What an amazing third season of covering the NASCAR TV and media scene. The fan support was overwhelming, especially after a rough start to the season behind the scenes. I would like to personally thank those who took the time to contact me and encourage me to keep this blog alive for another year.
Before we begin to look ahead, we have to take a moment to look back. At the height of the racing season, TDP logged over 400 thousand pageviews a month. There is absolutely no doubt that NASCAR fans are just as passionate about how the sport is covered as they are about the racing.
Once again, NASCAR was one of the most fascinating sports in the world when it came to TV. The three networks on the Sprint Cup side had their ups and downs, with changes coming both during and after the season.
The Nationwide Series finally found an on-air leader and finished the TV year on a high note with some great racing. The Camping World trucks defied the odds and the dedication of a single TV team resulted in another memorable season of coverage.
Along the way, fans also saw some live Whelen Modified racing, a charity event and several live ARCA races featuring some of NASCAR's future stars. The All-Star race, extended coverage from Daytona and the first Hall of Fame selection program also made 2009 memorable.
While one NASCAR TV partner delivered consistent news all season long, another stepped in late in the game to deepen the coverage available for 2010. A visit to the White House, controlled substance issues and high profile crew chief changes were at the forefront of the solid coverage.
The list of weekend NASCAR programming seemed to get longer and longer, especially during the pre-race shows for big events. Some shows struggled while other stood out for solid live reporting and the developing presence of NASCAR's next TV stars.
This year, perhaps more than any in recent memory, served as a reminder that change is good and necessary for the health of any professional sport. Between the many positive changes made by NASCAR and the key changes made by several of the TV partners, there is an optimistic feeling in the air for 2010.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year, thanks again for stopping by. Let's see what 2010 will bring.
If I'll be able to, I'll post a "Happy New Year" and a check if TWC pulled the plug on FOX a few minutes after midnight.
This year seemed like one of the most interesting, but one of the worst when it came to NASCAR and its coverage on TV.
I hope 2010 is good, but it's not starting right (not meaning to be Captain Obvious, but look at the deadline of the TWC-FOX dispute).
My goal is to switch to DirecTV or Dish before Daytona.
This is the first Silly Season in a dozen years where I'm not jonesing for Daytona. Even when I wasn't rabidly following NASCAR (subscribing to Scene and Illustrated, and buying the Preview and Press Guide, paying for DirecTV, and not missing a single race), I always wanted to see Daytona.
(I am interested in Danica in ARCA and Nationwide. And not just because she looks outstanding in a firesuit -- and even better out of her firesuit as well. She's got a real personality.)
I am not interested in seeing another 48 Championship. If he wins again I'm never watching another Cup race until he's out of the sport. I don't mind that he's the very best. He's got no discernible personality. He's blander than hospital tapioca. Watching concrete harden is more interesting than listening to Jimmie Johnson talk.
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
People know each other in this small Illinois town. NASCAR will open 2010 with a much smaller viewing audience here than in 2009. I predict the audience will continue to shrink as the season drags on.
Of course, good TV production and some honesty from NASCAR (like, no phony caution flags) could prove me wrong. I hope so.
Happy New Year from Houston and best wishes to everyone out in TDP land. Looking forward to some changes in the tv booth, and hopefully for the better. Wondering what's going to happen with Fox/TWC like we have had with DirectTV and Versus. Rolling along to the Rolex 24 Hour Daytona race then onto the ARCA race and wondering if DP will make it. Then the Daytona 500. What will 2010 bring after that?
Happy New Year JD and my TDP family! <3
*giggle* Kenny! I'll watch paint dry over seeing Jimmie win AGAIN!
Hope all my fellow Planeteers have a safe New Year celebration. I hope 2010 brings great joy to everyone.
JD, thanks for working your fingers to the bone to give us a place to talk.
WCKenny, I'll even watch golf without Tiger if it means no 5th for 48. LOL
Stay safe if y'all are going out tonight.
Happy New Year Planeteers.
I'm looking forward to the new season.
I'm hoping that JJ does win championship #5. Maybe then BF will abandon the Chase.
@ JD, thanks again for TDP. Should you ever decide to retire again, let us know in advance so we can at least buy you a gold watch.
This year for me has been not one I want to remember, but it's 'bout outta here!
Gonna be watching Anderson Cooper at home like I have the past few years.
I hearby make it one of my resolutions to live blog on here more often! :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy NEW YEAR to all!!! 2010 here we come!
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and WINNING 2010 !!! (And may we receive all the channels we need to watch our sport of choice)
Should our impatience be for naught, and never make the air;
Should our impatience be forgot, then we'll say that "we don't care"
For our last time, NAS-CAR;
for the last time;
We'll stick that cup
With Sprint writ on
Right where the moon don't shine!
Happy New Year
Bray Kroter
Happy New Years everyone! I just can not wait to get this 2010 Nascat Sprint Cup season started!!!!! One question I have about 2010 I was looking at Jayski.com and the 88 2010 car has the ea sports logo on it still??? Why is this I thought theres no game this year? Just thought i'd ask. Thanks
From a part-time poster and full-time lurker - THANK YOU JOHN for this forum. And thank you to the Planeteers for allowing my $.02 on occasion.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy 2010, JD and all the Planeteers. Here's hoping that 2010 does bring the better competition many fans are calling for AND better TV coverage and PLEASE not another boring Chase with the 48 as champ again. yuck, my worst nightmare.
Anyway, It's been fun talking to everyone in 2009 and I hope we can all continue during 2010.
Happy New Year!
Excellent rendition, Bray!
You guys are awesome, stay safe tonight!
lol Nascat no I ment Nascar :) Im so hyped for this new year I didnt even notice that I typed Nascar wrong...HA Oh well JD I can't thank you enough for what you have done for us Nascar fans, this sight is pure bliss thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR NASCAR NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year all. Count me as one of the 48 does it again crowd. Hey maybe thus HBO special will show everyone the real JJ. you know the one who had a few too many adult bev's and starting the stair racing at Tony's 30th birthday party.
A very Happy New Year to all my friends here at TDP. This blog and all of you are what got me thru last race season. Y'all be careful out there tonight!
Happy New Year to all the Planeteers! And to a better decade for Nascar & the country. Been a rough yr in MI-hoping for great things in 2010...and btw, has anyone noticed how much easier it is to type 2010 than 2009? :)
happy new year, one and all. stay safe and let's all wake up to a great 2010.
this is me, raising my glass to all my planeteer buddies and a special thanks to jd for hanging in there this year!
happy 2010, everyone. catch you all on the flip side!
Yeah, Va Tech just won! The new year is getting a good bump. Maybe it's an omen that the racing and its coverage will be great in 2010.
Happy New Year to everyone to all.
Happy New Year to the planeteers! Hoping this year brings better TV for all, and an agreement with Fox/TW (I have DISH but it's unfortunate to see the customers screwed...) Like Chris I'm curious to see what happens at 12:01.
Happy New Year in the East.
As of 12:04, the ball has NOT YET dropped on FOX. Repeat: FOX is NOT GONE. THANK GOD!!!!!
Chris how about at noon on New Year's Day? Any changes yet?
Bad Mugambo for FOX
This morning, Cablevision in NY dropped both FOOD network and HGTV!!
Fight is over pricing.
FOX is gonna have to eat some crow on their ask $$$$ if they want to stay on cable.
And SPEED is hanging in the balance
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