This is truly going to be a NASCAR telecast to watch from start to finish. A lot of things are going right for ESPN and the results could be one of the best Nationwide Series races in a very long time.
With Jerry Punch and the rest of ESPN's Sprint Cup Series broadcast team in Pocono, it will be Marty Reid, Randy LaJoie and Rusty Wallace handling the inaugural Nationwide Series race from Iowa Speedway. On pit road will be veterans Mike Massaro, Jack Arute and Rick DeBruhl.
For those who missed the earlier TDP posts about this event, extra grandstands have been brought in to expand the size of the sold-out crowd to slightly over 55 thousand. You read that right. 55 thousand fans on a Saturday afternoon for a Nationwide Series race.
Rusty Wallace connections are all over the place. He designed the track, is a part-owner and his two-car Nationwide team includes his son Steven. There should be little doubt that Steven's guys are going all out to see if he can win this event.
Marty Reid has been just what ESPN needs to get the Nationwide Series through the end of the season. His great sense of humor and ability to make things exciting really works well when he gets both Wallace and LaJoie fired-up.
Wallace has really gotten a new lease on life as the analyst on this team and does a completely different job than his earlier appearances in the analyst role with Punch on the Cup side. This should be a good challenge today for Wallace to balance all four roles as track developer, series owner, father and TV analyst.
Look for the ESPN team to keep it simple. No gizmos on the telecast, few recorded driver soundbites played-back during the action and a focus on the best racing on the track. This has all the potential to be a blast for the fans.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Nationwide Series telecast from Iowa on ESPN. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by.
1 – 200 of 296 Newer› Newest»loved the qualifying show. Surprisingly it was not pushed down our throats that Rusty designed the track. There were a couple direct question and answer periods about how he decided on a design and what tracks influenced his decisions. Over all it was entertaining for NW qualifying. I love Randy in the booth. He is not polished and refined which is perfect to me. Someone that just says what he sees and how he saw it without regard to who may get upset (Nascar included). Speak you mind, tell the truth and don't treat viewers like blind dopes. What a concept. Hope we get another broadcast like ORP gaves us.
Wow, look at the stands.
With only a couple of CUP guys in the race, it can't be because of them. So much for that argument. Thank you Iowa fans for supporting the NW race.
Yes, those fans showed up all of a sudden and took their seats and should enjoy a great race. Go ESPN.
Tim Brewer in Iowa and Pocono at the same time. He really is a magician.
Nice touch with the Jayski news and notes. About time ESPN welcomed that website in all the NASCAR shows. They own it!
JD, are you here? Word verif is still on.
Weather at the track -
Partly Cloudy, Temp. 75°, Feels like 75°, Humidity 57%, Wind NW 8 mph gusting to 16.
according to weather.com
Time to put the tape over the bottom ticker. I am watching the Buick open (golf) later today and I don't want to know the scores.
w/the crowd in iowa today, one has to wonder if perhaps the issue w/low attendance at n'wide races isn't so much the cars and drivers as the tracks and what THEY do to make fans feel welcome.
granted, it's the first one @ this track but man! iowa's full stands give lie to the disinterest in n'wide racing.
perhaps it's time to move n'wide and trucks to different racks who will actually work to make fans want to attend!
and a full 43-car field as well.
10-4. I'm on the same agenda.
Mr Editor -
What a treat ...Marty & Lajoie seem to bring out the best in analyst Rusty ...looking forward to a good broadcast
@JD--LOL! Tim is the magician...hehehehehe
so, with all those great engines coming to full sound, why cue the music and overwhelm the track sound?!?
seriously, we don't need to be amped up: we're already tuned in and committed to this broadcast.
hope that's a "one and off" decision . . .
@ red, good point. I'd like to know what they do. Maybe some other tracks could use their model.
ok, my weekly "rusty? his name is pronounced kez-low-ski" moment here. ya' kow, rusty: if he's the freakin' in-race reporter, you could at least get his name right.
Dot: Hey JD, could you turn the world veri off for this race?
JD: Sure, good idea.
Dot: Thanks JD.
Nice to see Rick DeBruhl outside of Arizona.
did I just hear there was a 'start-and-park'? no tires behind pit wall
I think the President of the track was smart. Put in around 50,000 permanant seats and bring in temps if you need then. No need putting 80000 seats and getting beat up for empty stands. I think it also helps that they kept the track under 1 mile.Typically speaking you don't have follow the leader parades at short tracks.
Walter, when you are in the stands you can see which pits have no crew or tires.
That is one reason I have been so hard on the S&P situation.
Wait until the truck race, could be 14 or 15 teams parking out of 33.
@ JD, sorry, I forgot my manners. Thank you.
hey, the 09 already wrecked. raise your hands if you're surprised.
(and yes, i know it wasn't the driver's fault: as rusty says "it wasn't the driver this time" but i'm still not surprised one bit that the first out is the 09.)
guess they can sell those tires to an S&P if they want to.
There was a big scramble this week because the Iowa Speedway actually has only 25 thousand permanent seats.
You can check the Wikipedia page. They built a lot of temp stands and had to provide all the services for them.
The probably have every single port-a-potty in the state.
red, they tell me Townley is loaded with cash. Anyone know his connection? Is it family money?
@brad and jd: and that's exactly what i mean about a track ownership wanting to do what's right for the fans. iowa is responding to demand in an intelligent, financially responsible manner and i say: good on 'em!
Red, Rusty has problems pronouncing Kenseth's name but then again, it's close to Kenneth I guess he thinks it's that!
Thanks JD. Just checked that out.
brad, if you go to google and click under the picture heading, they have some great aerials of the place. Nice layout.
how about Randy LaJoie calling them the "Rusty bumps?"
@ JD, I believe JWT's dad owns or is a big wig of Zaxby's.
@jd: in re: townley: my understanding is that it is family $$ but gimme a few and i'll track down where i read that. i know nascar insiders included him in a list of drivers who have bought their way into a seat versus racing thru the ranks and earning a spot.
I always wondered why Joey Clanton was ousted from the Zaxby's car and John Wes Townley put in. Joey didn't crash nearly as often as John. . . . . .
ding! ding! ding! dot is the winner: townley $$ is zaxby's $$.
Good info, thanks for that.
Shooting this small track waaaay too tight right now. We need wide early on, not tight.
anyone know if iowa has safer barrier along inside wall?
Coleman Pressley's debut is a "start and park"?... What a way to break into the sport for this 3rd generation driver!
Lajoie made another "cash for Clunkers joke ;)
that is a nice facility JD. "Rusty Bumps" and the "cash for clunkers" s&p reference. love Randy
what a refreshing sight ...a race call of a real race ...you're right JD ...where's the blimp ... Lajoie "Cash for Clunkers" the best line of the day
OOPS - Randy Lajoy gonna get in trouble for his Start & Park = Cash For Clunkers reference
OMG, Randy just made me laff out loud w/the S&P cash for clunkers remark!
"Start n park, is that NASCAR's version of cash for clunkers?"
LaJoie is priceless, that was very funny!
Don't know if the #05 and #87 are S&P, but so far we have #0, #49, #73, #91, #47, #90 and #07.
#81 and #09 are out due to accident damage.
Just went and checked Townley's 2009 stats:
20 races
4 DNQs
9 races finished (only 3 on lead lap)
6 wrecked out
1 throttle problem out
(does not include today's race)
Honestly, I thought his stats were worse than that. Seems like he's always crashing. His name should be John Wreck Townley.
I should have used the big Rusty afro pic for this column. Rusty has been around for a long time.
This race and last week's event really show just how Rusty is soo much better when he is managed by a TV pro like Marty.
What a difference from the races Rusty did with JP.
@JD, 5:00
You took the words right out of my mouth.
I keep yelling at the TV --- show me the race!
on the track keeping pit comments down ...trio of pros ...good to hear Jack Arute and Mike Massaro ...pleasantly surprised that Rick DeBruhl is on hand
ya know, i, for one, did not miss the go daddy commercials one little bit.
maybe they should switch to teh ones with keselowski and earnhardt jr.
Add #87 to the list of S&P, he's out too.
Cash for Clunkers is THE line of the year. LaJoie is #1
I agre JD. I think it's due to Marty being a professional play by play man and JP will always want to ask questions as a reporter.
hey, i didn't know casey atwood was racing today -- of course, "was" is now the operative word . . .
I think the CUP guys should always start in the back at NW races, regardless if they qualify the car or not.
We're getting Go Daddy'd to death. Why aren't they showing the NW theme?
Don't you just love Randy? I agree about Marty bringing out the best in Rusty.
the 05 that is one way to S&P
and there's part of my answer: only racetrack w/safer all the way around w/no concrete wall but what about the inner wall, rusty?
JD -
Am I that old, to remember when 'start-and-park' meant you ran your car until it couldn't run anymore?
I love Randy Lajoie. Comedy and solid information: great combination.
Marty is the consummate professional. He's awesome at directing the conversation.
I'm even enjoying Rusty's contributions. And now that I've said that, I'll have to kill you all.
Whoops, well that started out well.
Looks like the booth guys missed the contact with the #12 car initially... or just chose to ignore it
And why was Rusty talking about the SAFER barriers as if they were the first place to install this 'new technology'. That was kind of awkward
Good, tight shot of that pit road incident of Justin's.
I believe Rusty's reference was to using SAFER wall without concrete behind it
It's not the SAFER barrier that's new, it's the fact that there is NO concrete wall behind it.
Man, what a shame the Director is ruining this. All tight shots and missed every caution.
Gotcha - missed that part
This is the first place to NOT have to retrofit the softer walls. the outer barrier was designed with merely beams at intervals to support the foam behind the square tubing
@Phathead, Rusty ment he was the first one to install on medal and not concrete like other tracks
behind the infield walls at the turns...are those yellow painted tires stacked in rows? meant to look like corn cobs???
Oops -
I'll have to rely on MRN ...heavy rain knocking out DirecTV ...keep up the good blogging
This race is fantastic. The racing is good, the track is great, and the booth is stellar. I hope the A-Team is watching.
I think we all started our post at the same time
Daly Planet Editor said...
Man, what a shame the Director is ruining this. All tight shots and missed every caution.
i'm in complete agreement: there seems to be racing happening but we're stuck with these close shots.
when i rule the world, i will mandate that ALL in-car cameras be destroyed. there will be no exceptions.
@ kbaskins, yeah, they're watching so they can do the exact opposite.
And now for more Rusty.
I'll vote for that.
Show me race, BSPN! Please.
@gary: those yellow tires are what led to my question about the inner walls at iowa. are they meant to act as cushions in the evnt of an accident? like the tires at the entrance to many pit roads?
well, we've had go-daddy suggestive ads and now us fidelis. guess we all know who's next, don't we?
@ red, I want to live in your world.
It was interesting to see the pit selection show and hear how the teams talk to each other and ask who is going to run the whole race.
Do you think the big crowd might be due to the poor economy? That is, with people not wanting to travel far and take extended vacations, this might be the one big event for people within a two or three hour driving radius.
It's disturbing to see the U.S. Fidelis spots now that we know about them. Thanks, J.D.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
Rusty doing the race and now a Rusty ad on Tv for US Fidelis.
@red-like your idea about the in-car cameras!
why does SW-66 use same hair-do as Spencer? Role model revealed?
in typical espn fashion follow the directors script good bad or ugly. Show the race to us. I don't care how Harvick, Busch, or Edwards are doing in the teens and twentys show them if they are side by side other wise show the real action.
i'm not having such a great feeling about this race so far, gang: lots of non-race trivia, suspicious camera angles and now we're focusing on the cup racers instead of the n'wide guys. toss in those annoying "factoids" that take up 2/3 of the screen and i'm getting a very bad feeling about tonight . . .
and yet another commercial -- and it's a go daddy "enhanced" commercial. sigh.
JD -
you hit it on the nose ...HD cameras aren't matched by HD directing ...sad that poor execution takes away from the obvious excitement the crowd has brought to this race
BTW, since GoDaddy is the presenting sponsor you will probably see atleast 1 ad every commercial block.
Gary, I see what you're talking about. They sure look like tires in 3 and 4, although I can't tell if they're in 1 and 2. Maybe it's a public housing program for mosquitoes.
This started out so well. *sigh*
Now we're getting nothing but Kryle and Harvick coverage. Dang.
Walter, the pro directors have a sequence that they practice with the crew for green flag laps. That lets the camera guys know where they are supposed to go.
This crew is just all pointing at the front and then one "iso" (isolation) camera is on another battle.
He is alwo using the in-cars for no reason. Just because he has them.
This is an outstanding example of how bad directing can change a great race into a mediocre telecast.
Hopefully, things will change. Plenty of time left.
JD & Red
been on the phone a lot today with situations, but PUHLEASE, stop the tight camera shots. KILLING the vibe of all the races this season.
Truly it is. It's like watching qualifying instead of a race. :-)
I think I solved the question of the yellow tires. If you look closely at the pic of the track, it looks as if there is a small road course in the infield. Those tires could be moved to provide protection for the road racers.
And, I don't think I see any SAFER barrier on the inside walls.
I've been teasing the Charlotte guys that the speedway is going to be either the Go Daddy or the ExtenZe Motor Speedway next season.
Yes, I'll be very disappointed if they concentrate on Kyle & Carl & Kevin instead of the top NW drivers.
I don't know Sophia there was better camera work during qualifying.
And Rusty wants to talk up his track. He wants you to know it is more then just a single groove track and it has safer barriers.
Is this the same Director as last week?
brings to mind the famous BP quote, "an accident looking for a place to happen"
Gary ask,why does SW-66 use same hair-do as Spencer? Role model revealed?
Maybe they bought it at the same place.
Frank in Sebring
@trl: thanks, you have far better eyes than i. makes sense nowadays to have an inner track and that makes the tires functional as well as decorative.
Thanks, Marty ...calling the NW regulars moving up
Working on finding out who is directing, but ultimately it is up to the producer to change anything he does not like.
Just watch how often he calls for the cameras to zoom-in and how he often cuts to an in-car just as something is about to happen and we can't see it.
This is where I wish we all had MRN access.
TV ruining the race again due ONLY to directors cut and overkill of junk shots.
In car cams should be outlawed. And roof cams and bumper cams EXCEPT in replays.
Hold down the Ctrl button and roll scroll. That will make the pic larger or smaller depending on which way you scroll.
there's a perfect example: cars were just going 3 wide and we suddenly get an in-car shot.
it's good to know the crowd in the stands is seeing a great race -- just wish i was.
and here's the "let's check on the cup driver" moment w/ a recap of edwards' issues.
sigh -- again.
Walking the tail with Rusty Wallace...
Watch out, Marty ...you might be teaching JP a thing or two about conveying the excitement of a rac
Damn, just as we go to a battle, we get a roof cam!
@trl: copy that, thanks!
hey, what happened ...best wide shot of the day followed Marty's comment about the smell of burnt rubber following that spin ...there is an option today, JD
today is a perfect example of why I tell skeptical fans that tv is nothing like being there. It only takes 1 person in the truck noton their game to ruin a good race for tv audiences.
What's taking so long for them to get to the cars spinning?
don't worry Walter. JP is probably asking himself why Marty keeps talking.
Choice Folks:
GO Daddy commercials?
or "male" commercials.
Hate to say it, I pick Go Daddy.
Also anybody have some dramamine? I am queasy/and on verge of vertigo with the *&^$ camera work. #FAIL
Quick OT: Sarah & Todd Palin are divorcing.
Rona Barrett
now back to GF
Anybody missing RaceBuddy right about now? Battlecam?
JD @5:34
Thanks for the info. It helps to know who is disappointing us today.
Seems like Marty is looking out the window (like a pro would do) and not locked onto the in-booth screen
@jd: i miss racebuddy every fox and espn broadcast. i'm at the point where i'd even find a way to pay for it if it could happen all season (hear that, turner?)
p.s. course with GDaddy comemrcials, I can put on digital guide and minimze tv picture very small.
still the specificities of details in the others.
This is like CONSTANT IN CAR/Roof cam/races? Caws & Jaws needs to time WIDE SHOTS vs other useless camera shots.
Go Kez.
62 saved it and never hit anything. THEN a car hit him. SHEESH. Good job saving it for the most part!!
There you go. They showed more then 4 cars in a shot.
oh he was hit...sheesh.
the paint jobs are really showing up well on the camera today.
There, I said something positive. :)
tell ya what...Rusty called that one from the moment it happened.
anyone know what the 3 lane asphalt surface on grandstand side of the wall on the outside of pit road is for?
Just caught up on my Tivo. Camera stuff is just brutal. Luckily we have a severe thunderstorm rolling through so I might miss the rest of it :)
waiting to hear pit reporters ask 'Pops' Eury for comment about Keselowski ...years ago when asked about his driver (Junior in the AC/Delco 31 that day), he said simply, "that boy just knows how to drive" ...suprisingly, JD, they have gotten little or no comment from crew chiefs
I like 2 former drivers in the booth. Give good infromation.
Dear ESPN:
Quit with the close-ups already. We know you have some fine HD cameras, but this is not a photoshoot and the zoom and closeup shots are not appreciated. In fact, these shots run counter to what you guys need to do to document the race. Please! You guys realize it is not to late to climb in the car and go to the local short track and see the entire race there, right?
Help us out here, for crying out loud!
Can u tell I'm multi-tasking. That's information..
Could you ask the audio guy to pot down the track channel so we can hear the pit crew?
Is "zoom to fade" a standing order from the director to all cameras?
@brad - I see a small track for Bandoleros and possibly avoidance lanes so they don't have to red flag the race if the frontstretch is blocked or oiled up... Anyone else got ideas?
Holmes! Amen to ur post but it's on deaf ears. It's BSPN not TNT who LISTENED to our please.
ZOOM PHOTOGRAPHERS in the truck? Try birding or floral photography.
There your tight shots and zoom capability will be loved and appreciated and complimented.
For racing, it stinks to high heavens.
a cold yuengling makes this bearable -- so far.
Thanks Martin as I study the track map on the speedway site, it appears to be part of the road course.
This is an absolutely worthless shot of BK.
That's a BIG GoDaddy.com decal on the underside of the roof of Keselowski's car, fills half the view of that face-cam they have on Brad.
@Kenn- Saw your comment in the Sirius column, MLB is not on Sirius. You have to go with an XM receiver to get the Dodger games. Also it's only the home team feed and Vin does the first three innings as a simulcast on the radio. Starting with the 4th inning it's Charley Steiner and Rick Monday.
We can read the fine print on the contingency decals on the doors! Too much zoom. plz! Why do all camera shots have to end by zooming in until the shot is useless. This is disingenius at best. Give us some perspective!!!
Shoot the race to scale!
I was just going to say it would be fun to keep track of how many times you see more then 5 cars in a shot but now we have through the field. Single shots there.
@PammH - My comment may be the explanation to your comment. :)
Helps to push us into GoDaddy.com overload!
@ martin vincent and brad: in looking at the track website, it appears rusty has a facility that can handle the following:
- 7/8 Mile Tri-Oval
- 1/5 Mile Oval
- 1/4 Mile Oval
- 1.3 Mile Road Course
- 7/16 Mile Road Course
- 1/8 Mile Dragstrip
who knew?
so my guess is that the asphalt we're seeing is related to one of those race track formations.
really an intelligent design: check out the raceway map on the website. it's impressive!
hope it keeps drawing crowds.
I was recording this for a friend that has basic cable and thought since it was the first time a Nationwide race was ran at Iowa they would have a great broadcast but I can't see sending him this.
That report that Morgan Shepherd has gained a lot of positions wasn't very observant of the ESPN crew... He started last and, with all the S&P and the attrition we've had, he's just doing a good job of staying on the lead lap. That's about it!
the hardest part of all this is that the booth is trying to make it happen but they're being undermined by the truck.
If only ESPN would zoom in on the debris like they do on each individual racecar:-)
Morgan Shepherd got a lucky dog also.
@ Martin V, Morgan has Eldora as a sponsor. Thank you Tony.
Really? They had to go to comml before telling us what happened to Kevin?
red @6:05
you have summed it up.....
The only time you see more then 5 cars for any extended amount of time is when the pace car is in the picture.
well, that was really poor: letting us know harvick has a problem but then going to commercial anyway.
tell me again, jd: how long to the truck race?
(and why, in the name of all that is holy, do adults need "multi-vitamin gummies"?!?)
@ Holmes, there may not be debris.
Who many green flags have they missed today?
What happened to Kevin!
If double file restarts are such a big deal why have they missed two restarts already.
@Dot - Tony and Kevin Harvick are big supporters of Morgan's efforts this year. Morgan also manages to pick up small sponsors to help supplement his sponsorship revenue.
@dot: did not know that about eldora and shepherd. nice move by stewart. another reason i like that guy.
I have no clue what is going on right now in Iowa. No crew chief comments, no track perspectives and endles in-cars. Like the director is playing his own personal video game.
Mixed the the lower third crawl going at a different speed and all the additional in-race graphics, this could be EA Sports NASCAR video game.
What a shame for Rusty. We need to see the crowd as often as possible framed in the kind of wideshots that Mike Wells and the TNT guys gave us during the summer races.
This guy only goes one or two laps until the zooming begins and then he cannot zoom out again.
see that wide shot after commercial? NEED MORE of that TRUCK PEOPLE. please, I'll send cookies.
sigh, now KH interview...like KH but it's the only WIDE shot we got lasting more than 5 seconds...now bliss wrecks.
" Like the director is playing his own personal video game."
Maybe he is. ROTFL
anybody want to bet if we see the restart?
I'll send cookies.
You tell'em Sophia!!!!
@red - I think Eldora Speedway has been on the deck lid of Morgan's car in every single race this year.
Well I'm about ready for the IRL race and a network that knows how to present a race
JD it's off series but any word on conditions at Kentucky?
@ Martin V, I know. It really warms my heart.
@ Charlie, ditto on the DFRs. Hey, have we heard SOS? That is, when they don't miss the starts.
Whose fault is it when we miss the starts? I thought TV timed the commls to coincide with that.
@jd: not a rusty fan per se but i respect what he has done with this track and he certainly deserves better tv coverage of the race than this.
based on what i've seen from the website, i'm likely adding this track to my dream road trip once the youngest has graduated college.
too bad espn isn't doing it justice.
The guys in the truck are watching a different angle that the broadcast guys have from the window view.
Goes to show how young these drivers are starting their careers these days,... Trevor Bayne's pit sign is SpongeBob SquarePants! :)
" Like the director is playing his own personal video game."
You really need to put that on Twitter so I can RT it. :)
56,087 is the official attendance.....wow.
@martin vincent: i have, clearly, been oblivious to that but i'm pleased and not really all that surprised. tony respects shepherd and has done a lot to help him with the $$ (and tires) needed to race.
another yuengling is calling . . .
did Rusty just say it's cool to shut up and watch what the cars are doing?
Why is there a program alert for SC?
Danica, Helio and tracksideonline say IRL cars on the track practicing at over 219mpg!
Green flag slightly before 8:30PM ET.
@jd: just read the attendance at iowa from your tweet. is that for real?!? rusty must be smiling BIG!
Thanks JD. gonna bounce back and forth with the trucks in Nashville just don't know how many will keep running past lap 20. any insight?
JD -
Not surprised at turnout ...there are short tracks in many, many small towns across Iowa ...and it's home to Knoxville Nationals drawing well every year ...impressive, isn't it ...no doubt track management has built a reputation of treating fans well ...56,000+ is proof, isn't it?
That kind of makes the crappy directing all the more sad.
Getting email, Tweets and friends calling to ask what is up?
Last week this same team just killed it at ORP.
Isn't sports TV interesting?
@jd: "interesting." well, that's one word for it, i suppose.
JD -
you said it ...great crowd, good race, topflight broadcast team being pulled down by poor production effort ...what are they thinking, or is it just that they are not thinking ...seems like the suits have laid down their ground rules
Just breaking from F1 - Nelson Piquet, Jr dropped by Renault. Guess genes couldn't save him :)
Maybe BSPN gave last week's production team the weekend off ---
and let the interns run the show.
So, I'm sitting here debating which race to watch next (Trucks vs. IndyCar). Then I thought, JD doesn't have this blog for the IndyCar races, so I'll DVR it while I watch the Trucks with you guys.
JD, if you are having a separate thread for the Trucks, could I ask that you include a disclaimer for NO IndyCar spoilers.
No yuengling in house, so Paulaner Ockotberfest Marzen will have to do.
ya' know, during cup races, the broadcasts get this crappy but it's partly the booth and partly the truck. but tonight, in my opinion? the truck is the big problem here. the booth is trying so hard to explain what's happening but they don't control the camera angles and shots so they're handcuffed.
ordinarily, i wouldn't be too annoyed but after such a stellar job last week, i have to wonder why the wheels have come off today?
@patrick; isn't that ockotberfest a bit heavy for the summer? granted, my brew of choice is a warm guinness but still . . .
So glad that Kez is giving Weed a run for his money.
OK, I must admit the fight between Kyle and Brad was good.
@ red, you British?
Maybe the producer could use some Adderall :)
what a hoot ...Marty's call of "over the bump" with Rusty's groan ...Lajoie laid a good one on him with the Rusty's Bump comment ...Lajoie gave a shout out to the crowd ...I'm not sure, but I think I saw a shot of the crowd standing ...what say you, JD?
We remove the word veri for live events, so there is no way we can stop a spoiler. Sorry about that, just be warned.
Great side-by-side racing so ESPN did a good job showing that. I wish they would pull back so we could see a few more cars though. I guess the guys in the booth can't do everything.
am i the only person seeing crazy posts?
bevo, yer killin me....
have they spoken with 'Pops' since the opening segment?
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