Perhaps the biggest challenge on the TNT schedule is the road course in Sonoma, CA. This race has resulted in some memorable moments for the TV network. This Sunday, the challenge comes around again.
So far, TNT has been nothing short of a breath of fresh air between the rather tired formula of Fox and the formality of ESPN. Marc Fein is reporting that it is rather windy down on the outdoor TNT infield stage for the one hour pre-race show.
Fein will be joined at 3:30PM ET by Kyle Petty and Larry McReynolds for NASCAR on TNT Live. This week, the Pride of NASCAR feature is on Dan Gurney. TNT has also put together a Father's Day feature on David Ragan and his dad. The on-set guest will be the one and only Kyle Busch.
At 4:30PM the TV coverage shifts upstairs to the TNT booth with Bill Weber and Wally Dallenbach for the Countdown to Green show. Weber has been doing a good job of running Dallenbach through the stories of the race at a fast pace. This show also features the new Wally's World, where Dallenbach is superimposed over footage of the track to explain the layout to viewers.
Petty then joins that duo to call the race. Down on pit road will be Marty Snider, Matt Yocum, Ralph Sheheen and Lindsay Czarniak. This group will have their work cut out for them with the reverse side pit stops on this road course. As viewers may remember, the pit stop strategy is also very different from ovals.
TNT should have a very different race on its hands with the new restart rules. Turn 2 should be an action corner and the dynamic of the race as a whole may be changed radically. Look for Director Mike Wells to keep the cameras wide and hunt for the racing on this road course wherever it happens.
RaceBuddy will also play a good role with four additional camera angles available to broadband computer users free of charge. There will also be a designated pit reporter just for the online coverage and all the other RaceBuddy features.
Petty and Fein have also been using Twitter during the race to communicate directly with the fans. Fein spent Saturday asking users for questions for various drivers who are being considered as pre-race guests. Petty offers exclusive pictures, comments and answers questions during the race. TDP is TheDalyPlanet on Twitter.
This post will serve to host your comments about the TNT coverage from Sonoma. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
We appreciate you stopping by this weekend to share your opinions with us.
1 – 200 of 303 Newer› Newest»Happy Father's Day.
DFR should be interesting today.
Good afternoon everyone!
I just finished listening to a BORE of an IndyCar race... time for long pre-race and the race itself.
Happy Father's Day to all the TDP Dads :)
YAYAYAYAYAYA Trackgirl and Kyle :)
Can't wait :)
Hello all.
IRL was pitiful with so many crashes and Tony K was grateful not to hit on side with cracked ribs. Though drivers ALL disappointed to wreck, gracious in interviews.
Kyle Busch might wanna watch how to learn grace in tough times. But I doubt it. He has NARCISSITIC personality disorder.
Watching TNT now and taping F1 but have the second tv on Mute. :) Earlier had on US OPEN against IRL race.
TOO MUCH STUFF on today. :)
That IRL race was rough.
Happy Fathers Day to all.
Usually don't like road courses, but the new DFR rule may make it more fun to watch. We'll see, it can't hurt, can it?
Nice piece on Dan Gurney.
JD - IRL race was tough to watch. And only 13 cars running at the end DP wasn't happy with her car at the end either. The interviewer was kind.
What a cutie Ford is.
What a difference from Chris Myers.
I'm looking forward to Kyle Busch with those guys.
JD, do you think they'll kiss up to him or what?
Ugh, this is the first time I've sat through the pre-race... boring!
Steve, Kyle on Kyle should be interesting.
Okay, that David and Ken Ragan segment made all that boredom worth it.
Funny and cute!
Great David Ragan story. I teared up. I lost my dad almost 18 yrs ago. Today is sad for me. Love and hug your dad today and everyday.
Nice personal touch stories today...
great pre race so far.
beats anything FOX has produced all season long
Nice Larry Mac tale too
Dot I lost my dad 19 years ago come August 8th. STILL miss him, too.
Kyle always sounds like he needs to clear his throat to me.
Turned the volume off for the Kyle Busch interview. Amazing how much that improved the quality for me.
I liked the Kyle interview. Would love to see him run some laps in an F1 car
Weed must have left his ego at the bottom of the rig.
From the sound, the wind must really be blowing out there.
I'd say something but I was taught, by my dad, if it's not good, don't say it! lol
@ Steve L, :)
I wish I could tell racebuddy that I am 42 and their army commercials every 3rd click are a waste of bandwidth.
ROTFL@Dot ---
Had to change my shirt, I spilled my tea.
I am soo upset right now. All of the Turner networks on my cable boxes have frozen. I hope the cable company in my area can fix it.
nope didn't fix it ....
Charter and TNT SUCK!!!!
@ TRL, Send me the cleaning bill. I'll gladly pay it.
Here is a quiz: The person in the pic above is a TDP reader and frequent poster. Maybe she will stop by today althought I do think she is at the race.
Fly behind wally - wheres obama when you need him?
On racebuddy - I wish they would just focus on the driver intros and give us sound - we never get to see these except for the all star race
I'd just like to take a moment away from discussing today's coverage to give kudos to this on-site TNT NASCAR crew. It sure was great to read on Jayski that last week's Michigan race was the first Cup broadcast of the year that didn't have a ratings decrease from a year ago and was also the first to have an increase in viewership.
It would seem to me that it didn't take long for word of the return of good TV coverage to spread and for those viewers that Fox turned away to come back. I sure hope Hill took time to notice.
The efforts of you on-site NASCAR on TNT guys and gals has certainly been greatly appreciated by this fan, and based on the ratings your great work certainly hasn't gone unnoticed by the rest of the nation either.
Now if we can just get the Turner program director(s) in Atlanta to follow their lead and stop slapping down the captive NASCAR-fan-only audience by replacing extended post-race coverage with "bonus" non-NASCAR filler when a race ends earlier than expected....
@Dot--yes I *love* Ford Martin! He's great. I'm glad he said that he was taking over Marty's job and leaving my Yumyum's job alone :p.
He has that natural camera presence. A few years back when his Dad was still Kevin's CC and they had the Goodwrench sponsorship after they did their Bristol Anthem they interviewed him. And he was a natural and better than many adults. He even remembered to remind everyone to cheer for his Dad and Kevin :).
Yumyum and others have given him opportunities to hone his skills :). I do hope to see him in a few years when he can be "official"
@JD--I can't figure out how to Twitter with RaceBuddy. I clicked on the Twitter thingie and it says I'm logged in but I don't understand how to chat. Do you know :(
Bravo, stricklinfan --- well said.
Like the Racebuddy closeup of the Koala bear on Ambrose's car.
Lot of this TNT stuff is taped - I saw them interviewing ambrose 20 mins ago on racebuddy
I second your bravo to STLFAN!
I Tweeted to Kyle P to ask why they LEAVE AIR EARLY!! not heard reply. that was this afternoon
That Sunoco commercial has always bothered me --- it goes national, yet you cannot buy Sunoco fuel nationally.
Anybody heard the temp in Sonoma? about 90 here and muggy...but not as muggy as IRL race...not as hot but dewpoint was 72. OPPRESSIVE.
Just heard on RB Patrick Carpentier speaking of difficulty seeing in the 55 seat for (very tall) Waltrips car...they made some adjustments:)
You mean they didn't put a new seat in the NAPA car?
Its not like Carpantier is a relief driver!
That was fun - went full screen on race buddy and got stuck in a new window with no close controls. Had to totally shut down IE to get out.
Not sure..I just caught the last part of the interview where Patrick said he had trouble seeing over the steering wheel?!
Incredible stunt helicopter on RB. I didn't know they could that.
My sister is in N Calif and she said it's not too hot there today. I was able to attend 2005 race and it was hot that day and had trouble finding my way around. Much prefer ovals.
@BillH--I have PeTA on Speeddial...I'm sending them to your house :p. j/k I don't like PeTA but that's for chatting elsewhere
That's kewl...I don't think I've ever seen a helicopter do looptie loos and such
Jd would that be track girl since she lives out that way?
just my guess.
guys, u might not wanna hear this but im hoping for NO cautions, need this race to run as fast as possible because i start work at 4:30...average race runtime, 2:57, green flag till start of work shift, 2:25.
self interest here.
Dot, those are the Red Bull helicopters that follow Vickers and Scott Speed around.
Bill H I think if you click on the screen it'll close the full screen.
Tony mentioned the helicopter too!
@Vicky D--yes I was there in 2K3 and it was HOT! There are so many hills where you have to workout before you go in order to survive all that climbing. I was in Turn 2 when I went :)
With all the road course ringers and with Scott Speed jumping into Nemechek's #87, that leaves us pretty close to a full field.
Does anyone know if the James Finch car Fellows is driving this week is an up-to-date Hendrick Chevrolet or one of the spare parts cars?
@ David, if the caution's for Weed, will that be OK?
@ Strick, good post. Sorry for delay. I'm acting like I'm doing TV.
Bill H
Hit the ESCAPE key (Esc) to get out of the full screen mode. They do that so when full screen no junk on screen.
Esc should be upper left hand corner of tv if you dont use it much.
I've never seen a helicopter go upside down and not crash.
I would have had a name change - just me
911 - whats your emergency?
68 degrees per RB comment.
Full stands, wow.
GOOD Anthem and flyover camera work! yay
They must have a long extension cord for that pace car to get around this track
Gymmie we were watching from one of the tents high up so we only got to see a little smidgen of the track but enjoyed all the food and drinks. Lots of traffic getting out and got to my niece's late in Santa Rosa.
TNT set the stage once again for a good race. Hope the action matches the TV coverage.
So, how many cars go spinning at the top of turn 2?
@VickyD--it scared me at first when it was going nose down...I'm like "please don't be crashing" and then it went into the looptie loos
Ah yes, "the man who pits last, first"
Lots of work for Larry Mac ahead this afternoon explaining the road course pit strategy, even people who watch this race and Watkins Glen every year are liable to forget it.
Yep, that's Track Girl. Picture looks like her on her profile.
Nice to see they practiced the command! :) in unison.
You guys are good, it's TrackGirl.
Bill H
I meant upper left corner of keyboard..not tv.
brain on overload.
Reading the race buddy 'chat' is entertaining. There was a post that they hated TNT and wished fox was back.
Hmmm you are on RACEBUDDY provided by TNT wishing Fox was back. The amount of win in that statement somes up alot.
anon @ 5:00,
I would guess the 66 and maybe the 71 are the only start-and-parks in the field. Didn't see a sponsor on the 66 and the 71 team did plan on racing for real but had to borrow the #1's backup car after the practice crash, so that might turn into another start-and-park deal like the 26-81 deal in last week's Kentucky Nationwide race.
If James Finch doesn't let Fellows run that car all day long that will be a huge disappointment.
Dot, im a Kyle Busch fan....so No. lol
strick, the 71 is racing, that was stated 2 weeks ago. They have a sponsor and got to get all they can since gilliland gets around this place good
@stricklin fan, I'll be really disappointed if they try to start and park with Fellows, that would be a crime.
@ David, no offense. :)
Michael Waltrip comment on Twitter:
"tv people dont always get it. the only way fuel milage becomes a factor is if the caution comes out during the round of last pit stops.'
Got to love it...
Its cool Dot.
Fellows is running all day in that #09-Chevro-Dodge
What position is Marcos actually starting? 42nd is my guess.
JD, heard Mikey decided not to go to Sonoma and went home after the GN (NW) race yesterday
What he circled is not turn 1, but turn 2.
As I said in my post I know the 71 originally planned on racing but usually when a team without a backup car crashes and borrows someone else's, part of the deal is not to risk the car by running all day, like we saw with Brian Keselowski when they borrowed the 81's backup car and ran a few laps for the points last week at Kentucky. I do hope I'm wrong about that though, I'd like to see them run all day.
@ David, true.
Apparently JDs not reading my posts I said the answer in my first post at 3:37 :p
@Vicky D--I liked where I was got to see a good portion of the track. And when they'd come up that hill...that was awesome! I even saw the synchronized spinning. One of the guys sitting next to me pointed to something that way and I looked and a second later they synchronized spinning took place. Other than the hill climbing I really like it there :).
Yep, couple of guys watching on TV today. MW is one of them.
Michael isn't EXACTLY right there . . .
On a road course, it is possible that a car can stop under green when the final fuel window opens and then be ahead of the cars that stop under yellow. Sometimes this stop seems wildly early. I still remember Geoffrey Bodine at the Glen years ago.
However, it is also possible that the new tires the first car stopping gets allows him to make up time on the pit out lap, though that is more common in Formula One where they never have "safety car" appearances.
Stricklin, I believe the 71 had a backup, but it was a short track car which was why DEI offered up one of theirs...
Had they planned to S&P i imagine they would have pulled out their own backup.
Just what I had heard, hope they run the whole race.
I think Ash will run 10-20 laps...dunno what to expect from them
Gymmie, I saw ya, I was just waiting for some more guesses.
Remember back when TNT tried to talk to Kyle in Sonoma and he was leading a team prayer?
They have come a long way...
come on guys, where is Marcos?
MA 33rd.
Ask and you shall receive. LOL
You know they are searching for the racing, but everything is single file.
Blaney and Jones didnt even knock the new off the tires today
Yes Kyle, but now 20th will be 10th on restarts! Can't wait to see what happens.
Question about Speed in Joe's car. Who gets the points, driver or owner?
Not only single file, but spread out and hard to see everything.
Well, both
Speed gets drivers points because he started the car
But Nemco, not Red Bull, gets owner's points
Both. Speed is scoring owners points for the #87 which Nemecheck owns. However speed is scoring his own drivers points since he took the green flag
Speed gets the driver points.
Joe gets the owner points.
@ Anon, thanks. What good will it do for Red Bull when OPs are used in the future?
M. Waltrip is really twittering a lot. Wish he's join us here.
it gets speed seat time, and seat time is everything.
Yes this is what many of us feel...from Twitter
AustinPettyWatching the race from jimmy johnsons pit sad KP not running doesn't feel right. Happy fathers day though
dont look now but McMurray and Logano are working up through the field. That 26 is no road course slouch
I really hope JPM doesn't points race. What fun is that?
Red Bull gets no benefit other than experience for the driver. And, I suppose the 87 is covered in their logos now too?
Allmendinger taking no prisoners lit em up in 11
Mikey's tweeting from bed, lol.
Go Marcos.
They said yesterday Joe gets a ton of stuff from Red Bull for his own team and this was a payback.
JD I had heard Red Bull brought a 3rd car and was preparing it for Nemecheck because they had a feeling Speed would DNQ
It was Joe's car from Nemko
Normally, I'm not much of a fan on in-car, but I love watching Boris's feet. LOL
No caution, no caution, no caution.
Dot...for Marcos, caution is a good thing...he passes some 20 cars without passing them
Well, good coverage so far. Ambrose with a big gamble. How is RaceBuddy?
Is Boris and the 08 bunch running a Roush-Yates Ford again?
Unfortunately, live leaderboard didn't launch so I'm a little lost - plus multitasking - getting dinner too.
RB is solid, audio matches incar. However voting for who you want next seems to be messed up as only harvick and bowyer have votes in the results, even though i voted for tony twice..
What the?????
@JD--ah I see :D glad I'm not being ignored <3
vicky, refresh. n.com has always been that way with the leaderboard. it has to be refreshed after the green falls the first time
RB battle cam having a tough time. No leaderboard for me either.
@ David, I always get confused when drivers pit during green. Seems like they go a lap down, or not. Thanks for the info.
Your guy out front. Told Dan that Vickers was burning himself up.
David, thanks for that. Leaderboard on for me now.
Did anyone else go back to race for 5 secs and then back to comml? That's what my "what the??" was about.
I want to see a restart, come on caution!
Why no garage coverage when two cars leave...does NASCAR "frown" on letting the casual fan know that teams aren't there to win?
After refreshing, leaderboard up and running. Trying to watch RB but have other stuff to do too. Broadcast guys doing a good job so far.
I guess you did not see the truck and Nationwide races yesterday!
Two is a tiny number and that has been an issue all season long.
Well, if there's "intense racing" all over the track --
So Ambrose is 39th, we'll see where he is after the pitting during caution of the other cars.
Wasn't there a disqualification at that hairpin turn once upon a time where the tires are bundled these days?
Cue for TNT to hunt the old ESPN archives . . .
Dot, everything you think would normally make sense on an oval, is the opposite on a RC. pitting under yellow is bad, green is good.
Marcos should be top 5 after stops if he stays out. the tire falloff will be interesting though
Anonymous said...
Wasn't there a disqualification at that hairpin turn once upon a time where the tires are bundled these days?
Didn't it involve Davey Allison?
I love RC pit strategy
Thanks David.
Yeah, Davey and Ricky Rudd in 1991, just found the tape.
Was Larry Mac the crew chief that year?
So, why isn't Marcos first?
Dot...watch for Marcos to pit in cycle with the 18 and 83
Remember when they used to put a clock on pit stops? No more...
top 8 or so stayed out...they will come in a couple laps after the green i think
Yes, Larry was the CC.
@ JD, a lot of drivers stayed out.
There will 2 completely different pit sequences in this game when Vickers, Kyle Busch, Marcos, etc stop.
Not all leaders came in. So Marcos wouldn't be 1st.
no one answered my question before but got it...had to refresh to be able to tweet w/RB :)
Love the 18 paint scheme.
Got it! Thanks.
Gonna be fun here shortly.
One thought just hit me: We have not heard the word Earnhardt said once have we?
after friday, gotta say that 88 is ALOT better than i expected from them.
No, JD, we haven't. LOL
read my mind jd
@ JD, is Jr in the race? :)
Who is the 08??? I missed the name.
I just heard "Earnhardt" mentioned :) I'd read it on Twitter but not sure about tv.
gets confusing what I hear where anymore. :)
sophia, boris is in the 08
Actually, Jr is probably more than happy to not be talked about. LOL
Poor Boris that could ruin his day.
HA! Called 55 MW before correcting themselves and Weber said he thought he might do it and thanked W for getting him off the hook.
Nice replay of 55 into tires with rear bumper!
THIS is a tough track to follow with cameras...but still having fun.
Unlike last night. . Z Z zzzz
sophia, thats a front bumper cam. the 33, 47 and i think another driver or two have them
tony made up alot getting to pit road, kyle lost a bit to JJ
did TNT report the 48 got busted speeding?
David, yes they did
David, yes.
I did not realize those gears were so low. I'm learning without being made to feel stupid (like the other network).
Thanks..I meant it was a nice camera side view of the rear bumper backing into the painted tires. not a bumper cam per se. Nervous hearing there is yet ANOTHER new cam added to cars unless it's just for this race.
thanks for the 08 answer, too. Boris. got it.
Yes TNT mentioned JJ busted for speeding a few minutes ago.
ok guess i missed it.
The Irony of RB is we only have it for the best CAMERA DIRECTOR's race broadcast.
We need THIS VERSION OF RB for bspn
Daly Planet Editor
I don't think that you can just say two cars in the garage & not explain to the viewership why Dave Blaney & PJ Jones are ou of the race---Would Parnelli start & park---I don't think so----
MA pitted.
Ok my friends, enjoy the rest of the show, have to go to work. will be on the radio until 4:20ish pacific, gonna miss the last 30 or so laps which sucks. Go Shrubby!! maybe if he loses we'll get a gracious post race =p
Watch out for that 11 and 26 though.
anon, we agree. 11 of the 33 trucks in a recent race parked and the TV announcers never mentioned it.
I got in all kinds of hot water for making an issue out of it.
But, reality is reality.
see ya David!
TNT won't let David Gilliland live that slamming into Andretti down. Poor guy.
Stinks to have to work on Fathers Day!
Hamlins becoming the new Robby Gordon. He's hit just about everyone on the track now........
"and you see some of the other guys" what kind of commentary is that?
Daly Planet:
Thanks for that--with all the great coverage we get & awesome storylines-----when two great drivers like Dave Blaney & the son of a legend (PJ) go out of the race and there is no interview--reminds me of WWF paid losers....
or as Hulk Hogan calls them jobbers-- There should be a penalty fee that is managed by CUP---if you pull off the track & no mechanical & driver issue is involved you forfeit the monies paid by that place...
Who was the LD?
Good TV coverage = no comments!
And of course, my favorite goes around. Darn.
i guess somehow that will be a crewmans fault for not adjusting the brakes properly.
Looks like it JD! I finally took some boxes out to the trash that had been collecting from my various internet orders and expected a ton of new comments :)
You're right JD!
awesome camera shots on race buddy of damage to shrub
Nice to relax and watch a race...at last.
I hope the 'Punch Bunch' is watching this race! LEARN
@ Steve L, ditto.
@ Steve L ---
I second that motion.
PAY ATTENTION BS-PN. This is how you show a race.
Those cars are looking like short track cars. Beat up!
It's amazing, isn't it, JD? How few comments a good telecast will generate.
And a road course at that.
i am not a fan of the road courses for nascar in general but this is one of if not the best road course race i have seen in a long time.
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