Here are the Wednesday TV/media updates posted as they come in:
SPEED has adjusted the Monday line-up again for next week. Here is the program schedule for May 17:
7:00PM - NASCAR Race Hub: No host announced, but the show will be one hour in length.
8:00PM - NASCAR Hall of Fame Biography Series: Dale Earnhardt Sr. is profiled.
9:00PM - Fast Track to Fame: Amateur talent show hosted by Michael Waltrip.
10:00PM - The Racing Chef: Chef Nicky whips up recipes with NASCAR guests.
10:30PM - Sounds of NASCAR: Great show profiling one personality or team on a race weekend.
What this means is Spencer's show What's the Deal is gone and also the Monday version of NASCAR in a Hurry seems to be a casualty of the changes at SPEED. More info when it comes out.
Meanwhile, we have reached out to NASCAR.com about their choice of a single raw camera feed and the microphone on the stage as the Hall of Fame opening ceremony webcast on Tuesday morning. NASCAR.com and SPEED are partners. SPEED was on site and produced a full three hour outstanding TV program. No response yet from Turner, the company that owns and operates the NASCAR.com website.
Reminder that tonight's NASCAR Now on ESPN2 at 5PM has Dr. Jerry Punch's sit down with Larry Pearson, who is pictured above. Discussion centers on Pearson's accident in Bristol in the charity race and the challenges he has faced since that time. Punch is the perfect person to deal with this subject. Mike Massaro is hosting.
Update: ESPN also reminds me Kyle Petty will be a NASCAR Now Wednesday guest on the anniversary of his son's tragic death. Kyle's charity motorcycle ride ended on Sunday as well.
Tonight's Race Hub on SPEED has Travis Kvapil and Denny Hamlin as guests. Rick Allen hosts at 7:30PM ET. Show re-airs 8:30PM Pacific Time.
We have also confirmed that Race Hub will be expanding to one hour in length for next week, but SPEED has not yet informed us if this will be permanent. Expanding at least the Monday show to one hour would be a great idea. It has been apparent since February that thirty minutes is not enough time for all the information, interviews and guests that SPEED can get from their new studio that is right in NASCAR's backyard.
More items will be added to this post as the day rolls on!
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JD--do you know if any network will mention that today is the tenth anniversary of Adam Petty's accident?
Can't believe it's been that long. RIP Adam.
I would think that both NASCAR Now and Race Hub would make that a point.
uh, what are they going to do with the time slot for the HOF biographies after 5 weeks? 5 shows is all they have. And that's 5 shows that have already been aired a few times each.
Ann, let's just say that is a work in progress.
Looks like SPEED is trying to find a better lead in for FTTF. Seems like a waste of time, it won't matter SPEED, don't think anything can save this waste of time of a show.
Why don't you ask SPEED why they are tape-delaying the Truck Race at Dover again?
MRN Radio has live coverage and Twitter will have all the results before SPEED even hits the air at 8pm.
Anon 4:08PM,
We go through this every year. Dover has no lights, so to get the third race in they run in the afternoon on Friday.
SPEED is not going to air a race live on Friday afternoon and then replay it Friday night.
We ask them why and the network says it wants a primetime original airing. Now, with radio and social media following it live, the time for a review of that TV policy might be good.
I'm glad you chose to address the feed at NASCAR.com. Like I said yesterday, it was embarrassing to see such an amateurish setup on such a monumental and historic event as the grand opening of the HOF. Maybe years ago it would have sufficed. But not today.
Still waiting for an answer from the NASCAR.com guys. Will update when it arrives.
Absolutely riveting interview with Kyle Petty --- the pain in his voice was just heartbreaking.
The interview Doc did with Larry Pearson could not have been done by ANYONE else. Well done, Doc.
I also noticed the Cup race on Sunday was NOT mentioned. Guess the Cup doesn't run this Sunday. Bad move, ESPN.
Airing ANY race in NASCAR's Top 3 National touring series on a tape-delay basis for ANY reason is ridicules - PERIOD.
That is something worthy of complaining about - but it continues to happen every year at Dover.
A "primetime original airing" is not even worthy as an attempt at an excuse for SPEED.
Not suggesting that this is only a SPEED issue. NASCAR works hand-in-hand on the TV schedule well in advance. Takes two to tango.
Sad but inspiring interview with KP I still can't believe it's been 10 years ago. I thought one or two of JP's questions to Larry Pearson weren't necessary to ask him but I can't remember the exact questions. Feel sorry for Larry having all those injuries, and he hasn't been able to stand up yet. What a long recovery for him, but he did sound positive so that's good for him and his family.
Did I miss it-- or did Race Hub NOT mention Adam Petty?
As for the delayed truck race, I'm a bit ambivalent. I like to sit and watch races after supper.
It always galls me when EESPN has a meaningful interview and then promotes it for days before finally broadcasting it. I find ita sloppy, unacceptable excuse for reporting. I have not seen it yet, but have recorded N-Now partly because I did not want to risk missing the interview with Larry P.
I recorded NASCAR Now to catch the video of Larry Pearson's wreck and to see the interview. I had not seen actual video footage of the wreck since I was gone most of that weekend and most networks chose not to show the video days after the wreck.
I thought the interview was very good.
I was also surprised to see them have Kyle Petty on talking about Adam. Good job there as well.
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