This should be a very interesting afternoon on TV. SPEED starts the day with the Camping World Truck Series from Martinsville, VA. Then, ESPN2 is next with the Nationwide Series from Gateway in St. Louis, MO.
Krista Voda hosts The Set-up pre-race show at 12:30PM. Then Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip take over to call the 1PM race. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander are on pit road. Trucks are a great show at Martinsville and with some Cup Series cross-overs, it should be a fun race on TV.
College football is again about to play a role in the Nationwide Series this weekend. The trucks are set to begin the telecast at 3PM following a college football game that began at noon. Typically, the games run 3.5 hours.
The excuse from ESPN during this time of the season is that only the meaningless pre-race show is usually lost, so the race should be just fine. That does not help the many teams struggling for sponsorship this year who really need a national TV exposure even before the event.
Vince Welch will call the race from Gateway with Ricky Craven and Rusty Wallace in the TV booth. Down on pit road are Jim Noble and Rick DeBruhl. Craven has worked well with Wallace in the past while Welch is still in the early stages of his attempts at play-by-play.
Earlier today, SPEED telecast the early Cup practice from Martinsville live. Not once in the first 55 minutes of the hour was the RPM and Kasey Kahne situation mentioned. Fans who did not see coverage during the week had no idea that Kahne had changed teams. I felt this was incredibly bad decision-making by SPEED and voiced my opinion. The situation was mentioned once right before the show was over.
It should be very interesting to see how ESPN and SPEED handle the RPM situation on the pre-race shows Sunday morning. NASCAR Now is at 9AM, RaceDay at 10 and NASCAR Countdown at noon.
This combo live blog today will host your comments on the truck race, the Nationwide Series event and the RPM coverage on TV. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This should be a very interesting afternoon. Thanks for joining us to talk about it.
This should be fun!
Feel badly for Todd Bodine, hearing he lost his mother. Has to be awful for him.
Agree, good guy and that family is certainly colorful!
Happy Double Header Saturday Planeteers :)
Look forward to some good short track racin' and a sad day for Gateway :(. Like others definitely sign of the times have hit them.
Heard about Toonces', Bretts & Geoff's mom last night from Doug very sad :( but it's one of those things that you just have to race. And then mourn later.
Looks like a beautiful day.
Can anyone tell me what creds Derrick Cope's niece's have to be racing in the truck series? Other than being blond and female, I mean.
1 - Paid entry fee. 2 - Have a truck. 3 - Showed up.
Thanks, JD. That's what I thought.
Pretty much JD. I remember their names coming up a few years ago when Uncle Derrike was doing TV & racing off and on during the season, but haven't heard of them actually DOING anything to warrant being there other than that.
There is no one around. Not in chat, on Twitter or at the race. Just wow...
But remember, JD, the racing is the best it's ever been, and that will cure all Nascar's ills. That's according to Brian the Brain.
Seeing that Tide truck brings back some Martinsville memories...like, Ricky Rudd getting cooked in his seat!
Just showing the top 3 trucks today? No one else racing anywhere, I guess.
I'm really talking to myself here, aren't I?
Race is on in the background, but sound is off cuz Mikey is calling it.
Weird time to be a fan. That's for sure.
yes it's very quiet JD :( hate to see no one in the stands as well. A shame. I know 3 tweeps who left PA at 4 AM (at least that was their plan) to go to the race today.
The college football game on Espn2 just went to half time. 1:33 pm
Take a look at the current Stockcartoon by Mike Smith on the Las Vegas Sun website.
I'd say that's pretty accurate, wouldn't you?
Thanks Charlie. Goodbye pre-race and maybe first 25 laps. Daggone it.
Hey, Everybody! New to Daly Planet. Go, Austin!!!
Hey Athens...glad you could join us!
To many bumper cams and in-car cams on such a short track. Oh well.
Welcome Athens :)
Charlie, I could not agree more on that.
Tight shots are even more disastrous on a short track with so much going on all over the track!
At least we got some good old Martinsville drama.
Is that our little Troll back to visit? He really has a limited vocabulary, doesn't he?
Start of 4th quarter on Espn2.
2:34 pm
The troll must be watching the race if the troll knows about Cope.
Hey troll, what do you think of the truck race?
REALLY limited.
I wish our little troll had come earlier, kinda boring today!
Hey Sally
Please don't feed the trolls
But what about the Cope twins?
we need to feed the Cope twins-they looked too damn skinny to me...;)
I agree pammH the Cope twins look anorexic
The Hilton sisters of NASCAR.
just got home from Bass Pro. The Cope girls did actually *drive*...go-karts, late models, and they did some ARCA--looked it up out of curiousity. I have no idea if there's any talent there, just saying they didn't just walk in off the street :) But they look ridiculous.
Just heard about Todd's mom. Sad news. Todd was actually pretty funny on Trackside last night.
Go Ron....!
Hooray for Hornaday! Gets the first truck winner Grandpa clock...for the Grandpa!
Congratulations to Grampa! He now gets a Grandfather Clock <3
Tuning in to the last few laps simply because listening to the local college football game is so depressing. The broadcast seemed OK, just unfamiliar. SPEED needs to ramp up their online presence if they want to stay relevant.
The Cope girls didn't do to bad. 26th and 30th. If they were Danica Patrick it would be a lead story. Good run by them
there is something kinda funny about that grandpa thing. Glad he got one though. Nice of him to mention Shane & Carol.
Good point about Danica. She was awful in her qual. Should be interesting.
Coincidentally, #22 is ALSO the over/under on Rusty Wallacé mispronunciations of "Keselowski" today. (Just heard my first one!)
glad that Dr. Punch thing was deleted. Sorry so quiet; working on selling my house which means I have to clean it!lol Good for Hornaday. Poor Austin though.:(
With all the air time Steve Wallace gets you would think he is one of the best drivers and fan favorite out there.
Athens, Sally and I think of him ask the psycho tween we never had.
I hope Craven can prove to me that he can shift his "booth time" into another gear.
So far, he's not proven to me to be very exciting in the booth.
Informative, yes..... exciting, far from it.
Yes, every time he signs on, I try to remind myself, "Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."
Nice that 'Lil Gator' not only had his visor up, but actually looked into the camera. Can't believer this kid doesn't have a ride next year.
too bad about the psycho. I think excitement is a thing of the past in the announcers' booth. No one like Benny Parson and Ned Jarrett!
I thought it was great that Speed didnt mention the Kahne/RPM situation. Im tuning in for practice not race hub. I dont need them to rehash what we already know. Speed shoulda had final practice but Im guessing ESPN has a contract for that during there part of the season.
Should be a good nationwide telecast, mainly cause Ricky is in the booth. If Rusty can contain himself and Vince do a solid job this could go real well. Sad for Gateway, good track with poor management.
ESPN has the third string crew on board for Gateway. New pit reporters.
I agree Sally! Mr. Alligator has done so well someone HAS to give him a ride next year!
Roland, I found it amazing that a top driver in the sport could change teams and then have that topic avoided for 56 minutes of the 60 minute show. Took a lot of weekend fans by surprise.
Its a split weekend for TV.
Love to see someone could buy it & turn it around...wonder if Carl's interested in track ownership. Gotta think the price tag would be high though. Maybe a group of investors...
Allgaier is prime example of the sport's decline. A couple of years ago team owners would have been lined up.
There are a ton of good young drivers out there that may never get the chance to race in Cup because Brian the Brain-fried has managed to kill it off.
Just got home. The Hilton Twins of Nascar? JD, you have been spending too much time trolling!
But, we have ethanol!
It's the new cult of celebrity. No talent or brains needed. Just rich parents and a reslity show.
Oops...reality. Working off the EVO today.
All the promos while racing is going on. frustrating.
Hello darkness my old friend
I come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left it's seed while i was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
To me NASCAR does not exist anymore.
I'll keep on this site to give my thoughts but i am not watching this sorry excuse for broadcasting anymore.
Nor will i watch a concieved playoff for winning a rcing championship
That's tomorrow!
Rusty is causing friction in the booth. Rusty figures he is always right.
Different producer, director what ever it is, hasn't seemed to change the way they do the camera work.
I guess this is the norm now.
If anybody wants to take an afternoon nap, just turn the race on. This broadcast team will put you asleep in a hurry.
Rusty is getting grumpy!
well.... 23 laps in.
it's 4:30pm & the coverage is OK, but the racing stinks.
Too much good football on....i'm gone.
good night everybody.
I can see why they don't draw big crowds at this track. So far, it's highly forgettable racing.
Many of these tracks are like the old Ontario Motor Speedway. Go back to our roots and bring back The Rock, Wilkesboro and the Southern 500.
rubbing is racing, trying to get more money is not racing.
With the camera work the way it is, it is hard for me to tell if there is other racing going on or not.
It has to make Rusty nuts when his guys crash.
88 races or 88 laps.
Heck JD, that's 50% of the time.
Danica is trying to judge the right "suck up" distsnce.
Now, now JD
Lindsay Lohan should drive in NA$CAR she should be a perfect fit and make that money hungry clown Bran France happy.
Allgaier has to get a ride for 2011.
How many more times are they going to say that Edwards and Kez started "dead last"? Good grief. If this was a drinking game, I'd be passed out by now.
Holy Cow! That's a real mess.
Danica managed to get thru without too much damage. Good for her.
almost looked like Danica had done that before. what a mess.
Impeach Brian France ? No can do - he owns the NASCAR Empire.
This could be a good race if the tight shots only crew were not working it. And the Danica, Danica, Danica, of course. And poor Josh Wise doing well, but no mention of him until he wrecks.
But Kenny Wallace is doing better than usual since Rusty gave him a car to drive this weekend.
Not many cars left and were just halfway.
Just saw the Brad Sweet interview. Anybody know how tall he is. Looks like he's about 12 yrs old if the picture was accurate. I know little of him.
Not much talk about Brandon McReynolds either.
You guys seen the blackflagbzf.com website? They send me stuff every daggone day. It's Mayfield's lawyer!
This Danica crao is just WAAYYYY Too much. Before the wreck they show her and she is dropping like a rock through the field getting passed three wide and the booth says she is getting real racy......Then after the wreck, the booth go just gets done telling us how much damage she has on then the don't put her on the involved in the wreck list. How far will the go to make her look better??
@JD...so That's where the blackflag stuff comes from! I wondered. Not happy about the source, but I can appreciate the sentiment.
Yes I have seen that site JD some folks got upset because they started to follow them them on Twitter.
Looks like Shawn expects everyone to just ride around, BRO THIS IS NASCAR drivers are sappose to run hard everylap.... He reminds me of Joey Logano waa waaa they all raced me way to hard! I hate that I came to the televison to see these racers RACE and this is awsome, hate Gateway is going away :( OH Btw hello everyone!!!
Jon, Joey Logano is a perfect example of why NASCAR is dying a slow death
JD, Yeah, I visited it. Can't remember how I found out about it. But it will be to no avail. They will just trot out the "disgruntled former employee with a (drug/drinking) problem" bit as big business does when challenged.
Jonathan, this is one where I agree with you. Sean came off as awfully whiny. Like he's perfect & never makes a mistake (with all his tons of experience...)
I'll give Shawn credit for understaning he is in very expensive equipment and wanting to take of it and the others. You won't hear many others comment on the amount of money each crash cost unless they are owners.
With all the air time Steve Wallace gets you would think he is one of the best drivers and fan favorite out there.
10th in pints. 4th if you take out the cup guys. Must be doing something right
Who started following whom on twitter?
You guys have the power to change what is wrong with NASCAR. As long as the NASCAR brass keeps making money, or ESPN/Fox for that matter guess what there is no incentive for them to change. If you guys want change stop going to the races and stop watching the races. YOU GUYS HAVE THE POWER. HIT EM WHERE IT HURTS, IN THEIR BAGS OF CASH.
Just my two cents
@trojanfan...why do you think attendance and ratings are down? The fans ARE doing it.
That may be the most worthless Tech center segment ever. Thanks Tim. gotta clean the tires... who knew??
If we don't to see want Tim Brewer live, why does ESPN think we want to see taped segments of him..
Wonder if Tim Brewer teaches Kindergarden to practice for TV? That's about the level he uses to explain his "important" information.
The 12 pulls out to pass and they go to an in-car cam and miss it.
See how they had to start the tape late on Brewer? Probably to keep him from saying "Thanks Marty".
Vince, Brewer & Rusty are making me cringe.
Brewer insults my intelligence sometimes - and this was one of those times.
I know Sally but guess what NOTHING'S CHANGING.
Brewer is better pre-recorded.
No matter that many of us have cut back the reckoning will not begin in earnest until TV rights negotiations begin & that will be a little less than 18 months from now as I understand it. I know were I repping the nets I would walk in and tell Brian and Mike and everyone from Na$car that the "product" has depreciated.
@AncientRacer--the BlackflagBZF account started to follow folks on Twitter. They don't believe anything Germy says so were upset the account "found" them and followed.
Oh is that what he was yacking 'bout? I tuned Captain Obvious out
this crowd looks much better than earlier this year... Wish this place wasnt going away they should of brought Cup here but oh well! My hope now is after a couple years Iowa will expand and get a cup race cause thats another place the provides some awsome racing
truck race broadcast i thought was really good. nationwide broadcast... despite a pretty good race... is so sad
I didnt get to see the truck race was passed out but as this broadcast might be somewhat shakey I do say the booth is a breth of fresh air! I think Vince is doing better now that he has called some races! If only Randy LaJoie was in Rustys place it would be perfect
2 weeks in a row, you can replace Vince with a scarecrow and there would be no noticeable difference.
Wasps in the booth?
Who in their right mind would think showing tight camera shots shows you the race.
Only 3 guys in this field that has won races. I don't think you have to look any farther than that to see what's wrong with this series. That just isn't right.
Steve - You're too kind, wasps have energy
This broadcast has told me alot. Ricky Craven is great. Tone of voice, demeanor, content, he needs to do this every week.
Rusty needs to go. I am sick and tired of the self promotion of his race teams. There is a definate conflict.
Bugs in the booth. Lots of complaints.
Its a shame that a race track that costed so much and is in that kind of market could only survive 14 years.
Another comment about the limited number of experienced drivers.
Harvick does better in these races running Bliss or Hornaday than any of the young guys.
Look for more - wonder how long Nashville can survive. Only ISC and SMI can survive and they are struggling.
What does it say for the racing when the 25th place car is 41 laps down?
Can ESPN stop this conflict of interest and dump Rusty out to pasture. He's a homer for his busch team. Broadcasters should be fair and impartial but ESPN is just letting him hang aroud and continuing this conflict of interest.
In a perfect world it would say "old school racing" and I'd like that. But this is not a perfect world.
It means Morgan Shepherd can run in the top 20.
@anon 5:59, you are right about Nashville. I was there for the spring race and if they say there were more than 6000 people there they are lying. It was a horriible turnout. And it is sad because the weather was perfect and it was a good race.
This Nationwide Series is in deep trouble. No competition, S&P's and Keselowski will clinch with three races left.
I hear Rusty make general comments about what's going on with his teams. I don't hear him going on and on about it, it was the *others* talking about Kenny, for example. I want Rusty out of the booth for other reasons, but it's not because of excessive 'cheerleading.' I think some people are not being very objective about that. I'd much rather hear him talk about Steve's team than to say 'hot rod' or 'that's for sure' one more time.
How many S&P's in this race? At least 12.
I remember way back when there were very few good cars. I remember when Richard Petty almost every race when he didn't wreck or fall out due to mechanical problems. Then, the good teams ran one car and today the good team has many cars (4 in their name and several more that are theirs except in name). The number of good team owners has not increased, just the number of cars on the track.
The reason for tracks dropping is attendance but also NASCAR's absurd sanctioning fees.
Long time ago, Jerry Brown of CA said, "Sooner or later every politician wears out his welcome."
This applies to booth talent too, and there are others besides Rusty who should go away -- on hiatus, if you will -- until we quit being tired of them, if ever.
With Menard's money gone from RPM to RCR, that may be it for Petty. Wonder what Ambrose and Allmendinger are thinking.
The big box for a Steve Wallace pit stop of almost 20 szeconds?
Did they get enough commercials in or will the throw a debris caution.
Really appreciate you guys sticking with us today. Tomorrow, we get NFL games.
Steve Wallace passed a girl.
Steven nerfed her.
If by debris you mean Steven Wallace running into Danica, then yes.
If it's the JJ show tomorrow, it's the NFL for me.
Amazing how many ways a Wallace can mess up a race.
Steven will NEVER be a Cup driver.
Let's see if Vince can step it up
JD I dont know about you but there will be no NFL for me lol! Even if there Bears are playing the make or break game of the year big deal Nascar from Martinsville is all I care about! You know there is hope for the Chase and ratings next year if there is an NFL lockout and its looking like there may be no NFL season next year. We shall see anyone know anymore about this
Yes, and there are so many of them, too.
Well never say never, I never thought Brian France would be the CEO of NASCAR.
I won't be around for the start of the race tomorrow. might make it home for the end of it, though. I hope our little short track comes thru with some interesting racing.
This could get ugly - again.
Well take this in everyone the last laps at Gateway sit back relax grab a cold one and enjoy yippe
Steven may be a cup driver, he can qualify pretty well. He'd be good for one of those teams that doesn't run the advertised distance.
Pump them babies up to make it a fast hot rod.
Come on Vince! Get excited!
Vince watched Jerry Punch call 1 too many races. No real excitement in the booth. Pretty sad!
woohooo alright Brad great last 5 laps Thanks JD for letting us do this agian much appreciated
Penske made a great choice in Keselowski. He will be sorry if he loses Allgaier.
Hmmmm. Bwad. Oh, well he does have some tal..., Oh! I can't say it. Just can't.
See y'all tomorrow
Let's hope the pre race shows get some RPM answers tomorrow.
Poor camera work. To many tight shots and in-car/bumper cams.
Vince tried...very underwhelming.
Brad wins....yey? Just another Cupper stealing the spotlight. I was really hoping Sorenson, Bliss or Allgaier would win.
It's a shame Gateway is history now. This series needs standalone races, but they keep getting cut.
We have to hear from Danica!
Turn out the lights, another uniques track with decent racing bites the dust.
When was Happy Hour?
Happy hour was this morning before the truck race. gotta love tape delayed practice. what a waste.
Thanks again everyone. See you tomorrow!
What's wrong with racing...Here's a start The Title to the acticle about this race on the front page of Speed but links the FoxSport page is "NNS: Keselowski Wins On Last Lap
He won on the last lap......WOW I can't even comment....
@ Anon - I completely agree. Cars have been 'sailing' into the corners for 4 years on ESPN. I get annoyed when I read 'x wins happy hour'. There are no prizes given out after practice. But for some reason, cars started 'winning' practice withn the past 2-3 years. Maybe I'm stubborn, but I'd prefer things back the way the used to be a few years ago - when things actually made sense in this sport.
I agree wit the stupidity of that headline...I mean I don't know why he waited till the last lap, why didn't he win it on the first lap, seems easier.
or are all races won on the last lap??? I'm confused now
OMG, The Cope girl looks like a young Ma from Roadhouse...just sayin
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