There are only a handful of high-profile races during the summer months. Daytona on this holiday weekend is at the top of that heap. SPEED's RaceDay is the big program for that network and it begins at 4:30PM ET.
Darrell Waltrip returns for another weekend as he is replacing Kyle Petty during this stretch of races on TNT. Waltrip is joined by Kenny Wallace and host John Roberts. Wendy Venturini and Hermie Sadler are the reporters.
TNT has continued to present a very crisp and clean Countdown to Green pre-race show since that network took over the Sprint Cup Series coverage. RaceDay has really had to look in the mirror and step-up their game. In some ways, the program has succeeded. In other areas, there are still problems.
The table has been set for this Saturday with plenty of stories to report and topics to discuss. From bigger restrictor plates to the resurgence of Jimmie Johnson, RaceDay has a target-rich environment.
Anytime Darrell Waltrip is on TV, he wants to be the center of attention. We saw that on the ill-fated FOX coverage this season. On RaceDay, John Roberts works very hard to keep Waltrip on topic and his comments brief. This is a very different environment from the Hollywood Hotel and Chris Myers. RaceDay belongs to Roberts, not Waltrip. Watch for these two to quietly battle over control.
While Kyle Petty allows Wallace to have his moment in the spotlight, Waltrip does not. Wallace continues to be a child where Waltrip is concerned and the previous RaceDay programs resulted in nothing more for Wallace than repeatedly agreeing with Waltrip's points of view. This dynamic has not worked from the start.
There is a lot of added pressure at Daytona today. RaceDay is a huge franchise for SPEED. There will be a lot of folks watching and talking about what is said and reported over the two hours of the program.
This post is your opportunity to offer comments on NASCAR RaceDay before, during and after this program from Daytona. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendl website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
Good crowd, no rain! Nice start.
KW's hair needs abit less dye, imo. Went too dark too quick.
He and DW have matching hair! Weird looking in HD!
Yup like that no Rain. Jim said they were planning on going to hurry up mode :)
Can DW suck up to Junior anymore? I didn't get to watch the race last night, but he is acting like a child. (nothing new though) Wendy is great as usual. Love her..
Remember the Daytona 500?
Hermie Sadler has become a solid reporter. Great to watch him carve out this TV career.
Had to come over to just say 2 things. Was working upstairs and heard KW yelling so I knew Raceday had started and WTH did he do to his hair?
Hermie is definitely coming into his own on RaceDay. Him and Wendy are by far the backbone of NASCAR pre-race reporting!!
Good interview with Jr.
Man, DW can't get his head any further of Jr's hind end can he?
I have given up on trying to watch RaceDay. I DVR it and fast forward thru everything but Wendy & Hermie's interviews. I can't watch any cup related show on SPEED live anymore because I'm so sick to death of DW & Spencer. Is there any end in sight for those two?
JD if the rain tanks the race tonight what happens with Wide open coverage, ie limited commercials if they race tomorrow?
I was pleased when John Roberts stopped coloring his hair. He looks very nice....better that the other two.
I would think that when you appear on TV you don't want the subject that the viewers dwell on to be your dyed hair. :)
NASCAR will stay until they race.
I think one year I attended they cranked it up around midnight.
Yeah that was 05 I think. They will stay as long as they can.
JD got your 3D glasses ready? lol
My friend Mike (see this is why his nickname is Crazy :p) wants DW to go away and Jimmy to come back to RaceDay :).
I agree Lisa. Gray is sexy!
It was 2005 that went so late! I know I was there in the TV compound that night - lots of people didn't sleep in order to make flights in Orlando.
I had to stop at every rest area and get another cup of coffee.
Got home just before dawn.
My local Best Buy does not get DirecTV, so no go on the 3D.
I have some other folks watching and reporting back.
Not exactly the best arrangements between the participating parties in terms of info.
Holy smokes!!! Kenny what the hell man?! Sorry that's just how little I pay attention when mouth and little mouth are talking lol.
Anyone notice earlier when Kenny was talking about guys who were "threatening" their cars how they always wreck then said he was threatening his?
Just sayin'...
So if they had it you'd be on board? My your committed! LOL I was just kidding with you anyways I think it's a wasted idea at this time since the technology still isn't cost effective enough. I still don't have a panel, flat screen or HD TV =(
Is Raceday fuzzy on anyone elses tv or is my set telling me that i have seen too much and watch something else?
Just wanted to see what TNT is going to do. They previewed it for VIP's last night at DIS and folks said it was amazing.
Wendy just passed along that due to the sports car races at Daytona, the new DIS pit road is going to be concrete.
That is going to be big come February.
Nice and clear in Florida, Brad.
Wish the skies were that way!
Thanks JD. guess that's my cue to get a couple thinks squared away before the TNT prerace. Lots of hype for Countdown to Green tonight, hope it lives up to the billing! be back in a while for that.
Rain at Daytona...
Interesting, I'd just like to get HD at this point LOL.
concrete pit road? Smart in a way will save on breaking pinions getting caught on transition.
i expect alot of that grass down the entire backstretch to get paved over too
I think KW's hair is really funny. I can't watch this show I turned it on to see what was going on and turned it right off. Waiting for the race!
The race blog is up for your comments when RaceDay is over.
cool tribute to the red white and blue.
is it green flag time yet? lol
Pretty much skipped raceday. Just tired of DW.
TNT. Thanks for the 4 hour infomerical. What an annoying telecast. 2 minutes of race 3 minutes of sidebyside commercials the entire night. The most frustating thing I have ever watched in years. What was suppose to be an enjoyable night watching a race turned into a stress and anger. I turned in off after I could not stand it anymore.
Amazing that NASCAR went to mostly standardized race times for the fans this year, while EESPN has gone to the hide-and-seek schedule for NASCAR Now. Thank goodness Race Hub has been expanded.
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