Fans have been outspoken in email about this two hour live show on SPEED. This TV series has been around for years and has a familiar format.
John Roberts hosts Kenny Wallace and Jimmy Spencer at the SPEED Stage. TDP spoke about this program a while back and how the activity at the stage had changed. Both Wallace and Spencer now spend a significant amount of time speaking directly to the fans.
This perhaps does not have the same approach as having the panelists compare opinions and have discussions on NASCAR topics. Spencer has been having a particularly tough time recently. He makes bold statements that confirm his opinion as the right one. Wallace is not allowed to disagree.
The change in the dynamic of the panel has drawn Roberts into some discussions as the voice of reason. Often, Spencer's statements are so out of line that Roberts must offer a gentle corrective comment to get things back on track. Why Spencer has taken this approach of always being right is still a mystery.
This week, Jeff Gordon is the subject of Wendy Venturini's "Real Deal" feature. This is the only regularly scheduled TV feature that presents a timely focus on a single subject. Venturini is an established presence on RaceDay, but has not appeared on Race Hub or The SPEED Report. Time for that to change.
Hermie Sadler continues to move between three roles. He has been a reporter, an analyst on the SPEED Stage and a commentator in the TV booth working practice and qualifying coverage. Not bad for a guy who fans have watched work his way into the TV line-up starting as the guy presenting the track descriptions.
RaceDay continues to be scheduled earlier to avoid any conflict with the Sprint Cup Series TV shows. At this time of the year, it might be healthier to have two competing pre-race shows live at the same time. It should also be interesting to see what the RaceDay panel has to say about some of the issues that occurred during and after the Talladega race.
Thanks to Steve Langley at MotorSportsNews.net for the photo.
This post will serve to host your comments about NASCAR RaceDay on SPEED. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Wow! What a crowd!
The life's blood of Raceday is Wendy and Hermie walking the grid which doesn't happen when the network broadcasting the race has a 1 hour pre race show. I'm hoping that the earlier start times will shorten the network prerace and thereby give us back the grid walk. The loss of this leaves us with more Kenny and Jimmy and more is not better. If the 1 hour network prerace continues next year Speed should consider shrinking RD to 90 minutes.
It is going to be hard to make these pre-race shows interesting if Johnson advances his points lead today. I've been a Nascar fan for 10 years and I've NEVER missed a race. This is the first year I feel like I could miss a race and not miss much. That makes me sad. I'm hoping something will change to renew my interest. Maybe it's commenting on The Daly Planet Site!
Looks overcast but I am glad they got a good crowd. Too much yelling and too many bold statements from Herm and Mr. Excitement.
So was that AB calling that race. He made me look up and it was a replay.
LOVE the pic of Jimmy and Kenny. BUT this show needs to go BACK to ONE hour.
(**Note to Home Depot, could you not afford a SECOND commercial for Logano, SICK of this one**)
Also NRaceFan is correct; this show lost one of it's best features of Wendy walking along pitroad when BSPN took over with their lack of competition pre-race junk or whatever.
This show has issues but still has potential to go back to how it used to be.
Cutting the show in half and getting rid of the fluff/puff/minutia would be good first step. They need to tighten the steering on this ship as I enjoy the people on it.
Nice to see Jamie Mc get a mention, and his father.
p.s. When did RDay start these WEIRD opening features? Something else this show could easily ax. ;-)
that's pretty funny...Kenny's describing Spence to a T, lol.
didn't quite get the lap u wanted hey brad ur starting 35th please someone punt him today.
Sorry for off topic JD
Now that's cool of Hermie, except for twitter how would we know about the Kez KuB flight home.
Glad Hermie tried to get him to talk about the HP issue.
I hate to be so critical, but Jimmy is such an idiot...most of what he's said today made no sense or was just plain dumb....
OK slightly off topic but anyone else do a double take everytime you hear the Dumb Truck commercial?
Hermie and Wendy set such a different tone than Jimmy and Kenny.
Like two different teams on the same TV show.
Very good interview by Hermie, and Robin. Informative and news worthy.
negative energy? please. there are issues that need to be dealt with, you just can't put it under the rug and say be positive
holy mackerel...the first intelligent thing out of Jimmy's mouth, California is boring, lol.
Gillian isn't gonna like that.
Since it is a foregone conclusion Jimmy is going to win #4, short of his car not making it off pit road and Mark or Jeff winning...I hope he clinches today. Maybe then they can focus on ALL the racing and cover other drivers "stories".
More Wendy & Hermie....lots less Jimmy & Kenny.
and yeah, I know he said the 'fans' think it's boring...
Anyways, I agree with Bozo...you can't just wish it away by painting on a smile...
The features they do with Hermie and Wendy are why I think Raceday in any form will always be worth watching or at least have on as background.
"There is too much negative energy, I want the negative energy to stop right now!"
Kenny Wallace on Facebook and Twitter comments from fans.
WOW! Pemberton thinks Dega is best racing in the world & they won't change banking? Maybe for Jerry Springer fans.
Kenny Wallace thinks we're negative on Twitter. Well, finally 'race fans' have a place to be seen & heard (along with TDP) and NASCAR better realize they are seeing an uprising in outrage from fans.
For a plethora of reason's documented here and other places.
That's not negative energy it's the truth & sometimes truth hurts.
I agree with kenny, there is too much downright bashing and insulting going around on twitter and facebook and not enough actual ideas being presented. To me, it just feels like hate. I would be happy if we actually got together and tried to SOLVE the issues, instead of just all the bickering.
anon 1:40...that might be possible if NASCAR was not a benevolent dictorship. They give the drivers and fans lip service but they do what they want. Kinda like ESPN.
@NRF--yup back in the glory days when AB was in the booth :(. He always did a great job! Giving us background AND calling the winner in. He knew what was going on and didn't need to do a "where'd he come from? WHO is this guy?" dealio!
WHICH dumb truck commercial? I tend to mute commercials :-)
Bout time for me to sit out and get some sunshine.
All this pre-race and no/little POST race. Except on SPEED. :-) Post truck race interviews=awesome.
Kenny Wallace percieves problems that NEED fixing as negative energy.
Well, sometimes you have to face conflict in order to FIX things. Making things better is more than lip service.
I hate symbolism over real substance & NASCAR is good at it.
Gymmie said...
@NRF--yup back in the glory days when AB was in the booth :(. He always did a great job! Giving us background AND calling the winner in. He knew what was going on and didn't need to do a "where'd he come from? WHO is this guy?" dealio!
I don't remember AB in the "Glory Days"...Jenkins,Parsons,and Jarrett..now that was the glory days!!!
I'm reading Dustin's article saddened and sick to my stomach. I wish his daddy were still around he'd know what's going on and give the networks a talkin' to.
ZZ Top :)
Soph no haven't seen JG yet.
I just added some comments and my computer acted up when I hit "publish your comment" and I can't remember what I wrote so I'll just leave it for now. Anyway, I can only stand JS & KW for a few minutes then turn the channel. One of the ZZ Tops lived near us and he really stood out in the neighborhood!!!! It must be the mics that are causing them to not sing well today. TS Ida is causing rain today too hope it doesn't go as far north as Ft. Worth.
Soph. It's a Ford F150 commercial and not the one we just saw. It sounds like Dennis Leary doing the voice over but I'm not sure.
I just read Dustin's interview with brian france and feel sick, too.
Even MORE depressed.
Brian doesn't WATCH the tv broadcast & thinks they are fine and fans have agendas?
He thinks fans aren't watching because Carl E isn't doing well and Jr is doing POORLY (Somebody better keep an eye on Jr, with NASCAR DUMPING poor ratings on his shoulders. THAT's disgusting and passing the buck)
JUST when I thought I could NOT feel more hopeless & helpless about this sport, I saw the Tweet about Dustin's interview with Brian.
He needs to be interventioned by the family and IMPEACHED or something.
I have to go outside after reading that article and get some air....
Seriously...very disconcerting.
UGH! Hate blogger issues!
@anon 2:02--LOL! Yes you are correct but I wasn't watching back then so my glory days start with the "new" TV contract and having AB in the booth was the best.thing.evah! But I have seen races on Classic and yes those men were awesome :). Miss you BP!
NRF it is Dennis Leary, I like the one about cheating in science class areodynamic wake propertys LOL well we found out about that at dega hu?!?
I would never miss a minute of RD. I would even set my alarm to see it if it started early. Now? It doesn't matter to me if I see all of it or not. In fact, I just got back from grocery shopping.
It really needs to be overhauled in the off season. One hour is enough. Make more time for Hermie and Wendy and muzzle Jimmy and Kenny.
JD, I've noticed more named posters on your site. You must be doing a good thing. XOXO
I wish they could play the Anthem every week! That was great!
Thanks for the great comments. Please move your live race comments to the live blog post.
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