Here we go with the final day of testing for the Sprint Cup Series teams in Daytona. This is also the start of a major Internet project for SPEED. Testing will be streamed online in fully-produced form by the NASCAR on SPEED team.
Starting at 9AM on SPEED.com, it will be John Roberts and Jeff Hammond in the host position above Victory Lane. Steve Byrnes, Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds will be upstairs in the broadcast booth. Krista Voda and Bob Dillner will be reporting from the garage area.
Noon ET is the Mike Helton and Robin Pemberton press conference.
We will use this post to host your comments on this coverage. You can also join us on Twitter where we are @TheDalyPlanet or on our Facebook fan page. Just search for The Daly Planet. Thanks!
coverage online is great...but i'm confused why i've got an old race airing on speed right now and live covered from Daytona online.
I guess it's because of existing sponsor agreements for commercials to air during the race...but wouldn't the sponsors prefer to air during live coverage with more eyes on it? When i first read about it, it was said they would be airing Barret-Jackson in lieu of Live Coverage. Seeing their schedule it's just that they CHOSE not to air it live.
How will it help speed for their website to get better ratings without commercials than their traditional anemic daytime programming.
Bob in VT
So far I like this. Only seen one commercial, a promo for a new Speed show I probably will not watch regularly.
Seems pretty clear from the comments from the booth monkeys and drivers that the points change will be "the big thing" announced Friday.
Some talk so far about maybe not striping the track to make lanes. NO! Daytona should be striped! Always has been!
Other than that, the new nose on the Cup cars does so very little to aid thair appearance I now wonder why they have been bothering to hype it at all. The cars still suck.
I started watching the on-line streaming at 10:30. I have really enjoyed it. There was not much happening on the track, but I am enjoying listening to the commentators and the driver interviews. Oh no. DW just came on. Fingers crossed. MC
I am on my laptop watching and this is great! I really don't have any complaints right now - except one - they need to do this MORE!
If you didn't like DW before streaming...well there is no commercial breaks with this coverage so DW can go and go and go and go - no breaks. I personally am not bothered by DW - ESPN is what bothers me.
More streaming please!
Are the plates changing speeds so far?
Could be the most boring Daytona ever.
Some facts
The new size will be 29/32 of an inch.
The old size was 30/32 of an inch
2010 Race 1st. Practice speeds
1 Dale Earnhardt Jr. 188.679
2 Mark Martin 188.616
3 Jeff Gordon 187.950
Todays testing speeds:
1) #33 Clint Bowyer, Chevy, 48.855, 184.219
2) #24 Jeff Gordon, Chevy, 48.945, 183.880
3) #5-Mark Martin, Chevy, 49.079, 183.378
Track Qualifying Record: Bill Elliott, 210.364mph, February 1987
We want to go faster.
Faster speeds doesn't exactly equal better racing.
racingfool -
i predict the pole speed will be about 187-188. Last years was 191.188mph. By the time they get these things massaged real good and put all their tricks into them you wouldnt be able to tell without a sheet in front of you.
This live streaming does not add anything to the enjoyment of Nascar racing as long as we still have the likes of Darrel Waltrip and his blabber mouth stinking up the place. Speed and Fox just seem to find new ways to chase us away.
Anybody else having a problem with screen freezes? I missed the morning session and this afternoon it started out ok. But now I'm getting screen freeze ups every 5 minutes or so. Probably my wonderful (cough) ISP, Charter.
Really? People will stop watching a sport they enjoy because of an announcer? It's kid of sad. Relax. Chill out.
Anybody notice that since they are not running commercials the guys in the booth are actually talking and not shilling sponsors. Especially Larry Mac who can be counted upon in ordinary situations to be a constant sponsor shill.
Even DW is somehow more coherent than usual
Cars still suck, though
Outstanding thank you for staying the course. We owe you.
I liked the idea of Speed steaming.
I "tuned in" if that's what you call it when you watch online but I was already turned off when I heard Hammond's whiny, Mickey Mouse, redneck voice.
What Speed should have done. instead of displaying their "star power" which are actually announcers we are all tired of, is bring in the Young Guns. Krista, Rick and Steve. That team can more than do the job plus pronounce words correctly so the world does not think we are a bunch of morons in this country that all sound like Hollyweird Hammond. Yee Haw, excuse me while I go watch some Mayberry re-runs.
Dang. They quit. Thought it was supposed to run until 5. Now the screen says 3. Oh well, I did like it while it lasted...
Out here In Los Angeles, the streaming video was interuppted. Now the video stop and a freeze frame says coverage until 3:00 PM EST instead of the 5:00 PM posted previously.
"J.T." in L.A.
Yeah, I thought they were supposed to go til 5pm. I started having a bunch of screen freeze ups and then about 2:45pm the coverage quit altogether. What gives JD? Speed having technical issues?
Go figure I just woke up to watch some of it and it ends ftw! lol
Speed is showing the rest of the test session at 5 pm.
Not bad, especially considering the lack of anything approaching excitement happening on the track.
If there had been commercials, I wouldn't have lasted an hour.
I wonder why they went off the air @ 2:40pm, seems like a pretty random time. I thought the stream went 'til 5, yes?
J.D. any word towhat happened to Streaming coverage the abrubptly ended at about 2:40 PM
"J.T." in L.A.
It's a Thursday, mid January and snowing in Ohio but I have LIVE Nascar coming through the internet to my desk on my laptop! This is cool!
I am not going to be complaining about DW all day! That's for sure!
Oh ok i didnt know they were going to show some on TV today, all i well :) Plus I think im taking off work tomorrow night so I can wake up early Friday and have me some Nascar woooo!
Anon 2:26 - I watch a lot less NASCAR broadcasting because I don't want to watch or listen to the waltrip and wallace boys blather on.
Short answer is yes, they will watch less of a sport they like. I use trackpass and the radio feed of the races to avoid them.
I couldn't watch even a minute of it here at work since my laptop needs the newest version of flash player (I think) and it has so many pop up blockers and anti-virus blockers and what have you I couldn't get it to download. Guess I'll have to wait to get home later tonight and see if the dvr recorded the portion I'll be missing at 5. Oh well!
Overall impression of the live streaming was positive, maybe a bit over produced, but still an impressive first go round.
Images and sound were good, although a couple of additional cameras would have been better. The sit down, formal driver interviews were very interesting, but without visuals of Krista V. and Bob D. in the garage, the audio only reports lacked some punch.
The commentators were familiar, some more so than others, but the energy levels were high and light.
It was a good start to what hopefully will be a trend.
Nice job SPEED.
If you dont like DW just turn down the sound or quit complaining and turn off the computer.
I guess the fans think they can do a better job at announcing or driving or being a spotter etc...
Nascar will bo ok without you...
I don't like a lot of things...but I sure am glad SPEED stepped up to the plate and has provided the fans with this opportunity.
Some poeple are never happy.
Having a southern accent and using the occasional colloquialism does not mean you are stupid or from 'Mayberry'. No reason to be insulting. I used to teach English, but I know the difference between formal and informal speech, and live commentary is the latter.
Not sure exactly how these numbers relate to the popularity of SPEED's live streaming today, but about an hour or so into the stream, Burns or Roberts mentioned the site had counted over 120,000 hits, including Bogota, Columbia and Sweden.
Gotta be a good sign.
Anon, the English teacher. Your opinion is correct when it comes to informal speech. But these guys are suppose to be professional announcers that the entire world can now listen to and see. That's faitrly formal if you ask me. It's time to upgrade to some talent that has command of the English language. That's all I am saying. I'm sure even your students don't sound as bad as Hammond. Oh, I've been called Goober lot's of times because I am a redneck myself (N.C. product) and proud of it. But I'm not trying to pretend to be someone I am not. Yall hear what I'm saying?
Couldn't see the stream at work due to IT lockdowns. Once I got home and remembered it was on Speed I turned it on and it's the same ole same ole. DW can't shut up. Hammond saying the same things he's been saying since 2001.
They need a new set of talking heads.
Racingfool has a great idea...lets hear from Krista,Rick and Steve and turn those old tired guys out to pasture.
To the person who said all on air are suppose to be professional announcers you couldn't be further from the truth. Steve, John, Krista are professional announcers as they have all been trained to be. DW, Larry and Jeff are commentators who are there for their expert opinions which come from being involved in the sport before they became announcers. If the message is received and understood is the important thing, not all areas of our country enunciate words the same. Doesn't necessarily mean one is smarter than the other.
Very nice Indeed. Looks like a rain delay for the start of day 2. I like how they are just running live shots from around the track, with not one talking, So nice. They get to keep the advertiseing on the screen all the time at the bottom, (I'm sure they could fill the screen up really fast with stuff) Very nice I'm kinda shocked.
Kinda doubt they will get much in today. Just flew TPA to PFN (Panama City, FL) and the back edge of the rain is here.
Anon at 6:19 I also couldn't get the live streaming at work because of IT problems and when I got home and watched Speed I also thought they talked about the same thing over and over. And of course, we saw a lot of JJ going around and around and around. Wonder what will happen today with the foggy & rainy weather.
batchief is right. They were not hired to be the pxp or interviewers; they are the color commentators. They're not supposed to have had the same training.
Granted, I find Larry Mac's double negatives and 'has wents' annoying. But when he is able to impart some other kind of knowledge (which he occasionally does, same with Hammond) that Krista, Rick and others cannot, I can overlook that. But how someone 'sounds' doesn't make the world think NASCAR people are rednecks (did people who watched the old days on Wide World of Sports think they were Scottish? Just saying...) In any case, I do find myself wondering...I know they supposedly do their homework, but have they really kept up with the technical knowledge? I suppose doing NASCAR Performance with the crew chiefs must help Larry, not sure about Hammond...
Anon the English teacher
Anyone have a live update on the top-5 positions & speeds?
Anon 3:46 p.m. I already do watch a lot of DW TV with the sound down, but I would really prefer to watch NASCAR with the sound up.
DW is quite capable of being VERY entertaining. In 2001 I really enjoyed DW, Hammond & McReynolds. DW, when he is relaxed and not "on", can be great to listen to - but he needs other trained broadcast professionals to help him.
That would ADD to it instead of making so many of the fans aggravated.
I missed the Helton press conf - cuz I'm working - did they say anything exciting?
Haven't been able to get the stream working out here on the left coast..
Looks as though I'm not the only one...
Worked great yesterday...
Today, nada...
Any word JD on whats happening?
Stream working now on the left coast...
I believe Larry Mac is one of the smarter guys broadcasting NASCAR these days...
I don't mind is accent at all...
I am loving this! I hope this year we will get streaming practices and qualifying, at the very least.
This is awsome! I was having trouble at first but when I went to Nascar.com it told me I needed to get the flash player, New comp so! Now its smooth and crsip! Great job speed so great to see this!!! The changes to the front end look sweet I love it! Thanks speed
What accent?
My low end computer seems to be able to watch this streaming. One thing that to me is odd, the smaller video window you first see is a bit jerky but when you go to the full screen window the flow to the picture is better. Not as jerky. Usually the smaller window is better. Audio was good for both views.
This streaming is better then Race Buddy. Race Buddy was jerkier but not sure if that has to do with how many people are watching the streaming video or not.
I like what Speed is doing. It works for me.
Great commentary by the guys.
I've enjoyed the streaming so far. I'm also loving the new look of the cup car now that the lawnmower blade splitter is gone.
The world of Technology has made major advances. Nascar is finally catching up. The streaming videos were just fine. What wasn't fine was the announcers trying to fill all that air time. Hammond can never match Larry Mac from a technical standpoint. When DW is serious, he can add a wealth of knowledge. DW's problem is that he wanders into a lot of BS. I'd rather have silence than have to listen to 13 hours of "fill".
at this point, i'm thinking i'm going to be challenged to get the cleaning down today! speed's streaming is outstanding.
frustrating me is that both futbol & nascar are streaming. i see multiple windows in my laptop's near future, beginning at 10AM!
alright alright ALRIGHT! Happy Saturday everyone! Looking for some pack racing today!!!
Again this rocks ;P
Anybody else tried capturing some screen shots? Go to full window first! You can get some good wallpapers!
This live streaming is terrific...they better do it for the Truck Series
I got a mention from JR about one of my tweets!
I scolded the SPEED crews speedway predictions and how not one of them picked Jeff Gordon for any of them...
Big mistake IMO, JG and Alan are going to be great together, I see JG going for the Championship this season...
(Man has his hair gotten grey!)
Just a reminder. All opinions are welcome, we just don't use profanity and hateful speech. You can make points on topics inside the sport without that.
Been that way since 2007. Just take out the bad stuff, rephrase it and send it again.
Thanks Speed. Enjoyed it. Boys...stay relaxed in the booth. No need to over hype. When the season starts just pretend you are covering testing :-). Hope there is more to come. Thanks again!
Man, there is nothing more depressing than flipping around the TV on a Saturday night, looking for something - ANYTHING - about Daytona testing on TV and not finding it.
The best Speed can do is endless re-runs of the Barrett Jackson Auction? Oh what a torture that show is. Long camera shots of cars you want to see up close, all the audio of the bidding cued too low to hear while "the on air talent" remind you the car has lots of documentation, and then the car is wheeled off 30 seconds later - and they finally get the upclose camera shot only of the bumper as it's rolled out. Oh my goodness, that is the worst produced show in the history of car shows.
Seriously, is there no good coverage on TV of what is happening in Daytona??!
I just wanted to add my late two cents: This was fantastic.
I was on the road this week and was not able to catch any coverage of this weeks testing events. I found myself traveling home on Saturday afternoon. As soon as my plane touched down, I found the link to the Speed online coverage (thanks, Jayski) and BAM: Online streaming testing coverage on my Android phone.
Outstanding - simply outstanding.
This is a fantastic first step. Now we need to show NASCAR how much this streaming effort was appreciated and how it allowed folks to stay connected to the sport. I travel a lot: having the ability to watch streaming events online (whether via laptop or mobile device) is huge to a fan like me.
Please - keep it up!
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