There have already been 22 Nationwide Series races on the ESPN family of TV networks. August is the heart of the NASCAR racing season. The primary TV team has been Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree along with ESPN's four pit reporters.
There have been some races where Rusty Wallace worked in the booth with Punch. Sometimes, the hilarious Randy LaJoie was added to the line-up when the series held a stand-alone race at a smaller track.
For the first time, TV veteran Marty Reid was brought in to call the Nationwide races down the stretch this year. Once ESPN took over the Sprint Cup Series, Punch was free from his Nationwide duties. Reid proved to be a major improvement.
This Saturday, ESPN will step away from the momentum Reid has built and change the telecast format completely. Promoted by the network as a "Backseat Drivers" telecast, this live race will have no play-by-play announcer.
Instead, the team of Dale Jarrett, Rusty Wallace, Ray Evernham and Andy Petree will be in the broadcast booth. The four analysts will make conversation among themselves while the race runs, relating stories about their past in racing.
The goal of ESPN is to let viewers hear the kind of spontaneous conversation and fun that the TV folks have when the cameras are off. Apparently, the ESPN VP of Motorsports has found that his announcers actually enjoy each other's company.
NASCAR fans know ESPN's telecasts as the most carefully scripted major sports coverage on national TV. Whether the network is setting up a driver for controversy or trying to cover a live race, the constant battle is between what ESPN wants to happen and what is actually happening. Script vs. reality has been ESPN's theme for three seasons.
Today's telecast may be a breath of fresh air. It may be a break from the embarrassing producing and ridiculous directing. What ESPN did to the Nationwide Series at Watkins Glen was amazing. Click here to review that disaster.
Everyone deserves a second chance. If the casual commentary is going to be mixed with coverage of the actual racing on the track, this telecast has a chance. If ESPN tries to force commentary into the coverage, NASCAR fans will run to the radio broadcast of the race as many do during ESPN's portion of the season.
Shannon Spake, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch will be on pit road. It should be interesting for these four to mix their reporting with the conversational style coverage coming from the booth. Welch has shaken off his embarrassing moment with JPM, but Spake is still mired in "how do you feel about that" questions while Little goes in for the kill on every issue. Her current interviewing technique seems to involve the invasion of personal space.
Rusty Wallace may have summed it up best. "I'm excited about it," said Wallace."And when it's all said and done, it's either going to work or won't work and we'll see what happens.
This post will serve to host your comments specifically on the TV coverage of the Nationwide Series race from MIS on ESPN2. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
1 – 200 of 357 Newer› Newest»Hi everyone, looks like a nice day at MIS.
Think I now know why ESPN chose today for this experiment... Tiger just teed off on CBS in the PGA Championship :)
I am behind as usual just started watching 2nd cup practice. Decided to a bake a cake. Trying aroma therapy to see if it helps my viewing of this NW race.
bevo, they had no coverage of practice or quals. Just in for the races and zoom...gone.
nrf, if the aroma is Bud Light it might.
I like that Brad Coleman kid on TV.
At MIS, Condition Fair, Temp. 85°, Feels like 84°, Humidity 42%, Winds SSE 8 mph,
Thanks Charlie. Hot and humid.
Is Coleman driving his Acme Industries - AJ Foyt Coyote Racing Toyota with the fake tunnel entrance painted on the hood???
They did not show his car. What happened to his Carino's car?
Hi JD and all :) Happy Saturday Afternoon
It'll be interesting to see how this experiment ends up.
Carino's has been gone since last year JD.
the coyote thing happened in May, no idea why everyone is pretending like that is news this week...
JD Did you not see the pictures of the coyote and Coleman? ACME/ Road Runner
David not sure why it's being brought up again, is this his first NW race since the incident?
nope NRF. he ran ORP, Nashville, Kentucky, etc. since
What kinda cake? & Frosting? :)
Hot day for a race. MUGGY. hope the boys are all hydrated well.
Refueling is scarier in Open Wheel racing. :(
oops, playback Tim nipped AB. Let's see the live Tim.
"backseat drivers" broadcast. Does ESPN have to give everything a name?
@JD- Someone started sending the pictures around this week. Story was back on June 5 on SceneDaily
David, I want you to change your tone to remain in this chat. Got it?
I am keeping an open mind about the "grand experiment" today. :)
Am just hoping that we get to "see" the race!
I've been out of the loop..more CUP drivers than normal in this NW? ok...I take it yes
bevo, I am looking it up now. Love to see that kind of stuff.
This should get interesting in about ten minutes.
JD my response was to that of Larry Mac and others who should have known that story was not a "new" story.
It's not bad here in MI, but I wouldn't want to be in one of those cars for a couple hrs..I'm w/JD, where is the live Tim?
If you were here in San Francisco, a local movie theatre is celebrating Julia Childs' birthday. If you bring your home-baked cake to the theatre and give it to them to share with the other movie-goers, you get in free for see "Julia and Julie".
Instead of scoffing free cake, I'll be spending the afternoon with the Planeteers.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
@JD- Jalopnik has the pics but they ARE graphic. Just a heads up.
Soph Carrot with cream cheese frosting.
Bevo yea I saw those pictures. WOW just WOW
Larry McReynolds line on leaving the air at 3PM was "Now I know how Jerry Lewis feels."
Byrnes, Hammond and McReynolds were the only team SPEED took to MIS. Along with Bob Dillner and Wendy V, they did over twelve live hours on Fri and Sat.
This is because unlike Fox and TNT, ESPN does not share reporters and on-air talent.
That is two long days.
Where I am CBS is cutting golf short at 4 pm to show the Lions pre-season game. Right in the middle of Tiger's round.
CBS will show what was missed tomorrow morning.
Talk about crazy scheduling.
Ok booth guys, lets make this race the best one ever.
Charlie, I got email on that one. No cable TV partner or other outlet to help. I wish they had a second HD channel in that area.
Kenn wrong coast so it's all for me (and the family of course, um maybe it depends on the race) ;)
My site must be listed somewhere under TV and sports headings.
I got snowed with email about the US vs. Mexico soccer game not being on ESPN live.
Had to find out where it was and post it to stop it all. That was wild.
Another feel ? from Vince to BK..geez.
Glad it's cooler in Mi..feels almost like 90 here with dewpoints 67.
Newracefan, cake sounds great.
great idea for cake at movie in San Fran.
That winery with Reut, was that in Michigan? I missed location?
Nice feature with David Reutiman. I could use a lot more of that kind of article on pre-race shows.
Wouldn't mind the wine either . . .
Got a note from Red, doing better and hope to see some Red comments here today maybe.
Did you guys read the story about Tom Murphy from Sprint. Lost his life on vaca when a rock rolled down a hill and hit his car.
He is the main go-between for Sprint and NASCAR. You can Google it under the news heading.
hey gang! hot here outside philly but at least we have sun! here's to a successful (or at least interesting) expriment in the booth today!
well, jd, you & i couldn't have planned that better! your comment wasn't up when i started mine!! just a coupla puncture marks which are healing nicely but the energy level is UP so this race best meet me at least halfway! thanks, jd!
Red missed the story what happend. Puncture marks?
Sophia, I looked up the winery-it's in Napa Valley.
nice to have you back for this historic TV event. Glad you are doing well.
what?! a 30 minute pre-race?!
Maybe, just maybe...
@JD--I saw a tweet from Ryan mentioning his name this AM but I had no idea who he was so didn't look it up. How sad :(
She was doing sooo good at the beginning of the anthem..wonder if they asked her to slow it down for the flyover? That's the 3rd diff gal I've seen Kyrle w/this yr!
I've been out of the loop I missed about the puncture marks. you fall on something or get bitten? Glad you are able to be here.
Oooh, great shot of plane after anthem --acck, cut short to see weed kiss his gal. 2 bad. I love planes/jets.
I've been out of the loop Red, everything OK I hope.
THANKS for the winery locale.
why the start time change from 16 after to 46 after for today?
not many fans there. I use to go to this track with my Daughter for 16 years in a row. Missed the last 3 races.
@JD--How horrible :( Found a couple of articles on it and they were on their way home too :(
@Red--I'm outta the loop too...what happened? *hugs*
4 box full throttle? odd
hey gang! had been out of work ill for a week and i had planned to watch the glen race on monday but ended up watching the ceiling in the ER instead: blood levels wayyyyy below anemic levels meant transfusions over two days. as an added bonus, they found a series of small gastric ulcers. so, i'm being stuffed with red meat and iron tablets as well as meds. worst part is: i can't have adult beverages to help me thru a bad broadcast!
as i said to jd: you know you have it bad when you're laying in the ER, getting blood transfused into you and all you can ponder is "i wonder how dr punch is doing on the broadcast today?" i even texted my daughter to find out who won the race before they took me up to my room!
Brad, live tennis until 3 and a 30 min pre-race show. Been this way since they sent me the schedule.
Anyone else getting a strobe-like effect on that pit road camera as it swept down?
red, you were probably in a better place! Trust me!
dj surely is sounding a whole lot a PxP guy right now.
Wow Red. Sounds like quite the week and not in a good way. Hope your feeling better soon and glad your here today.
Haven't been getting the best news all week either.
What's weird is that the could have just put AB in the Nationwide Series booth last year and solved the problem back then.
Is Tim at Michigan or in Bristol?
@ red, glad you're doing better.
Four in the booth? This will be interesting.
Get well and enjoy the race, my friend.
@red - Part-time casual poster here, but glad you're doing better!
@red- come on down to Texas, got plenty of great BBQ to stuff you with. Of course we're having a bit of a vampire problem here if you watch True Blood so maybe that's not a great idea :)
Seriously, hope all goes well.
Red I know the Nascar TV has not been it's best but ulcer worthy not so much. :)
I'm glad your feeling better and I was feeling sorry for myself for being at work during the race. Which hospital?
Never been able to find out why the IRL Go Daddy ads with Danica are continuing to run in NASCAR.
Seems like the Dale Jr and Brad commercials are on the shelf.
@jd: so true! while being in the ER stunk, i know for a fact i wasn't in any sort of pain: can't say the same for those of you watching the race!
I'm curious to see how the S&Ps will be handled today.
WOW! That's a helluva note. Sudden drops in hematocrit/hemo are the pits. You musta felt horrible. Even if gradual anemia, it catches up. Mama Mia!
Hope they gave you gentle iron supplement (I used Repliva w no bellyaches couple yrs ago) Glad you are here with us today.
Cyber hug and healing thoughts to you.
back to race:
I am nervous about all these voices in the booth.
Camera work will tell the tale for me.
Time to put the tape on the bottom of the screen. Don't want to know Tigers golf score until tomorrow.
Wish they would get rid of the bottom score ticker during racing.
DJ seems like he's taking the lead on this one--and frau Patrick is squeaky clean--at least if the GoDaddy spot can be believed. We're covered with Tweeters here @ MIS
You know even your health situation sounds like a man. Remember when i thought you were a male Planeteer:)
We are having issues with our DVR so we will be behind this race. Maybe we'll ge to see some of it. This new and wonderful technology is really getting to me this week.
@ Charlie , for some reason on ESPN2 they took off the ticker for Soccer
Already cut away from the racing fot the leaders and in-car cam. Come on....
Man I could not have done without knowing Ohio St guard is going to miss three weeks according to Bucknuts.com on the bottom crawl
ok..they are not paying attention to this race already.
WOW. Crash already
Charlie said...
Wish they would get rid of the bottom score ticker during racing.
Who here has hit their "Info" button to remove on-screen graphics? I do it all the time, not realizing that it was not my headers/info and part of the broadcast.
I think the in car is gonna get way over used today if the first 3 laps are any indication.
more *hugs* Red :(
@JD--YUP! The magic fix is AB in the booth!
Hollywood spoke a bit too early it seems...*oopsie*
YIKES! Poor Cousin Carl and Trevor :(
glad you commented on cam work before me. :)
I think I need a muzzle..for my mouth and hands.
Not a good time to be a Roushkateer right now.
DJ trying to do p-b-p...what's the producer thinking? Seems to me they ought to let DJ talk about the race, rather than the artsy-craftsy in-car stuff. That dynamic would work--right now, this dog won't hunt.
all: many thanks for all the good thoughts. believe it or not, i was thinking about you as i watched the bag drip slowly into my arm! i asked the ER nurse to turn on the tv in my room but it didn't pick up the race.
once i got upstairs to my room, i asked if i could have my laptop and, after she stoppped smiling benignly, the nurse just say "No. You're sick and you need to rest." i couldn't convince her that being able to be part of TDP would be beneficial for me!
nrf: whatever they're calling our hospital in lansdale now. i was really surprised by the outstanding job they did over those 3 days, given its history.
sophia: started at 5.6 hemocrit and was discharged at a 10.2: anemic is considered anything under 12. so, even though i feel better, i am (as john mayer sings) still in repair.
as for this "backseat driver" thing: if i didn't know better, i'd say dj is the PxP and the others are the usual booth guys. let's see if bestwick tosses to dj here . . .
Hmmm. ESPN using a Jr promo for the race tomorrow. That's interesting.
Sounds a lot more like AB doing the TV work from the infield.
ok there was another Twitter outage today and many applications were affected. I just use the web.
Looks dark or shady on the track..and LOTS of empty seats.
You know the S&P situation is ridiculous when someone (Edwards) wrecks on Lap 2 and is ranked above 3 other drivers/cars that weren't involved.
Any mention from the 4-horsemen?
Some BIIIG misses in that wreck! Like BK..
not a good points day for the 60
Wow, Carl cut off Trevor? Good to hear the booth re-evaluate the wreck.
Red, glad to hear you're out of the hospital!
Sophia, I thought the cup drivers put fans in the seats! Hmmmmm.
btw red, glad u are on the mend-u were missed here.
I though the tv rule was to "pretend" you don't own a car and be impartial.
I exchanged emails with Phil Mushnick from the NY Post this week. He was out of control with what ESPN did to the Yankees vs. Red Sox game last weekend.
Same thing they did at Watkins Glen, stuck with a script and missed the intensity and reality of the game.
He says NASCAR fans in NYC email him all the time.
Small world...
@Sophia--it's anything but dark here at MIS. Plenty of good seats available, but front stands sorta full.
Is this the Gadget-cam 250?
Red that would be Central Montgomery and damn 5.6 is quite low surprised you could stand up. Be prepared for another drop, transfusions aren't a premanent fix. Dark green veggies are high in iron too.
I'm still behind here so my comments might be a bit off. Sorry depending on commercials I could catch up by the end
Carl's being a man about the wreck. Good for him.
I mean on camera...parts shot in shade appeared dark on our tv. I see it's sunny :)
Have fun!
That's how you do an honest interview. Go Carl!
Wish they would get rid of the bottom score ticker during racing.
You should move up to Canada. No bottom line on TSN2. :)
Whose car is Michael McDowell driving this week?
@Tracy - McDowell is in the 26.
okay, I've figured out RE is the guy asking the questions to get the guys off the race...great..NOT!
Tracy said...
Whose car is Michael McDowell driving this week?
#26 - K-Automotive (Keselowski?)
Is there a depth of field problem inherent in HD cameras that we need to know about? What is with the constant problem with the overzoom.
S&P count is up to five... no mention from the booth yet.
nrf: i looked it up and it's a mouthful now: abington health lansdale hospital. good thing i just knew where it was and didn't have to look it up!
@jd:i keep pondering why go daddy insists on those danica comercials during nascar races. i mean, i'm sure they know the difference between nascar and irl, right? and they must know nascar's demographics and how strongly female the numbers are in our sport.
so why the borderline danica commercials instead of those featuring 2 nascar racers?
(did the booth just say that young mr busch was trying to "break wind" by going below the yellow line there?!?)
Dave, who owns the 26? I still don't "get" why he was tossed out at JTG Daughtry. Sponsorship, they said, right? But aren't they still running the car?
Too much chatter, stupid questions from guys that know better. Just plain weird.
Not feeling the love for the chatter flow or the camera work.
Will have MRN tomorrow.
DJ could be the Pat Summerall of stock car TV coverage if they'd let DJ be DJ--BTW though it's a Triple H day (hazy hot + humid) at Michigan there are spotty clouds and that's likely what Sophia and the rest of us are seeing on our HD and SD TVs. At least DJ's telling the race story with some excitement.
@Tracy the 47 is a start and park car now, except for last week.
There's HUGE sections of the stands that are empty. I'm not surprised w/13% unemployment in this state..They guys are following some racing, bet there's more in the back of the pack we aren't seeing tho.
Patrick, Thanks! Now I remember he's been in that car for the past two weeks.
@dave in OKC: and that's one reason i liked marty reid's work: he kept track of S&Pers for us and made no apologies for mentioning it.
Moprint, thanks for the info. Can't believe it's one of the S&Parkers.
True dat about high umemployment. Ohio having rough times too...and doing business here is a pain thus going to get the nikname NO hio at this point. As in no fun.
The hard part is going to be when cars are lapped, stories unfold and things have to be kept in order.
Keep an eye out for what AB does after commercials.
Again, why would ESPN used crappy music into commercial when they have NASCAR vehicles running at speed with all that natural sound?
"Again, why would ESPN used crappy music into commercial when they have NASCAR vehicles running at speed with all that natural sound?"
Cluelessness would be my guess.
Or maybe apathy.
Tracy, start of year Micheal had sponsorship for the first half of the season, they never secured sponsorship for the 2nd half. So in an effort to keep the car in the top 30 in owners points rather than forefit the spot, they are S&P'ing until sponsorship can be found. Micheal was free to look for other rides and has done well trying to scrape stuff together since.
Sounds to me like Ray J is the odd man out--and it's awkward to hear AB doing the reset at one excitement level, and then it kinda drops off--practice would solve that, IMO
Lack of fans maybe due to the economy but not all. If Nascar still had a lot of fans the television ratings would be higher because of the people staying home and watching it.
more bumper cams. Yea, that's what we want. that really helps to SEE the race.<----sarcasm
Have they interviewed Carl yet? I might have missed it before our dvr reset. Just wanted to know what he said about the wreck.
DJ's voice is like an octave higher. Little nervous.
Just catching up on posts...
Glad to hear you're feeling better red!
Vicky, the did interview CE. He manned up about the wreck, accepted responsibility.
I notice the in-car camera are for sponsers that have bought air time or sponser the race...hmm.
Camera work aside, replace Ray with Ricky Craven and you could really have something here.
It's early yet, but I'm not sure if I would like this 'backseat driver' coverage every week. For one or two races a year, it could be quite enjoyable and a nice change of pace.
To really go for a different kind of coverage it might have been a good idea to have different director/producer too.
The Camera work STINKS so badly we can't "see the race" from home so why watch it?
Excess in car cams spoiling this NW race. No suprise
I think I am going to watch Tiger and refill the Hummingbird feeders. More fun to watch birds than this broadcast
I thought the in cars were always paid for by team sponsor. Thought they were sold like everything else. Maybe not??
@Pamm- hence the excessive use of said cameras :) ESPN has to make money and more money and more money...
The more complaints we register about any aspect of the broadcast the worse that aspect becomes during the remainder of the broadcast.
Not a fan of DJ as a PxP guy. Yes, he has the skills and could do it. But I feel like it harms his ability as an analyst since he would have to juggle being the lead guy AND his natural ability to analyze since he has the firsthand experience to do so.
AB is just logically the best solution. Can't comment on the camera work. Been in the car listening to the Lions game
Put the race in the BIG box. HELP!
So far I like it. Try it tomorrow, just get JP out of the booth.
Hey, mirrors let you see behind the car....holy cow. Thanks, Tim.
awesome use of the tech studio right there folks.
@karenb: thanks!
i'm not all that impressed so far. i think the guys could have gotten the same feel to the broadcast without all the "no PxP" hype. i feel as if i'm hearing too much from rusty -- altho' that's not all that unusual. dj sounds like a PxP rookie but i think he'll settle in quite nicely and petree is doing his crew chief thing well.
would like to hear more from the pit reporters.
and i would REALLY like it if espn didn't require brewer to re-explain the basics of nascar to those of us who watch the race each week.
camera work is killing this again: too many in-cars, too few long views.
Are there any other cars in this race? I've only seen about 6 or 7 cars so far.
Those Danica GoDaddy commercials must have been inspired by the "genius" who gave us "Smilin' Bob" (without the catchy music).
Andy Petree is at least listening to what DJ says and is complementing that commentary. Would that the folks in the truck would do the same!
Speaking of Tim, did anyone hear him speak about "siffeling" gas from the tank in an earlier segment?
Steve, well they just showed the 61 being passed. I wonder if they'll show any NW regulars beside BK?
@Steve L --
Yes, same here. I would like to see the racing. 1 car, or 2 at a time doesn't cut it.
Although to be fair, having attended Michigan, cars are probably so strung out that showing more is impossible.
nothing about S&P cars, nothing about who or how many cars lapped. Not sure i like this just talk like you are at home thing. Need just a little bit of info about what is going on. and what is with all the pit reporter add ins we usually don't hear from them this much.
Dual box the pitstops please.
Holmes, my hubby catches all those mis-pronounciations by TB too. We get a good laugh about it!
Race is under Green and we watch full screen pit stops. If you were at the race would you be just watching pit road at this time or your car.
Vicky, they show Rusty's kid! Oh, here's Brad Coleman too.
i should know this but who's crew chiefing that 5 car today?
not liking this pit stop coverage at all.
So, DJ and Andy are doing what they normally do with Punch. That would be handling the details and the information.
Those two guys have pretty good basic TV skills. Rusty knows when to step in and talk. Ray has been left in the dust with Brewer.
well, that was a mess. caution out during green flag put stops and the truck stays on the pitstops and doesn't break away to what caused the yellow: a blowed up car.
plus the pitstops were really, really rough.
Shifter is broken off? How does that happen?
Pamm - yes Rusty is making sure they show 66 & 62. And we've been following Brad Coleman because he's from Houston.
Um, no, we *don't* have to go to Tim in the Tech Center because Denny broke a shifter...
These guys in the truck are phoning in another one. Rub it in, ESPN, rub it in. "Tough".
What the blankety-blank is the director thinking? Don't the viewers need a shot of why the yellow flag flew?
I don't get to watch too many of these--the angst, anger and frustration from you regular posters is completely understandable and warranted.
Only good thing here--DJ getting baptism of fire doing PBP.
TRL isn't it someone else?
Can we all agree that a good cost-cutting measure in this rough economy would be to get rid of the "Tech Center"?
To clarify my last comment... A broken shifter may be a valid reason to use the Tech Center. I was just surprised that a Pit Road reporter said "we'll have to go to Tim..."
So far this is exactly as I feared it would be: unorganized, disjointed, no flow, difficult to follow.
Bring back Marty!
Yep, I goofed. TonyJr is working Brad on the 25 tomorrow.
I can't keep my CCs straight. LOL
@Bevo - now, now : p
have they always shown the # of tires that each car takes on the pitstop dropdown box? i know i've seen positions gained or lost but this is the first i can remember seeing the number of tires taken on the stop.
and how did sorensen end up taking no tires and still lose a spot? he can't be down a lap and planning to come back in the next time around b/c he pitted w/the leaders. did he take out or put in a spring rubber or something? anyone know what's up with that?
(and shouldn't the booth be telling us this kind of info?)
ok came in to hear Denny's shifter broke again?! how does that happen twice...
@ Bevo: I'm on board with that.
That wave-around is like the group lucky dog.
@JD- I'm eagerly awaiting anything you've got coming on the Rusty/US Fidelis story.
Also, has anyone tracked the ridiculous amount of screen time and mentions Stephen Wallace gets in every NNS race? It speaks pretty horribly of Rusty's professionalism (especially when you contrast how Ned Jarrett handled races when his son Dale was racing) as well as ESPN's standards to let him turn every race into a commercial for his son.
I know NASCAR has a lot of potential for entanglements and conflicts of interest that other sports simply don't have, but it'd be nice to see ESPN come out with a policy with more teeth than "case by case basis".
If JD knows who Andy Jeffers is and his work with in-car cameras, maybe he could do a post about them.
Andy is an awesome guy and so was his late father Lynn Jeffers.
This coverage might not be so bad if the track were smaller. We could at least SEE everything.
But, I agree, we need some information on pitstops.
Brian Campe is the CC on the 5.
Karen, Im with you. The second they started to "promo" this, i knew we were in trouble.
Scripted unscriptedness
Red, the pit reporters should be telling us about the pitstops. Do they have mics on today?
Why cant we listen to one radio and not 20?
"but it'd be nice to see ESPN come out with a policy with more teeth than "case by case basis"."
With at least as much teeth as the Twitter policy.
Full throttle? What a mess! Can't understand anything.
anon@4:32: perhaps i'm not being clear in re: go daddy and danica commercials during nascar. my objection is this: go daddy has commercials done with 2 nascar racers available to be shown during nascar races. as of this moment, patrick is not a nascar racer.
it has less to do with the content of the commercials -- altho' i find them obnoxious personally -- and much more to do with why the choice is to use that series of ads instead of the sries that features a racer actually ON the track right now.
Like to see the part that broke for Hamlin.
If anyone recognized the music being used into commercial, let us know.
this music on breaks is the pits. no pun intended.
Everyone has just shut up and let poor DJ take the lead. If that was their intention all the time, why didn't they just say so? And did they let DJ know he was the play-by-play guy today?
wow! tons of commls in this one. waaay too much in-car, as usual. but the throw back by AB was excellent! getting a car rundown on MRN rite now.
Has Ray said anything in the last ten minutes? I had to step away for a few.
Don't know the latest song going to commercial, but I thought I heard Daughtry's latest single earlier.
@david: thanks for the info in re: campe. i think i knew that.
They're all still just calling what's on the screen in front of them. No one is looking for any action back in the pack. So we just talk about the lead cars. Oh boy!
would I be correct to assume we are down to 30 cars depending on Denny getting back to 31
I imagine that the Go Daddy thing has to do with Q ratings for Danica or whatever that public awareness rating is called
11 cars out of the race at the moment. the only one we heard about was Cuz Carl.
@Dave in OKC
I'm wondering along with you about Ray. Did he leave?
-"With at least as much teeth as the Twitter policy."
Exactly- ESPN has proved they're willing to clamp down on their talent if needed (maybe too hard at times), and I find it hard to believe senior execs in Bristol are quaking at the thought of crossing Rusty Wallace. NASCAR might be the fourth most important sport to them, and ex-drivers that can broadcast would not be hard to find as a replacement (especially considering how media savvy the average driver is required to be).
It just seems like a sweetheart deal that hoses us out of hearing about good racing elsewhere on the track, as well as the somewhat bitter taste of having an underperforming driver forced down our throat because his father is in the booth.
@brad - That looks about right.
32 with the 11 back out.
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