The ARCA Series has been nice enough to provide a live feed of the scanner chatter and the updated lap information as the teams practice in Daytona.
Danica Patrick has been featured during the morning session. Tony Eury Jr, Danica and their spotter have been busy making eight to ten lap solo runs. She is new to stock car racing, so she calls the Daytona tri-oval the "dogleg" and the Superstretch is the "back straight."
Patrick has been flat-out and searching for more speed and better handling. There are a ton of teams at Daytona and this afternoon ARCA will allow limited drafting practice. This will put Patrick in new situations and should provide a glimpse into her talent and patience.
Click here for the direct link to the ARCA website. Make sure you have the computer speakers turned up. The audio will come automatically when ARCA chooses to put a scanner online. There are no announcers, this is just raw team audio.
If you follow us at twitter.com/TheDalyPlanet, we will be on in the afternoon chatting and updating the information from this test session. If you are not yet on Twitter, please consider it.
As the afternoon session begins at 1PM, we will open up this post to comments. Thanks.
Totally unexpected! Thanks JD as always. Don't know what we would do without you :-)
Just trying to help. SPEED must be kicking itself for not rolling out some basic TV and online coverage for today.
Especially after the snowstorm!
OK, the afternoon session is underway at Daytona live on the ARCA scanner. Click the link.
Well, this gives a different point of view. You're right that Speed is probably kicking themselves about not setting something up -- snowing hard in NJ! I'm baking cookies and checking here to see what's going on in racing -- sounds like some of the "guys" according to twitter are interested in ARCA and N'Wide now that there are hot girls to watch in it. Except that everyone looks the same inside the car and inside the helmet.
Dang Speed. This is cool, but I need a visual. I would have watched. Not just for Danica, but other women, Brandon McReynolds and lots of others...guy from F1, China...holy moly, not your Daddy's/Mommy's NASCAR anymore...LOL.
SPEED didn't even need to show this live (would've been nice). They could've taped it and shown it instead of the 90 eps of Pass Time coming up later.
JD, thanks for the heads up on twitter. Been listening all day and it has been really cool. I love live scanner talk, profanity and all
I think this kind of raw audio has a place at times like this.
I agree with others that Speed missed a great opportunity here. Even just basic video this time of year would be welcome by everyone.
No one calls the backstretch at Daytona the Superstretch except for the dumb people who thought up the name. It isn't even the longest straightaway in racing. That has nothing to do with Danica being new to NASCAR.
Trying to make the point about straight and stretch....
ok, so already she's giving some VERY concrete information to tony jr and she's getting very specific feedback in return. now, she's even focused on her tach lights not being clear enough to let her know how she's doing on pit road: "jaundiced" is the word she used. interesting.
and i can't help myself: i have to make this comparison. once again, this may be a piviotal moment for nascar, having danica patrick scanner chatter live while east coast is buried in snow.
(although i doubt she'll be pummeling anyone with her helmet anytime soon . . . )
Red, I have that same feeling. A really big thing is happening right now. I am waiting for the site to crash. I am sure that a lot of folks are on it.
Rich, this could be what I am experiencing. Anyone else having issues keeping it going. I have to keep refreshing. Works for a while...then freezes up. I have lovely Vista, not sure if that could be an issue. PC challenged.
PS...I am actually very excited about racing again! At the end of the season, other than going to Daytona, wasn't sure how much I would watch. Hope my enthusiasm isn't just temporary.
WCD, same thing happened here; i'm using safari. i shut down the site, opened a new window, reloaded and it seems to be holding better now.
rich, i doubt there will be "new" fans created but i think this is doing a ton of good for jrm and patrick herself. her sense of humor, her racing acumen, her clarity of feedback are impressing a whole bunch of jaded and cynical fans right now.
and it's sure great to hear tj and tony jr!!
you know I've never minded the language I hear on the scanner. I know some people object and I probably wouldn't let a child listen but I enjoy being able to hear the real emotion that you get with the live scanner.
gina, i completely agree in re: scanner! never understood the hysteria surrounding what's said/heard on the scanner. if folks are bugged by the language or content, they don't have to listen, it's that simple. "listen at your own risk and DON'T take it personally" is my philosophy.
Gina/Red....I personally don't mind "scanner" talk (unless the F word is used every other word...annoying). Although I wsa hoping someday to get my grand daughter into racing (had her JR PJ's on the other night and has a race teddy bear in driver suit with her name). There is no way I would let her listen on a scanner. But can't ask drivers, on their job to change their personality...good or bad :-)
Oops. Sorry. I thought I only hit send once.
WCD/Gina: agreed that scanners are NOT for kids under any circumstances. what annoys me is the adults who listen in and then get outraged by the langauge or the emotions. getting ticked at smoke b/c of what he said on his radio about dale mid-race is the perfect example.
what keeps me listening today is not necessarily patrick herself. i'm mostly interested by the learning moment that happening and how the team is working together. loved the "basically, you do everything for me but drive it!" when asking when/how to start drafting!
@red...agree on the "how the team works". I find myself more engrossed with what TJ & Tony Jr are saying. The testing is actually more fun than the racing. Learn lots more than..."tight", "loose" "driving like an F'ing dump truck"...LOL!
The only thing that would be better than this is with pictures. Hello, Speed? Would like to see/hear how others are doing, not just Danica.
I still can't believe with all the Danica hype that SPEED didn't take advantage of this. Why wouldn't someone want to buy comml time for this?
Dot...then we would complain about over exposure and they never did it for anyone else...LOL!
@ WCD, so true. We just can't win. Though there are others on the track.
All the hype aside, it is what it is, just a test session. They've never covered it to extent in the past, so why should this year be any different?
Heck, even the Sprint Cup tests weren't shown live, so what makes you all think a lowly ARCA test would too?
@ hot6, because we're race deprived? And ARCA usually has some "moments" with the inexperienced drivers.
I would watch any testing over 90 eps of any rerun on SPEED.
Didn't they cover January testing on Speed before it was outlawed?
That was the shame of the test ban, we finally got SPEED to jump in with a daily wrap up show.
Sooner or later...NASCAR TV Network.
That was an interesting day of team radio chatter. Thanks to ARCA for making it available.
JD, Would it have been feasible for SPEED or the NASCAR Media group to have set up a couple of unmanned cameras to pick up on-track action? I sure would have watched in place of Weather Channel.
red, as I recall you're in the Philly area, where I hear there's almost enough snow to satisfy my grandchildren. Hope everything's OK - and also for other TDP'ers in the storm path. JD, do you remember snow?
I think the late nature of Danica's announcement played into it. Also, it would be up to ARCA and SPEED to handle this.
No NASCAR Media Group in this mix.
Darn, darn darn, I missed it all on Speed.. Darn vacation.. Lol.. NOT.. Lol..
From what I read here Danica held her own, I'm glad about that.. This household will be paying more, much more, attention to ARCA this year. No, not because of Danica. Because of Nascars lousy TV performance over the past several years.
Oh, Ever listen to Bobby Labonte on the scanner live?? Lol.. If you need clean, just turn it off.. At Dover durning practice for qualifying he basically said this. This was the spring race. 1997 or 1998. The wife and I were there on Friday to watch..
Stop reading if you need to. Fair enough? Just stop reading my post if you can't handle slang words.
"This mother f....ing car is going mother f...ing faster then I can drive this mother f...ing thing"...
Heard it live. And that is real close to word for word..
That was the year Bobby started on the pole and Kyle Petty spun him out coming out of turn 2, under the bridge. I saw my, then, driver going backwards down the backstretch.
Danica's, or any other drivers direct radio links are real life. Not for kids.
I wish I had read this post a few hours ago. Darn, Missed some action on the track on Speed.
JD, sorry if I over stepped the language.. Just telling it the way I heard it.. If you need to pull it, I get it.
richard in nc: safe at home, thanks, husband just made it in from the restaurant & the roads are so crappy, we begged off going to an friends' open house tonight. started snowing at 6:45 this morning and, with a minor break, it's still going. i knew it was too risky to drive tonight when a transit bus slid past its stop into an intersection while i was shoveling snow!
listening to the arca practice was sensational! i know it was solely b/c it was danica patrick's first competitive run that it was even streamed but man, the radio chatter was informative and interesting. tj majors earned every penny of his paycheck today, guiding, teaching, encouraging, gently pushing. and danica showed a side of her that most fans didn't know or refused to accept existed.
as i've said: i like danica the racer and today just reinforced the reasons why. she's smart, observant, competitive and funny -- all traits that have endeared other racers to us as fans.
i say: give her a chance to show what she can do in nascar over the next 2 seasons.
john p: EXACTLY! all racers talk that way on the radio, not just the couple who seem to get slammed for it *cough* dale. tony, young mr busch. older mr busch *cough* it comes with being competitive and (sometimes) being scared outta your mind when something happens to you. i love that danica dropped the f-bomb today: makes me appreciate her racing spirit all the more!
My philosophy too, Red, if you don't like what you hear,don't listen. You can always use the scanner to pickup the radio broadcast - MRN or PRN and that still lets you keep up with the action at the track. LOL -- WC Diane -- the F word every other word CAN get a little distracting although I can usually tell how much my driver likes the car by how far the language degrades.
I enjoy the arca series so much, I love it when I can make my schedule work so I can catch one of the races live -- to me its a lot like the difference between college sports and professional sports. College is more fun because the folks involved are very invested in getting it done.
Red, I agree with you -- scanners are a "use at your own risk" deal and like you, I can't figure out why people use them, tune in to the drivers and then get mad because the language is a raw and then complain about what they heard. Seems silly to me -- if it upset me, I wouldn't listen, that's all. I sure don't want this stuff censored -- I'm not a dale jr fan but I thought one of the dumbest fines NASCAR ever imposed was when he said "sh**" on TV. Honestly, how stupid.
I enjoyed hearing the scanner traffic today -- gives me a better feel for how they are going to work together -- although it does seem a little obvious on the hype meter because of the whole Danica deal. I guess I'm having racing withdrawal if I'm willing to listen to this!
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