The Camping World Truck Series is first-up on this tripleheader NASCAR weekend. Friday night at 8:30PM ET, Krista Voda leads her TV team on the air with SPEED's very popular coverage from the Texas Motor Speedway.
The CWTS is splitting the bill this weekend with the IRL Series. High-profile driver Danica Patrick is face-to-face with NASCAR in the same TMS infield. She might not like what she sees.
The CWTS total field is 33 trucks. That includes stellar entries like John Jackson and Mario Gosselin driving the James Carter Attorney At Law Chevrolets. Names like Ryan Hackett, Nick Tucker and Ryan Matthews are filling-out the field at this high-speed track. The real truck count is more like 25.
Luckily, a stand-alone weekend like this will go by quickly if the action at the front of the pack is good enough for the TV cameras. The trucks staggered through an embarrassing race at Dover that featured tire failures throughout the field. While no one was hurt, that event clearly took the wind out of the sails of this series.
This weekend there is no Kyle Busch in the field. No Ryan Newman, Kevin Harvick or any other current Sprint Cup Series drivers. Youngsters like Colin Braun and Brian Ickler can set their sights on beating the true truck series veterans like Ron Hornaday Jr. and Johnny Benson. High-profile drivers like motorcycle legend Ricky Carmichael and former Cup driver Aric Almirola can finally try to capture some glory and get some TV time.
Also absent from the telecast will be SPEED's Michael Waltrip. It will fall to Rick Allen and Phil Parsons to inject some life into this series without the Sprint Cup drivers and without a big NASCAR audience at the track. On the Dover telecast, Waltrip talked overtop of Parsons continually and nice guy Allen simply could not reign him in. It did not make for very good TV.
That leaves a lot of opportunity on the table for both the teams and the TV crew. Good racing like fans know the trucks can provide mixed with the kind of exciting "old school" TV coverage that put SPEED on the map could be just the prescription for getting things back in order for the long run to November.
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Truck racing and a certain Roush driver on QVC...
...Gonna be one AWESOME Friday night!
Got the credit card ready there hot?
So, I guess that Michael couldn't find a ride to and from Texas to Pocono??? If that is the case, then I am a Michael fan that will be sad that he won't be there but will probably still watch.
At last a true CWTS race without big guys overshadowing the regulars.
I know Ickler is driving. Who's in the other Ballew (sp?) truck? This would be the perfect opportunity for Danica to get behind the wheel. She'd make the race. Why didn't Gossage work on this? Would've filled the stands.
@ Amy, too bad Kyle wasn't heading west, Mikey could've sat on Rut's lap, lol. Ken Schrader would've been a good booth addition. Is he running/boothing the ARCA race?
No cup drivers in the race and no MW in the broadcast booth. It sounds like the perfect race to me. If only they could all be this way.
@hotaru--I wonder who that is *giggle*
@JD--QVC is dangerous! I really only watch their FRFO stuff but if one of my workout instructors are on I might check it out. I already have the workouts so there's no temptation there. But just to check out the presentation. But one gal who use to be with the FIRM is branching out on her own had her new series on there a few months back so that's the first exception. Then I also ended up buying a steam mop thingie...like it's my fault Rick's cute :p. I told you it's dangerous.
But I love Dan! He's a great guy! I've emailed with him from time to time. I love when Smoke is on, they have so much fun!
@Amy--I know I'll miss Mikey too :(.
@Dot--you should have emailed Mr. Gossage! I bet he would have tried to put something together!
This should be one of the best truck races this year, at least from the commentary side. Rick and Phil do a great job by themselves. Waltrip, like his brother, ruins the Truck Series commentary. So no Mikey, I'm happy. The race coverage is already better.
WOW, CWTS Drivers only and no Waltrip no Kyle Busch Lovefest!!!! Finally a race that will be fun to watch, now if we could just get a Nationwide race like this life would truely be good!!!
I agree that this should be the
best of "what racin' should be". No Cup regulars or MW. I hope the field doesn't get spread out. This would be a great place for Ricky Craven to start a booth career.
A race without a Waltrip is like a day WITH sunshine.
Dot, Aric Almirola is in the other Ballew truck (the 15.) Still some diversity there, but I think Danica needs to focus on her current ride (although the attention would have been awesome, lol.) The 'Truckseries' site is the only place to go with NASCAR.com being such a mess. Stuff is easy to find; those people have their act together.
The great thing about the truck race tonight --- NO WEATHER worries.
It is going to be beautiful today/tonight.
@ glenc1, thanks. I didn't know who was driving what tonight.
I caught the end of NN last night. They showed the truck series racing @ TX on SPEED, but no mention of the CUP race on Sunday. At least they're consistent.
I'm gonna miss Mikey.
I enjoy his enthusiasm.
Hooray a truck race without Mikey in the booth AND without Cup drivers in the field. Good, one that I can really enjoy. I'll be watching.
JD- Nope. I got no money, just want to see you-know-who!
Johnny Sauter on pole
It should be very refreshing to see a stand-alone Truck race. Maybe just maybe we can get rain in Nashville tomorrow and have a 'real' Nationwide race on Sunday too.
While the Truck race should be a great show the thing I'm looking forward to most on Speed this weekend is Tradin' Paint. With these major rules changes I just can't wait to hear the uncensored thoughts of Kyle Petty and an unbiased member of the media, maybe a Jenna Fryer or Bob Pockrass. THAT should be outstanding TV.
Wait a minute.... are you telling me that Speed is still dumping that show and using all of Kyle's Speed air-time to play a game with Rutledge and a couple random fans.... WOW, major opportunity lost there.
since my comments seem to get deleted. i will just say i agree with ken at 813 am.
Well that's too bad. I only enjoy the truck races if Mikey is in the booth. Oh well, guess I'll make other plans for tonight.
No Cup guys in the race tonight? FINALLY.
Now if they could only do this for NW (I know they say it affects attendance if no Cup drivers)
but tired of the big guns hogging the spotlight.
Glad it's a weed free race though. :)
I am personally looking forward to no Waltrip of any kind because they do not add at all tot he racing and no Cup regulars. I ahve always felt that this was the best series of racing and it's even better when the real truck series regulars are in place here and am looking forward to a great race from a great track tonight.
I think Allen Parsons project can go it alone without Mikey for one race. Rick is always enthusiastic and Phil does his best in the booth. I wish hubby and I could have driven up for the race but we'll go another time. Really nice weather here today should be a great race. Happy birthday to son today too!
Unfortunately because of no Cup drivers- there has been no coverage! Why not tape it so you can play the practices and qualifying during the CUP Rainouts! The Truck series has gone to heck.
Its just sad.
Does anyone find it funny that NASCARs been taking a beating in the media with fans on the Mayfield and Carl Long Stories so they throw the fans a bone? (Double file restarts)
@glenc1 - Unusual for them, but TruckSeries.com didn't have live qualifying on their site Thursday night.
They also don't have photos anymore and the information (entry lists, news) doesn't seem to appear as quickly as it used to. I don't think they can afford to have staff at the track anymore now that they don't have a presenting sponsor.
You can always check my site for entry lists and other information. Click on my name above for a peek at it.
@Vicky--Happy Birthday to your son! Yes the Allen Parsons project will do great! Just will miss Mikey :(
I just saw this tweet from TMS:
Re: how many expected tonight
I don't know, I think we expect somewhere between 40,000-50,000 based on previous years. But we'll see!
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