Here comes SPEED with another chance to show ESPN and FOX how to produce compelling live NASCAR TV coverage.
Krista Voda starts off the telecast with The Setup pre-race show. Simple, effective and focused describes the way Voda delivers her information. Fans have come to know her and enjoy her Midwestern style for years now on SPEED.
Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip will call the race with Hermie Sadler and Ray Dunlap on pit road. This is the team that fans will be seeing all season long on SPEED. Waltrip rejoins the telecast after racing at Daytona in the truck series race and winning.
It should be interesting to see how Waltrip deals with the issue of his spoiler breaking on the final lap and the controversy that has dogged him since that time. NASCAR has already fined and penalized his crew chief and truck series owner, so Waltrip may simply choose to remain mum.
PIR works well for the trucks and it should be interesting to see if any teams towed all the way to Arizona only to start and park. Keep an eye on the ticker in case Allen decides not to include that info on the telecast.
SPEED left the air after qualifying without posting the rundown of the full field. It was a very strange error for a veteran TV crew. Perhaps this telecast will include some explanation of why this happened.
This post will serve to host your comments about the SPEED coverage of the Camping World Truck Series race from PIR. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
Goody! I am all in for Johanna Long since she's a homie.
Yes, GinaV24 that is not KyBu. I think he will win, but I want her to do well. It is not inconsistency, it is loyalty of a sort. My sort.
Hey folks! Probably going to be a small crowd tonight. We will just have to be more enthusiastic!
I know, two Waltrips in the picture!
Wow, I must be old. JD. I still cannot find the link to Truck Buddy. Are you sure it is on tonight?
Right hand side of the main page of NASCAR.com
Scroll down until you see the link.
Gonna have to listen on the radio..Waltrips ~shudder~ Gonna go try to find TB!
Don't look for TB until 8PM or so.
Wow, maybe they have not signed on yet cause none of the links at the Truck Buddy page are active.
Got me?
Nice job by Ray and Hermie introducing those young drivers. That makes good TV!
OK, they are not going to be active until 8PM ET.....
Hello to everybody!
JD, I've been reading....just not commenting much.
After last season's double dose of ESPN on the weekend, I made the decision to watch all three series delayed through the DVR. Much less frustration.
Wishing all a great race!
Thanks JD. I am glad I found you. Nice articles. been reading while i waiting.
Spider, settle in....we have four years of archives!
OMG 4 years of archives. Does that mean I may have comments I might be called upon to defend?
Talk about Inconvenient Truth
Absolutely! Hothead you!
Yeah for Krista and rattlesnake hill! I'm rooting for the Brazilians, for Johanna and Rickie C.
Love to see Johanna have a good result for the series and exposure for female drivers. Real drivers.
JD, got it now. Saw the tweet. Thanks for the help.
It's like NASCAR dot com hid it for the fear of someone finding it until now. Are they worried about TV viewers not watching TV? or what?
They got issues.
That Nascar.bomb site hasn't been right since linedrives20 left.
Just have to decide what it is and then just do it.
Are there any more Waltrips that could be invited to join this team?
Still waiting on TruckBuddy.
8:03 PM and still nothing streaming.
Truck buddy came on late last week to, if I remember right.
martina mcbride he ain't
holy crap
Yep well maybe they will come on before the race starts. So professional.
soooo-when is TB gonna start here?
I would say Manana, but == oh, that would be correct! it is Phoenix!
Still no Truck Buddy. I knew I was not so crazy when I could not find it earlier.
Happy Pick 'em Ups Racin' Planeteers <3
I don't want to complain but RaceBuddy has spoiled me. Loved being able to tune in during the pre-race & catching some of the activities & interviews that Jim would do. Now we have to wait for them to decide it's time to push the Go button :(
That's the link, they just have not put it online or have a problem.
There are too few trucks on my tv screen for me to believe SPEED intends for me to understand what is happening in this race. That leads me to believe that once the commercial time has been sold for this broadcast their job is done.
Better late than never for RaceBuddy. Up and running now, just a little late.
I still do not understand why tight shots are used. How do they show the racing better.
views much better on TB...sad, because Speed host the bestest races. Doesn't say much for Fox & BSPN. :(
The answer is put JD om yjr {roduver's chair, put me on pre-vis.
The answer is put JD om yjr {roduver's chair, put me on pre-vis.
Let me restate that please I had a cat on keyboard problem. The answer is put JD in the Producer's chair and me on pre-vis.
Sorry, all. Just cats.
The old cat excuse!
I thought the anthem tonight was one of the better ones I've heard.
Yes I enjoyed the anthem too Vicky :)
Yes that's why I hate to complain JD. Glad they're making available but better late than never :)
The NASCAR folks on Twitter helped us out a bit.
I always wonder if Mikey is being paid by the word, as fast as he talks and can hardly take time to breathe.
MW is on a roll tonight.
We like the nice folks on the NASCAR twitter :)
MW is far less annoying than his brother.
It only takes a minute to get a blue nick and then we know who is posting!
Cats solved.
The good thing about KyBu leading (which is as it should be) is that we are seeing back in the pack racing.
Why do they always say "on the racetrack..." where else are they racing? The moon?
OK, this is just weird. Don't have access to Speed on cable. So logged on to nascar.com Racebuddy for the truck race. Great, thanks. But nascar.com doesn't have anything to offer other than 4 camera views, no sound, other than the car noise , no leaderboard, no nothing.
It's just doesn't make any sense.
Pitiful NASCAR, just pitiful.
Tight shots under green. Nice wide shots to show replay.
Deb, RaceBuddy is meant to be used as a companion to watching on TV. It is not streaming of the race telecast. SPEED paid for that to be on their network.
Sorry you can't get SPEED tonight!
Wish Truckbuddy had a help link... have sound only, no picture, and have no clue what plug-in I'm missing.
Kate, it does not work with iPads or some Macs. Told is supports Chrome, Firefox and IE as well.
Older flash technology that Apple does not like!
oops..."it supports"
This is a good race, folks. A real good race. But I do not think that laps under yellow should count in a race this short.
Macbook Pro, running OS 10.6.6, using Firefox... no radio on the Raceview I paid for either! I'll try Chrome.
I logged onto nascar.com to find any info available about the Truck race. They have a link to RaceBuddy. Great. But there is no real time info there. Nothing. That is not cool. Don't care who paid who for what. If Nascar boasts that they have coverage of the Trucks, they should have coverage of the Trucks, nothing less.
oops..."it supports"
Well, same old same old and that is not very good for the truck series. Those guys stinking up the show is not what we need to see new and younger drivers.
Oh well, on to the Nationwide Series tomorrow!
See you then.
Deb, all three series are on TV. None are online live. Sorry you had a tough night.
KyBu wins!!!!
Johanna in 20!!!
Good night. Good Race. Good coverage (even Mikey, who seemed calmer than usual). Marty over the top sometimes when it was not necessary, but I enjoyed it.
Nite all! See you tomorrow.
I didn't watch much, good thing, just to see Ky B. win. had tv on & saw lots of wrecks but not in the mood to pay attention tonight.
THAT SAID, SPEED MUST do something about the VOLUME CONTROL. Very loud commercials at times, then voices low, the voice over lady on SPEED CENTER is loud.
And crowd signs/movement still an issue on TRACKSIDE...sigh.
Sorry to digress JD but man, SPEED does not get the issues.
Prefer IN studio shows over annoying fans distracting the camera stuff.
(rant on)
It's races like tonight that make me baffled by supporters of double & triple dipping in one weekend. Shrub & Bowyer were untouchable and added nothing to the race. They did not bring extra fans into the grandstands. They filled spots that could have belonged to drivers like James Buescher & Taylor Malsam. They took away the spotlight and money a full season Truck series driver/team could have used by winning the race. Just look at the wonders it has done to the Nationwide series - just 40 cars showed up this weekend. We saw how a fresh face winning the Daytona 500 enlightened the sport. Why can't we have fresh faces winning in the lower series without Cuppers 'having fun'.
(rant off)
Solid job by the Speed team tonight. Rick Allen was able to call the finish without interuption. Also, Hermie Sadler has been a fine addition to the team. Darlington should be fun!
And our poor guy crashed out and no update or interview! Too many cup guys racing too.
Busch61, it's spelled G-R-E-E-D..
or maybe to allow Parsons, a
Toyota "partner", repeatedly telling us how many NA$CAR wins Busch has.
At worst case NA$CAR should start the truck regulars first, Nationwide second, and Cup in the back. The different echelons would at least start out interesting.
Let me be totally honest and say that I'm no fan of the Waltrips, but last night's set-up for the Truck race totally baffled me. They spent a riduculous amount of time on the two Waltrips and Dale Earnhardt (no dis respect for Dale intended). Sure, Mikey won at Daytona albeit under a cloud with the broken rear spoiler, but it seemed over done. There were a bunch of young guns in the Truck race last night, and I thought they'd spend a lot of time with them. Guess not.
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