Update: Please use this post to offer your opinions of the Pit Crew Challenge on SPEED.
The Sprint Pit Crew Challenge tonight in Charlotte has three times to remember. The early behind-the-scenes activity began at 4:30PM. The doors opened to the public for the competition at 7PM. Finally, the same day tape-delayed TV show aired on SPEED at 9PM.
This situation may be familiar to some, as this was discussed last year with all the same questions being asked. The actual competition is made for the fans in the stands, not for TV. In order to get a TV program that makes sense for viewers, SPEED and the NASCAR Media Group have to re-organize and edit some portions as well as add some production elements.
SPEED and FOX have familiar faces working on the program in front and behind the camera. The end result has gotten better every year and this season is seems that all systems are go for another good show.
Please leave us a comment on the program. Thanks to Dustin Long from Landmark Newspapers provide the picture.
Thanks to Speed to go to the effort to show us the Pit Crew Challenge.
I cannot imagine they even break even on the cost to produce.
It's good to see the guys in the trenches do their thing!
Not really liking how SPEED is already DRAWING out the broadcast to make it longer. Havent seen any action yet and its already 9:15. This isnt one of the more exciting NASCAR events so hopefully SPEED gets to the action soon.
I'm watching this now just cuz I always think this is fun to watch. It was fun to see Hammond competing on the media team.
Lots of commercials though.
Did you see the 2009 NASCAR banquet? Just sayin...
I don't know what happened to my earlier post but I'll say it again.
Thanks to Speed for taking the effort to broadcast the Pit Crew Challenge.
I would think there's no way Speed can break even.
I really enjoy getting to see all (well most) of the crew doing their jobs.
Good show, but one comment about the hosts, don't be so excited to see the penalities.
This tape delay is fine, this show is like drag racing, quick action broken by a lot of set-up time that would make for some boring tv.
Glenn, sorry. Lots of glitches tonight in Internet land, including blogspot.
I can't watch that Pit Crew Challenge I felt it would be way too long and have lots of commercials and what I am reading that's the way it was. My two fav teams went down in defeat so wait till next year guys! Hope this weekend's festivities are exciting. I saw it reported on Nascar Now that BV will be out for at least 3 months, I haven't seen anything else yet.
LOL, I am old school, I miss the pit crew challenge when it was at Rockingham, after the "Bucsh" race, sometimes they had to set up lights in the pits. it was just regular ole drive your car in and pit it. Now it is so busy, who knows what is going on.
I enjoyed the show. Clicked out during the ads to watch Top Chef Masters, but I'm very happy Speed did the pit crew challenge and talked to some its "stars." Those guys rock.
Plus, it was fun seeing some of them with their children. Looks like a real family event. Even Krissie Newman looked nervous behind the wheel!
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