Here we go with a nice little Friday night doubleheader on SPEED. First up are the ARCA cars and then the Camping World Trucks.
Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip are upstairs in the TV booth. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander are pit reporting. Krista Voda is hosting the pre-race. Wendy Venturini and Jim Tretow are normally the pit reporters on the ARCA Series.
This should be a good night for both series. The Sprint Cup gang is off and the Nationwide Series is racing up in Montreal. This puts the ARCA and CWTS storylines front and center in primetime on a Friday night.
Chicagoland makes good TV pictures and the SPEED TV crew knows how to pick the right cameras to show the fans. This has good potential to be a fantastic night of racing on TV.
This post will serve to host your comments on tonight's doubleheader. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by tonight!
Michael Waltrip calling the ARCA race?
Well... damn.
For those of you who don't wish to listen to Michael Waltrip yammer his jaws during the ARCA race, ARCARacing.com has live audio and a live leaderboard. ARCA Radio Network coverage isn't great, but it sure beats listening to Mike Waltrip.
Well, that was not made clear to me by SPEED. I just said he was on hand. It should be interesting to see if they set him aside for it.
I also don't know if Jim and Wendy made the trip or Ray and Randy are doing both series.
Not a lot of info this week.
Happy ARCA and Pick 'em Ups Racing Planeteers!
Reading Twitter Justin Marks & Tim George have been bitten the last few races hope one of them can go to VL.
Justin Marks went down to LA to help with the oil spill would be nice if they chatted about that. He was there with his sponsor. But I doubt it they pretty much get on with it with ARCA.
Looking forward to the Pick 'em ups. Glad David got a ride hope he's able to work something out. Always heartbreaking when a guy loses sponsorship and team may have to shut down but even more when they're in the top 10 :(.
Glad to see Steve Park back tonight! Grampa needs some Good Luck hope he can win tonight!
There ya go Andy! He's in!
Being told by folks at the track that it's basically empty. Wow.
Looks like the truck crew is doing double duty.
Nope, there is Jim Tretow!
Little caution for fluid would have been nice.
Guess it's just you and me both Junior....er JD :)
First wreck of the night :(. Poor Chad just trying to mind his own
Mikey Kile is an idiot!
Those guys only know how to race one way.
@JD They sure know how to wreck.
I'm Here !! :)
Mikey in the booth for both races!
Oh my, too much jabber for me. My mute button will be feeling abused.
Wow! Rookie mistake there by Rodderick.
I think Mikey had a Mt. Dew again. He is rolling.
I Can't believe Mikey Kile tried to bring that car back on the track.
@Chadderbox I know, WTF was that? And no debris caution for debris -- you know you aren't watching a Spitcup race now!
Hi Lisa, Chaffer and Andy :)
Guess they want to make sure this gets over for the trucks.
Can't believe no caution for those tire chunks.
Well Chad is officially done. Mikey Kile doesn't seem to be making friends of late.
Man, the candy apple car is out!!
@JD ARCA sanctioning body showing the national stage why they are a joke.
Mikey is taking feedback about the broadcast from his employees via text.
@Gymmie Nope. Seems he's involved in a wreck (as in, the instigator of a wreck) every week.
This is too long?
Well, there have been long cautions so far tonight in the ARCA race so Mikey is in high heaven being able to gab and gab all he wants. Thinks they are doing a pretty good broadcast. But then again, there have been so many commercials too. Let's see how the truck race proceeds in regards to commercials.
One thing I'd love to see ARCA improve on is the length of their cautions. Seriously, this is a joke.
I mean this is a long caution.
Nice side by side racing.
I love ARCA but this is painful.
Is this a cup race? The booth keeps on talking about points, points and more points. I'm getting tired of it, don't they realize it's meaningless now.
Nice job missing the restart SPEED.
They missed the restart. Mikey is telling us how great it was, but I didn't see IT.
Andy, yep, Speed missed the restart after all those commercials earlier!
Swing and a miss, strike one!
Hey everyone. This is what you get when you put inexperienced drivers in old Cup cars with those bodies on them. Happens every single year and every single race. Its just laughable to say the least.
Gotta learn somewhere though I guess...
So far seems like an average ARCA broadcast
The trucks should be wild. All kinds of folks in the field tonight.
Even my local Florida girl Johanna Long is back.
She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't lie
you should have seen it when they ran a the Glen back around 2000...worst race I have ever seen. They were completely clueless. I think part of the problem is running on such big tracks. But like you say, they have to learn somewhere.
What's up with that one Vince?
Glen, they ran on the fake road course down here at Palm Beach Int Raceway and it was a disaster.
Rained at the end and they all skidded off the track. Lordy.
Looking forward to the Trucks!
Hope everyone is able to enjoy the race.
JD, I don't get that one either!
At least a couple of guys I liked survived tonight :(.
Congratulations to Patrick for his win :)
Hey, I like Clapton!
There has to be a better way to get guys qualified for plate racing & NASCAR tracks.
Funniest thing was, a guy landed in the kitty litter & was griping on the scanner about how if he was Frank Kimmel they'd throw the yellow....well, he sure wasn't Frank Kimmel, lol.
Eric Clapton is friends with the Germains...don't know if that's Vince's connection....
I missed something too there Vince?
Saw your friend Johanna interviewed during Quals today JD :)
Looking forward to her doing well tonight :)
Hope the #KBShow is kept to a minimum and others allowed to shine tonight.
The Germains have dealerships here in Columbus, Ohio and Clapton married a girl who is from Columbus. Not sure how that works into an ARCA Race though.
that was an interesting segment. Gold tooth. hmmm.
Like I said, it should be interesting. Very diverse field.
the truck series has by far the best pre race show
It's just simple and fun. Hey, that describes me!
Look forward to a fun race. Glad they did the full set up and didn't cut it with ARCA going over.
Anybody else besides me now dying for a Tootsie Pop? :-)
wow, are they only now getting this race started? I thought I would be late.
Can we not get anything better for the National Anthem? That was torture.
majors...you must not've heard Michigan. That was genius by comparison.
Hey guys, I'm at the race tonight with my son. Got great seats for half price on eBay! Right at start finish line-will keep an eye on things from here.
Awesome Haus! Have a blast!
haus...hope you & your son have a great time; that's what it's all about.
a raceable race track? what kind of a statement is that? aren't all the tracks raceable?
Yeah, Phil, Chicago is really a raceable race track! Hope David Starr has a good finish!
Fire it up for the trucks.
That's great Haus! You and your son enjoy!
cool, Haus - our own in race reporter!
Gina, that means more than one racing line.
LOL, thanks, JD. It just seemed like a convoluted way to say something.
is kybu in the field tonight? Or can we have a truck race without him. please.
drat, I see his name, I was hoping that he was on vacation.
sorry Gina...I was hoping to have a Kyb free race, but no, in qualifying I saw I was wrong. Sigh.
We'll see if Mike can be objective, considering the asinine comments about Reuty....
GlenC1 - glad to know that I'm not alone in the feeling - KyBu, Mikey and Friday night -- I need a drink. Oh the humanity!
I keep telling myself there are good things about Kyle...fierce competitor, raised money for Sam Ard, loves to race...but I just can't make myself like him. Probably the profound arrogance.
Kyle B is on a monumental roll, enjoy it or loath it, your choice.
is that really a picture of the moon? Or is it a cheese ball?
longtimeracefan - I choose to loath it and him. I respect the talent, but I agree with Kez, Kyle Busch is an a_ _
@Gina that's the #KBShow reference I had above. That's the twitter tag for the Kyle Busch Show
I hope somebody can stop KB from stinking up this show.
I went to a truck race and a Nationwide event broke out!
I also thought Mikey couldn't be objective after the dumb comments kyle made about Ruetty but Mikey hasn't been that bad.
He calmed down after the ARCA race, thank Gawd!
GinaV24, Kyle B may very well be an ass, that's a given, but Brad K is definitely a wuss, that's for sure.
@Gymmie - ah! cool. At least they are talking about other drivers even if kybu has already taken the lead.
What happened to the #2 truck?
Said Shelby looked like he lost the motor and shut if off right away. Bummer for him!
Dang it-I was hoping for a strong run for him
@Gina--yes was VERY happy! If it's deserving it's fine but don't need to drool over him like some announcers do 30 seconds into the race :(
longtimeracefan, I'm not a Kez fan in particular either, but I do happen to agree with his opinion on the topic. I'm guessing from Reut's comments, he's not a fan either.
You see I just don't see the appeal of rude and obnoxious as character traits, even in a racecar driver.
And I like watching the truck races and having the same driver, who is a full time driver in Cup, stinking up the lower level show kind of spoils it for me.
somehow I knew Shelby Howard wasn't going to have a good run. Next week Kevin Harvick will prob. win the race. It's just funny how 30 laps in the engine blows.
Goooooood point!
wow, the field is really spread out. I like that camera shot. Nice
Casey45 - yeah Shelby got the "bad" truck tonight!
so do you think its going to be a fuel mileage race? the commentators sure do.
Rick's been a little quiet tonight in the booth somewhat.
Field is kind of strung out right now - shrubby is at it again.
yep nothing to see up front. At least they are showing us the racing inthe field.
Hey GinaV, at least if I am the in race reporter, I don't have to worry about the curse from ESPN
I wonder if the 81 ran out of funding/sponsors
Alli O is on Twitter saying they are done after tonight. No more money.
it's all sad. I still think guys like Kyle both help & hurt the series.
Haus - man I hope not. It is strange how that so often works out like that.
the tv broadcast is pretty good. we're getting a through the field right now.
Roger, RMMS said that they would not race the #81 the next two races, so David Starr came to Chicago and got the ride in the #21 truck. Zachry is a partial sponsor altho I'm not sure how many races they were going to race with Zachry on it. The strange thing several weeks ago, Mike Skinner was also saying that they might not race soon because they didn't have money to purchase any new engines. Guess Randy Moss has a lot of money going out and not as much coming in.
that's a shame to hear that another team will be done after this race. And NASCAR deciding to cut purses won't help either the trucks or the nationwide series teams with their effort to stay in business.
Thanks for the update Vicky. I guess another truck team down and out. This is why I think guys like Kyle bush and Kevin Harvick really hurt the series. KB and KH get all the TV time so sponsors don't want to go with great full time drivers and teams like David star and RMMS.
Hey, just between us girls.....
Some changes look like they are coming to trucks next season....
I also like the 2 gals in the flagstand! I'm afraid there will be other teams changing to a partial schedule til they can get more sponsorships. That commercial for the Chase - their eyes look so strange.
that commercial looked freaky to me almost like a bunch of dead people telling us how they’re going to win the cup.
Roger, If the race is driven only by up and coming no name drivers and drivers that are former Nationwide or Cup drivers, will enough people watch and attend the races to satisfy the sponsors? I suspect not. Love him or hate him, Kyle Busch increases viewership. Some watch to see him win and many watch in the hope that he will wreck or have altercation with someone. In professional wrestling, the "bad guy" is the one who draws the crowd and makes the most money.
Business is starting to pick up.
OSBORNK – How about people watching to see Trevor Bayne, Austin Dillon, Justin Lofton, Ricky Carmichael, Justin Allgaier, Rickey Stenhouse Aric Almirola , James Buescher and so on. I watch to see those guys not Kyle Bush racing against Carl Edwards and Kevin Harvick. That’s what the cup series is for. If KB and those guys stop racing in the Nationwide and Truck Series I think the fans will be fine following all the young guns.
Well our favorite driver is a full time (well up to this week) truck series driver. Haven't seen much of him tonight but then again, he's only running in 15th spot.
Quite a few folks heading for the exits here already with 30 to go. Suprising to me.
did the 3 just wreck the 31 OMG
Man, that kid makes me a little nuts sometimes. Nice replay work by SPEED again.
I wonder if RMMS will be able to afford a driveshaft next week
JD, what kid - Dillon - drives you nuts? Hopefully Buescher won't try to retaliate I'm sure he didn't mean it.
Roger, like I said before, Skinner had said a couple of weeks ago they didn't have any money for new engines. Maybe they have old and used Starr's driveshaft.
Man, talk about the have's and the have nots!
So, Mikey's no love lost towards Grampa has brainwashed Phil too ??
Or is it just their collective toyota bias??
And I thought the toyotas were down on power ?!?!?
Roger--Thge dedicated truck fan will watch the drivers you mention but the casual fan will watch a familiar name even when they are not a truck series fan. If you're going to watch a race of unknowns, it doesn't matter what kind of racing it is and the ratings are not good.
C'mon Todd!
Shrubby vs. the onion for the last 20 laps in person has been awesome!
OSBORNK – We are so far into the NASCAR season who doesn’t know who Trevor Bayne and Austion Dillon are; these guys are making names for themselves by running up front and being fast every week. They’re not no names anymore and the casual fan is starting to recognize them because they’re something different and new. Casual or diehard fan nobody wants to see the same guys win every week. It’s the Jimmie Johnson syndrome in the trucks and N’wide series. Why do you think people were so happy to see Jamie Mac and Reutty win this year, because they’re not the norm.
WHY did I waste another 3 hrs ?? Last weekend was a complete waste ... This weekend's starting out the same way ...
I'm surprised Kylie's not running the Nwide race too ... esp since they don't have on-track action til tomorrow ...
That was maybe not the best for some folks, but it's reality right now.
NNS practice 11:30AM and qualifying 5:30PM ET tomorrow.
Allen Bestwick, Rusty and Andy on ESPN2.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. See you Sunday for Nationwide action from Montreal.
Good to see David and Rick get top 10s. Hope they're able to land something FT they're good guys :)
Kudos to Chicagoland speedway and Joliet police for post race egress - simply awesome! 10,000 x's better than Charlotte egress. #NASCAR
Just got back from Chicagoland Speedway and had A BLASTTTT! Great race and WOW KB is offfff the charts! This kid is crazy!
Tuned in last night to watch the trucks,soon as we heard mikie off the channel to watch baseball.
Tks.J.D. Ron Ill.
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