Allen Bestwick begins ESPN's Sprint Cup Series coverage from MIS with the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show at 1PM. Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty join Bestwick for this one hour program. Race coverage begins at 2PM, with the green flag falling at 2:16PM.
There are a lot of potential topics on the menu for this program. Saturday's Nationwide Series race ended with a bang both on and off the track. Race winner Brad Keselowski will be in the Sunday Sprint Cup Series event. So will Kyle Busch and Brian Vickers, the pair who led most of the race only to lose it on the final laps.
MIS is known as a fuel mileage track, but today the new NASCAR restart rules may add a twist to the single-file fuel runs. Pit stops will also be critical, both under caution and green flag conditions.
It will be Jerry Punch calling the action for ESPN with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree alongside. Jarrett and Petree handled the play-by-play for the Saturday Nationwide Series race as a part of ESPN's "Backseat Drivers" coverage. Punch struggles on big tracks like this where multiple storylines have to be juggled from the start.
This is the time of the year when tempers are tight in the Cup garage. The ESPN pit reporters are going to have to think before they speak to avoid the kind of moments that ESPN has recently experienced on pit road. Dave Burns, Jamie Little, Shannon Spake and Vince Welch are the reporters.
Three elements have pushed ESPN's NASCAR coverage in a strange direction. The ill-advised use of in-car cameras, the use of pre-recorded material under green and the strange belief that the playback of old team radio conversations is important.
In-car cameras remove the perspective of the TV viewer. They are awkward to use after restarts or when cars are racing in a group. Cutting to them because they are available seems to be the current practice. Higher and wider shots made TNT's summer coverage exciting. Frequent in-car camera shots are ruining ESPN's efforts.
Since ESPN's Sprint Cup coverage began, the network has been playing back "soundbites" from drivers who are seated in front of a video window. While the recorded material plays, the live race is shoved in the video box. Instantly, the excitement of the racing is gone while viewers listen to dated comments on various topics. Nothing sucks the intensity out of high-speed racing like this feature.
Many NASCAR fans use the technology available online to listen to their team's radio channel. TNT even offered a free audio feed during the summer races via RaceBuddy. ESPN records the radios and then stops the telecast to have a pit reporter introduce the audio clip about to be replayed. By the time all of this happens, the race has moved on. Either use it live or lose it.
Multiple storylines will continue at MIS. Teams racing for the win with nothing to lose, those racing to make The Chase and some trying to put on a good show simply to survive. Tires, fuel and strategy will be a key challenge for the TV team.
This post will serve to host your comments about the Sprint Cup Series telecast on ESPN. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet on this weekend.
1 – 200 of 586 Newer› Newest»I probably won't be posting comments during the race. It's MRN for me! nice piece on RD w/Hermie talking to the drivers about him driving @ Bristol. Much funnier stuff than Rut.
I may be silent today as well.
Gonna find an MRN stream and have the tv down low with some live leaderboard up as well.
Yesterday set the tone of what today will be.
Guessing it will be a JJ, Carl, Kyle, with some Tony lovin' at the end. Should be fun to follow the 9, 99 and maybe the 18 up to the front if ESPN catches the progress.
Long green runs = trouble for JP so nothing is invoking a world of confidence that we'll have a strong telecast.
RD looks great though.
I doubt I will be posting much either. We get "backseat play by play today" - so the minute it starts - off to MRN I go.
*off topic - I was wondering if you were ok JD - normally you are not that quiet on racedays.
I am really hoping Doc is energized & we get good PxP -
Just taking it all in....
Im starting to think after 3 ESPN races, we're all wore out with the same repetitive issues, JD included.
JD weren't you going to take this season off too? lol
Couldn't JD just cut and paste comments from last weeks blog at random intervals? Save everyone the effort.
Should be interesting to see if yesterday's experience by DJ and Petree will change their approach today.
Good Afternoon Planeteers :)
*hugs* JD :) We worry about you ya know :)
Look forward to a great day, wonder if we'll hear the Canadian Anthem *this* week?
@David--definitely have little hope for the Good Doctor to keep the PXP going with the long green flag runs. Since this is often a fuel mileage track he's going to have an even tougher job since the "excitement" generally doesn't happen until the end if folks miscalculated fuel and start running out.
Glad we'll get a race in today at least, YAY Mr. Sunshine :). Can't wait for Temper Valley in a few days! This is my favorite week because I just have to wait a couple of days until there's racing again :). Of course it's not as much of Temper Valley as it has been in the past, since NA$CAR said no more throwing helmets, booties or ambulance abuse :(
Love Wendy's segments :) she does a great job!
I get the sense from the first couple of comments, that many believe that last night's NW "Backseat Driver" experiment was a precursor for today's telecast. The cup race will have a PxP man in Dr. Punch with analysts DJ & Petree. If ESPN would just give us better pictures, the broadcast would be markedly improved. Now, if most of the pessimists are basing their viewing/listening futures on the previous Cup races, then I've got no argument. Enjoy the race any way you can!
If you need a laugh, read the Mayfield story from last night.
His kind of maybe used to be stepmom showed up drunk in the middle of the night at his house and he called the cops.
Maybe he is right for filming all of this, it would be a great reality show for SPEED.
JD, he is saying he will release it at some point. Might make for a good movie at this rate.
Gotta find that story.
I'm still probably gonna complain about the camera work if it doesn't improve. I like DJ & Andy alot, but can't let Doc ruin the race for me.
I shall be listening to MRN as well. Will try to keep the laptop off and just come here if there are incidents, and let's hope there are not.
It is getting old the same old gripe, lather, rinse, repeat. ESPN doesn't care. And they wonder why the niknames BSPN or BSPU?
Maybe nice people work there but until they get a camera director who can BRING us the real races w/o in car cams, most of us are done.
This dipstick commercial with the creepy whipping everybody is annoying/offensive. Bring back Danger: "How far'd I go?" :)
Hope everybody stays hydrated. 90 degrees & Dewpoint is 70 already here and in Mich. Ugh
Just Google "jeremy mayfield" under the news heading.
How Spencer's tune on Jr has changed in 2 years...
@ Delenn, too funny.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Just Google "jeremy mayfield" under the news heading.
OR, follow our fearless leader on Twitter. wink.
Link currently near top of this page in the right column.
Been interesting to see Montoya grow into NASCAR. With his Tweets of his family life, he actually made me a fan of his this season.
"Octane 93" JD. thats what his show should be called.
Ive loved Montoya. Knew he would fit at the start. Listening to him with Moody on SIRIUS Speedway convinced me. Honestly every guy they've done a rookie diary on has sold me. Dinger, Regan Smith, JPM. Sucks TMD stole Montoya from Speedway but it happens lol
If not Up in Smoke - Mayfields reality show could be called Believe it or not! - oh sorry both have been done before lol
I followed our fearless leader's twitter link about Jeremy.
I needed a good laugh to get my day started, and that provided it.
Really enjoyed the JPM interview. He's really become a member of the NASCAR family.
Forgot to add ---(old age brain fade)
PammH, Hermie and all the advice had me howling. Particulary when Tony offered him a driver's suit. hehehe
I'm not surprised JPM made it in NASCAR I really believed given enogh time he'd do good. The surprise was Dario not making it. I thought those 2 would be racing for sure - I was 1/2 right.
Ray Evernham not on the ESPN PR release for this week. Late add to the infield pit studio.
Jojaye, Dario would have made it had Chip gotten a sponsor for that #40. He ran it out of pocket for awhile but just ran out of money which was a bummer. His personality would have been another perfect fit but sometimes your a victim of circumstances, he was.
@ JD, maybe they're making it up to him after yesterday.
The opening with Rusty & Brad---seemed like WWE/WWF over hype--fellows--you don't need it---
Surprised we did not see the aftermath of the Nationwide Series race as the lead.
@ JD, they're saving that footage to show us during green flag racing.
Exactly JD. That was a perfect lead into today since those 2 guys are also fighting to make the Chase too.
Interesting to hear Hornish compare last weeks' scary looking race to others in Indy. Said it was about 10th on his list. Indy cars hurt you more afterwards for days.
Those open wheel wrecks always bother me more to witness (due to vulnerability of drivers) and with good reason after hearing Sam.
Glad to see COT added to safety...now if they would only tweak with wider tires or SOMETHING to make easier to pass and appease drivers,
@Dot - we are both starting early! Spit my coffee on that one!
David, that would be "making sense?"
Man if I had a dollar for every time a relative showed up at my house drunk in the middle of the night... :)
I'll be catching the first hour or so of the race on MRN too. ESPN hasn't shown me that they care about presenting a fan-friendly broadcast so I'm not real keen to start the race with them.
Yall have fun and I'll check in around 2:30 Central.
5 in the infield studio...wow.
JD said "5 in the infield studio...wow."
I was thinking the same thing. Too many people.
Daly Planet Editor said...
5 in the infield studio...wow.
time for a bigger desk . . .
Logic and reason would be too much to expect from the WWL.
However, an overhyped Michigan intro saying they get 4 and 5 wide then showing them going 3 wide for 2 seconds and a strung out single file clip of cars passing a stationary camera seemed like a much better idea...
Good to see Sam doing well, everything I know about the science of wrecks though say that Hornish wreck really wasn't as bad as its being played up to be since that car dissipated a ton of energy without Sam taking alot of it directly.
Did you hear Rick poke fun at Brad and say that he would call it three wide? That was great.
was it just me or was there a bit of . . . uneasiness between evernham and hendrick right there?
uh... anyone look at the michigan radar for brooklyn? weather may again be an issue :(
seems to be some pop-up showers in the area right now...:(
wow, I thought they said there was no rain in the forecast..
AB said it was sunny just a bit ago. I thought that was weird because I didn't see any shadows on the pit road shot.
Looks to be more rain coming from the SW. Dang.
Why hasn't the green dropped already? Race would be over before rain comes.
Jamie Little--such a "breath of sunshine"......queen of negative stats..
Where'd the rain come from? :( I thought we were finally clear and no rain for once :(
I won't be here either. I am going to watch Tiger Woods in golf and record the race and watch it later.
Years ago I would have recorded the golf but not now, not with the way Jerry Punch and Espn will do this race.
Somebody told Jamie to go in for the kill every time. I wrote in my column that her new style of interviewing is the invasion of personal space.
She better be careful today, tempers are tight and this is not the politically correct time of the season.
Weather map shows clear over Brooklyn. Green in outlying areas. Do you think they'll hurry up the GF?
Dot, no chance
40% cloud cover, 30% chance of precipitation until sunset; thunderstorms are forecast for Monday. We should be good to go.
Come and go clouds, might make for interesting race because guys who did final tunes yesterday might wind up being a bit over the edge one way or the other. Guys who tuned Friday might have an edge...
From a PR standpoint, it could not be a better story than if Junior wins this deal at the line.
Horse-hockey: (noun) description of ESPN NASCAR Sprint Cup Coverage.
See also BSPN, any TDP live blog, etc.
Daly Planet Editor said...
wow, I thought they said there was no rain in the forecast.
What they 'say' vs. 'reality' hasn't really been their forté
I wrote in my column that her new style of interviewing is the invasion of personal space.
I think Speed's Pemberton really crowds his interviews and makes me uncomfortable. Jamie must think that if she asks the questions that they want to answer the least, she somehow appears stronger in a male dominated sport??? just guessin'
@jd: but NOT as a result of a fuel win, right?!?
was on phone and now listening to MRN.
What did jamie say? did she honk off a driver already?
i really dislike her style and she does not ever endear herself to folks.
JD, thats the case every race! lol.
Bob Margolis went off on Jr & his fans on Press Pass yesterday. Called them ignorant & uninformed-is he taking lessons from Kryle? I agree, Jd. A Jr win would be good for the sport.
I'm about an hour and a half NW of the track. Getting cloudy here after a sunny morning. Chance of pop up thunder storms here. It's hot and humid. 84 feels like 90. Humidity about 70%. Wouldn't want to be a driver today!
I'll also be listening to MRN if my local station decides to broadcast the race. They are a Detroit Tiger's outlet too, so they maybe doing baseball today. Anybody know of a good MRN outlet on the Internet?
Glad they got a tape patch for Bliss on his uni
Oops, just started raining here.......
MRN also reporting pop up clouds but still low percentage chance of rain.
Canadian anthem playing on MRN
MRN playing Canadian anthem.
Didn't Tv used to show both?
Canada anthem being sung now at the track.
Dr. T, that used to be one of my favorite lines from Col. Potter on MASH.
Unsolicited advice for my fellow NASCAR fans...
We're all aggravated with ESPN, myself included. I see things like the way they executed their last-second move to get English soccer, and it just boggles my mind how they can be so bad with NASCAR.
Watching the race yesterday with friends, I found myself so upset with ESPN that it affected my ability to enjoy the race until the final 10 laps.
I'm going to try my best to not get upset as we move forward. If that means I have to mute ESPN and do something else during the race, that's what I'm going to do. If it means I have to ignore the comments on this site, which sometimes point out things I didn't notice, then that's what I'm going to do.
(This isn't to indict you folks as complainers. I just don't have anything positive to add most of the time, and all it does when I read the comments of a bad ESPN broadcast is remind me how they're crapping on the sport.)
In this humid weather with dewpoints at or close to 70, I think there is always a chance of pop up showers.
FYI from Wunderground.com:
A few clouds at 3900 ft, the cloud deck is 9000 ft, scattered.
50% humidity, air temp 91 degrees.
My sense here is that 101 laps will breeze by no problem (can't say no sweat..that's all that's happening).
bad outfit choice for that young lady...
@pammh in re: margolis comments: well, now, don't i feel like a loser -- NOT! not sure why some in the media feel it's just fine to call earnhardt jr fans names. i'm not feeling the love . . .
Looks like a streetwalker stepped up on the podium beside the minister.
Did Bowyer get highlights or something? Cant be the uniform making his hair look almost bottle blonde can it?
btw that young lady sung the Canadian anthem I believe
arrggghh! my local mrn station can't find it's server on my laptop this afternoon! where did i put that radio?!?
Anon at 2:03 - I thought the same thing. Also, the anthem was pretty good.
I thought yesterday's aircraft was tons cooler than the warthogs, but at least today we got to see them (timing was a tad off).
Shannon reported bad info. Said 8 Hendrick engines in the race, 09 is a Dodge and NOT using HMS power. 78 is not entered.. 5, 14, 24, 25, 39, 48, and 88 are all I know of so if someone else is running HMS power, beats me.
The young lady could only be in pre-race--not the NASCAR garage area...open toe shoes aren't allowed there. I will admit that was a rather sporty outfit for such an august occasion.....
If anyone knows of any scanners streamed online shoot me a link: d.coffel@gmail.com
David said...
Shannon reported bad info. Said 8 Hendrick engines in the race
Does the #34 Andretti have an HMS engine?
Way back when, ESPN showed both anthems and did a good set-up on who was doing the starting command and other real issues.
Course that was when they showed the bands at the halftime of the college football games as well.
Now, no Canadian Anthem, no tribute or B-roll for Mr. Murphy (tragic story) and no clue who those guys were that gave the command.
This just tops yesterday when they cutaway from the B-17 flyover to show Kyle kissing his GF.
Negative. They have a relationship with EGR however I think Front Row Motorsports does their own engines
wow...19 spotter says rain.
I should've taped the June Michigan race on TNT and ran it on another television side by side today with ESPN's live coverage to see if I notice any stark differences.
JD, they are from Hudsonville MI, which makes excellent ice cream! That's all I know..
Chad knaus says rain shower coming.
One of these days the talking heads will find out that Rodger Penske did not build MIS. Larry LaPaton did it opened in 1969.I was there for the first race it was a Trans -Am on the road course. The first NASCAR race was the Motor State 500 in June of '69 I was there for that one also.
Frank in Sebring
Wunderground has 40% chance of rain.
According to the radar, the showers are real spotty....not a long band like we saw the last 2 weeks.
looks dark on tv and rain in turn 1 somebody said...carl..sigh
These guys have a lovefest going with KB.
again with the in car on lap 3. cars pushing coolant. how do we all know there were rain drops but the booth not??
I can see early on where the script is heading....to focus on the guys around 12th in points as we near who does and doesn't make the chase in 4 weeks. Martin, Busch, etc.
Bad stat.
Roger Penske didn't build MIS, instead the truth is that Penske Corp bought it on the court house steps in 1973 after Larry Lopatin and American Raceways went broke. The first race was held in 1968.
They're so paranoid to mention the word rain after what's happened the last 2 weeks. They're probably afraid if they mention the word, that people will naturally assume the race will get postponed.
Vicky, they constantly search for themes instead of just showing the racing that the fans in the stands are watching.
Why make it complicated?
Good info, I did not know that about MIS.
labonte problem, dropping to back of the field per MRN, hopefully loose wire.
rain showers...sigh
camera work on tv stinks already...too many in car cams
well, there's the rain
It's coming from behind you, Andy....the direction you can't see....it's approaching turn 1.
no chance of rain. imagine that!
dilemma...tv sound or mrn for rain delays.
MRN says it should be a quick moving shower..then again weatherman said NO CHANCE of rain today so MRN guys sound shocked and skeptical.
If we would've started this race at 12:30 or 1pm. . . .
just sayin'
#71 to the garage.
Cars lining up on pit road. To be covered up as soon as they get there. (via PitCommand Officials Channel).
Sorry, but I have to disagree with some of the comments on this site. Just wanted to let you know that some people like the way ESPN cuts the show (Remember, other people are allowed to their opinion).
#1 - The over use of on-boards: I like the onboard shot because it shows how fast these guys are really going. It shows two cars battling back and forth. And let's not forget: the on-board shot is way better than "DIGGER"
#2 - Showing the results for every car as they cross the line. ESPN shows the running order at the top of the screen for lead lap cars and the headshots of each car fly in. I don't need to physically see these cars cross the line. If there was a close battle, then show me in a replay (which they usually do). 16th place doesn't mean much to me. I want to see the winner of the race, the crew celebrating, the wife crying, etc. Or in the case of yesterday's Nationwide race, the emotions of 2nd and 3rd place's fallout.
#3 - Do you honestly think ESPN doesn't want to show battles on the track? Most of the posts on this site are "show me the racing." Well most of the time the cars are spread out and there are no battles. As soon as a battle forms, they cut to it.
Now I do agree on Dr. Punch's inadequacies, and I do agree there is always room for improvment. But some of the comments on here are too one-sided. Not that I don't value other people's opinion, however just always know there are some people who DON'T feel the way you all do!
Plus it looks like Gilliland is already a lap down. Only a 10% chance of rain - the folks in Austin would go for that!!!
wow! we lost the track with no chance of rain. Why did they even go green for 5 laps????
There's a band of showers that's real thin that streches back some, but the middle of it is heading towards MIS.
Vicky D said...
Only a 10% chance of rain - the folks in Austin would go for that!!!
You said it. Round Rock, too.
Anon @ 2:28
You are wrong about #3. I have watched what appeared to be very boring races with little racing only to find out later from people who were at the track that there were great battles all day at the back of the pack
Doc gets off a good line about the "Droughtbuster Stock Car Series". Probably Bristol is having a conniption fit and will issue another Twitter style memo.
Several drivers saying they lost the track in turn 1. This is unbelieveable. I am so tired of rain fill
Mother Nature: NOT a fan of NASCAR on ESPN either!
anon 2:28PM,
This is not a club. Posters on TDP air all kinds of views on NASCAR TV and have for three years.
Happy to have your views on this topic.
Encouraging thing is, by looking at the radar, this shouldn't be a wash out
Race Director David Hoots, "No PR people [on pit road]. We don't need the Mary Poppins's of the world bringing umbrellas."
Drivers allowed to get out of their cars.
Anon 2:28, what channel are you watching?
The long range forecast for Bristol is a 60% chance of rain. However, the steep banking and small track makes it the quickest track to dry. It's rained around Bristol almost every day this summer.
Anon 2:28...have you been to a race? Cause some of us who have have seen plenty of racing not shown on TV....
Believe me, I love going to the races, but sitting in the living room in a rain delay is a lot better than running for the car in the lightning...
BTW, that same girl (I think) did the anthems yesterday and wore a similar outfit. hey, it's hot in michigan...
JD, the Telluride group did an excellent Canadian anthem, and the gal that did both on Monday at Glen was very good also. Too bad no one got to hear them. On the other hand, Friday for the Grand Am race, that older guy was *awful*, and he particularly butchered the Canadian anthem the likes of which I've never heard in person.
Of course, I miss the marching bands in football too....
Re long range forecast for Bristol-- we have a couple of gulf storms which could affect the rain chances also
Told by SPEED that Ryan Newman will be on Wind Tunnel tonight at 10PM. He is racing in four different NASCAR series next week in Bristol, TN.
Anon 2:28
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. And if you are satisfied with the broadcast, I'm happy someone is enjoying it.
Do you honestly think ESPN doesn't want to show battles on the track?
Oh, I think they want to, but for some reason (director/producer) don't know how. Live action is not an easy sport to cover. Choosing the right cameras/angles/perspective/etc. This crew may have too many toys to play with and gets flustered, hence late on the draw, missing what is best for the viewers.
Thanks for the heads up JD. Gotta love that Dave Despain show
who do you think hates rain fill more drivers or pit reporters??
anon@2:28: i appreciate your thoughts on espn race broadcasts, even tho' i can't agree with them.
1. in car cams: these have their place but this particular camera angle causes us to lose all perspective on the track. that being said, i believe that what's being complained about isn't the use of the in-cars per se. more, it's an issue of OVERuse by espn.
2. i do want to see each car finish. sometimes (often, this season!) my driver is further behind than 16th and i DO want to see him finish. i suggest if they want to show the celebratory stuff, how 'bout that gets done AFTER all the cars have finished?
3. battles on the track: all i can say is this: i KNOW that when i've read race comments after being at dover, i'm amazed at how little of the actual racing was actually shown on tv. i don't pretend to know why espn handles it the way it does but i know that what i see at the track isn't what the tv viewer is shown by espn and that's a consistent issue. even if the cars are spread out, there is most certainly racing happening somewhere on the track.
what i'd like to see espn do is lose the obvious script and allow the race to be broadcast the way it's happening. sometimes, the best way to be IN control is to give up a small margin of control. lose the predetermined storyline and let the race dictate what is shown.
brad said...
who do you think hates rain fill more drivers or pit reporters??
Are the pit reporters anywhere near the drivers? If left alone, the drivers probably don't care. They can seek shelter.
JD thanks for info on DD show.
Let's just hope this week I can watch WT Extra. Not sure what happened but I lost the stream. Tried and rebooted but lost it. Thats more info than the entire hour on the air since it's sans commercials. Didn't see any comments about it but stay away from Speedtv.com.
Too cluttered and a trainwreck of a site to hunt through.
Don't want to get sidetracked too much, but it'll be fun to watch Newman in the modifieds Wednesday night, on SPEED.
YAY! They're unwrapping the cars.
Drivers are being called to the cars (only 2 crew members, not allowed on the right side of car).
NASCAR_WXMAN tweets, "Cells are ending and now sun on front straight"
They must be reading here....they're correcting the history of Michigan.
there is the MIS history lesson you guys requested
Hubby has sound turned down so I quickly looked at the tv and thought the cars were back on the track but it was just the pace car. Good deal, taking the covers off the cars.
MikeC, I'm just happy SPEED is showing the mod race! I look forward to watching Ryan next week, should be fun.
Dot, that kinda makes them sound like presents...or food...lol...eiher one is good!
Listening to the Pres. of MIS talk about lowering ticket prices for the 'fnas'...they have a bunch of improvements schedule for after the race...mostly redoing the suites! Now, how many of those unemployed workers are going to use suites?
Your comments are very popular with the laptops in the TV compound.
Usually, I just get a nasty email from the powers that be!
Trust me, it's a small world.
Engines refired. Funny (not really) how we are away at commercial when all the pertinent information becomes available.
On the bright side, it should lower the temperature for the drivers and fans.
Pit reporters on the pit stops? Hello!!
Actually, it will probably get more humid. This time of year in Michigan unless you get a real downpour it just makes the 'mug' worse.
Looking at those camera shots now, wouldn't know it was raining there 30 minutes ago. Nice and sunny again.
The price of the regular seats will be lowered according to the president of the track, but the prices of the suites will be raised to make up for the improvements - nice touch for the laid off workers.
evidently the fastest pit crew award is very heavily weighted in the fan voting. there is no way with that criteria that Jr. should even be close to in the running for that award.
JD, I thought Mark Martin was supposed to be on tonight. Maybe that is next week, DD on vacation for 2 weeks coming up. He said Krista Voda will be hosting, and the next week another host I can't remember, but their guest will be Danica Patrick.
yep, rain makes it muggier!
feels hotter, gotta be stressful for engines & drivers
JD, if folks in the know are reading us, WHY aren't they at least making the camera changes we're begging for?
#71 back in the race.
Because you are just a fan.....and that is the issue.
I hope Robin Miller is a fill in for Dave. THAT will make the show interesting & unpredictable.
Wow. A couple laps concentrating on cars farther back. Did somepne make a mistake?
camera shots of pack racing! good!
#66 found a parking spot out back.
They don't CARE to make changes.
Thankfully I have on MRN with tv muted but mercy, in car/bumpercams virus lives on. :(
Too hot to go outside so listening to race in recliner.
They're concentrating on the guys trying to make the chase.....won't be long and we should have a "points as of now" graphic on our screens.
Tim - what do the earplugs look like?
@haus14: there's only one word for some awards: bogus. (and he's my driver!)
@jd in response to pammmm: last we all looked, it is the fans who put down the $$$ to pay everyone else's salaries. seems some have forgotten WHERE the money comes from.
Oh dear God we have a pass for the lead and they are all over Marks radio problems and now it's Brewer in the big box
Brewer under green - pitiful just pitiful
Did I miss the actual pass for the lead or did they? They were showing #5 crew chief, then the #48 was in front.
#87 to the garage.
#96 back in the race
So, in the blink of an eye things are off course again. No coverage of what is happening, just more in-cars and setting up recorded things.
How weird is this season?
I see the parade is well under way. Need one of those 'Double File Restarts....SHOOTOUT STYLE' to make it interesting again.
If the fan voting of the fastest pit crew - wouldn't they get some points deducting if their driver misses his pit????
I started to RT your comment about TB and realized I was on the blog. :)
13th spot KH, Stremme, Ragan, Hornish Jr, battling .per MRN
@jd: and for a brief moment there, we were actually seeing and hearing about cars in the middle of the pack.
it's so discouraging b/c it's as if they tease us by doing a good job and then the wheels -- and axle -- just come off and fly away into the stands.
@Sophia -LOL check twitter - you can re tweet those 2 I put up!
why did we just go to commercials?
#36 to the garage.
Didn't they say they would be back for the pitstops right before the last commercial break (or should i say the commercials are getting a race break?)?
um... 5 laps commercial, .5 laps commercial...
Isn't this the second time we're taking a 'short break' and coming back for pit stops?
stops about 4 or 5 laps away
This is one uncomfortable TV crew right now and there is a long way to go.
In-cars are ruining this telecast.
Unless there were competing companies in the same product line, they should've just combined these 2 commercial breaks.
Anonymous said...
why did we just go to commercials?
August 16, 2009 3:12 PM
It made sense to bspn, they have the power or it was time too much racing going on. or all the above- take your pick , you're probably right
wait, what?! we came back for under 2 laps and we're in commercial AGAIN?
and just a note to the booth: it really isn't necessary to tell us every single race that earnhardt jr rim-rides: we've all seen it, every race, every week. now, if he suddenly starts hugging the ine, lap after lap, please be sure to let me know 'cause THAT will be something different.
(the point is: we know where various drivers like to run and there's no need to act if he dale's doing something unusual or extraordinary by talking about how close to the wall he's running.)
#43 pits. #44 feels a tire going flat.
#96 back to the garage again.
Anyone counting commercials? Seems like there WAY too many!
Look! double video boxes on the green flag pit stops....well...for one of them....argh!
patrick: are you interested in a PxP position?!? seriously, i nominate you for TDP PxP guy: you keep us informed, race after race. thank you!
just got back from golf. seems like the typical ESPN broadcast. glad I didn't miss much!
More I think about it....this stretch that the pit stops are taking place, might have been when they were planning that most recent commercial break....but instead of pushing it later, they got it out of the way to show the pit stops.
Minus a caution, let's see if they wait until about lap 50 to take the next break.
and again we get single car pit stops under green flag racing. is the technology for a split screen too expensive or something? can we not see the race while we also watch pit stops?
Looks like 87 in pits too.
I thought the in cars have been ruining many broadcasts.
Is there a secret in the truck we dont' know? Like this is some EOE experiment and the camera director has a seeing-eye dog at his side?
I mean come on?
@brad - you probably saw as much of the race as we have - not much to none
09 coming in for 4 tires, gonna have to come back in for fuel. not enough crew guys
Steve L - lots of commercials but I don't think we've seen Danica yet . . . . .
Only made it to lap 48 and back to ads.
Did you know the #09 lead a lap? Not if you were dependent on TV to tell you. We've had 9 lead changes with 8 different drivers.
#87 back in the race. #71 back in the garage again.
What a place to cut to commercial. Great battle for 2nd and we get hamburgers!
I shot over to golf after they took the green after the red. I have been back for 8 minutes and seen end of a commercial, 2 laps, another commercial block, pit stops and now back to another commercial block. has it been this way since they restarted??
Looks like the commercial rate under green flag conditions is about every 10 laps. Lap 40 would've probably been the one commercial break, but that's when pit stops were scheduled to start, so they advanced that commercial break.
It appears they may be front loading the commercials as well, in order give us more green flag racing in the later stages of the event.
start and park battle is interesting. compelling stuff.
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