newer› Newest»afternoon folks!
I can't believe that Musburger guy still opens up every broadcast with "You are looking live at ..."
Everybody has a line...tired or not! That one certainly is a bit tired...
Mushberger mispronounced Dario's last name. And we think JP is bad.
I don't know about ABC, but TSN in Canada just had a few seconds of open microphones without the announcers' knowledge.
JD, you couldn't have been more blunt as to what ABC should do about jerry punch, but i'm guessing it's too late for this year. Way to call it as you see it.
Helio is the only man who can cry and not be considered a sissy.
Don't forget to get on Indycar.com for their version of RaceBuddy - Indy Car Race Control
Thanks again for doing this JD, I always look forward to it!
bozo, Jerry is a great guy but he would probably admit this is his toughest year. We only hope he is OK personally and physically.
This is the Indy 500 thread, so we are going to keep it focused on the race.
Any NASCAR comments can be put in the Rain Dancing on ESPN2 column.
Musberger should still be looking live back at the ranch
Man, I just have a hard time with those Go Daddy commercials at 12:15PM on a Sunday with kids watching.
BTW you can also listen to the IMS Radio Network call on that too. I remember the old days listening to it as a kid when they tape delayed the tv.
I'm actually a tad surprised Jack Arute is still with ESPN, knowing they don't like crossover with other networks too much, and he's been doing IndyCar on VERSUS all year.
Man, that just hurt my brain!
What's that JD? The pit crew of Danica's?
Geez, cut Helio a break while he's weeping, please. That made ME tear up..
Shhhh...Dot, I am trying to delete it from my memory.
They have "feel" questions here too.
+1 for Brent - He didn't say that Michael was a 500 winner :)
wouldn't it be great if Milka won the 500 before danica?
wow, can paul tracy fit into the car?
Milka will be lucky if she doesn't get run over
I just went to indycar.com and signed up for the IndyCar Race Control. After you sign up it tells you to wait for an e-mail from them to confirm your registration. I checked my e-mail and nothing yet. I went back to indycar.com and decided to try signing in anyway. It worked and I am now at the IndyCar Race Control.
Nicely done intros...
@Charlie- be sure to check your spam folder
@ Charlie, same thing for me. @ bevo, checked the spam folder, drugs from Canada.
Pretty tight pre-race show with some good features and solid info.
So weird not to have Rahal/Letterman teams there.
@Charlie & Dot- they're probably swamped by people registering today
Afternoon everyone!
Really enjoying (most of) the ICS (IndyCar Series) centric commercials.
Still tired from last night, and the allergies STILL acting up, but ready.
Let's hope Raceday puts the good stuff on in the second hour. Indy not over until 1:30.
JD, who does Graham drive for?
Add that to the list....The Goode Family.
Graham drives for Newman/Haas.
JD RLR is there with the 17 car
hotarue My best advice air conditioning and shower before going to bed.
JD it's all your fault, here I sit watching the Indy prerace instead of fixing the siding, guess I'm working on the holiday
Who is driving the 17? RLR does not even exist this season. Is this a one-off?
NFR- I shower in the morning. What works well for me though is sitting in front of my fan.
Hey, who's everyone supporting today? I'm cheering for Graham Rahal, Marco Andretti, Sarah Fisher, and (don't laugh) Milka Duno.
The Chavez GF? Come on now...
JD yes RLR is a one off this year I think it is Oriol Servià
can they keep adding to the height of the trophy, eventually they would run out of room. Unique with the faces on it.
Those guys look classy, nice show to this point. Even Brent is being kept to a teleprompter.
@ hotaru, Helio is my pick. I'm what they call a casual fan in this series.
Warning, I'll be asking stupid questions.
Thanks snl, Servia must have phoned dial-a-ride with some cash.
OK I just got to say this, who goes to a race in white pants. Izod?
Dot, they turn left and you can see the tires.
Anybody think the wipeout stuff lacks the humor of the original?
@ Nrf, who goes anywhere in white pants?
JD Supergrandma and knocked in the mud. I believe that is elder abuse and there is a 800 number somewhere I need to call
@ JD, thank you. I was wondering what happened to the fenders.
What really surprises me is that the fuel cells are 22 gals.
Helio for me with Vitor Meira as my sentimental pick
No one's picking Danica? I'll go with Paul Tracy just so I can watch Robin go nuts on Speed Report and WT
Great! got Tivo synched up with the radio call
@ Dot, They had a bigger fuel cell before the switch over to ethanol apparently Ethanol gets better millage than menthol did so they reduced tank size.
Jim Nabors used to sing the Indiana song. They don't do that anymore with someone?
Smart money would be on Dixon though :)
We are closing in on the start.
BTW- MD is not my first choice, I tend to support Sarah more than her, and BOTH of them over Dani.
But Graham's my #1.
@Dot- he did last year
@snlfan3, they used to be bigger?
Just watch NN... What a awesome surprise to have Ryan Burr hosting the show! JD tell me he is back for good!
I was just on the ICS official board... no one is on there, bet they're all enjoying RaceControl.
I'm picking TK. Missed most of the pre-race but we're settled in now for the "big" race.
Man that gives you chills, very well done and a great reminder of the holiday.
There he is.
Oh good, there's Jim!
It still amazes me that's Gomer Pyle. Shazam.
nothing brings you to reality like the playing of taps - a lot of brave people have sacrificed for all of us
you know if you go to the live radio stream they are about a minute behind ABC
Nicole is at the Indy 500 with her fiance, Dan Wheldon. AB and Mike Massaro did the Nationwide race last night, so Ryan stepped in for that one episode.
He is still a great guy and got a big kick out of the TDP comments. He read them every day.
Still the best pre-race ceremony bar none
Tradition. Taps, Jim Nabors, Mary's command.
One of the best racing days of the year!
snlfan3- I think all radio coverage for the races is behind tv. That's what happened when I found out a certain favorite of mine won a certain race, but I won't bring it up here.
I really like Cheever, he is devious and has a wicked sense of humor.
Lot of slow cars at the back of the pack, going to get interesting very soon.
Expecting children? Gee, what else would they be pregnant with? Jamie's off to a great start.
I really like Marty Reid, but Scott Goodyear is so boring monotone describes it. And I see Jamie Little on pitroad. I hope she doesn't say "the very pregnant". Marty's a riot. Let's have a safe race on this Memorial weekend.
Are there S&Ps in this race?
you know on of the reasons for the split of indy/cart was done by tony george because he saw the costs rising and only big money affording it.. is that what we are seeing in nascar now - only the big money can win?
Jamie's up to her antics early.
@ NanS, I thought the same thing.
If only my SIRIUS radio was getting here yesterday instead of tuesday
Big pressure on the start and the first couple of laps on the TV crew.
False start
Might be time to end the three wide start deal. That was a mess.
One thing I don't like about IRL racing is once you hit the wall, you're done.
Ok first a false start and now a crash before lap one, interesting
I still like the 3 wide start
@Dot- that's why you don't get in the wall :)
Uhhh. WOW. interesting commercial
Imagine all the NASCAR races like this side-by-side.
GoDaddy going for the bi/lesbian demographic?
Okay, i found that one kinda funny. Im a sick sick man.
not to beat a dead horse, but when will Nascar get a clue about this side by side stuff? I get far more exposure to the indy commercials where I'm still paying attention due to race coverage vs. nascar where I channel-surf, and they get lucky if I come back...
Boost commercial is disturbing
OK JD I see your issue, that's just gross
It is interesting that these companies don't seem to have a problem paying for side x side commercials. Maybe David Hill needs to find some different advertisers or at least come up with a better excuse.
That Boost Mobile commercial was VERY wrong!
Another bad Go-Daddy commercial. Jr's & Brad's is funny but not that one.
So I'm watching the Indy race at work. There's only me and a co-worker here. He's not much of a racing fan, but he's OK with me putting the TV on for the occasional Cup race.
He just said to me, "So there's not some stupid little animal that's going to pop up during this race, is there? What is it, Bucky the [f-bomb] Beaver or something stupid? I think that stupid thing is just tacky."
I was giggling too hard to answer. See, we're not the only ones who hate Digger. :-)
I still dont know if comparing NASCAR and the IRL is a fair thing to do. NASCAR has a larger, more steady fan base and I believe JD addressed it before. ESPN, FOX and TNT paid NASCAR to cover their races, IRL pays other networks to cover theirs. Since Indycar pays the bills to get on the air, they can demand side by side.
Bummer for Marco. =(
Marco - Pot Meet Kettle ;)
That's why I like Cheever, he always talks about both sides of the issues.
Indy timing and scoring is pretty cool. It even shows you the position of each car on the track
Boost Mobile commercial was wonderful! Manolos on pit road--awesome! Nice to see them play against the gender stereotypes for once.
Hey its the Indycar version of Kyle Busch!
Maybe he is going to get a haircut.
odd interview with Moriases there...
@JD - I dread the Daytona Wide Open Coverage here in Canada, if TSN does as it has in previous years, they'll go to commercial every time TNT shows a commercial in a small box. I think I'll write to TSN and see about what they're planning on doing.
Don't compare Marco to SDDD, he's waaaay better.
One of my drivers OUT...
ATTN NASCAR (and sponsors):
Get it through your head, I am watching the Indy 500 commercials because of "side-by-side". If this were nascar. I would have headed to the kitchen or pressed "skip" on the DVR. Holding on to your old-media marketing ideas won't get you anywhere in this day and age. If you want to get your message to me, you need to get smart and learn how people watch these events.
(I don't know why I bothered to type that paragraph, nothing will change in NASCAR regarding this issue under the current TV contract.)
Wasnt comparing Marco. I was comparing the guy who took himself out across Marco's front wing.
Got to clear something up, Nicole's fiance is Ryan Briscoe.
Sorry about that Nicole, my mistake!
Ah sorry, I've been away.
Give that kid a hug, I'll volunteer.
Regarding the broadcast itself:
Just a bit rough, but that's the IRL way. They just don't have a big enough TV package or chances to practice on the big stage. Why did it take so long to definitively say which two racers were in that first accident? Why didn't they get that guy to a monitor straight off like they do in Nascar to look at the accident reply? Good job explaining why they waved off the restart, though there wasn't anything to explain why the second start didn't look any different (and was allowed to go green).
I think GoDaddy has reached oversaturation of their "message". It's just the same old thing over and over.
Maybe it's because of the switch to ethanol, but I don't like the sound of those cars. Nothing like the rumble of NASCAR engines.
Man, that is hauling the mail!
Not liking the leaderboard on race control. The drivers stay in the same position just the info changes so you can't look at it and know what the position order is without really reading
Imagine if a CUP race was like this? Single file racing.
@Photojosh- This is the only IRL race ABC does so it's going to be rough. The Versus broadcasts have been outstanding
nrf, the scoring from the indy car website moves the positions of the drivers as they change in the running order
Nevermind if you click on position it goes in that order, Duh, it's actually interactive who knew
@nrf- just toggle on the leaderboard, you can have it by driver or position
@bevo, The IRL deal has ABC doing 5 races per year including Indy
Once pitstops start it will get interesting. Super coverage so far and the pit reporters have been right in the mix.
@nrf- :)
You can also change all of the driver cams, go to challenge view between two drivers and change the layout
That is true, I should be more fair. The vs. telecasts I have watched have seemed pretty good. I guess I don't watch them with the same eye as I do when we are all posting here about TV/media.
I guess it's sort of like the Truck series. The Speed broadcasts are some of the best in Nascar. But for the few races a year that are on broadcast, the good crew gets bounced for the network guys. Though at least in that case, the network guys are already doing races week in and week out.
Why do they show the out cars as X laps down?
This is like watching a Truck Serie race on SPEED...you actually watch the race!
you can't see the numbers on these cars, i think that is why they have a problem identifying who is involved...
IS it me or do the radio communications seem 100X better then nascar?
Interesting way to get into the pits......
@snlfan3- you're right. Brain fart on my part
@ bozo, That's my problem with IRL. You can't tell who is who. Visible car numbers would help. Don't know where'd they put them though.
you can't see the numbers on these cars, i think that is why they have a problem identifying who is involved...I don't know if that is a good excuse. I knew that was Hunter-Rhey's car before the announcers seemed to. I realize that these cars aren't as easily recognized as NASCAR, but still. Knowing who you are talking about is the essence of announcing.
That triple split looks vaguely familiar.
Any idea how many seats there are at indy? Lots of open seats down low on the pit side and in turn 4 (granted absolute worst seats in the joint)
It is hard to see because they put numbers on both wings and if the rear wing goes off , people have trouble seeing who is who
@bozo- think it has more to do with this being the first time they've seen these guys. Versus did all of the qualifying and previous races.
JD guess DP's pit crew can move pretty fast in those heels
Triple box + pit road view = good.
Lack of talking about anyone but the leaders = bad.
Man, I thought that Fox was guilty of just talking about the leaders, but this is crazy. How many names have you heard aside from the 3 frontrunners and Danica? Blegh.
I need somebody to root against. I'm pulling for 11 & 7, and against 26 & 23, but with Marco out I've got an empty slot on my dance card. Even though I was rooting against him, that was bad. I loved they other guy saying that Marco drove into him.
Also loved the prerace show. That's how you do it-get in, couple of features, inrtoduce the field and drop the flag. As far as the opening goes, if a casual sports fan is flipping through and sees and hear's Musburger's trademark line, they are going to know that whatever is coming is a Big Deal. I think that's the point...
Went to South Boston Speedway last night, but I'll save that til the 600 thread.
Terry Lingner and his gang from Indy are doing the IRL on Versus and they have been doing a good job.
Unfortunately, these cars on street circuits don't really lend themselves to TV. The ovals make good TV but the debate rages on as to what this series should really be.
There are like 250,000 seats, maybe more...
Hey! Cable cam is back!
The drivers in basck will get talked about, just be patient and wait for them to crash out.
Oh, and on the GoDaddy commercials, has anyone else actually gone over to the site and watched the continuation? The shower one is funny, the boys get their commupence and there isn't anything dirty about it.
It is interesting the number of different sponsors that are represented on the Indy cars that aren't on the Sprint Cup cars.
Haus can't you just picture that Izod/ Nascar commercial ;)
Marty Reid will be coming to NASCAR and calling the final Nationwide Series races so Punch can concentrate on the Cup side only this season.
All that starts in July.
@Newracefan - Scott Speed would be their poster boy,... and I would puke!
I think it would be easier to recognize and remember numbers than it is to try to remember the various color combinations on these cars.
hi gang! gotta catch up with everyone's comments -- and make sympathetic sounds to our daughter over andretti getting wrecked out!
back at ya' in a few.
Great info from Arute
NRF, i am trying to think who would be the "IZOD guy" in NASCAR. JJ or Jeff? Other than that, not really seeing it.
anyone know who is calling the race on the radio?
JJ only if his wife dresses him (which as all wives know that is always a good idea). Jeff would work, definately not Smoke or JR
catching up...broadcast seems good so far. I really enjoyed Robbie Buhl on Vs. but there's just something edgy about Cheever that I like. Musberger was limited, thank goodness. Jamie did not come off well...
I'm rooting for any American--just think it would be good for the series. But I wouldn't mind seeing TK win it either. I saw him in person once...he really is a little guy...
Indianapolis Motor Speedway's In house network
If you cannot find it oon the radio, live stream on the IRL website
Funny how good TV coverage can quiet this forum right down.
Nice job Jed and company!
@Haus- Mike King. Davey Hamilton is the analyst.
@glenc1: How about Paul Tracy? He's North American.
BTW I'm going to check out that Craftsman hammer thing. Imagine that, I watched commercials during a race ;)
Ive got Kannan today and Stewart tonight
They've got Danica's car set up
thanks bevo
i am kind of rooting for Paul Tracy. Also hoping John Andretti does well, but I am not holding my breath.
Good to see Foyt's organization finally running decent
BUT we get video clips during green and a single car in a box. We also are not seeing passing DP was 8th then 11th now 9th. Tracy also right with her.
I really miss having a NASCAR guy in this race trying to "do the double". It really added soemthing for motorsports fans and gave some crossover appeal. These days, with so many more drivers having raced in both IRL and NASCAR, I think you might get even more interest in it.
Seems a shame to loose that chance just so people like me on the west coast can watch at 10am rather than 9am.
the speedway will not release an official number of seats. Having been there in person for both the 500 and 400 I can tell you it seats atleast 300,000. Most of the empty seats are people who are sitting inside turn 3 and along the backstretch. The backstretch is the 'family zone' with no alcohol or smoking allowed. and everyone knows about the 'snake pit' which is now in turn 3.
I loved the pre race and the side by side coverage someone at NASCAR wake up PLEASE and start this.
They are searching for stories, but everyone is strung-out single file.
David - I think since Larry Foyt has taken over running AJ's teams, they are getting better and running more competitively.
NASCAR actually did start the side by side thing way back in 2000 I think. At least TBS tried it once or twice.
I just believe with NASCAR the networks have to do side by side and that NASCAR really doesnt have a choice since they aren't paying the networks to carry their product like IndyCar does.
It'd be great to see but Im not holding my breath on it. We'll see what happens after Tuesday.
IndyCar Race Control is pretty cool. Lots of different buttons to push to get different views.
FWIW, I'm rooting for the NASCAR connection with John Andretti and for Sarah Fisher for all the work she has to do just to get a ride. Much more impressive than Danica.
Of the front runners, I like Dario. He's got a good personality and I was sorry to see him leave NASCAR.
Really? Didn't know that. LOL I can learn alot about Indy info since I dont follow this near as close as NASCAR
One of the reasons that you see alot more sponsors on Indy cars is the cost. I think Robin Miller once said that it was about 2.5 million to sponsor a mid pack car for the season.
Frank in Sebring,
David - since I'm in Houston, we hear a lot of news about AJ and Larry. They are very popular around here but you don't want to sit next to AJ at a restaurant for instance, if you don't like colorful language either. LOL
LOL. AJ is a character. Gotta love it.
Thats why I always felt Tony Stewart is racing a generation or two too late for his personality.
It is good though to see that team running better because they mean alot to this series even though recent history hasn't been good to the Foyt name...
@VickyD- You don't want to be riding on a tractor with AJ either :)
This telecast is beautiful for what they left off the table.
No goofy bumpers into commercial, no draft track or Digger and nothing takes them away from the racing except an incident.
Cheever and Goodyear are focused and clearly do not have favorites or an agenda.
Finally, there is no script!
Have to think eventually there'll be advancements in technology where they'll be able to insert the local affiliate breaks into side-by-side.
They gain spots on pit road, just like NASCAR.
In case anyone forgot:
I know she's their meal ticket, but I feel the same way about all the Jr. coverage during Nascar races.
@ NanS, same thing with SDDD.
Mike...never happy?
1 local "full commercial" break an hour isnt bad considering the alternative. Especially if its placed under caution then theres nothing lost at all
Bevo, I guess you can ride on a tractor with AJ - as long as you know how to swim!!!!
Hey, no split screen while interviewing Rahal.
I'm really enjoying this broadcast. The pre-race show was very well put together (it was an hour, but this IS the Indy 500).
I like ABC's move to add Eddie Cheever to the booth with Marty and Scott. The three seem to have good chemistry, in particular Eddie and Scott. They almost remind me of Kyle Petty and Wally Dallenbach on TNT's NASCAR coverage--two former drivers who sound like two "regular" guys calling the race as they see it, only they're on national television.
Marty Reid is just a great announcer. I love the energy he gives off as the play-by-play, and is basically an anti-Jerry Punch.
Love the camera angles, and no Digger BS. Not to mention the Side-by-Side which is something NASCAR needs in the future.
Have they even mentioned how well Matos is doing?
That was great coverage of that story from start to finish.
i have a question: why are there people standing inside that inner wall between pit road and the track? seems to me that wouldn't be a safe place to be?
Well, I must be magic, now they are talking up Matos.
Nan, i dub thee with: The Gift.
@red - I think the original purpose of those guys in between the walls was for communication with pit boards, but with radios and telemetry, there is no need for them to be there anymore.
I wasn't complaining
There are some classic AJ stories. My favorite is how back in his heyday, he was driving across the city from a function. He had the very well endowed Linda Vaughn with him and they were stopped for speeding. How he bribed the cop to get out of the ticket is one for the ages.
Frank in Sebring,
Just giving ya a hard time Mike.
The pace is FAST today
@martin vincent: thanks for the background. it just seems to be flirting with all sorts of disaster to be standing inside that tiny, compact space with nowhere to run if a car loses control right there . . .
seeing the cable cam really makes me miss the FOX version (it was on steroids compared to this) @ JD. Do you know why FOX stopped using their DLP robo cam? I always thought that was a cool angle and was usually productive unlike a certain fuzzy critter we all loath now.
hey? are we actually getting a top-10 or so right now? interesting; it CAN be done after all!
Nan, I already got some email from ESPN because I messed up the Nicole fiance thing.
We know they are reading, so maybe you are producing!
Bri..dollars...it's a rental!
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