NASCAR on FOX returns after a two week break with live coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from the Bristol Motor Speedway.
Chris Myers will start the day from the Hollywood Hotel with Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond. This pre-race show has been all over the map this season. NASCAR interviews and features are mixed with comedy bits and what FOX considers entertainment.
Mike Joy will handle the call of the race with Waltrip and Larry McReynolds alongside. Steve Byrnes, Matt Yocum, Krista Voda and Dick Berggren will be the pit road reporters.
The TV challenge at Bristol revolves around two issues. The first is keeping the viewers informed of all the changes in position. One green flag pitstop will put a car a lap down at least. One jam-up behind a slow car can cause five or more lead lap positions to be shuffled.
The second issue is the TV images chosen by the director. This track is tiny. Putting a full field out under green flag conditions means cars are racing almost all the way around the track. Making a decision to only show two cars racing or using the in-car cameras live means eliminating a lot of the action.
The fundamental job of covering NASCAR live on TV is to show the folks at home what the fans in the stands are watching. By purposefully punching buttons and using equipment just because it's there, a big chunk of what happens on the track is never seen.
During the practice sessions, the FOX production team used the in-car cameras extensively. This may or may not be a hint at what is in store for today. When BMS was a single groove, it was easy for the cameras to follow the double-wide action into the corners knowing there would be trouble.
These days, BMS is a completely different animal. Two-wide racing is the norm and the TV team is searching for passing all over the track. It should be interesting to watch the way that the NASCAR on FOX team chooses to tell the stories.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Sprint Cup Series race from BMS on FOX. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you as always for taking the time to stop by.
1 – 200 of 327 Newer› Newest»Happy Race Day JD and the Planeteers! <3
Snow in TX and rain in TN :( at least Brian said it shouldn't be the monsoon he originally thought it would be.
Hope we get a good portion of the rain in if it does rain! I hate calling it but at least the teams can get ready for Martinsville if they do have to call it and CLT isn't too far of a ride back and forth regardless!
Hi G, this one should be interesting!
Crowd was a little light (to say the least) yesterday with all the college hoop going on. The NCAA tourney continues today.
Yes will be interesting to see how many folks show up. Not into College Hoops (sometimes watch the final 2) but short of Duke since they seem to be there every year with Coach K don't know much about the other teams.
Hope people support today
I'm looking forward to an afternoon of on the track drama, words of conflict, and contact of colors on the track of Thunder Valley! I hope the rain holds up!
There is NOTHING like NASCAR Sprint Cup competition!
Who do you think will win today?
Ok folks, with rain a posiblity today, how long before the "Vortex Theory" talk starts in the FOX booth? #nascar
Has FOX gone off the air where you are? Just getting Technical Difficulties, Please Standby here.
that Radar looks U-G-L-Y, also FOX feed looks fine here in central MD
Slice of Pizzi...anyone?
Just tuning into the pre-race show as I write. I'm so excited about this race today. Puppy's?? Oh, never mind. It's that dumb ... Pizza. Anyway, looking forward to the race. Actually, gonna turn right back to Spike Tv and watch something automotive. Sorry.
okay, asking KRyle if he hated puppies after mentioning Jr. wreck made me smile. And KyBu's look at him was pricelss!
If you are having a FOX local station problem, just tell us where you live.
TONO, we pretty much do TV comments here.
Pleased to say the Sky satellite broadcast for Irish and British viewers is in widescreen this week. Open Access channel 190 on Sky.
I wish I knew who was responsible for this so I could grovel at their feet and go thankyewthankyewthankyew.
Good thing: we now have full pre- and post-race coverage that SkySports always omitted. Bad thing: Pizzi.
The slice of Pizzi does have to go! It is one of the stupid segments of the pre-game show that is ridiculous and doesn’t add to the promotion of the sport!
Slice of Pizzi... yet another in the long line of short-lived disasters thought up by the "brilliant minds" behind-the-scenes at Fox. Perhaps the adult beverages should be kept away from the 2011 Fox pre-season production meetings after what 2009 and 2010's meetings brought.
Thank you for the UK update! So glad to know that they NASCAR and Open Access guys listened to us.
Dallas, no FOX for at least 15 minutes.
Boy DW looks great in his red, white and blue. But still the same old storyline Carl vs. Brad. I wish they would get on with something new.
Rain has started in Bristol....wah.
Good race day everyone. Beautiful day in the mid-atlantic states. First weekend of the year in the 70's. Hopefully Fox does not abuse the car cam's today. They give zero reference to the actual race. So far the pre-race show is offering no information. Is this sport heading down the wrestling path? Saw the Pizza part, ok, sorry but I dont get it. All I ask is why? Why is he there and why do I watch pre-race. Fox is putting the skies on, the motor boat is fired up, and the shark is ready.
Rain now? But Fox's weatherman said it would only rain if the race took more than 3 1/2 or 4 hours. They wouldn't intentionally lie to us like that would they?
Too much Carl/BK coverage. Reminds me of Danicamania.
I had hoped Pizzi and Digger would be put on the shelf after yesterday's sobering reminder that this sport isn't a joke and should be taken very seriously. Sadly that was too much to ask for from Fox.
Oh my, just checked accuweather.com. That's a big patch of green just outside Bristol.
FOX in Dallas is now showing mydestintion.tv, a vacation program.
Trying to get on the Dallas problem.
Reporters say light drizzle falling.
That was the pretty harmless Pizzi.
FOX 4 out of Dallas is now showing a program called Destination.
For about the last 30 minutes all I was getting was the Technical Difficulties sign.
Looks like no race for me.
I thought that Krista’s interview with Carl Edwards as they drill this Carl –vs- Brad storyline was pretty tame and not very informative. No one followed up on the comment that Carl made in Atlanta "Brad knows the deal between him and I," Edwards said. What did he mean?
Haven't watched one Pizzi episode. Fast forward right through it. Must be for the knuckle dragging fan base.
Yes, 12/99 ad naseum, but then can't ignore it...just need to find happy medium.
I did like the scanner feature. Not sure if they had that anywhere else this weekend. It helps to see what was taking place prior to the incident.
Saw the "bummer" cam reference for NW. So true. Please, please, please STOP IT!
PS...thank you NASCAR for earlier start times. Very cool on West Coast.
I would have loved to have seen those entrance music driver intros. Sad that Fox is all about ego and every second of their broadcast has to be about nothing but them them them them.
NASCAR now back on in Dallas folks! Technical trouble with the downlink equipment.
I agree on that one. My opinion is that the Edwards crew chief and also Jack Roush got off scott free in this deal.
"Scott Free" is that a pun?
Scott free was a good line, JD.
See? You guys get it!
Can I tell you how much Chris Meyers' voice annoys me and how much I am disliking the pre-race show !!!!
They're doing pre-race ceremonies 12 minutes earlier than scheduled.
We get to see this group, but couldn't see driver intros??? geez..
oook, what are we listening to right now?
Looks like NASCAR called an audible and went to the hurry up offense.
GIMME a fricken BREAK! Lee friken Greenwood?? One hit 20 years ago - talk about milikin the HELL outta song.
WOW loads of empty seats! when we used to go there we were packed in like sardines! And this isn't just NCAA basket ball or the economy, its a combination of things. Never thought I'd see that many empty seats
Wonder if all those empty seats will fill up?
I'm glad that we are getting to hear Lee Greenwood sing "God Bless the USA!"
No sellout today. Maybe rain, the economy or hoops.
Skipped the prerace, I refuse to watch the stupidity.
I foresee a buttload of in car shots with the bumper cams, when will they get it?
From Mr. Nowitall
It's actually "scot-free." And contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with Dred Scott or the Scottish.
Sceot is the Old English for "a tax." Scot and lot was a medieval muncipal tax levied on residents. Someone who managed to avoid paying this medieval tax got off "scot free."
Eventually, the word evolved to describe getting away without any kind of punishment, fiscal or otherwise.
What happened to NASCARA mantra that they wouldn't start a race unless they though they could get it all in??
I miss the days of pride and personal responsibility....
That would be the joke....Mr.
No matter how Hammond wants to spin it. There were more boos for Edwards than cheers.
From veteran reporter Jeff Owens:
Six minutes before race time and this is a very sparse crowd by Bristol standards. Tens of thousands of empty seats.
Man, I hope we get some good racing and TV coverage. We really need it right now.
I know I'm not in the seat I had for the past 10 years. And they always milk Lee Greenwood at Bristol. Some people stand for it as if it was the National Anthem.
just joining you now. Made the mistake of tuning in early and almost caught 'Pizzi'. Bailed until race time!
JohnP - I'm glad you noticed that. Hammond was clearly talking out of his rear. I don't know if it was what the producer wanted him to say or his actual opinion.
Skipped pre-race today, but I'm here for the racing.
S&P prediction today is #66, #55 and #09. I don't know what the #26 is going to do today, they need to fight for a top-35 spot, so they'll likely go as far as they can. The #46 is a big question mark because this is their first race.
Wow, empty seats at Bristol. Signs of the times for NASCAR. I skipped the pre-race show since it makes no sense to me at all these days. I'm watching a picture of the sweeper on the track right now.
I really hope they don't start with in car and "bummer" cams. LOL It's a nice day here in Jersey, so I'm for the great outdoors if they do.
Wow JD. We use to try to get tickets to Bristol and finally gave up years ago. Big turn around. I'd say more then rain, economy and hoops though. The broadcast is less then inspiring. If I was a new fan trying to get interested, I'd laugh and turn the channel. And it's aready proven they can't keep the long time fans due to childish antics on the tv. Pizza, Goober Cam, etc. It's like watching a kids show on Disney.
Those that listen to Trackpass Scanner, are you getting any audio? I don't hear a thing, not even on scan drivers.
Hammond has said from the get-go that Carl was justified wrecking Brad, he had it coming, and Nascar was perfect not giving any penalty at all. Still surprised he heard more cheers?
WOOHOO Bristol baby! Time for a few beers and some great racing have fun everyon!
I'll check on Trackpass for you, raining now in Bristol. Daggone it.
Get ready to get our fill of the front bumper cam.
Doesn't wrecking start with a w Mr. Joy?
well, i skipped pre-race as usual & turned in just in time to see . . . that rat thing. sigh.
Becky, I have no sound either get please tune back during broadcast hours. It appears they forgot to turn it on. HELP JD
@Mr Knowitall--JD was being funny due to the name of Carl's sponsor Scott's
@JD--what happened to the old "hurry up" mode? Is there a time frame that they have to deal with? IIRC depending on the forecast/start time it was usually 15-30 minutes early. And I know others have brought up in the past folks still getting to the track would miss the start. Sigh can't win for losing sometimes :(
Looks like it started raining as soon as the command was given so guess "hurry up" wouldn't have helped at lot just got a few laps in today. At least there are lights :)
MV - When Terry Cook was asked if he would S&P a few weeks ago, he replied he would only do what he was told. I think he will be on the list. After all, that team is WAY in the red right now.
Hey Red, on Cops last night a drunk guy they arrested was decked out in his Nascar T-shirt. I'm sure I'll see a Digger shirt on someone arrested soon.
Start Engines command was out of sync on KCPQ in Skiabble ...
It's too early ... out here ...
Can I propose a theory? Maybe Nascar is demanding tight camera shots so the empty seats are not shown? Kinda thought that last year and it just came to me again. Anyway, just a thought.
no rain showing on windshields. No one in stands getting out panchos. Yet.
if it' raining why wouldn't the booth tell us??
Howdy Folks! Let's see if we get anything other than in-car shots!
What is the need for the inflammatory words from the announcers? Joey Logano needs to get "tough?" DW thinks what Carl Edwards was great?
Since these guys are NASCAR's talking heads, I guess they are spewing the company line to build R A T I N G S !
Odd that the starting lineup graphic didn't indicate who's on the inside and outside rows. The only clue would have been that Bobby Labonte was shown on the right side for row 22.
@Nan S why, oh why am i not surprised by that?
RE: Trackpass Scanner. I jumped into the support chat, but I'm 30th in the queue. I've tried Firefox and IE with no luck. Nothing but dead air. I pay for this service ... I expect it to work or at least tell me there's an issue. The status page said there were no problems reportd.
Waiting got an update on the scanner problems with Trackpass from the NASCAR.com guys.
MV...odd numbers on the inside except if pole sitter chooses outside.
Empty seats...at Bristol!?! Wow.
@Sally - The grid graphic only said "Row X", it didn't indicate starting position.
Do they feel the need to use the vortex theory on a weekly basis now?
First 'vortex theory reference.
@JD - Do you think the S&P will be called out by the booth?
took 14 laps to mention the vortex
Becky, no my audio is not on with trackpass either. glad to know I'm not just going crazy. Shoot, I depend on that to know what's going on, too, since TV won't tell me.
"No sellout today. Maybe rain, the economy or hoops."
Could it be people are losing interest in NASCAR? For me, It's the latter. I DVR the race to review controversies. Hmmmm...I'd better set the DVR...Honestly, I forgot.
I check in here a few times during the race.
Off to listen on radio online. After BRIEFLY reading of new (are U kidding me? FRONT bumper cam, yesterday HOPELESS For TV to IMPROVE the race. Mister Pitiful is calling the track shots..Who "Mr Pitiful is remains a mystery to us though!? *Sigh*
too many in car cams/tight shots and need to LISTEN anyway due to on going use of eye issues. Miss being here for the blogging with ALL the SAVVY FOLKS but gotta protect the eyes.
Will miss MRN guys again..will "TRY" listening to FOX sometimes but am tired of the Carl & Brad talk.
Happy to see Justin win the race yesterday. Nice young man! :-)
ugh ..this front bumper cam just now TOTALLY USELESS FOX & NASCAR NEEDS TO DEMAND WIDER ANGLES
But for the record VS uses too many in car cams in IRL now thus races on tv STINK.
But FOX CAMERA WORK Is WORSE than ever this year
xoxo to all the posters
audio on trackpass JUST came on. Geez, are they having serious tech problems at Nascar.com or what?
Joe Nemechek to the garage. No mention yet.
I also have no sound on trackpass
W Penske Stewart Kyle radio has free online radio listening...aka WPSK FM. hope that's ok to put JD
listen & avoid cam &^$%#^#!catiedl
now I am off
From Mr. Nowitall
I have determined what has caused the audio delay that some of you may be experiencing on the race broadcast. It is apparent to us that Mr. Waltrip's voice is not catching up with his lips flapping thus creating and electronic/audio vortex that has scrambled the signal on the up link from Bristol.
My Fox Charlotte is not HD? Anyone
else having same or do I need to
Looks like Joe Nemechek has parked the #87. I guess the ComputerWorks sponsorship was really only for the Nationwide race, they just displayed their logo on the Cup car out of courtesy.
Interesting way for Dave Blaney to park the #66...
Hey guys, try closing just the scanner program and then relaunching it. Working for some now.
Man! The NASCAR.com "live" leaderboard is waaayyy behind tv.
I don't know what people are talking about: I am shocked by the number of empty seats I have seen during prerace and race shows. Even after being told how poor attendance might be. Holy @#%&!
LOL @ Mrknowitall! excellent theory to go along with the vortex
What's wrong with the #90? The booth kept gabbing about Jeff Gordon.
JD, great minds think alike. Computers like being stopped and restarted I think - it makes them happy. Anyway, I did try that, but I'm guessing it was the howling from the trackpass users that finally got it up. You gigging them helped, too, I would think
Well there it is: FOX calling the S&Ps of Nemecheck Waltrip, Almirola Blaney
Mike Joy called out the teams parking their cars, just didn't call them "start and park" like Marty Reid does on ESPN.
Underdog Update: 26-David Stremme restarted in the top 5, falling back fast. 87-Nemecheck looks to be the first car to park. #nascar
Missed caution: Clint Bowyer
@Buschseries61 my question as well. he's now a lap down so i wonder if he served a pass thru for having something (equipment?) hanging from the back of the car. anyone? hello, fox? anyone?
They missed a flaming Bowyer
Like the UPS delivery commercial!
From Mr. Nowitall
BMS sellout streak in jeopardy?
First time since 1982
News article from Bristol with link.
Published: March 20, 2010
"As of late Friday afternoon, speedway personnel said plenty of tickets still remain for Sunday’s Sprint Cup Food City 500. If not all are sold, it will be the first time since 1982 – 55 Sprint Cup races ago – that the speedway won’t be able to celebrate a sellout."
We missed the caution. Good thing we didn't miss much, just a blown engine. I wish FOX would come out of commercial for cautions, except maybe debris.
We need some momentum in the broadcast right now.
DW encouraging Mikey to go back out
after parking. I think Jaws has
a monetary interest in MW's program.
Interesting Fox is all of a sudden interested in a start-n-park driver going back out on the track when it's Mikey... wonder why???
Looks like the #09 and the #46 are going to go out and pick up a few more spots before they park for good. Cook was pulling back onto the track as Bowyer was shown blowing up on the replay.
Michael Waltrip should be embarassed---a start & park please..where is Nascar's Big Red Truck standards...
and to have DW validate this
As I mentioned yesterday, campgrounds within sight of the track were not close to full and the usual excitement in the air was missing, I knew attendance would be way down. Local media tried to downplay it but it was obvious.
This race is "presented by GoDaddy.com". I'm gonna cut it off if I see any more of these ads. Also, the coverage is a bunch of junk as well. Someone PLEASE count down the days until TNT!!!!!
The Phil Parsons car MW was driving is run out of MWR racing.
Don't forget the last few years of DW's career was essentially start-n-park.
bevo said...
Interesting Fox is all of a sudden interested in a start-n-park driver going back out on the track when it's Mikey... wonder why???
Could it be more of us are interested than those who are not? TV is, after all, a game of numbers...
Mikey explained his S&P reasons on Twitter late last nite. Works for me.
@dannyboy i don't follow waltrip on twitter: can you share his explanation please? thanks.
Dannyboy, I'm not a twitter kind of guy. what did Mikey have to say?
is larry mac seriously saying that zipadelli "panicked" with an adjustment on the 20 car? really? SERIOUSLY? gregg zipadelli? panicked? on a race car adjustment?
i am sooo close to be done with this. what arrogance.
Camera on a pack of cars going around the 20 good stuff but then they feel it is better to watch just two cars go round and round.
red - His choice of words has baffled me.
Kind of strange. Like the TV guys are only showing us a slice of what is going on and they are choosing it. Builds frustration.
PRISM has only partial sponsorship so they can't do every race fully: costs too much. But if u don't have to pay a driver (MW) and S&P actually PAYS money for participation, it keeps the team up-to-snuff to be there and at least going thru the motions, while making some actual money. Otherwise it's sit at home & watch and twiddle yr thumbs while u watch yr bank account dwindle.
I think I got that right.
JD - It feels like the race has no flow. FOX is jumping around to the cars they want to see. The cameras are just as jumpy. Nothing is continuous.
@Dannyboy- Think it has more to do with someone's brother ;)
Earth to Darrell Waltrip: It's been more than "a few years" since Mark Martin pulled into the pits before the checkered to give the win to David Green in a Busch race.
Kudos on the nice shot of an official's back while Hamlin thumps the wall
There is racing happening, I'm hearing it on PRN & "seeing it" on Trackpass. Could Fox interrupt themselves & show & describe the race? Thank you
Danny - Believe me, PRISM has built up the bank reserves. Parking one car weekly breaks even. Parking two Cup cars weekly creates a profit.
FOX did change that quad split back to a triple. That was positive.
@dannyboy thanks. appreciate the recap.
@buschseries61: i'm just getting so annoyed at the absolute "i know it all" from larry mac of late. from dw, i'm just ignoring it but from larry mac? it's been getting worse.
boy they are losing it on this coverage big time. events coming one after the other & they're too busy chattering about whatever was in their brain at the time. so we get it all on replay, not as it happens.
it's a short track w/16 second laps. take that into account when planning for the event and when broadcasting it!
This race has the flow of a 2 year old with a remote.
How can Larry Mc sit next to Joy and hear him constantly pronounce BK's name correctly and still not get it right?
@Jojaye...why should they start now? They have always picked and chose what to 'show' the fans. I believe that's why most of us at home feel the racing is boring. No matter what happens on the track, we get a highly edited view of the race.
I had to turn off Fox's audio. They are NOT calling the race-just DW runnin' his mouth. I'm done.
Has it ever happened in NASCAR history that a team owner went out & qualified and participated in a race in a car owned by another team? Never mind that he did it for no pay.
Seems 2 me that deserves at least a passing mention ;-)
@bevo i want it recognized that, although i've been grinding my teeth, i did NOT bring up the weekly mangling of kez's name! and thank you for doing so!
lazy broadcasting, in my world.
and now we're revisiting the pit road tackiness moment AGAIN?
@Dannyboy - He didn't do it for no pay, but Dale Earnhardt used to do it at every race.
Just been told by DirectTV that
WCCB local Fox Charlotte not
broadcasting in HD today. Can you
believe that in the heart of
NASCAR? Good column material JD.
I'm convinced that Larry Mc and DW have gotten to comfortable with their jobs and do zero prep work for the races.
@Sally - I have een requesting various tv folk to get it right for a few years now - to little avail.
@Pam my tv sound is off also.
Its a shame TomJensen & Jenna can twitter faster & more accurately than Fox tv can broadcast this race!!
Just turned on the DVR and am headed out to the grocery store. Its a better use of time than rain delay coverage.
JD: Thanks for the info. Building up the profits for when they wreck a car or two? ;-)
Bevo: re LM mispronouncing names - same reason Keifer/Jack Bauer and GWBush 43 say "nuke-you-ler" instead of "nuke-lee-er" ;-P
I also think Larry and DW just show up with no preparation. Now they get to talk about the rain.
I live 40 miles from the track anad just got a high wind advisory til Monday morning
Rick Dickert? That's not really the guy's name is it?
twitter reporting red flag coming as they've lost the track. just sayin' . . .
Eesh, a problem with trackpass audio yet again. Time to cancel it.
Rick is the AM reporter in the helicopter doing news in LA.
Most viewers who emailed me said he never does the weather and they had no idea he was a meteorologist.
Wow. That shot of the stands from track level really showed how many empty seats there are. The back stretch looks very sparse. That's where my seats used to be. Guess I'm not the only one that decided not to renew. So sad to see a once unique track become mundane. Even the parking/camp grounds aroundthe track look empty.
That safety piece by Hammond was horrible.
Has he done run outta thangs to say? Maybe when Fox gits tired of his high pitched red neck twang he will git pick upped by Disney so they can create a Hillbilly Mouse to be Mickey's friend. Yee Haw!
Seeing the empty seats reminded me where everyone is. Bristol is a non-smoking race track. The smokers are all under the grandstands smoking.
Which makes no sense at all, the smoke rises up to the seats above them. Go figure.
NASCAR on FOX needs new blood. ALOT of new blood, from the top on down through the Hellwood Hotel, the booth, the truck, everywhere. Mr. Vocabulary in the booth is on my last nerve. OlDeeDub needs to go. Just go. Cheerlead at a football game or something. Jeez, can the cameras be more erratic? Are you guys tweeking in the truck or what? Calm down and be steady for once, wilya! Mike Joy has so many promos and such nonsense to get out he can't call a race. Isn't Chris Myers the Emcee? Isn't Myers competent enough to do the promo BS and let Joy call the race? Just televise the race and leave everything else on the table! That's why we tune in. How hard can it be? Huh?!
From Mr. Nowitall
The smoke from under the stands gets picked up in the Vortex and dissipates into the air landing in Winston Salem.
@JD- So he's a flying... :)
Sorry for being so juvenile but can you imagine growing up with that name? Poor guy.
It is really shocking how empty Bristol looks. It isn't just "not sold out" it looks 1/3 empty.
I don't think u can blame any one thing, since there are so many adverse factors, but I have to suspect that the track changes and recent races must have had their effect.
I'm dropping offline soon to go do some family stuff that you can only do when this is your only day off ;-) I'm taping the race 4 L8R. Will comment more after I've seen it.
@Steve L. - Bristol may be a non-smoking track, but I was there last August and plenty of people were smoking in the stands. Nobody was telling them to stop or leave the stands.
WCCB says NA$CAR not feeding HD
signal which I challenged. Anyone
getting HD on Fox?
@Steve, even sillier, smoking on the concourse, it's basically enclosed on 3 sides. Unless there's a brisk wind, the smoke that doesn't go up just stays there. Where the food and drink concessions are, and the johns. Yeah, that makes sense.
I think fans have found out the restrictions on smoking and what you can bring to the track. They are electing to stay at home. There will be even more people staying home when they get an envelope in the mail where they were caught by a new speeding camera just up Rt 11 from the track. The speed limit suddenly drops to 45 MPH on a straight four lane road for no reason other than income for Bluff City. The track asked them to turn it off or issue warnings but the Police Chief laughed at them.
I would argue that this race can't possible be as boring as TV is making it look, but the reason I'm not there is because the races in the past 4-5 years have been almost this bad live. except for thesound and smells, of course.
FOX HD is fine in SD CA
Houston Fox is in HD today.
Fox is doing it again - in-cars and bumper cars, etc. It would be nice to see where everyone is in relation to each other on the track.
Same ole, same ole with FOX. Getting to be almost as bad as dSPN. (I said ALMOST)
I can listen to JJ's scanner and know what's going on without even watching the broadcast.
i was at dover when logano flipped and i have to say: seeing that being used as a promotion for the track is unsettling, to say the least.
Fox in DFW doing HD no problem
Someone in Charlotte finally woke
up and went to HD. Thanks for the
ok, i'm going say it but feel free to delete, jd:
ok, i'm done now. thank you.
Plus, it just got SO expensive to attend a race there. Camping rates went well above $200 for the week plus the city added a hotel tax to all camping which made it even more.
All the greed has brought the place to it's knees. Made Jeff Byrd sick, didn't it?
Fox is in HD here in Tampa area just fine
Great comment on the FOX problem. They have lost me on this one. That is hard to do at Bristol.
Maybe ten years is one year too long.
@Steve L- something about killing the goose and golden eggs comes to mind
It would be great to see JPM win at Bristol!
Haven't heard much about Hamlin or Edwards lately, have we? The guys who were supposed to oust JJ?
How the blazes did Jr. get up to 9th?
The guys in the booth talk about one thing and the cameras show whatever they feel like.
It seems like the director is not even listening to the booth and trying to get a nice flow going.
@JD- Think you're right on. Joy doesn't call the race anymore, Larry Mc and DW just show up and blather, pit reporters pretty much nonexistent, direction has no flow, Myers/Hammond are jokes.
Sad to see it go down without a whimper.
this broadcast is just making it so difficult to know what track we're running. given the camera work, jumping from car to car, front to pack to front, overheads, diggers . . . it's just so disjointed. are we at bristol? dover? atlanta? there's no rhythm, no pace, no sense of what's happening on the track.
and DW? "this joint" ain't like it was "back in the old days." it's been repaved and had SAFER barriers installed. this isn't YOUR racetrack any more. it runs differently and drivers race it differently. you are out of date.
OK, everyone! Here are the words you are going to love to hear:
We are ALMOST to halfway!
Any news on Nascar Scanner, still down for me.
The useless blather from the booth has no relationship at all to what is on the screen. What is on the screen does not show what is happening on the track that is meaningful.
@sally his lap times have been consistently faster than the leaders. he was stuck in traffic but is running well now that he's away from that.
@ken agreed! and that's why i'm getting so annoyed. i'm seeing one race but hearing something completely disconnected with that.
Idea - since Bristol is a small track why not zoom out and show the whole track for about 10 laps.
We might see racing then.
@JD- the phrase "Bataan Death March" comes to mind.
Word verication is "fockers" - I kid you not :)
Thanks Red. I sure am not getting much useful info from the booth or pit reporters. Impossible to sens what's happening on the track at all from this broadcast.
@ Charlie...HERESY! You assume that TV is supposed to bring the race in coherent form to fans watching on TV.
@sally attrition is our friend . . .
Awww. Kyle crashed. Wonder if he's missing his old crew chief yet?
time for a tire war again in nascar! Goodyear is ruining this sport :( (P.S. not at a KB fan, but this tire deal is out of control every week)
Red, you're standing in admirably for Dave today. He's usually the one who gives us useful updates. Thanks!
Bevo, that is hilarious!
I hope we get a Goodyear follow-up this time. Unlike Atlanta.
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