Note: Keeping this post up for Thursday as details continue to come in. Was Marty Smith right or wrong in his first report? Did you see Kyle Petty or hear the Kasay Kahne phone call on SPEED's Race Hub? What do you think of the TV coverage of this entire story?
Few things right now can beat the speed of Twitter and the flexibility of cable TV news. Every day, Twitter carries news stories as they are breaking live. At the same time, the mainstream cable TV news networks use live pictures to tell stories from all over the world.
In NASCAR's little slice of the sports pie, both of those tools have once again come into play. It was ESPN's Marty Smith who broke the news on Tuesday that Kasey Kahne had signed a deal to drive for Hendrick Motorsports beginning in 2011.
Smith launched his scoop on Twitter with a link to the full story at the ESPN.com website. Shortly after that, ESPNEWS began to include the information in their breaking news crawl. Ultimately, Smith appeared on ESPN2's NASCAR Now Tuesday program to offer updates on the story in person.
Once Smith broke the news, Twitter users began to repeat the story and spread it to other users. This included reporters and bloggers who did not credit Smith, but used his information as their own almost instantly. Exclusivity on Twitter can often times be measured in seconds.
ESPN put together a dynamic Tuesday NASCAR Now program. It's quite clear that ESPN scrambled to put a lot of resources behind this story. Reporter David Newton and analyst Ricky Craven appeared on the show. Newton updated several stories, including how Kahne's current Cup owner feels about the star of the team leaving for greener pastures.
SPEED offered Race Hub on Tuesday, where co-host Steve Byrnes said SPEED had confirmed that Kahne was leaving. He never mentioned if they confirmed it via Smith's ESPN story. Race Hub made this a non-story, using Darrell Waltrip on the phone as the only interview in reference to this topic. Waltrip was not a good choice. The series has Kyle Petty to address this issue on Wednesday night at 7:30PM.
Late this morning, ESPN advised that they had no landed an interview with Kahne and Marty Smith would conduct it. The results would be seen on NASCAR Now at 6PM. It should be interesting to see if SPEED references this or if Petty's interview was recorded earlier in the day.
Ever since the story first broke, Twitter has been filled with a mix of reporters, bloggers and fans repeating the same information almost endlessly. It seems that with every upside to technology and information sharing there is also a downside.
We are going to open this post and get your comments while we continue to update any other media developments on this story. Click the comments button below to add your opinion of how this story is being covered on TV and online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
I find this an interesting story but not to the point where I would go searching high and low for every program or tweet that might make mention of it. I figure by the weekend we'll know most of the details and I'm content to wait for that.
While we're on the topic - how about reporters like Newton, Gluck and Fryer tweeting "race updates" on the Phoenix race while sitting home in Charlotte? Disingenuous, at the very least....
I'm just wondering if this is story is really true? These days I'm not sure I trust ESPN that much - their information in the past has been somewhat suspect and some information coming from twitter is, as you say, information that is repeated over and over, sort of like whisper down the lane but not always heavy on the facts. Since I got an alert from Nascar.com, I guess it must be based in fact.
However, just the idea of this story makes me wonder - is Mark Martin finally REALLY retiring? What about Danica? I had sort of expected her to go into the GoDaddy ride.
I may have to actually watch Nascar Now for Marty's interview - oh wait, I won't be home from work when its scheduled to come on.
And I have to agree with Anon 1:35 p.m. -- race updates based on TV viewing - need to have a disclaimer saying -- hey guys, I'm watching the same tv coverage you are!
JD, I don't know anyone who might have better contacts at Hendrick's than DW.
It was the Petty and Evernham topics where he was lost. It was also clear he had not spoken to anyone, but was reacting to news reports.
Since he also was not up to date on the loan default, it seems no one at SPEED took the time to update him.
Rotating these various announcers through the host position on Race Hub is just killing the show. They need a news-oriented host and fast.
My view on news such as this is, there is no confirmation until a press release is issued from the party(ies) involved. You can't "confirm" a report via an ESPN report, as you suggest. That's essentially saying, "it must be true because ESPN said so."
I don't know what time SPEED tapes Race Hub, but I heard on SIRIUS around 5:00 that a press release had already been issued by RPM confirming the fact that Kasey would leave after this year.
In my opinion, once the release comes out, everyone gains confirmation, but ESPN loses exclusivity.
One more thing, you said the deal was to drive for HMS in 2011. HMS has made clear today that he will not drive for them until 2012.
Sorry, had to delete for a typo.
Listening to the NASCAR teleconference at 3PM to explain what's going on with Kasey and HMS.
Well, Rick Hendrick said he has not figured out what to do with Kasey Kahne in 2011.
Mark Martin may run a part-time schedule in 2012, but it will not be in the #5 car.
KK said he is not worried about next season, they will figure it out within the next 90 days.
JD, In my view, the travails of what was Petty Enterprises is yet another "new" type of occurence in the NASCAR world that has been ineptly covered by what passes for the NASCAR press, and for that matter the business press. The NASCAR press likes the old type of topics they have dealt with for decades - when something new happens (like substance abuse, allegations of racial or sexual misconduct, and involved financial matters) the NASCAR press is at a lost on what to do except mumble and speculate. So far no one has really explored what happened in regard to Boston Ventures and PE.
I've said it before, and I will say it again. Speed needs reporters! Think for a second what ESPN had when they have a news oriented anchor interviewing Ray Evernham. They had on their program a former employee of Rick Hendrick, the guy who hired Kasey Kahne, and a minority owner of RPM. Then, they have David Newton who was interviewing RPM about the loan default.
I can't, and don't want to imagine a world in which we don't have NASCAR Now.
I go at it with SPEED all the time over that issue and went at it again with a TV personality today.
They just do not realize how bad it looks! At least I spoke my mind.
It was rather interesting that the crawl at the bottom of ESPNews said that Kahne would drive for Hendrick in 2011. That just led everyone to believe that Martin would retire and KK would take over. Then it came out that perhaps KK would be "lent" out to Stewart Haas Racing for the 2011 season. Today, on Sirius, they said that Budweiser was non-committal as to who they would be with next season. Lots to unfold in the coming weeks.
But what will be even more interesting is to hear whether KK will be shut out by his current employer. Whenever drivers sign new contracts way early, they become personna non grata at their present place of employment, and it does seem to have detrimental effects on their present team. I would love to hear ESPN comment on such things.
So if DW isn't perfect at every moment, he gets taken apart here. I like Kyle, but you look to Kyle as a "reporter" when KK is leaving Kyle's family's company? Still cannot understand the vitriol against DW here. Not only has he earned his place in the NASCAR TV world, he earned it on the racetrack, too. ESPN's TV facebots are not only uninspiring, they are corporate to a fault and rarely challenge NASCAR. Monday night's NASCAR Now, which at least made it to the air, was a glaring example of zombie coverage.
Hmmm this is interesting cause I thought plans were to have Danica in that ride after Martin? Guess not but she wont have any problems finding a home. Is Budweiser going w him??? BTW Phoenix was awsome
And Speed devotes roughly 10 seconds to 'news' at the beginning of Race Hub. Wow.
Confused here. Cup teams only allow 4 teams. If Martin isn't leaving untill 2012 that leaves Kayne hanging in 2011. And Kayne being "lent" to Stewart-Hass is not the same as going to Hendrick. I'm leary of "instant history" and that kind of reporting.
Remember when TWIN first started? They had the preview before the review? That is called a format issue.
Same thing for Race Hub. If you tune in slightly late, you miss the news segment.
Sometimes, like today, the news continues into the show but most days it does not.
Hope SPEED continues to tinker with the show and decide if they want it to be news and interviews or just mostly PR stuff for teams and the sport.
Either way, it's their choice.
You can sign as many drivers as you want. But owners can only race 4 Cup teams.
KK can race for another Chevy team and get paid by HMS for 2011.
If I was Tony, I would take a deal, add a team and then have everything in place when KK leaves to bring in another driver.
Amazing coverage? Smith had the story WRONG in his article AND on TV until he scrambled at the end of NOW to correct the report. ESPN should be hammered on this, not glorified. According to Smith, Kahne signed with HMS to drive the 5 car in 2011. WRONG. For ESPN to carry a 'breaking news' story and have it wrong is embarassing and poor journalism.
If Ann Marie thinks DW needs to be defended she should tune in a cup race and listen to him make a fool of himself.He should have gotten out of this business years ago while he still had some of his marbles.Thank God for the privelege of having a mute button.
Anon 8:42PM
Good point! Hope you continue to follow that up as the story unfolds.
Ann Marie, just because DW raced in Nascar, won Daytona and whatever, doesn't make him a good broadcaster. Waltrip is an embarrassment to the broadcast booth. He's arrogant, silly, vapid and his ego gets in the way of what needs to be a strong broadcast booth. The man needs a silencer on his mouth during race broadcasts. When he has something pointed to say, that's fine, but most of what DW says is usually not germane to the situation. There are times when everyone needs to take off their rose colored, I'm a fan of DW glasses, and admit he's got huge failings as a TV broadcaster.
Is there a disease at ESPN that leads them to incorrect reporting? It happens to them all the time, especially with Nascar stories. Perhaps in the quest to beat everyone to the story, they rush to conclusions and make these very silly mistakes. I usually have high respect for Marty Smith, but he totally fouled on this play.
I thought JD said to discuss the coverage of this story, not to speculate on which driver is racing for what team in years to come. And you all make TV people out be morons...
Anon, 11:10, Well, if it walks and quacks like a duck.......it must be a moron????
DW's ability to drive a car doesn't make him an expert on anything. I've been forced to listen to his drivel since he started cup racing. I thought that anytime he opened his mouth, the person nearest to him needed to say "SHUT UP AND DRIVE". He seldom provides accurate information but provides a lot that is inaccurate. Based on this year alone, we have not been able to trust him on a simple weather report, crowd count or even people leaving the stands.
I found the lack of mention of Danica interesting too. Maybe Hendrick wanted a seasoned NASCAR driver in the 5 car.
I just can't listen to DW any more. I always considered him more "color commentator" than a professional broadcaster, but his credibility has really suffered in the last 2 years.
I find Race Hub to be boring at best and followed the news on NASCAR Now and as far as DW goes, he is about as self deprocating as his brother Michael and like someone said, just shut up and drive and that goes for Mikey as well.
While we are on the topic of ESPN and announcers, I would like to mention Dave Newton. What is everyone's take on him? I feel like NASCAR isn't his thing. His articles and twitter updates seem to show he would rather be covering golf. I used to email him several times for his opinion on certain issues, but never get a response. I don't hold this against him as I understand those guys get tons of emails a day. However, I don't care for his opinion anymore because he doesn't seem like the biggest NASCAR fan.
You appointed yourself the NASCAR TV police. Fair enough I guess, since you say you were in TV in the 80's and 90's.
Question is: Who appointed you the Twitter police for NASCAR? You have only been around Twitter since March '09?
You seem out of place policing what people can tweet in 140 characters. If people want to re-tweet the Kasey Kahne news, it is their right and not yours to criticize. Nobody tried to claim the news as their own on Twitter except for Marty Smith.
Next you will tell us @NASCAR is the only Twitter account that can Tweet: "Put it out, caution for debris on the frontstretch."
let's start the rumors - JR Racing to enter Sprint Cup with the sponsorship of Hendrick - Dale Jr to be primary driver - Kasey to take over Dale's seat
Anonymous 2:13....
That is more than a rumor. Hearing Kevin Harvick will leave RCR and go to JR Motorsports 2011 Cup effort and join Dale Jr.
Hendrick then has Kahne in the HMS fold in 2011 and JR Motorsports "Cup style" is up and running for Danica Patrick also in 2012.
Anonymous 2:13....
That is more than a rumor. Hearing Kevin Harvick will leave RCR and go to JR Motorsports 2011 Cup effort and join Dale Jr.
Hendrick then has Kahne in the HMS fold in 2011 and JR Motorsports "Cup style" is up and running for Danica Patrick also in 2012.
I think the story broke way to soon. I'm glad you covered it, but the reporter should not of ever announced it without getting the facts straight first.
At the end of the day, I'm confused by this report from Marty Smith. I've seen no info from Stewart-Hass either. This report has in no way helped the sport or the fans. It's way way way to early to announce driver changes to another team for next year. The moral at KK's exting team just died this week.
And as someone mentioned, How does that play with Danika. It's fairly clear, to me anyway, she's coming to Cup. With Hendricks or one of his "sub-teams" like Stewart-Hass. This report opened a big can of worms before the facts were straight.
Oh, thanks Jd for making that clear team can "lend" another driver to another team for an entire season. If that's the rule, that's the rule. Didn't know that. I can say, I does feel like a slight-of-hand manuvure. Kinda like a lawyer looking for a loophole, but breaking the spirit of the rule. Thanks for writing to that issue. Have a great day.
The suggestion that Jr. could run under his own team banner with HMS support and Kahne would take his place seems like a good idea. It is clear that Jr. is not and will not be the winner Hendrick thought he might be. He hired him for the exposure and sponsorship opportunities and would have been been run out of town on a rail if he had declined to hire him. This would give him the opportunity to correct his problem and get an outstanding driver as a replacement. Danica could join Jr. with his team in 12 and have a complete celebrity team.
If Marty Smith reports it for ESPN - it is pretty darn close. Give him a break for a few minor details that were cleaned up within hours.
On the other hand if David Newton reports it for ESPN, it is for the ESPN Fantasy page, not the NASCAR news page.
Marty was right to break the story with the info he had. He was pretty dead-on. Not perfect, but if he hadn't gotten the news that KK was leaving RPM out there, we would have all been screaming that he sat on the second biggest story so far this season. (DP being the other one.) It's evolving: I'm okay with that.
Getting KK on the phone for both NN and Race Hub was a good move. Race Hub needs to make some hard decisions as to its identity. Soft stuff, fluffy pieces with David Ragan,et al, or hard news? I'm mostly passing up Race Hub these days, but the KK phone-in was a must-watch. Hearing KK stumble around who called whom about moving to HMS was elucidating. Think Evernham has a hand in this one? A pinkie finger?
You tweeted that you don't like news agregators, then you tweet to look at Jayski for John Wes Townley info.
He also posted the Kasey Kahne story and linked to ESPN, but he didn't mention Marty Smith.
How do you explain recommending him, when he did what you said others did was wrong?
David Newton is one of the very few NASCAR reporters that actually finds and interviews experts on subjects, rather than just speculating. He interviewed a drug testing expert about drug testing in the Mayfield matter and interviewed a doctor about Hamlin's knee..
Isn't it curious that the report of rumored, big financial problems at RPM received more exposure than David Newton's 4/13 article about the problems' being overblown and near settled? And the original report/rumor seems to persist despite Newton's article. There are numerous aspects and players in the Kahne saga (Hendrick, Mark Martin, Danica, FORD, Wachovia Bank, timing) and I suspect they'll never be explored and reported on. The whole matter seems to be too involved and complicated for other than just a handful of the NASCAR press to want to dig into.
JD, on Fox Sports Southwest HD Eddie Gossage is talking about auditioning the singers who they choose to sing the anthem. I didn't think most of the people could even carry a tune. Remember several years ago when they had the local singing sensation? So get your mute buttons ready folks!
Anon 4:19PM,
Good question. Most aggregators are just pre-programmed electronic robots that take content without permission, then republish it on the new website with ad inventory that drives revenue for the owner of the aggregator site only. Totally illegal and will soon be made so officially.
Jayski is a handcrafted site that has folks overseeing every part of the business. Folks like me provide permission to republish content and Jay himself decides it he wants to put it on the site.
There are many NASCAR websites and blogs that are not listed on Jayski.com because it is still run by real people.
That also allows for priorities to be established in terms of news and other items, especially in terms of updated information that would not appear on a TV network, team or official NASCAR site.
Thanks, hope that made sense.
KORN, next time in lower case please. Thanks.
Anon 1:58PM,
I don't understand your comment. We all Tweet and have comments about all kinds of NASCAR topics.
We also have business and personal relationships on Twitter that you can see between all kinds of NASCAR folks.
If you want to know more about my past, you can Google insider+racing+news+daly+planet and that should give you Becca Gladden's interview with me back in year one of this project.
Any other questions, just email me at editor@thedalyplanet.tv anytime.
To anon 2:13 : I totally agree. Just read an update from NASCAR concerning the multi-car rule: They are going to keep a close eye on the deal. Well, we all know how it can be skirted. If they are keeping a close eye on the deal, then Stewart -Haas wouldn't exist. HMS essentially has a six car team. I believe Jr. Motorsports will move to Cup, with Hendrick chassis and engines, and KK will drive the then-defunct 88 team. Of course, Jr. will maintain the number 88. As far as 2011, look to Stewart-Haas to "add" a third team for KK.JD, i know this isn't really related to your blog right now, but please don't delete my post. I have said it before: Hendrick is a large part of what's wrong with NASCAR. He just buys everything and everyone out. Pretty soon, NASCAR will have HMS, Roush-Fenway, and JGR as the only Cup owners in the garage.As far as Kyle not being interviewed, even though I like him alot, I've watched some of his "personality" on tv, and sometimes he seems so removed from the history and what's going on in NASCAR , that I don't think he knows what the deal is. Even last year, he told reporters, "I don't know what goes on at Petty Enterprises, or Boston Ventures, or whatever it's called today." "Ever since George Gillett took over, it stopped being Petty Enterprises to me. "
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