TDP established a working relationship with the NASCAR Media Relations staff when this project was started back in 2007. Since then, some things have changed.
Many traditional newspapers and news organizations were forced to leave NASCAR behind as they consolidated due to tough economic times. Veteran reporters were let go and the NASCAR media scene changed for both the fans and the teams.
Now, the remaining members of the traditional traveling media are working in a very different way. They provide original content that is then moved around the Internet with lightning speed. Many reporters actually use Twitter to update fans during the live race and then write a full story after the checkered flag.
This changing media dynamic is not limited to NASCAR. Websites like Deadspin, The Big Lead and the AOL Fanhouse have changed the way many fans enjoy their favorite pastime. They represent the blogging side of sports on the Internet.
NASCAR has now made the first move to deal directly with bloggers in a new program that gives more access to information for some select websites. Click here for the story posted at NASCAR.com about the "citizen journalist" announcement.
As you may have noticed, TDP is on the list. What this program essentially does is reach out and grant more access to information for the bloggers. It grants access to the NASCAR media website that requires a password to get official photos, news and updates. In addition, it removes the roadblock of not allowing bloggers to get credentials to press conferences and the infield media centers.
This does not mean for one minute that a bunch of fans are going to show up and eat free pizza in the media center while pretending to type on their laptops. NASCAR went through a lot of websites and tried to pick an interesting cross-section. At most, this is the first movement of a very large and tightly controlled glacier with NASCAR stamped on it. The media ice may be thawing just a bit.
To most fans, the website list features a lot of familiar names. Some of these great sites have been plugging away at this sometimes touchy sport for years without any access to official information or press conferences. NASCAR gets a lot of credit for opening up and trying to address the shifting media dynamic.
My friends over at The NASCAR Insiders asked why no stories had appeared on the web about this new media wrinkle. My feeling is that it will take some time for this to shake-out in terms of building new relationships between bloggers, NASCAR officials and the mainstream working media.
We will certainly keep our readers posted on what is going on and how things change as this new initiative moves forward. I am a regular reader of almost all the sites on the list and think that NASCAR did a good job in this selection process.
As usual, we welcome your comments and questions on this topic. Responses to questions will just be posted right in the comments section. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by.
Well, I know at least one blogger (bump-drafts) that didn't even know he was in it, that is until I told him. So maybe that was one reason why the bloggers that were in it didn't know about it. Maybe he was the only one or something.
Anyway, congrats!
The info was just released today. There is no automatic notification system. It's just email like everything else.
You never know where these things might lead, so it should be fun to watch.
Congrats John!! Well deserved. It will be fun to see how it plays out since we will have an "insider" to the whole process.
Should be interesting.
Congrats JD! It will be fun to see how this works with NASCAR.
I remember last month when this was first mentioned. I think it will be interesting to see how this works out with those on the list. Sent you an email about this.
I have an advantage, because I was already getting TV information from the NASCAR media top secret website.
Hopefully, this will just give some of the other sites more info to help with their stories and columns.
It's a good idea and a great start for some more change.
My congrats to you too JD.
I read a lot of those sites. It seems that they picked the best of the best.
However, TDP is the best IMO.
Congrats, JD! Now that you're one of the cool kids, I hope you don't desert us. :-)
This is wonderful for you, JD and well deserved. Finally, Nascar is waking up and recognizing that the internet is where it's at regarding news and information.
Even after this big promotion, it's amazing that the pay is exactly the same....hmmm....
Isn't our undying gratitude and affection worth more than the hollow trinkets pots of money could bring, JD?
Think about it, if you didn't provide this forum you could have a life, become a man of leisure, and loll around the house all day.
Sheesh, you want that instead of dealing with NASCAR brass, trolls and obstreperous broadcasters? For shame, JD, for shame.
Congratulations JD!
@Dot--yes several of the sites have been my favs for a long time as well! Look forward to seeing how this helps them as well :)
Let me add my compliments to all the others and say that even if you already had most of this wired, and even if NASCAR's acknowledgement of bloggers gives you validation, I and many others out here know that you didn't need NASCAR's validation to know you were making a mark.
TDP has become one of my favorite sites for ANY reason, not just NASCAR. Your even-handed but strong stewardship of this NASCAR media forum makes it a pretty special place to spend time.
Thanks for being there.
First, congratulations!
What I would hope this means is that NASCAR is starting to finally see there is a value in honesty and openess. Perhaps recent events have shown that opening up can benefit them as well as the sport of auto racing.
Maybe if things move along that track long enough we'll see an end to generic (actions detrimental to stock car racing) rules.
Like NASCAR, I'm 60 years old and I will vouch for the fact that things have changed......lol......Perhaps NASCAR is starting to finally see that as well.
Congratulations, JD.
As for the pay, I'll offer an Apricot Nectar Cake every once in a while. Maybe Sophia can come through with chocolate chip cookies. >:)
@kb, 1:22AM --- You owe me a new keyboard because my coffee just went everywhere. ROTFL You DO have a way with words.
JD you're #1 as far as I'm concerned - great stuff!
Not surprising that Monte Dutton, (NASCAR This Week.com), isn't on the list.
But, somewhat surprised that they let Matt McLaughlin in, (through Frontstretch.com). Guess they liked most of the other writers, and couldn't find a credible way to deny all of Frontstretch because of Matt.
I have been following Matt since the early 90s, and read almost everything he posts.
JD, I hope you will be able to keep us updated on how this is working out for you and the other "selectees".
love the headline, jd: "nascar discovers bloggers." were we lost?!? methinks we've been here a whole lot longer than nascar thinks or recognizes.
a well-earned recognition for you, jd, but nascar ain't telling the planeteers anything we didn't already know and respect. what's great is that the list might bring new folks here and that is "a very good thing."
and congrats to all the sites on the "approved list." i frequent many of those sites, some daily, and am pleased they're being recognized. i'll be clicking on the sites which i haven't spent much time with previously to see if i want to bookmark those as well.
to quote one of the greatest movies of all time: "this could be the start of a beautiful friendship."
ps are we blogging both races tonight, jd? i could use a break from "les mess mayfield" for a bit.
Wow this is exciting news. I know you work hard JD to keep this site focused & friendly.
And like Red said, can we blog tonite about a race? That other story needs to go away.
Congrats JD. You're the first
source of NA$CAR news for me. Just
remember we're going to "test" you for the Nascar Kool Aid.
PS: Any idea why Nationwide and
Camping World qualifying on at the
same time today ?
@ 50 yr fan
It's all NASCAR's fault for scheduling the qualifying that way. They are evil! And an empire!
You see, Kansas Speedway is an ISC-owned (read: NASCAR) track. Gateway is owned by Dover Motorsports (who own Dover, Memphis and Nashville). Obviously NASCAR has scheduled the racing events at the same time so they can mess over their competition.
NASCAR is evil! And an empire!
Hey folks, as usual we will be live blogging both the Truck and Nationwide Series races tonight.
Not suprised that Monte Dutton wasn't on the list? Why should he be? He won the NMPA Motorsport's Writer of the Year last year. He's got a hard card I'm pretty sure. He's a journalist.
Matt McLaughlin, on the other hand, I believe is a hobbyist. Just like most of the other groups on the list.
hobbyist, that's a new one.
You can put that on your business card, JD.
Congrats from me, also. I know how hard you work. My question is did you ask to be considered to be part of this deal or did they just pick you b/c you're so widely read and your site is the bomb?
Also, will you be attending the races now or doing this from sunny WPB?
Although the Nationwide Series and Camping World Truck Series qualifying sessions will be shown at the same time on TV, the Truck Series qualifying session is actually held at 3:30pm this afternoon. Unfortunately, there is no longer a source for live qualifying information for the Truck Series, so we'll all have to wait until the TV coverage comes on or look for the lineup when it is posted online.
Yeah, I am on NASCAR's pr list and have access to all of that already. But, another site I work for was notified a week or two ago and my friend wasn't. He was surprised.
I just wonder how sucessful its going to be. I think NASCAR really, really wanted mainstream media to pick it up but they certainly have not.
Congratulations. As a radio guy by day, I am always interested in your perspective on broadcast coverage of NASCAR.
By the way, I am that blogger Kyle alludes to in Comment #1- I did get notice of my inclusion on that list today.
Again- thanks for all the good work you do. I also enjoy the intelligent conversation here.
Congrats JD!! So glad you kept the blog open this year-look what you'd have missed!
Sure does seem to me that NASCAR validated its program by including TDP.
I am now very excited about being a NASCAR citizen hobbyist.
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