Both SPEED and ESPN2 had coverage from the Hall of Fame. The inductees announcement caught many off-guard.
The NASCAR fan comments below started as a live blog but continued as more folks watched the recordings of the preview show on SPEED, the live announcement, NASCAR Now on ESPN2 and then Race Hub on SPEED.
I enjoyed the debate in the preview show, including Kyle Petty repeatedly making the point that this was not an induction for Cup Series drivers, but one that should include folks who had a broad history in the sport. It certainly did turn out that way.
Nominee Darrell Waltrip appeared on the preview show, as well as the program after the announcement and then Race Hub. Waltrip made a lot of comments that seemed to rub some folks wrong. I just took them as someone passionate about getting another honor in the sport.
Dr. Jerry Punch was on NASCAR Now and revealed a lot of detail about how and why the selections were made. Punch was outstanding, but ESPN really did not give him the time he deserved to address those issues. Perhaps, next season the network might not host the show from the Connecticut studios.
Great to see Randy Pemberton on TV again after major back surgery. Pemberton had some tough interviews to handle before and after the selections were announced. He has a very long history in the sport and was the right person to put in this position.
There were four hours of live TV involved in the Hall of Fame selections. We would like your comments on what you watched, how you liked it and what you think should be improved for the future.
To leave your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
Boogity, boogity, boogity - give me that ring, boys!
Sorry for no picture. Out and about today.
a great class has been elected to the nascar hall of fame. congrats to all
Very interesting class going into the Hall this season.
No DW or Cale this season.
who, who, who please?
Ned Jarrett, David Pearson, Bud Moore, Bobby Allison and Lee Petty.
A very good class indeed
It's time for somebody in the NASCAR press to talk about the insanity of letting select nominees be on voting committee. Bud Moore and Ned Jarrett both got to vote, and being in the debate room totally skews the discussion. That's how Junior Johnson got in last year too over David Pearson.
ty, Jennifer
1. David Pearson
2. Bobby Allison
3. Lee Petty
4. Ned Jarrett
5. Bud Moore
Poor DW. Missed out again. He tried to keep a happy face about it, but you could tell he was disappointed.
And...somebody left the mikes hot going to break. Both Kyle and DW said they didn't understand one of the nominees. I'd love to know which one has them baffled.
I'm guessing Kyle and DW meant Bobby maybe.
In a way I'm glad that DW isn't in it yet. When he was on Fox this year he kept pandering, saying he deserved to be in the next class going in.
It made me even madder when Mike and Larry started in on it too.
So until DW shuts his mouth up about it, I don't want him in there.
While I believe DW belongs in the Hall, I hope it's not until his broadcasting career is considerably diminished. I'm not ready to someone at Speed or Fox say "Nascar Hall of Famer Darrell Waltrip" 10-20 times a broadcast, even if half the time it's not DW saying it.
That's a great class, I'm really happy Ned's there.
Out today being productive, back a few ago, flip on the TV and there it is, next to Mike Joy glowering at something...,Beelzebub.
Talk about ruining one's day.
However, I like the choices though I was hoping Byron and Roberts would get in. Bud Moore was a true surprise to me. Nice surprise, but good.
Then someone said, "in 10 yrs we will have 50 people in the HOF." Really? The way we are going no one will be left to care.
With this vote, I think the committee shows an emphasis on honoring those who took the sport from dirt to asphalt, and perhaps also looking at those who might not be with us in future years.
With the inaugural class behind us, I'm disappointed that there wasn't a plan for a couple of extra-large "catch up" classes (or perhaps a class every 6 months). Nothing against the current class, but folks like Cale, the Woods, Smokey, etc all ought to also be in without dragging it out over years.
Ol DW was clearly deeply hurt by being left out. Even he is not a good enough actor to hide his feelings. I think he should be selected only if he will promise to just go away.
they did a nice job covering. I am watching NNow now (recorded it.) More good interviews. I was pleasantly surprised by the choices, but it's like they said, you can't say any of them *don't* belong, it's all about the timing.
I also do not want DW to get elected until after he is well done with broadcasting - just TOO MUCH self promoting and like FloridaMatt said, "I'm not ready to someone at Speed or Fox say "Nascar Hall of Famer Darrell Waltrip" 10-20 times a broadcast, even if half the time it's not DW saying it." (I think it would be more like 40-50 times a broadcast.) MC
WOW! Just got done watching 15 minutes of SOUR GRAPES on Race Hub! Extremely unprofessional, and unsportsmanlike. DW totally made himself look like a crybaby. Unbeleivable! He took a shot at Ken Squire by saying that the voting class is from "that era", meaning "old". I am still speechless! Here's a novel idea, DW: Be thankful that you were nominated and have been a very big part of the growth of the sport, and ,oh yeah, turn to Gentleman Ned and ask him what the word "humble" means.
OMG did someone in DW's family die? Te Hub has been a wake this evening and that "everyone I talked to said they voted for me," and "I've done everything NASCAR has asked of me," but I got to say he missed the sign: Said a guy that worked for, "called me this morning and reminded me of the song, "Don't Stop Believing."
So, I thought, "Well, DW be glad and tonight don't order any onion rings. Remember what happened to Tony Soprano."
I agree about how tasteless it was for Race Hub to spend so much time playing 'poor DW'. I guess when someone feels he's entitled to be in the second class of HOF inductees, I'd rather he sit out a few more rounds. Obviously, it isn't just about the number of wins. And just maybe 'ol DW isn't as irreplaceable as he thinks.
OMG, did you see this latest tweet from AllWaltrip-give me a break folks,i wanted in the hof really really bad, not many things a former driver has to look forward to,the hof is one of them,
What an ego!!!! I hope he doesn't get in for YEARS!
so it wasn't just me, lol. That was not a good display. At first I felt sorry for DW that they were sort of harping on it, and then it got to be the other way....enough already. It was just bad TV.
Not live, but why did they not stay on the folks that got elected to show highlights??? Sorry, as bad as BSPN, imo. Understand the hair color comments now tho for BZF.
I was watching the Nascar.com stream which went to the speed desk after the announcement. As Speed went to commercial, the stream stayed and as they were off air it was clear Mike Joy, KP and DW that they were surprised and DW was very disappointed. Heard KP say "wow, didn't expect that".
DW is being a bad sport about all this making the HoF look like how can get the most votes.. Yes it is about votes but its about personality of the people too plus history they have gave the sport.. I for one will be listening to the Daytona 500 next year over the radio not Fox sports.. Cause i know all that telecast its going to be DW crying over not getting into the HoF.. That is just my 2cents as a nascar fan..
I am very happy to see the group of 5 who got voted in today. I learned a little bit more about Nascar history today too.
I actually was not bothered too much by DW on the Hub. Ole DW did talk himself up, as always, but hey he did admit that the 5 voted in today did more and gave more than he did. He complimented the voting group of 50 and said he stands behind their choice.
They reported on the HUB that DW was in the top 5 in the fan vote.
I thought it was also not a great decision to not show the reactions and more of the nominees being congratulated after their names were announced. I'm sure they were on a tight time for the "ceremony" which was weak by the way but come on. Let it breath a little.
Even though DW is worthyof the Hall, I am not ready to see him go in yet for all of the reasons mentioned above. If he would ever learn to have some class like Ned Jarrett, then I could sy go right it in, but not until we don't hear him either whine or pander to everyone to vote for him.
I think it was a great class and I learned some things I did not know about both Ned Jarrett and Bud Moore and this is great to be able to look back at the history fo the sport so we can at least think we will have a future.
Probably a lot of the fans who voted for DW did so because they're familiar with him. How many of them even know who Bud Moore is? I'm sure there are some long time fans voting, but there probably were a good deal more recent ones, even from his days with Cale. It's simply the argument of chronology, in my mind. Neither way is right or wrong, it's just how it ended up. I didn't have an issue with what DW had to say, it was that Hub spent like 10 minutes on it, enough already. It was not appropriate; they're supposed to be professionals. I liked the list, but would have put Inman instead of Jarrett. But is the age/health of these guys in the Hall voters minds? Probably--particularly in the case of Moore.
I don't have a problem with DW showing he was hurt. That's real emotion.
Like someone else said, those up for nomination should not be on the voting panel until after they go in.
I'm really surprised Bobby Allison got in before DW and Cale. It seems the voting panel was looking at the sympathetic side of who to go in. Not saying that Allison doesn't deserve it. But some of the comments from Kyle and Ken seemed to indicate they were purposely looking at the older guys since they kept saying "while they're here".
The announcement show was pretty good except for the awkward interview Randy did with Maurice Petty.
I think its too early for DW to be in the Hall of Fame. Yes he deserves to be in, but there are a lot of others who are some of the pioneers of the sport who should be inducted first, IMO.
Plus, I think doing this 5 at a time is stupid --
I'm 65 years old and have been a racing fan of Stock Cars and Indy cars the entire time. I may be cynical, but I have refused to watch any of the HOF shows last year and this year. Why? Because the HOF is too commercialized from the standpoint that it's been turned into a dog and pony show to sensationalize the selection process itself. The HOF is trying to play catchup with a sport that's 50 years old.There must be 50 drivers,owners,track owners,etc that are worthy of HOF status over the last 50 years. Naming a handful every year with hours of coverage on Speed is insulting. DW's self promotion the last ten years has hurt his prospects in my opinion. I think he'll get in--someday. I purposely avoided Race Hub and the other HOF shows yesterday. At least David Pearson got his due.
Really wanted to hear Brian France say: "Digger is in the Hall of Fame!"
DW's whining was pathetic. The Hub
just added to his childish behavior.
It's time for Ms. Wheeler to step
up and get some announcers who are
unbiased and will tell the story
without being scared of NA$CAR.
Anon 10:30
agree it's a dog & pony show. They really need to select more than 5 to make up for the decades HOF did not exist. Then start the 5 each year selection. Otherwise those that deserve to be there from the earliest days won't live long enough to get in (though yes I know some have died already)
But the planning/selection from the france family for this is just horrible.
Btw, what's with the bad red hair dye job on Brian France? He had nice hair before. That's just weird unless it's SPEED's camera..but last year some on SPEED had red hair & now do not.
While I am at it, SPEED TECHS, turn down the "sharpness" on your tv for the folks in SD. It will take away the shimmy on the catch fence & bleachers on the races. Been a problem for couple of years. If I adjust it on my tv it helps other stations but yours.
back to show: The HOF should've opened with 20 or 25 people. Those we've never heard of who had a huge part in making the early years of NASCAR grow & get note worthy.
Again, to select such a small number continues to cause hard feelings & time has run out for many. Had they opened the HOF with a TRUE SALUTE to the history of the sport (Simple idea I know) they would've had maybe 4 or 5 selected from EACH DECADE NASCAR has existed.
Only caught part of the show yesterday. Last years was fabulous.
DW needs to chill out. I understand his disappointment. But he was a great driver in an era that existed long after the sport had been established. The Hall of Fame just began, and it is only natural that they will favor the earliest drivers, and those who helped build the sport from scratch over drivers who simply put up big numbers. I would expect some early track owners, car owners, and even crew chiefs to make it in before DW. I like DW, but he didn't help build NASCAR and in his prime he was just a driver. It wasn't until his late career or even after he retired that he rose to be a would-be ambassador of the sport. He needs to wait his turn. He already has a big fancy ring, a room full of trophies, and plenty of money in the bank. The Hall should recognize the men who founded this sport -- and only when that list is exhausted should they get on to drivers with great numbers. Maybe if the Hall had the patience to hold off on putting Dale Sr in so quickly DW would understand better - his time will come, but it is not his turn yet.
I also disagree that they need more than 5 nominees. Having only five makes the honor really something unique and special. If they simply let in 15-20 obvious choices, it would dillute the honor and make the nominees in the coming years seem less special.
I guess the big question is will they starting concentrating on the pioneers of NASCAR and mix in one or two more contemporary people or just wing it from year to year? From the sounds of things, it sounds like more focus will be placed on the pioneers of the sport. If that happens only one between DW and Cale will go in to the next class and the odd man out will have to wait one more year.
I've read a few stories today on this issue and DW says he doesn't think the reason why he didn't get in was because of his broadcast career. But he did say, in the Sporting News, that "I'm only 63, so that's probably the reason". Yeah, tell yourself that, DW. I think Cal and Fireball Roberts belong in the HOF before DW. Also from what I've read, the surprise person for the DW bunch was Moore. I[m with those who think DW should not be in the Hall until he's off the TV.
Anonymous said...Really wanted to hear Brian France say: "Digger is in the Hall of Fame!"
Ha! Maybe Digger and DW will go in together in the same class.
Poor 'ol DW. He was a good driver in his day, but his ego has gotten the way of anything he has even done as a driver. His egotistical shilling is absolutely the worst I have ever seen. so lets see the real appreciative people get in first. Then maybe 20 yrs. from now let 'ol DW have his cake.
Ironic, isn't it? DW came on the scene as a mouthy, arrogant dude who turned off a lot of people with his attitude. Then, over the years he settled in and became fairly well liked -- there probably weren't many who disliked him when he finally won the Daytona 500.
But then he stayed in the car far too long. And now his I, I, I and me, me, me attitude is returning his likability back down the chart.
His declaration on RaceHub that he's a lock for the 2011 class tells us he just doesn't get it.
Sad, really.
DW's whining set my teeth on edge on Wednesday.
I think he conveniently forgot the years between his good racing and his beginning to work in the booth.
The years of the chrome car, chrome suit, and chrome helmet. The years of getting lapped within 50 laps of a race. The years of using the champ's provisional. He made himself someone to be laughed at and pitied.
That left a bad impression in a lot of people's minds.
He will make the HOF --- his stats will get him in --- eventually.
I think DW should start bragging about being personally responsible for a NASCAR rule. You know, the one that limits the number of champion's provisional starts per season. Nice work, DW.
And if it's all about statistics, ole DW is going to have to get in line behind Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson. Chad Knauss should probably go in ahead of DW, too.
Maybe DW should hire some political campaign director after the election is over. A professional campaign for the HOF might just do it. He could finance it by selling DW crying towels at his web site.
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