The truck field is a little bit thin because the Sprint Cup and Nationwide Series are racing in Dover. This should give an opportunity for drivers like Todd Bodine and Johnny Sauter to finally get some attention.
SPEED starts the night with The Set-Up at 9PM. Hosted by Krista Voda, this simple and effective show uses pit reporters Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander to provide a quick preview of the race.
This is the final race for Johnny Benson to work with the on-air team of Rick Allen and Phil Parsons. JB has been good and learned to work himself smoothly into the broadcast. His experience in this series has also added a great perspective to the telecasts. Benson has yet to announce his plans for 2010.
SPEED has a unique issue with this event. There may be may start and park trucks who do not even run up to the first fuel stop. If the racing at the front of the pack is not good, it may be tough to keep things exciting on this big track.
Over the years, no TV crew has proven to be more flexible and attentive to what is actually happening on the track than this one. If the hard racing begins to fade, look for the producer to switch gears and start to tell the stories of all the teams in the race on the track.
Dunlap and Alexander are also veterans who can interview anyone on pit road, even while the race is still in progress. Hopefully, there will be enough viable teams to keep the action going for the fans in the stands and the TV viewers.
SPEED's presentation is simple and straightforward. The focus is on the racing. There is no infield crew, no cutaway truck and no hype. What happens in the event is what viewers see on TV. This approach has paid dividends for the network with higher ratings and positive reviews.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Camping World Truck Series race from Las Vegas. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank for taking the time to stop by.
No live leaderboard for Truck practices ... Truck qualifying ... Truck race ...
Speeds posted over a hour after the practice / qualifying session has ended ...
WHY does NASCAR let Turner get away with this??
Though, all of the other main sites were slow on posting the info too ...
Anyone else getting the idea that the program on SPEED is not going to end at 9PM?
Whew, that was close.
Whew, here we go. Any fans left standing?
The stands may be light tonight. No free or very few ticket giveaways this year. Dan's company only got two. Talking to people in the autograph line last night said the same thing. They even had a rep from the track trying to sell tickets.
@6......How do you remember your nic name?
Men should not wear white sunglasses.
Yes 6, how do you remember your name to type it in? Anyway, who would want to jump out of airplane. What are those glasses?????????????
Ray Dunlap is a good egg.
dot, that is a known individual with a glitch on their name. click on it to see who it is.
skydiving = awesome!
When did Elton John start racing trucks?
Did you guys hear Skinner this week on SIRIUS when asked why Angie get so excited when he wins?
bevo, he is a little too old to pull off that look.
Bevo, maybe he's going to wear those sunglasses on Halloween.
Evening JD and the rest of the Planeteers :)
@Dot--it's a typepad issue and she's tried to get it fixed the last few weeks :(. She's TiamatsRevenge but Six works too since that's another nickname of hers :).
Sorry, I'm watching The Locator on WE for awhile. Felt like I needed a good cry tonite. Glad the truck race pre-race started on time. David, yes I did hear that-Big E liked it! Gonna tape the truck race.
i hate when networks run HD graphics on my SD tv
@David--nope no Sirius here but if I pay attention someone streams it on J from time to time.
yeah they do.
Skinner was saying Angie did that when he won the Twin race in Daytona back in '01 and that was the last time she spoke to Sr who told her to never lose that enthusiasm and that it was her trademark. And ever since....
Is the audio a bit out of synch for anyone else? DirecTV SD here.
Oh. Thanks for the info. Hi 6.
What did Skinner say?
im synched up fine
Glad Pam mention The Locator; I set my DVR for when it's on later.
Elliot Sadler has been wearing white sunglasses lately. Don't know if they are a sponsor's.
As much as I like Krista, I think she needs a little fashion advice tonight too.
@ David, I just clicked on your name. You're a girl?????
JD - The LMP2 show was on yesterday ... and they joined it "already in progress" (even though it wasn't scheduled to be on) ...
Dot / Vicky - Like they said, it's a glitch ... But, I can also log into TypePad using my TypePad name or email addy ... LOL
YAY, Rick said Nevada correctly.
Peggyann, I think Krista looks nice and her outfit is cute. Looks like the drivers have their race faces on tonight, especially David.
wow, not many people in the stands. ooops, I guess the camera guys changed their angle. Looks like lots of people there in that view.
YIKES!!!! Dan was slow getting to the remote.
@David- thanks. Seems to come and go for me.
Susan Anton? She used to be on my bedroom wall when I was a teenager right next to Farrah and Linda Carter :)
Guess I watch Style and other fashion shows too much--the sleeves are wrong, LOL.
Bevo, I think it's Susan Anton too.
Susan Anton's "singing" nowadays?!?!?
Was the color out of whack on her face??
Worst anthem ever.
Vocal Soup? Not good.
Wow, if that was Susan Anton the Vegas lifestyle must be taking its toll.
I say again, let me be the anthem picker for all three series next year!
@ Anon 9:37, ditto.
Dan said that Roseanne Barr did a better job at that baseball game.
JD I hope you are chosen to do that. Those singers were even worse than Texas's "Local Singing Sensation"
Good news! Vocal Soup will be the featured artist for the Sprint Cup Series in Vegas this year!
OK, who is going to the banquet now?
I can sing the song ... on key ... in the proper octave ... and the way it was written ...
@ JD, surely, you jest. Yeah, I know, don't call you Shirley.
Hey Tia, please go and audition.
99 wow that's hot! It's still 83 here but very humid. Let's go racin'
It's the Susan Anton. They're the house entertainment at Suncoast Hotel and Casino.
One reporter from the media center told me that they were guessing 12 trucks will start and park.
We should look to see what Rick says and how he handles it. I had him talk with Marty Reid about what Marty thinks should be said on the air about it.
We will see...
Umm...Dot...thanks. fixed that little snafu
Don't know if it's really 99 at the track. It's 88 according to my front porch thermometer. I'm about 13 miles from there. It really is pleasant when there's no sun.
/me has no idea who Susan Anton is?
Sunsets = why I love the desert.
Good way to hide poor attendance...
OK, who didn't pay the light bill?
You are welcome David. I was so confused.
You just had a sex change with no fuss, no muss.
Dot, lets not let that info get passed around, trying to get a date!
My excuse, I work early AM's
@ Gymmie, Susan was pretty popular in the 70s. She appeared on various variety shows back then. I think she even had one of her own.
Yes, I'm old.
Sorry guys, it just takes one 12 year old with a keyboard to mess it up for everyone. Gonna mod for a while.
Looks like we've passed another bridge...
Well, guess I will watch the Truck race with you guys...maybe a 1/2 hour behind. The NW race did not record..on Directv. Yet it is still showing in my To Do List. Called DTV...worthless.."you must have hit the cancel button"...NO!
Read some of the posts....sounds like Marty came through again. Probably will enjoy the race more reading TDP than watching BSPN.
Oh...my channel guide still shows Classic. I'll have to check it out and see if it is really still there. Not that I care anymore.
@ David, cute.
My guess on S&P teams are 93, 21, 73, 08, 01, 65, 48, 47, 02, 42 and 89. That's 11 teams.
The 39 and 57 usually run full races and the 07 has a sponsor tonight.
mmm, JD, maybe the Strip didn't like the competition, and sabotaged the lights. hehehe
Trucks coming to pit road. Cannot get the lights back on.
SPEED needs to be honest and show us the trouble.
Don't the tracks have some kind of generator for this kind of problem?
@Gymmie- First time I saw her was doing commercials for Muriel cigars (back when tobacco companies could advertise on tv) and some mattress company reclining on a bed in a white nightie. She was a Miss California, singer and actress in the 70's and 80's.
We did an IROC race back in the 90's with Turn 3 or 4 out of light...
Another SMI track
Trouble with power today at Nascar venues.
Bevo, also Susan dated Dudley Moore - he was about 5'4" and she's 5'11" and towered over him.
Gymmie - Google her ... She used to be big with Dean Martin & the variety shows ...
She's definitely NOT aging well ... skin & voice ...
NASCAR has pulled the drivers out of the trucks...not good.
Thank you JB. Charlotte race indeed.
The track is fine to race goodness.
These guys don't sound very serious about getting to the bottom of the problem.
For some grins go to YouTube and enter Susan Anton muriel cigars :)
Only in LV do you see things built like that. Dan says OSHA will be out there on Monday.
TY Dot and Bevo looked her up on IMDb not ringing a bell :(
At least Ray is entertaining the nice man on pit road :)
hmmm, how long is it going to take to get someone to pay the electric bill?
Turned to truck race..really, they are stopped for no LIGHTS?? The Onion is dissing the red flag here. wth happened?
Can't imagine how the fans in the Eastern Time Zone must feel with the drivers out of their trucks.
Flipping over to Tech-Houston until they get started
Vicky - Weatherbug station at Nellis says 92 ...
Dot - If I could, I would ... But, unfortunately, our track never came to be here ...
They are back and starting over.
Guess Voda had already left the building.
Wow...just as I read the post about the lights going out...I temporarily lost TDP...strange.
Krista...I am not a fashonista...but that was pretty bad.
Not a good weekend...hubby's engine blows, NW race disappears on DVR and now no lights at Trucks!
Guess they may be coming back on.
this race was already going to end way past my bedtime. All this shilly shallying around is NOT helping.
@ Tia, the Planeteers could take up donations so you could travel to the tracks and audition.
Hope they dont use that pace car in the Cup race next year. I'm sure Smoke would make some contact with it!
Todd Bodine even said they could see just fine. He had no idea why they weren't racing.
Trucks have fired up now. Racing will start shortly.
I am 6ft3 and 245, I would need a shoehorn to get in that pace car!
@ JD, but you would do it if you had the opportunity, wouldn't you?
Same problem with a bank of lights has happened at the Rangers ballpark twice this year
Must be a rough job being the Pace Car Driver :p
Someone just went to the pits.
hehehehehehe....JD :D
Nice shots. good camera work so far.
Gear rule gonna make for a long night up front.
Wow, nice job not hitting Tayler there
89 behind the wall.
watch that 57 be a moving chicane today
First yellow...single-truck spin for Tayler Malsam on Lap 4
Dot, I got a Honda that hauls the mail and a Ford Explorer that hauls everything else.
Hmm, lights went out at Miller Park in Milwaukee in May; It was during the game and was a pretty long delay.
Official length of delay here...27 minutes.
I want that Brian pit sign!
Trucks already parking. Wonder if Rick will mention it.
JD if they asked me to go pace the field in a golf cart id do it.
i like Kyle's pit sign when he was at Hendrick.
Kyle from South Park in a #5 uniform. It was nifty.
Let's keep a count on the S&P valet parkers.
I didn't realize that LVMS was known for drafting.
Seig & Boys so far.
89 93 08 so far. they show the 08 a couple laps down but that truck is always a S&P as it funds the 07
Seig back on track? On lead lap?
63 off track too.
seig is out
Oh good grief, there are two Siegs.
@Dot - There are two Siegs, Ryan runs full races and Shane parks early.
Dot, if only we had Draft Tracker Rusty could explain it to us.
@David - No 63 tonight, it's the 65 of Chris Fontaine.
@ Martin, thanks. I just noticed that.
@ JD, shhhh, don't give SPEED any ideas.
my bad MV.
Close nuff.
How bout that. A mention of trucks off the track.
Rick mentioned some trucks in the pits quietly but did mention them by name.
Kind of an odd camera angle for coming out of the pits.
Really like having JB in the booth instead of MW.
Need a pit update now.
Where in the world is the live leaderboard for the Truck race ?!?!?
I have been making my case with the TV guys. IMHO their job is to tell us and then let us decide what is important. Ya know?
@6 - There is no Live Leaderboard for the red-headed stepchild of NASCAR!
They really need DFRs for the trucks.
can hardly wait for the doublefile restarts next year!
#21 Tucker, #01 Oliver and #02 Efland are off the track.
So is the #25 of Terry Cook. Any mention of why by the Speed crew?
#47 Knupp off.
That turn 4 is treacherous.
@ Martin, re Cook. Not that I heard.
I like JB in the booth too. Wish the trucks had dfr instead of that crazy 2 pitstop sequence thing.
MV - Yeah, I know ... I was being facetious ... in hopes that TPTB might get a clue or a grip ... and give us one ...
Wonder if that new gear rule is playing a role in that? Would like to get an answer from Benson.
Hope Benson says something about his plans for next year.
JD I don't normally notice the sound of the truck engines but they are sounding great tonight. What's going on with Terry Cook? Ray dunlap can you help with that info?
Mystery debris in this series now?
Great sound tonight and also good recaps and pit coverage.
Producer is working hard tonight to keep racing on the screen. It really makes a difference.
Cook back, 35 laps down.
Just started really watching now, but I've been part listening from the start. Seems like a typical Speed Truck race. That means good.
JB may not normally have the most scintillating TV personality, but he's a wellspring of good, cogent information in this role.
This is good stuff.
Just cut to Bodine's in-car. This works for me. The prey from the viewpoint of the predator. Then they cut to the Sauter/Skinner battle. Nice job of covering the battles.
Plus it looks like a fairly decent crowd.
@ Vicky, I agree.
@ Vicky
I wonder how many are locals and how many made the race part of a Vegas Vacation.
I'll guarantee that they didn't come from LA.
Wonder what the attendance is?
Cook is off again. You would think they would mention him since he is a long timer.
Odd about the way Speed treats TC. He typically runs 10-20 but they never mention him unless he pulls a good move to miss an impending wreck.
I like TC but don't understand why Speed doesn't give him a little love.
He seems to always be on the short end of the publicity stick. No clue why, but I agree.
WOW! can't believe I missed Susan Anton singing and looking so differently..she used to be gorgeous and ok singer.
Other than that, can't get settled in to the race after FAB food & music...New Orleans tilapia and Louisiana Lemonade & cajun band (the brass guy was missing but still fun) Drink did not taste strong and owner Latoya said it would sneak up on me...ha, it did.
Nice to hear they are doing decent camera work,but SPEED usually tries...I got home in time to see the dark spot of lights on the track.
Wonder if the Anton Anthem will show up on youtube....
I remember when she dated/ or was married to the late Dudley Moore...oh the memories...
Is Kyle Busch in this race tonight? I've not heard his name. Did I miss NAS PERFORMANCE or will it be repeated tomorrow?
The only airing of NASCAR Perf is tonight after this race. Kyle is in Dover with the Cup guys.
Thinking Nascar needs a debris caution sometime soon.
Vicky, once everyone pits....wait and see.
thanks, have the digital timer on for NP after the race. Haven't seen it since Bootie returned
How did everyone get so many laps down?
waiting for pit stops to cycle through Dot.
Hey, can I give Benning a shout out? He's still on the track.
Dot the trucks are in the middle of their green flag pitstops.
@ Vicky, yeah, I know. But some are 2+ laps down.
Susan Anton? Wow! Vegas... where yesterday's stars go to hang onto the water wagon.
I've been closely watching the camera work in this race since I shot the ACT/Late Model race in Loudon from atop the grandstand last weekend. I have soooooo much respect for the talent those guys have. It is so not easy.
@ JD, you called it.
Yeah, our fav is 2 laps down right now.
The audio mix is sensational tonight, the camera work has been flawless and the announcing is solid.
I did not even recognize Anton, but people sent me her pics. It was her.
I confess. As a lifelong Notre Dame loyalist, I watched the incredibly exciting game between ND and historic rivals Purdue, on ESPN.
During commercials, I followed the truck race thru the usual wonderful TDP comments.
While I watched football, I thought racing. ESPN never explained that football has four downs. There was no Tech Center to show a football or side-line marker. There was no mention of BCS or how the standings looked now. The announcers were almost as excited as I was. The cameras showed the action on the field, only showing sidelines when appropriate.
I could go on, and on.
What does ESPN not get???
After the ratings disaster last week, Dover may be a litmus test of sorts. Did I spell that right?
I am still here but been watching the race. Good stuff.
yes you spelled that right. Good job.
director is a litle tired, see the tailpipes?
Not sure. The drop bucks the seasonal trend. Might the ESPN execs write it off to strong sports competition over the weekend. It wouldn't be the first time corporate suits drank their own bath water.
They already tried with me. No dice.
The product was solid and the telecast was not.
We are watching five guys do the work that ESPN uses 12 announcers to do. These guys do it better.
That is just embarrassing.
I guess the reason that don't do as many tight shots is there not trying to show off HD.
ha ha.
hey gang! thought i'd catch a bit of the trucks as i can't sleep right now. yes, come "4-way-too-early-o'clock" tomorrow, i'll regret this decision but i'll sleep on the way to dover! nrf and i are meeting tomorrow and we're planning to catch up w/jeff gluck at his dover tweet-up. plus, jd's promised to provide bail $$ so it should be a great day!
had a discussion over dinner w/friends as to how much difference there is between watching a race on tv and being there in person! and these folks aren't race fans so their opinions were very interesting. i tried very hard not to foam at the mouth when discussing espn -- but i fear i didn't succeed.
will try to take notes during the race and compare w/planeteers live race blog: should be "interesting."
"That is just embarrassing."
Roger that!
As good as DJ is getting, I'd rather have Phil Parsons in the second chair. My second favorite to Larry Mac.
So, does this mean a Courney Sauter sighting in Victory Lane?
Remember her from that NASCAR reality TV show?
@ red, can't wait for your report.
@JD- I agree, most times less is more. ESPN just does a lot of stuff to impress the competition, not to help the telecast
Gluck went out with Bass Masters from Rowdy last night so he should be hung over at least.
Have fun and let us know what is going on at the track.
@red- have a great time. I'll be up early to watch the night race in Singapore (kind of a weird sentence)
I remember thinking Cortney Sauter was a gluton for punishment for wanting to marry Sauter. Not much backbone.
jd, good to know in re: gluck but some insight, please: is gluck a headachy kind of hung-over? 'cause it might be tons o' fun to sneak up behind him and make a VERY loud noise to see what he does -- assuming he comes unarmed!
Hey BSPN, SPEED can show us all the trucks cross the finish line. See? It can be done.
just get us some good pics!
Hey folks, thanks for hanging in there on a very long NASCAR day.
Have a great night and we will see you tomorrow at 1PM for the Dover vs. NFL battle!
Great job by Speed, good to see them back on course again
Thanks JD. As always, you make racing fun.
Bodine gets the Just For Men award??? :)
Nice job Speed. Good race.
bevo, ironic isnt it.
Jason White, man that kid needs a fully backed NW deal or a truck deal next year. They are doing alot with a little with the recycled Johnny Benson trucks as well as sounds like KHI too.
They have stuff for beards *giggle*
Thanks for hosting again JD. Great guests we always clean up after ourselves :D
@David - I don't think Jason White's trucks come from the Johnny Benson team, they just chose his number after Bill Davis Racing shut down.
Jason White was running Dodges at Pennington Motorsports in 2007, then he went to SS-Green Light Racing (a Chevy team) and ran Dodges. Then this season, GunBroker.com started their own team and run Dodges, and SS-Green Light Racing went back to running Chevys. I think those trucks have followed Jason in all his team changes.
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