The content below was originally posted on January 1 as a reminder of some key issues that would be present in the sport in 2011. On this Sprint Cup Series off-week, it's interesting to take a peek at what we knew then and what we know now. The comments section is open.
Just click on the title to read the story:
SPEED Will Not Be The NASCAR Network - The new shows for next season have been announced and NASCAR is not well represented. More lifestyle and enthusiast series with none of them about NASCAR. So much for the rumor that it was going to be all NASCAR in 2011.
Can A Video Game Save NASCAR? - The new "NASCAR 2011: The Game" is headed our way in February and the sport has a lot riding on the reception. The designers say the game is off the charts, but some folks are wondering if COT's will excite younger fans.
With Howard Stern Deal Done It's NASCAR Time - Sirius made it official, re-signing Howard Stern and making his show available online as well. Recently, Sirius made a new deal with the NFL that also allows for online streaming. The only major piece of the puzzle missing is NASCAR. It needs to happen now.
The Ethanol Time Bomb - Mainstream media is silent as Ford, Chevy and Toyota sue the EPA to prevent E15 gasoline from being distributed nationally. This is the same E15 that NASCAR just signed as a key sponsor and will run in all three national series in 2011. Good move for NASCAR or worst decision in history of the sport?
Can ESPN Save The NASCAR Hall Of Fame? - There are lots of suggestions on how to increase attendance at this attraction. Why not enlist NASCAR's biggest TV partner and let TV save the day? It makes a lot of sense.
Does The Sprint Cup Series Banquet Belong On TV? - Even with the move to Las Vegas the post-season function has no zip on TV. Does NASCAR need to tailor this event to please the fans or should this be a night for sponsors and teams?
NASCAR Fans About To Be Rebranded - 2011 will bring a new approach to dealing with the public, the media and the fan base. NASCAR is leaning on a group of brand marketers to revamp the sport's public image. These guys talk the talk, but now they have to walk the walk. It's showtime!
Hail To The Chief - NASCAR Chairman Brian France says everything is fine in TV land, the Chase is the best format and nothing major needs to change for 2011. I'll have some of what he's having please!
Thanks for stopping by The Daly Planet . 2011 is our fifth season of talking about NASCAR TV and media topics. It never would have worked without your participation. Thank you.
We invite your comments. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.
Happy New Year Planeteers!
As usual, JD covered what the mainstream media ignored. Half the NASCAR media is gone for the winter. The other half has hype and an overdose of season reviews.
Daytona testing should lay all the cards on the table for 2011.
Have a Save and Happy New Years everyone! Thanks JD for all you do. I still have hope for the new year. MC
I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and prosperous 2011.
Once again JD and the Planeteers have addressed the issues that NAPCAR, the lamestream media, and the networks don't want to touch or have ignored all season long. So a pat on the back to JD and all the Planeteers for a job well done.
Unless NAPCAR and the networks pull their heads out of their backsides over the off-season, nothing will change for the 2011. It'll be business as usual for them and us fans once again making the same comments and critical criticism which will fall upon blind eyes and deaf ears.
While the odds are slim, I hope there's a major shake-up at NAPCAR and the networks that will bring them more in tune with the fans needs.
I hope everyone here has a happy new year. I discovered this blog earlier this year and found it a great source of news and opinions on the sport that I cannot find elsewhere.
That said, I want to respond to the article on NASCAR 2011: The Video Game. There is another video game, already on the market, that may do a far better job of selling the sport to a much wider audience.
Gran Turismo 5, the latest entry in the phenomenally popular simulation series, has NASCAR cars. At first glance, the offerings are rather limited: about 15 or 20 cars and only two Sprint Cup tracks, Indianapolis and Daytona (and the latter without restrictor plates.)
However, the game includes the "Jeff Gordon NASCAR School" among its special challenges, and this could very well sell the sport to a wide audience.
You are greeted by a virtual Jeff Gordon who explains how NASCAR cars are different from most cars in the game. You are then tasked with completing various driving challenges at Daytona and Indy, which include passing several cars by drafting and holding your line through a corner. These challenges are actually very difficult and make a great case for how challenging NASCAR cars are to drive, especially when compared to the many other racing disciplines the game features. GT5 has sold probably six million copies already, more than NASCAR 2011 will probably sell, and with the frame of reference that other, easier-to-drive cars provide, the game makes a good case for NASCAR.
Happy Safe, Loving & Blessed (from Our Lord) New Year !!!
Have to agree with The Mad Man.
We will see later.... how bad NASCAR gets kicked to the curb by ESPN.
Happy New Year, Planeteers!
Thanks, JD, for the site and for the insightful columns that make me think about the sport and the coverage and have a place to discuss the topics with people who have intelligent opinions.
The off season would be a barren wasteland of NASCAR news without the site.
Take care and I wish you all a happy, prosperous, healthy and safe 2011!
See y'all on the flip side and keep the shiny side up!
Oh Rats! It is 7 AM New Years Day and Nothing has changed!
I had such hope...
Guess I'll watch The Twighlight Zone on SyFy and pretend.
Thanks for the blog site. Wish the TV networks would listen to the contributors. Maybe we could get some better programming, announcers, and coverage. Happy new year to all.
Non race fans have always asked the question:
"How can you just sit there and watch cars drive around in a circle?"
After the last few years, and particularly last year, I have been unable to answer their question.
If things don't get better then I won't have to answer it becasuse I won't be watching.
When I saw the headline I thought this was going to be about Ken Schrader and Johnny Benson being NASCAR Now the last two weeks with Bestwick (and Craven and McGee). It's been awesome. This Week In NASCAR rides again!
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