Kansas is a track that can come down to good racing or simply gas mileage. NASCAR needs some exciting racing on the track and ABC needs a good telecast to get back on the TV track.
Once again, it will be Allen Bestwick that wades into the 1PM timeslot and goes up against the early NFL games with NASCAR Countdown. Bestwick has Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty along for the ride. Expect a recap of Edwards hitting the wall last season, Logano rolling over and the up to the second Chase points.
The TV team has one hour to fill on the pre-race show. Expect the relationship between the ESPN pit reporters and the drivers to be on display once again. After two hours of RaceDay, the different answers that drivers give to the ESPN team is fascinating. My theory is good questions get good answers.
Jerry Punch was off Saturday as Marty Reid called the Nationwide Series race. Punch walks into another tough situation with lower TV ratings and disjointed coverage plaguing this portion of the schedule. His knowledge of the sport is tremendous and he has two top analysts with him. The big pressure is not only on the Chase drivers.
Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree have formed a team. Unfortunately, Punch is not on it. The duo has worked with Punch, Reid and even alone this season. They have come to rely on each other on the air and let the play-by-play person do their own thing.
Kansas is going to allow the Director to go in-car a lot. This big sweeping track is so different from Dover that the TV presentation will feature a lot of looking for side-by-side racing once the field settles in. Expect lots of driver soundbites played back and the infield gang to get plenty of air time.
If this race turns out to be competitive from the start, it could be just what both the sport and the ESPN gang really needs. After the buzz from the Logano wreck and the hard racing last week, there is no doubt that some new eyes will be checking out the Kansas action once the race is underway.
Jamie Little, Shannon Spake, Vince Welch and Dave Burns are the pit reporters. Tim Brewer rounds-out the on-air talent as he reports from the Tech Garage. This is ESPN's "A team" and they are all squarely in the middle of crunch time.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ABC coverage of the Sprint Cup Series from the Kansas Speedway. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
1 – 200 of 544 Newer› Newest»JPM says it is still cold but a beautiful day in Kansas.
Good Day, my friends!
May your driver get the attention he deserves.
May your Play-by-Play have pep.
May your Analysts be on-point.
May your tech center be minimal, coherent and in the smaller window.
May your perspective be wide.
May the focus be where the battles are.
May your commercials be short and family friendly.
May your beer be cold and your food warm.
Good luck and see you in the blog!
By a miracle, the Lions are on the early game here in Phoenix, gonna be on that game quite a bit, will have Pitcommand and Scanner going. We all know what to expect from ABC.
Go Kyle! Watch out for that 14 though
Dear ABC -
Jimmie Johnson is NOT the "Iceman" ...
Ok keep good notes people I have the Polaski Day parade here until 2pm. Only good thing is I'll put dinner in the crock pot.
Joey drove "brilliantly" yesterday to win ?!?!
Uhhh, AB ... It was in the freakin' script ... so you guys would have something to talk about today (besides Jimmie's illegal/legal car) ... LOL
Joey's a Young Gun? I refuse to believe that he even shaves.
NRF - you sure have a lot of parades in Philly this time of year.
I wish NASCAR would send the youngsters to school for Elocution & Diction lessons ...
I can't understand a bloody thing Joey, et al are trying to say ...
Karen - Maybe it's not his face that he shaves ... LOL Remember the old Coke commercial with Tony / Bobby / Lance Armstrong?? LOL ;-)
I really appreciated Kyle Petty pointing out that Joey's big crash was really quite 'gentle' in comparison to many of the cdrashes we've seen over the years. Just another chance to 'sell' the COT to fans.
Brad D - You are NOT allowed to call Dale Jr by the nickname "JuneBug" ... LOL
Sorry, but it creeps me out when Brad calls Jr. Junebug..
Elocution lessons? Seriously?
The accents are about the only way we get any personality these days.
Crazy isn't home and he didn't do the magic flip the channel thingie but I have my TP up and will be listening to the radio if he isn't back by the race start. It won't be the same not having TJ's voice spotting for Jr. but I'll survive as I'll be listening to REAL coverage :D
LOL! @Patrick :)
@nrf--so far nothing exciting on pre-race. Jimmie was on and they chatted about the "illegal/legal" car issue and spoke to Joey about his accident and Rusty gave his 2 cents. Since we're in Clint's backyard they have a segment on him now.
And I still don't believe that JoLo has enough hair to shave :p
6p010535e43b89970c said...
I wish NASCAR would send the youngsters to school for Elocution & Diction lessons ...
I can't understand a bloody thing Joey, et al are trying to say ...
Um, ya know, I, uh, think, ya know, all athletes should, ya know, take, uhm, speech in school, ya know.
@Karen--I didn't see your comment when I posted! Was thinking the same thing!
@Seattle and PammmmmmmmmH--agreed! DW is the only one allowed to do that and that's because of his HISTORY with Dale and Jr. Jr doesn't even like being called Junebug but lets DW get away with it.
I'm getting teary watching this Adam Petty segment.
okay, I'm bawling here..
@Dot--me too! I need a ton of hankies right now.
That Adam Petty Feature Was Simply Fantastic Brought Tears To My Eyes
What a great segment ABC just did on Adam Petty! Brought tears to my eyes.
WOW. such a poignant/powerful/sweet piece on VJ Gang camp. Best pre-race segment ever...I believe maybe AB was choked up.....
Even Dan was teary. Bless the Petty's.
Now, that's the sort of thing that might get a 'casual' fan interested in Nascar. I know the relationships among competitors/owners/ team members is a big parto f what drew me into the sport.
Rain is in MY forecast. Scattered Severe Thunderstorms (Round Rock, north of Austin). I expect my satellite to be out in about 15 minutes for about 30-45 minutes. So, I will have to depend on MRN, RaceView, PitCommand and TDP. Wait, that sounds like a bad thing. Oh well, thank goodness the internet is stable in the rain.
Went through three kleenexes here...had Patty ever been interviewed about this?...it didn't look like it. Her reddened eyes and expression REALLY got to me.
What a beautiful legacy....from the loss of their sweet Adam.
Just when I about to turn the countdown off, the Victory Junction story came on and I love how successful its been and Adam Petty and the Petty family are truly a gift to this world.
missed the segment, hopefully NN might have a reair of it later in the week or that i can find it online
hey guys, just wanted to stop by and say hi. My Lions are playing the Bears and my Tigers are playing the White Sox. Since I live in Chicagoland, I will be watching both. I will be back when the race starts.
hey gang! i'm w/nrf: pulaski day parade is on abc right now so i'm w/fareed zakaria on cnn right now. will check back w/abc at 2 -- or so.
Gymmie - The ONLY reason that Jr lets DW call him "JuneBug" is because DW was there when Big E started calling him that ...
Anon @ 1:21pm - They sent DJ & Kyle Petty (& others) to elocution lessons ...
@Sophia--it sounded like AB was chocked up to me as well.
Ms. Pattie has spoken about it before but I don't believe in this depth This is the first I'd heard about the Mother's Day video. That's what made me lose it.
Sally--I agree! THIS is the type of stories they need to air not rehashing things or telling us what a tire is!
They really need a hanky alert on that story!
Talk about a busy sports day on TV.
I'm glad that Ward Burton and Sterling marlin never had elocution lessons!
Its amazing how ESPN can put together such great stuff at times like the Petty story, and royally screw other things up. They have the ability, just not on a consistant basis.
Tigers vs White Sox has my TV attention.
@ Patrick ditto.
This is week three and the top twelve are so sick of trying to come up with new ways to answer the same question; either stupidly put or complicatedly stated. The pre-race is SOOOOOOOO boring because of this could they talk to ANYONE else just to give us all, chasers too, a break.
sorry for yelling but if I have to suffer through another JJ or MM interview I will pull my hair out.
Also, could have sworn I heard some sniffuling in the infield studio after the Adam piece, and they never showed them, just the track. The Petty's are such a strong family it blows my mind.
Is Brad trying to take over Benny's Buffet??
Country singer Blaine Larsen of Tacoma, WA is going to sing the National Anthem ...
If you want to hear his previous work, hunt down his video for the song "How do you get that lonely?" ...
@Erik...I think that's where a great part of our frustration comes in. ESPN has the capability of producing such excellence. Not just pieces like the Victory Junction, but race coverage as well. just watch some races from ESPN'sheyday, when Nascar was what put them on the map on a lot of places. And now we get....in car cameras, songle car shots, and omission of 2/3 of the field.
Lloyds food is the BEST!
het nrf? is this REALLY gonna be finished by 2? b/c these guys seem ready to keep going . . .
Gymmie - Yes, Pattie has indeed been interviewed like that ... Usually, it's during the VJGC Charity ride ... But, Fox & TNT have done interviews with her ... It was the Mother's Day video that always brought out the tears ...
Let me know if the Philly parade runs long please....thanks.
Nice Adam Petty story. We attended the 2000 Texas NW race and I have a nice shot of Adam racing on the track. And just a few short weeks later he was gone. What a lot Pattie & Kyle have done for the camp too it's a lot of hard work.
Another person that dressed up for the anthem! And Sally, hate those songle car shots too! ;)
wonderful anthem
@Pamm...I had to pull out the Golden Oreos early today. Would you believe my fingers slipped?
jd, pulaski day parade off the air at exactly 2pm: local network is reliable that way.
great anthem!
Yay Blaine!!!
You'd never know he's a Washingtonian ... LOL
Thanks Seattle I didn't remember hearing about the video before. :(
I always like to hear a deeper voice sing the anthem. Never comes out as screechy as happens with a soprano. Very nice!
Todd Blackledge Taste of the Town was a food feature on ESPN's Thursday night college football broadcasts. Fun piece with lots of local flair. It was more about the local cuisine than Brad's gluttony.
well, since i've now added foxsports.com to my personal boycott list, guess i'll be using the nascar.com leaderboard today for lap times.
@martysmithespn via Twitter. "MAN I need to get my Sirius hooked up. I HATE when MRN goes outta range and I can't find it."
Marty, we feel your pain and we are watching the race on TV!!!
Gonna be on the JPM scanner channel most of the day, will update their strategy or any funny discussions as race goes on. Watching the Lions/Bears shootout too.
It looks like a nice sunny race day in Kansas we've had rain since yesterday. Joey's on hotpass I wonder if they want to catch him crashing this week.
Who is narrating this Chase piece?
Sounds like the Dirty jobs guy...
I think Mike Rowe now officially voices everything on TV.
I was going to delete NN, but your mention of the Adam Petty piece had me tuning in to watch.
Heart breaking and uplifting. Tears are streaming. Thank you TDPer's. Reminded me I need to make my yearly donaton to VJC :-).
PS..Wonder how many miss a excellent piece because they avoid NN due to rehash, same drivers, etc.
they had a small credit line to Mike Rowe in the piece.
Glad they had a video about The Chase - wouldn't have known it had started if they didn't...
guys in the booth look spiffy today but i admit to being a bit disappointed that they aren't sporting pink lapel ribbons.
I wonder if someone had a count of how many times that clip has been shown this weekend
man enough of joey lagano's crash already.
Beating a 'storyline' to death is a real problem. When you keep showing your aucience the same old...er, stuff (whew!), it's no wonder they tune out!
The Joey Logano flip with the dramatic music in the background is really getting old. He is ok, leave the soap opera drama at the door.
David, we are at 25 replays so far with NN, Raceday and this show so far.
Pamm - At least it was a clean shirt without holes ... I guess his wife didn't pick out his wardrobe ... LOL
Gymmie - You would know this stuff IF you read your email
I really wish that DJ would clue everyone else in that you don't get to become a Sprint cup driver by being an emotional basket case. Joey is fine and will be fine. Any driver would know that. This is a waste of time drama piece.
Love Joey's helmet tho
All caught up now thanks, hopefully we'll get a reair of the VJ piece.
Thanks JD, ask and I shall receive
The Anthem was awesome!
Missed the narration. Have the J on mute and am listening to MRN
Just had a flyover here ... of the DreamLifter ...
I wonder if Junior is happy that the emphasis on 'the chase' has taken the spotlight off his 2nd place starting spot? He hasn't been bugged to death about 'turnaround', and 'when will you win again.
Wonder why they don't use the play-by-play audio when they show his accident???
Oh wait, I think I remember something about that when it happened....
West Coast Diane said...
"PS..Wonder how many miss a excellent piece because they avoid NN due to rehash, same drivers, etc."
I happen to be one of those. sometimes these things happen. enjoy the race all. am following along on TDP w/you all
man I missed the last two chase races. looking forward to this one.
Besides Joey's flip, they've shown Carl's pass of Jimmie but into the wall from last year's race so many times today.
Jr fans sigh in disgust in unison seeing Jamie in that pit...
Vicky, I just can't multi-task on that one!
I hope espn/abc will focus on other guys ones the field gets spread out.
At least she didn't have time to ask him "how it feels" to qualify up front!
Mark a jump there or Brad just sleeping?
aarrggghh! my local radio station (and source of prn/mrn broadcasts) has decided to broadcast the phillies game! need to search out a station -- just in case!
wonder how long until I got outside..how long until the camera work chases me off the telecast? . .
@Seattle--hehehehehehe...I read just don't always respond :). Like it's my fault I get distracted by shiny.
@Haus14--Agreed! Sure one will be shaken up at first but they have to put it all behind them and go to the next one fresh.
in-race reporter curse strikes again
What's everyone think of them running 5 in-cars of people NOT in the Chase? Know this is a common complaint that the non-Chasers get no coverage. Is TV listening or have they overdone it?
The rain has arrived in Round Rock. Strange thing is this: My PIP is out, but not the main picture (Main = NASCAR, PIP = NFL's free Red Zone trial).
ESPN must be giddy with having camera/in-race reporter with the #20
Right on cue for Jolo ... to spin ...
Now - the storyline will be ... Can Jolo come back to win? LOL
red, do a search of MRN stations online, someone, I found one in CT 2 months ago that had Pocono may have a stream.
JoLo gets the call.
"Joey, how did it feel spinning on lap 2?"
The issue is still using the in cars at all! They overuse them to the point where you can't see what's happening on the track al all!
Was that the Beatles going into break? Let's try to catch the oldies tunes they use today.
Certainly an interesting selection.
wow lots of smoke! Joey fitting into the script ...sheesh ..glad he's ok...
Can't wait for Robin Miller...hope he doesn't get nervous with the voices in his ear and all. :-)
AJ REFUSED to do Wind Tunnel with DD, and DD knew that...but was thrilled RM was able to get him on in his absence. Despain is a secure guy, nice to see.:-D
JD - Sounded like Sgt Peppers on the outbound bumper
thru the field on MRN
WPSK FM has the race :-) I already have it on.
Funny how after that first start, they have gone a bit wider now...
I'll mark your ballet that they are going to overuse and therefore overcover the non-Chasers.
Kyle did an AWESOME job missing that. Bummer for BLab =(
wow, this is an ice rink.
Damn is this an ARCA race
And... satellite goes out mid crash.
Ok radio is WAY BEHIND the tv.. at least a minute. thought I'd never hear that wreck report.
Dang! Poor Bobby! Can't catch a break :(
Had to pause the GF. Was DJ looking out the window?
Jolo's got a Cup ride?!?!?
@sophia: thanks!
my back-up -- a local country music station -- was actually playing music instead of the race so i was trying to get thru the list as fast as possible, starting w/the PA stations when i remembered that it's online and i don't have to stay w/a local station!
"Welcome to the Jungle" right?
Turn 2 aka calamity corner. I'm still behind.
Yeah. The non chase in-cars are just to try and catch trouble for the chase guys.
We are watching Joey's hotpass and radio between spotter, Joey & cc is really good, but it seems ahead of the actual race broadcast.
@sophia: radio is behind BUT i use it mostly to get info as to what's going on versus actual, real-time reporting.
needing lots of speedy dry to fix the track..reed s also some damage.
Not sure if that was WTTJ ... kinda missed it
Loving the shootout in Chicago =)
JPM's radio: "couple more laps, cleaning up fluids. Guess not, 1 to go"
As per JP's suggestion I tried the SAP for the Spanish feed but got the National Weather Service instead :) Pretty cool though on the NFL games I just get the game sound - no announcers. Got to remember that for the next time Brent Musburger is doing a college game I want to watch!
Caution involving 5 cars?!?!
Lessee ... Ragan / Joey / Elliott / Bobby / Reed / Mikey / Max
Thanks Sophia! I couldn't tell how far behind it was because the feeds on the J can be 20-60 seconds behind TV and even though the channels may start at the same time they can be off from one another. So the way it is now if MRN says there's a wreck I can flip over to Jeff's channel and catch it. As he's behind Ben's channel which is ahead of MRN.
ESad too fast entering. No word from booth.
You think they might use the Turn 2 cam and let the field run through it?
True but usually radio is only off 10-30 seconds...I get easily discombobulated .maybe my location ..takes longer to get here.:)
@Patrick- don't you have some rabbit ears hooked up just in case?
Will Shannon or Jamie ask Vickers WHY he had a dollie on his roof during the opening ceremonies?? LOL
yea, just turned TV back on for a bit...need to find another station but can't do much more at the moment...might go out in the yard later but if sun is not out, cool breeze..but too nice to stay inside.
Shannon - "...like driving down the highway when your car gets oof the track"?
er, "off". Is that contagious?
I should. This is a new TV and the old one wasn't HD ready, so I currently don't know where a set of rabbit ears are. Will need to look for those.
I'm managing with the RaceView (#88 Scanner), PitCommand (officials' scanner) and MRN Radio. Plus, Live Leaderboard and TDP.
#171 officially OUT - Accident.
Looks like it is double-box day instead of in-car day.
Lots of positive encouragement on the JPM radio calling his passes simply awesome. Calling him 2 tenths faster than all the cars in front of him
The random radio pieces continue...
JD - I noticed this yesterday too. Is there a reason ESPN wastes half the tv screen to watch the crew chief watch the cars?
Anyone want to name that tune?
Not sure what the outbound bumper music was ...
Sounded like the band that's the lead singer is the ex-hubby of Kate Hudson ...
"Everyone trying to do what you do but not quite doing it"
don't get too excited Doc, we're only 23 laps in Jr has loads of time to fall back sorry to say. I don't like Kez back there...Stalkin'
Wooo Hoo
Commercial for LAC
I'm trying something new today. I found the MRN station in L.A. It's a little fuzzy, but I'm liking what I'm hearing already.
They are having a tough time with the mix of in-cars, low angle cams and the double video boxes.
Normally, by this time of the year all of this is old hat. What is strange is that it continues to change almost race by race.
ESPN paid six figures for music rights for their NASCAR series a while back and now we are getting random iPod music into break..even if the cars are still under green.
It's a rather strange brew of production elements at present.
Looks like the #187-Nemechek and 09-Bliss are parking.
Jr slowly putting ground between him and Brad.
Fastest on track.
Kes's pit stops are what I'd be watching today.
jane, if you know those call letters you should be able to get it online as well.
Let us know what you think about the comparison.
ok MRN back on ...room mate left so he doesn't have to get annoyed by the lag time.
LOVE the MRN voices.
@Patrick- send me an email, I can help you watch the race.
#66-Blaney to the garage.
They act like JJ is the only driver avoiding the seams.
What happened to Vickers? No word that I heard.
oh, the irony of it all: my driver is finally leading a race and we're actually getting to see racing further back in the pack. i am NOT complaining in any way: i like seeing the racing in the pack!
just ironic, is all.
and if the 18 is trying to take the spot from th 26, the camera angle should NOT be either car's in-car or side cam!
Thanks, bevo. I've got multiple sources Justin case.
I hope DIRECTV keeps HOTPASS the way it is next year. I love it that I can hear the MRN broadcast!
(sorry! the 18 isn't trying to pass the 26: i got my audio and video mixed in my brain. bitthe point remains the same: no in-car or side cams on a passing attempt.)
rolls eyes....
Vickers really really REALLY tight initial throttle.
They keep telling us that if we want to see our non chase drivers on TV, they just need to run better. Is leading the race better?
#37 OUT - overheating
#187 OUT - Rear gear
Bunny rabbit coverage. Hop, hop, hop from car to car.
Montoya has gotten really tight as well
@Patrick- good deal ;) BTW looks like a really good feed today.
Correction from the garage:
09 OUT - overheating (not 37)
As red predicted, the field is starting to reel the 88 back in
88 reporting that he's getting tight all the way around as the run continues.
All night long ...
@Seattle--wasn't paying attention to the pictures. A dollie like a baby doll or one of those carts to move heavy things around?
Name that tune, AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long.
You shook me all night long?
Man, how weird can things get?
ok when did they start so MUCH double boxed screen for minutia.
ACDC "She shook me all night long" to commercial...remember this from last week..worked with troubled boys at group home in 1980...some boys LOVED this song...
ESPN paying cheaper rates for older songs as opposed to current?
Even copyright attorneys have to keep up on all the rules..
Philly's got nothing on us. We're watching our own parade on BSPN.
#66 OUT - Engine
Marcos 14 and Martin Truex 15th
doing a run down on MRN..no way I can type them all Weed is 23rd :)
Vickers in 32
Max 36 on lead lap
Dare I say this, Reutimann is the fastest car on the track, really making ground!
Gymmie - A baby dollie ... Dark curly hair with a light pink dress on ... LOL It was about Barbie doll sized ...
@Patrick - The #37 is not in this race.
Would you happen to know what sponsors were backing Bobby Labonte's car today? I noticed Mahindra Tractors on the hood, but didn't notice what was on the rear quarterpanels or the TV panel of the car.
MV, Adobe Road Wineries
Brad 25 Mark 50 are we going to fet half the age comments soon. Dear Lord this is a mess. PULL BACK THE CAMERA so we can see passes developing and then the result.
It's always hard for me the first race after I saw it in person.
nice to hear tony jr on kez's radio!
(or should i have typed "pops eury sr jr"?!?)
Montoya wants to short pit, feeling vibration.
Not a good stop for Kez
Hopping around with the camera like this is frustrating. Part of the fun of being at the track is watching a driver set someone up for a pass. It often takes several laps...but we never see that on TV.
Vickers says car tight in center, loose off turns, and lots of other issues...changes have not corrected any of his issues...long day already for him.
32 and may fall further back
Did he say clean stop for the 48 even I could tell they took too long on the right rear, there were at least 8 lugs on that tire.
Kez has his Busch team pitting the car today. BIG pressure! Too bad we didn't get to see the leader's 'good pit stop'. especially since that is rather unusual for the #88 lately.
Going through pit stops right now, I'm getting all the info I need through MRN without the crazy cameras. I agree with what everyone said before, the voices on MRN are great!
I checked online, and it doesn't look like the race is streamed.
88 penalty for missing readr lug nuts -- why am i not surprised? disappointed but not surprised.
Maybe not such a good stop after all?
Well folks, somehow they did it. Keselowski will cycle as the leader by 2 seconds. Pretty much maintained. Must have done a heck of a job getting in and off
So, os the 88 still on the lead lap after the penalty? Shouldn't that info be given to us?
Maybe Sadler and junior can actually race their way back onto the lead lap?
Jr. is snakebit!
well, that set of green flag stops wasn't so successful. maybe the next set will improve . . .
pockrass tweets that the 99 didn't realize there was a timing line right after the pit box.
ok I came out side to listen to race. What happened to JR? he not leading anymore?
JJ is leading so it's nap time.
never mind...see Jr missed a lugnut...I missed a few words on MRN...miss a lot.
Thanks Red
@sophia: missed left rear lug nut in green flag stop.
Triples......here we go
OH! They busted it again and missed the race off...are you kidding me? Wow...
After a 15 minute struggle, I found MRN!!
Montoya was loose, came in and adjusted, found the rr was going down. Montoya not happy they adjusted for a flat tire, Pattie convincing him they didn't change too much, only pressures and a round on trackbar
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