The second half of the motorsports doubleheader is next with the Sprint Cup Series racing in Charlotte. This is the last race for the NASCAR on FOX team.
Chris Myers will start the coverage from the Hollywood Hotel. Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond will be alongside. It is a one-hour version of the pre-race show. This has been one of the parts of the FOX coverage that has struggled. So often, the real stories of the race are not told and the hype, promo and sponsor agendas are put before the NASCAR news.
It should be interesting to see what content FOX chooses to include today. There are NASCAR stories like the Gibbs team feud, the Memorial Day festivities involving the military and the FOX agendas of promoting other sports programming.
Mike Joy will end his TV run with this telecast, but Darrell Waltrip will join SPEED's RaceDay show and Larry McReynolds will move to the infield for the TNT races. Waltrip will fill-in for Kyle Petty over the next six events.
FOX has the strongest team of pit reporters. Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda, Dick Berggren and Matt Yocum have been once again underused this season. Instead of being a big part of the overall telecast, Waltrip and McReynolds have again been featured.
If the FOX director begins this telecast with tight shots of one or two cars, the viewers will head for the exits. 600 miles needs a presentation that makes sense for five hours. That is not random shots of cars while the announcers play catch-up.
No one knows what will unfold in Charlotte between potential weather issues, feuding teammates and COT's with aero issues. The role of TV is to tell the stories as they unfold and let the TV viewers experience the race as if they are at the track.
Good luck to all of the NASCAR on FOX team with their final telecast of the season.
This post will serve to host your comments about the NASCAR on FOX coverage of the Sprint Cup Series from Charlotte. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for stopping by!
1 – 200 of 450 Newer› Newest»"one of our best seasons yet?"
DW drinking the juice?
Here we go again. One hour of the Hollywood Hotel and then five hours of racing. Whew!
lol...the race telecast on KTTV in Los Angeles started with a test of the Emergency Alert System. I can just imagine the real warning in my mind...
The Federal Communications Commission has issued as booth monkey alert for Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. All viewers are warned that the next several hours might bring extended periods of useless commentary, in-car camera shots, and significant blasts of hot air. All in the warning area are cautioned to have their remote controls handy at all times to avoid the more dangerous and sleep-inducing portions of this transmission.
ok, gang. i'm out for dinner at sister-in-laws. will be back around 8 so. depending on how race is going, i may sit this one out all together. i don't think i can take the end-of-race schmaltz that'll happen with the fox guys.
DW, a legend in his own mind.
Apparently, they have had a fantastic season. Who knew?
I can't take any more of the HH. I'll be back at 6:15pm for the start of the race.
Good Idea, Vince.
Going to be a long night.
I don't even have the sound on. I just can't take listening to Myers and DW anymore....and, from what I see on my screen now, I greatly fear more inappropriate break-ins during the race itself to promote the A-Team...I pity the fool that thinks the A-Team can be any good without George Peppard and Mr. T! :-D
She asked why the cars don't go the other way? Oh vey...
Give me 18 secs of Jessica versus 4 hrs of boring racing
Oh dear.
Does anyone have a PRN feed?
Try 5 hours tonight my friend.....
There is usually ONE hour of good racing, my friend
green flag drops at?
6:16PM ET.
pre-race shows for nascar just dont make sense
Wow, DW just did a bunch of lying in that segment..too much kool-aid, dude.
Well, it looks like I will miss the live blogging again as I just got a call and some friends are coming over. It will again be interesting to see how some of them who are not NASCAR fans react to the Fox coverage in what can be a trying event to watch in the first place for those not used to such a long event. All I can say is...well, just make the best of it, have as much fun with it as you can, hope Fox finishes on a high note, and be thankful that TNT will soon be coming to our rescue.
DW is out of control today and no one is calling him on the BS.
BTW, there were spectators injured at Indy, more updates when I get them.
Got someone at the track on the case...
Thank goodness for the Fox pre-race show. Chris Meyers has been great all year, he's really as good as they come, and I love his jokes. DW and Hammond, they're a great team, they were a good team back in the day when they were a driver and crew chief together & they're even better now. The teases have been top notch all yr, they track history stories have been really fun to watch, and the Pizzi bits have been really funny every week all year long. This season has proved again why Fox is the best when it comes to pre-race. Too bad the racing has been so bad this year, if not for the pre-race shows this season would have been unwatchable this year. I fear for TNT and ESPN coming in, they're not nearly as good as Fox.
Sorry, saw the end of Indy but was cooking so couldn't blog. Was an interesting ending for sure.
I agree,Anonymous
I cant wait for tonight's Pizzi piece, that's the best thing about all of NASCAR right now.
Hey, the twin FOX trolls are here!
Where were you guys for Indy?
Quick comment on Indy: Couldn't someone find a cap for Jack Nicholson besides the Lakers headgear he wore? Dude, when you're given the opportunity to wave a green flag, toss out the first pitch, etc, you wear something appropriate to the sporting event you're involved in.
We talked about that earlier. He refused to take it off! It was a howl. Once he threw the green, he stayed in the flagstand for over 25 laps. I think he liked it!
Daly Planet Editor said...
Hey, the twin FOX trolls are here!
Where were you guys for Indy?
Twin FOX Trolls? LOL
I'm guessing they are DW & JH?
No they are guests here in the thread...
Alright will be monitoring the 18 and 42. will hop on the 11 from time to time
I was watching offline in the garage and missed that discussion. Maybe getting a little rubber in his face showed him what a real sport looks like? :-)
Real sport? Please use some common sense when making comments
Is there a known antidote for Kool-
Aid Poisioning?
Daily Planet Editor...you are the one who is a troll. Always trying to stir things up. I doubt someone affiliated with FOX would spell Chris "Meyers" wrong...Maybe someone just like their coverage..
Go fuck yourself
Daly planet editor is JD and heruns thid damn blog.
Too funny. Reporter Jeff Gluck had ExtenZe to hand out for the pre-race Tweet-up!
Wonder if the trolls will ever graduate Jr. High?
HA! he spelled Daly wrong. LOL
Almost time for opening ceremonies
OK, stay with me here.
It's Chris Myers.
Trust me, four years of Myers is enough!
Hey anon trolls
Just go away, OMG WTF
Myers could be a valuable contributor to the NASCAR gig but FOX chooses to have him play a character. I hate this character, period.
This could be a fun five hours!
salts....let it go...
We had over five million visitors last year who spoke their minds on several thousand topics.
I think we know how to do it by now. But, thanks.
David, Myers is totally different from this goofy character but now he cannot just change it.
Time for Krista Voda in the Hollywood Hotel next season.
Bring back Joe Gibbs grandson.
Editor....Totally agree about Krista. She is really good. On the Speed HOF show she was solid.
Love the pipes! great touch.
Dobson had it right up until the end. I am not going to check my email for a while!
baby, he sometimes uses "comic" relief and plays himself to be dumber than what he really is to make his co-hosts look stronger.
He doesn't really enhance the broadcast any, and if you did not have him there you'd never notice he was gone. I prefer broadcasts where less is more and I say that about every single network. A totally separate pre-race set is unnecessary in my eyes. Why can't the pre-race be about interviewing drivers on pit-road, showing a couple highlight packages then discussing news of the week. Maybe it is because he is the guy that spearheads this hour long worthless pre-race that I want him gone, or maybe it is because I know he is smarter then how he acts...
OK, come on guys. We have had trolls in here a million times.
Just ignore and let me handle it.
No big deal. We have a nice five hours of racing to come.
Hope everyone stays safe and things are competitive.
Great opening ceremonies
Yep, just a little over the top there at the end.
Taylor :) Coach Gibbs Grandson was adorable. Touched my heart.
I got tons of email about the little Gibbs guy! That was sweet.
Krista is very good, comfortable and confident in her role on Speed. That said she would be way out of her league leading a network television telecast.
Here is the IMS update:
@99forever: Official word from IMS: two spectators were treated for minor injuries; one received stitches, the other didn't need them.
Whew! I am waiting on pics, but the accident put a hole in the catch fence.
Awesome anthem! Gave me chills.
Last FOX race. May be tons of commercials as FOX attempts to catch up and recoup some money on this race.
Harvick's slams were funnier than anything from Myers OR Pizzi ever had...
Man, that A-team thing started in Daytona, remember?
Jd what did i tell you last week?
Movie pre-view day. Shocked its THIS one. I remember Daytona well...
Thanks JD, Bye-Bye Trolls
Nope, dont remember..too long ago-in winter, in the cold.
And Dario's post-race presser just finished. Right on time. Can't let the NASCAR.com apps hog my resources with anything else running. Looks like I should even shut down my Live Oil Spill Camera, too.
Let's get this marathon started.
so why is this race starting so late? Is it the night race schedule?
Should be interesting to see if they race hard or settle down and wait for darkness and the track to change.
Hope FOX stays with the big picture.
you had to remind us, didn't you? 99% of the time, revisiting TV shows on the big screen fails....yet they keep trying...instead of actually coming up with something original. I particularly loved how Myers was making the unit sound like a real thing...
The pipe band, on the other hand, was awesome.
It's safe for me to turn on Fox now :)
So when does DW start crying this year?
"Nearly full grandstand" ? We'll see
Before the TV package in 2001 the race started at 6:00.
nearly full = 3-4 will be partial as will the dogleg going into 1.
it's starting about the same as it always has
First caution - Robby Gordon or Sam Hornish.
I watched a little race day - the part I saw (only 15 minutes or so) wasn't as bad as I often think -- caught a little of the pre-race and DW was waxing poetic over how wonderful Fox did this year -- he obviously didn't watch the races on TV -- oh no that's right, he blathered on through most of them.
sheesh -- well,here goes the race (finally). Dont know how much of this I will actually watch of this.
I thought BradKez had a qualifying crash, NOT a practice crash.
From USA Today's Nate Ryan: In the interest of truth, the "nearly full" grandstands that were reported on TV are not "nearly full."
Gina-not sure how much I can stand either. If the pic sucks, I will just listen to radio & tweet.
Well I know that one Anon can't be DW or Larry Mac posting. It was posted in proper English.
LOL Sorry, Anon, I completely disagree with all of those statements. Fox was a joke all season -- wait maybe it's April 1st and that posting is a joke.
Way too tight already
Looks like 5 of the 6 S&P teams went straight to the back before the green flag. #36, #46, #55, #64, #66 and #87.
Well we are less than 5 laps in and there have already been like five mistakes that have been made...going to be a long night!
The yellow walls are playing havoc with my dying TV =(
Sure am glad DW told us nobody would be racing...
The Indy grandstands looked pretty full from what I watched. Didn't see the end. sorry to hear that spectators were injured.
how many times has DW told that Petty anecdote?
Monte Dutton says crowd estimate is 112,000 really light crowd
It appears there are 2 bloggers with the name Glenn. I have been out so far today. Can't take credit for any of the previous posts with the name Glenn.
Here we go.....
any other reports of trouble with raceview?
Ran out to dinner and service was so slow we missed the first 20 laps. But now all I see are tight shots!
Larry Mc taking over play-by-play on lap 26
Glenn...I am not Glenn, I'm glenc1 (it's actually after Watkins Glen...my 'home track'.)
Yikes, DW is already pushing MWR...
Pace yourselves, we are going until 11PM toinight!
66 and 87 off
Looks like #66 and #87 are the first two S&P teams, unless they're planning on coming back out later.
Useless tidbit: Kevin Conway was the fastest qualifying rookie. Never mind that he was the slowest qualifying of all 47 cars entered. He just went down a lap, one of many tonight.
64 off
MV where the heck have you been the last few weeks?! I've had to pick up your slack my canadian brother!
Anonymous @6:33 said...
any other reports of trouble with raceview?
RaceView crash #1 for me.
#64 to the garage, btw
#55 to the garage.
#66 OUT-Transmission.
55 off
PRN just reported Blaney and, to my surprise, Nemechek as start and park. I would have thought Joe would have made more of an effort in 600.
For all the talk about S&P'ers, I have been unable to find anyone anywhere actually trying to keep some sort of record of them for the season.
36 pulling off
Isn't Conway the ONLY rookie this year?
Hey other Glenn...I'll leave it to you tonight. Enjoy, I'll be on Twitter. Thanks!
Wish I knew what "tight" meant
#36 to the garage
#87 back in the race. I guess they use the garage instead of pit road. anyone?
So much for DW's prediction of an early caution.
Nemecheck back out on track
PammmH, right now I have trackpass on and am watching BBCAmerica's Dr. Who -- its a better alternate reality than listening to DW blather on.
@Sally - Yes, Conway is the only rookie now that Terry Cook has left the series. Just had to laugh when I saw that "qualifying fast fact" on Jayski. (Had to bring up our favorite driver for JD!)
@David - Was sick the last few weekends, doing well now so I'm back.
I'm guessing Yeley is going to park too, looks like the other 5 have already called it quits.
19 unscheduled stop
You know, I think maybe Conway is the only rookie -- speaks to how few "new" drivers are coming into Cup, doesn't it. I'll bet it will feel weird to take a trophy that no one else competed to get.
55 OUT Brakes
36 OUT Transmission
disregard, green flag stops under way
Saw the yellow come up on the top bar and thought it was a caution but it was just the name of the guy talking. They could use a different color.
Wait, GoDaddy is a presenting sponsor of this telecast too?
Do you get the feeling they weren't prepared for stops?
how many times are they going to talk about Truex?
64 coming back out too. 87 still running several laps down
Go Daddy comes back in New Hampshire. Told it is in a big way.
64 running again
just the rest of this race, then DW is gone & so is the toy bias.
Just thinking the same thing. Also, in the old days this used to have a habit of being a fuel mileage race.
and the 87 goes back to the garage
I wish someone would put someone in the garage to keep an eye on goings-on to see whether people like Joe N. are back there playing chess to determine whether to go back out to pick up another position or 2 after another car S&P's.
JD - would you have any idea whether TV guys monitor the radio broadcast of what's going on?
87 back to the garage.
I think the Loudon Nationwide race just happens to be on ABC.
David, they did act kind of surprised about the pit stops. Glad that it all cycled around
I've heard the official (hootz?) asking the garage 'are they really working on it?'
00 fastest car on track, Reutimann will be there in about 8 laps
trackpass is showing a caution but since Fox is in commercials?
Can someone remind me why Fox's "live" broadcast is tape delayed?? I'm watching hotpass and it is clearly the "live" feed. Earlier, Hotpass showed Montoya ahead of Tony and the Fox feed showed Montoya behind Tony before making a pass. Just then, the Fox feed had Tony sitting in the pits and Hotpass showed him having already exited pit road... Just can't recall why they would tape delay a "live" race?? Fear of rogue announcers who might let a non-PG word slip??!! haha
I imagine these buffoons saying 'Well there went his $20M, if only he had run the Indy 500 earlier'
I didn't watch the Pre-Race got my workout in instead :)
Poor JPM :(
Don't the networks now use a 7 second delay for interviews? Does that mean the entire broadcast is 7 seconds behind "real time?"
That hurt. Bad fantasy points day in my pool with a co-worker.
That round of stops seemed a bit disjointed too. Got reporters stepping on each other, no triple pits, no pit times being shown. It's just a diaster
Why are they still running the sponsifier commercials when the contest is over and the winner has been picked?
Anon @6:55 said...
Fear of rogue announcers who might let a non-PG word slip??!! haha
Heck, a 30-minute delay didn't keep JPM's CC's "Don't 'F' with it" off the air last week, so I don't see that being the reason.
#64 back to the garage
Nemechek now 5 laps ahead of next Slow Poke.
Its: DigiMyers!
oh wait, they fixed it.
Richard in NC -- now that's a great way to describe it.
87 OUT Overheating
64 OUT Transmission
The director is probably going to get fired for showing that wide shot of the "nearly full" grandstand.
camera work seems ok at the start but getting more in car cams and tight shots now.
Apparently, tough to find turn 4.
Can't believe mentioned the cars out of the race already.
Gina, I got caught up on my Doctor Who's last night before the WoO race, lol. Yes...the preferable alternate reality....hey Coke needs a time machine...
Call me stupid, but I've given up the last month or so on the broadcast...tonight still listening; I'm noticing more and more what you all have been saying about Mike's lack of pxp calling...
PRN is talking about battles all over the track, but the pictures aren't matching up.
Even if the latter were true, at least they can make this exciting.
JD, Maybe the yellow paint covered up the number?
I could swear that in past years the walls were repainted white between the All Star race & 600. Must be another senior moment.
If JPM really is out, wonder whether Joe N. might fix his car again , for a few laps?
The walls were re-painted and was reported they would repaint them again this year. They did not last year because of the 50th anniversary the walls were actually gold both weeks instead of yellow.
But yes, I'm not digging these yellow walls.
Nemechek is officially out, won't return. JPM will be back.
What is y'all's opinion on whether the 34, 46 & 71 will run the rest of this race?
I believe last year was the first year the walls were painted yellow. Could have been 25th winston/all star race or 50th World/Coke 600. I might be wrong, but this is the 2nd year it's been yellow.
Can't remember if it was white or not at last October's night race.
71 and 34 will run rest of race. 46 will probably fade out here in the next 50 laps or so
This just in from TIC PR newswire:
"The NASCAR on Fox broadcast of the Coca-Cola 600 concludes this year's "Gluttons For Punishment" series which has been a rousing success. Fox Sports TV executives extend a heartfelt thank you to all the loyal viewers and online bloggers who have made this a truly unique experience."
About the 5th year of yellow walls, the first few years they were repainted between the All-Star and 600 though
71 I think so, 34 and 46 doubtful.
Trying to find out why they left the walls yellow after the All-Star weekend. No answer yet.
Ann, I've been wondering that too. But I think Toyota wants to get as much mileage out of their ads as possible. I love love, but I'm really over the little baby seals...
Bevo, thanks to DW that I can tell you that "tight" is the opposite of "loose". I would be lost without his knowledge. :)
@Patrick - #34 will run all night unless he gets into the wall. He'll probably be 10 laps down by race's end, but he'll likely be running.
#46 usually runs about 100 laps before he parks. They have the name of a charitable foundation on the hood, but that doesn't mean he'll run the whole distance.
#71 will likely run all night, I'm guessing the Veterans Affairs paid for those decals, so TRG gets a break before having to S&P.
The 'Sprint yellow' walls are pretty bad.
Where's Tim Brewer to show us the wedge wrench with the difference between loose and tight?
For a superstar they have talked little of Gordon's mediocre day.
Think we are seeing some tired announcers. These guys have been on SPEED Thursday and Saturday.
It's been a long FOX season for these guys. I do feel sorry for them, they even look tired. Especially Mike Joy.
Everyone enjoy the telecast (if you can). I'm off to a USAC/CRA Sprint Car race where there are no Waltrips or Wallaces to be seen or heard. Please remember those that have served and that do serve
I loved DW's excuse for giving the 'Nascar 101' version of calling a race. Someone asked the difference between 'Lowe's Motor Speedway' and 'Charlotte Motor Speedway'. That's why we get the same explanations every race.
@glenc1 - I personally prefer the Joey Logano ad, but it barely gets any airtime... They put me in that suit, but I'm not happy and won't play along!
Thought ABC did a great job with Indy. Why can't that transfer to their Nascar coverage
Wouldn't it be great to have one person in the booth to do the announcing? Can't stand the blathering by DW and Larry Mac.
For all the good he's been doing, it won't be long before Jr is a start and parker.
I'm not sure I can find, but I thought I read that Bobby L does have a sponsor for this race - so I'd expect his team to try to run the full race.
Wonder whether Sprint paid to keep the yellow up for another week or whether CMS decided not to spend the money to repaint? I heard on TV or radio that it took over 40 hours to paint all the walls Sprint yellow.
2 A-team stars in PRN booth.
Did you all get that?
I want to see DW go into the NA$CAR HOF asap even if it means they have to pay him a huge hourly wage as a greeter.He must not have been looking at Biffle running near the white line while he talks about how Greg keeps running up near the wall.
Hey MV, you got your wish. Just the sight of Joey in that suit...
Aw, man. Can't escape this A-Team movie, even on PRN!
@JD- Nope, not a bit.
I see Larry Mac is doing the PxP tonight. Gonna be a long night. Yes JD, Mike Joy does look tired. He's got a few weeks off until the next Barrett-Jackson auto auction.
Vince, the auctions are different, Mike likes doing those!
yeah he does. I wonder why Mike is so down this season
I've got a question for one of our TV guru's. When they do the split screen, why are they wasting so much screen space? We get one larger split, one really small split and a bunch of wasted space on both sides and below the splits. I've got a 26" HD TV and the split TV view is pretty much not viewable unless I'm 4' in front of the TV.
Wish they would zoom back a bit.
RaceView Crash #2
Vince, i've been ranting about that for 4 years now
Yes, the same TV commercials will continue with the TNT package. Only the promos will change.
@Vince - Everything is framed for an SD picture, what you see at the edges of your HD picture is just bonus. This is evident when graphics are on screen or, like you mentioned, when split screen is used. If they used the whole width of the HD picture when doing split screen, the SD viewers wouldn't get the whole view of the two boxes.
MV, i have SD and the PIP feature they use now from before is horrible. the use so much of the center of the screen for their graphic crap that you still lose alot in both picture. Also, the graphics don't fit on my SD screen, especially on speed. both edges of the screen get chopped off to where I miss many words, ESPN is just as bad.
David, yeah the all the networks seem to be doing it. I noticed ABC/ESPN was using the same non viewable split technology on their broadcast of the 500 earlier today. Annoying. Just split the screen down the middle. I hate the floating/moving backgrounds when they do the split screens. But I guess some network mucky muck thinks that looks "cool" on my HD TV.
The telecast would be far better if the booth was talking about what is being shown on the screen. We might as well be listening to the radio since there is no connection between the picture and the audio.
@David - I think TV networks are slowly paying less and less attention to SD viewers, but they can't totally cater to HD viewers because too many people are sticking to their old TV. Unless they pass something like the Digital TV Transition a while ago, they'll always have to keep the SD viewers in mind. I love the clarity of HD, but I too think the edges are wasted. The networks are just too cheap to produce two different signals.
John Paul Montana (#42) back in the race. 67 laps down.
New leader - #18 (damn).
FOX missed an amazing sequence that got Kyle Busch the lead
GlenC - glad to know that there are other fans of Dr Who although I'm still trying to get used to the "new" doctor. I had gotten used to Tennant's energy and this one is just different, but the stories have been good.
I'd like to have a time machine during some of these races, then I could FF my timeline to the end and not have to endure the Fox lousy camera work. Or even better, go to every race and then be able to get back and enjoy the weekend instead of having to rely on the airline. LOL
and we see the pass in replay AGAIN.
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