Jennifer Jo Cobb has a new ride for the weekend and a chance to continue to keep her name in the media if she comes through with a solid performance. It's been a wild week for Cobb that included walking away from her former car on the starting grid, appearing on tons of TV and radio show and now jumping into the Rick Ware Racing ride and running the entire race. TV will be keeping an eye on this issue.
Some new faces in new places this weekend for ESPN. Allen Bestwick steps into the broadcast booth as Marty Reid is over in St. Pete working the IndyCars for ABC. Dale Jarrett is off this weekend, so Rusty Wallace will once again fill-in as the Lead Analyst. Andy Petree will be the third man in the booth.
Down in the Infield Pit Studio, it will be Nicole Briscoe and Brad Daugherty. Rusty may or may not be joining that group for the pre-race show at 5PM ET. It might depend on the weather. Friday was rainy and the track had water leaks, called "weepers," coming up in several places. Hopefully, that same situation will not present itself on Saturday.
Dr. Jerry Punch, Dave Burns, Mike Massaro and Shannon Spake will be the pit reporters. Tim Brewer and the Tech Garage rolled all the way to California. Jamie Little and Vince Welch moved over with Reid to work on the IndyCar race.
California is a track that has quickly divided the Nationwide Series teams in the past into two groups. Those with big budgets and Sprint Cup Series drivers who can run at top speed and those Nationwide Series regulars trying not to go a lap down.
I am told by some veteran reporters that this race may feature ten or more "start and park" cars. The teams that towed all the way to the West Coast can apparently get a head-start on traffic if they pull-in before the first set of Goodyear Eagles are out of tread, load up and hit the highway. This issue should be one to watch.
This series continues to be an experiment in marketing and public relations. The Sprint Cup Series drivers winning the races are not getting driver points, so the leader in the points clubhouse and perhaps even the season champion may in fact never win a single race. It would be nice for a regular to break through.
ESPN is going to have to work very hard to get the excitement level cranking once the race settles down. Bestwick has a very good historical perspective on the sport and can ask questions and bring up topics that Reid simply cannot.
This is a track where high speeds look boring on TV until something happens. Then, the intensity of the crash and the distance the cars go until they stop is a quick snap back to reality. Even with a SAFER Barrier, this is a dangerous track.
Veteran fans will remember this speedway has the black marks that are caused by the sealer put down between the strips of asphalt. Those marks have been cursed by more drivers that anyone can count in terms of ruining a good day or affecting a good run. Telling the tale of the challenges on the actual track is going to be key.
Needless to say, both ESPN and FOX need a ratings kick to get things rolling in the right direction. Sometimes, things happen for a reason. Bestwick in the booth might be just what the doctor ordered to change the tone and direction of telecasts that have sometimes bordered on embarrassing. Last week's scoring fiasco comes to mind.
This post will serve to host your comments before, during and after ESPN's coverage of the Nationwide Series race from Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, CA. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Whooo, Dawgs!!!
Gotta be up early go fishin' get back for racin' Yawll gonna love this from the Florida News Service!
Is there NOTHING BZF will not do?
Replacing a wooden Jarret with a
hyper Wallace.
Watching F1 qualifying. Some 10,000 miles away guys in booth show more excitement than FOX/ESPN combined. Just saying.
I saw J. Jo on several programs
this week and enjoyed the real
racers image she portrayed. NA$CAR
should do something to promote
more of her character in other
drivers and owners. They could
start by not paying prize money
to anyone who doesn't complete
at least 1/4th of the total laps
run. Use the money to reward real
competitors and sponsors.
Finally I dont have to listen to MRN! Ill take Rusty if it means we get AB. Marty Reid can stay in St Pete for all I care. Looking forward to today and a person who can actually put together coherent sentences and not stammer around and giggle like a schoolgirl. AB FTW!
RATS! I thought we finally got rid of a CERTAIN VOICE in IndyCar tv. How disappointing to hear he is in St. Pete. I got mixed up with the Vs crew :-(
Thanks for the warning, JD
Will DVR NASCAR & watch IndyCar live.
@West Coast Diane:
Extra points for the F1 coverage because pretty much all they have to work with is a remote video feed, over which they have zero influence. Yet they consistently keep the viewers informed about what's going on. No boring monologues, no self-promotion, no crass product-pimping, no outward bias for or against certain drivers/teams/manufacturers, no insulting the fans' collective intelligence.
The booth monkeys covering NASCAR need to watch those guys and take some notes.
Out of the all voices each week on an ESPN or Fox Telecast (Booth-infield) and there is really only 1 or 2 (AB, Joy) that has the experience and qualifications to call a race. Its sad we have to put up with all the voices acting like monkey's in the booth and infield every week.
ESPN has tried to keep things "in-house" and reward Punch and now Reid for their loyalty over the years.
Not a good or smart move. Always pick who can do the best job.
If I had a dollar for every time Mark Martin said fun and having a blast, I could retire.
Happy Race Day Planeteers <3
You had me at Allen in the booth <3
@WestCoast Diane--yes how sad is that :(. They can watch the monitor (since they HAVE TO) & deliver the action as if they were feet from it vs. thousands of miles away.
I am enjoying Cup Lite qualifying today. I haven't watched it all year because of the Fox boys. This group is great! Kyle just told Byrnes to shut up!
Jeff Hammond to Kyle Petty: "Don't tell me to shut-up! Who do you think you are, Darrell Waltrip?"
I enjoy the team of Kyle, Steve & Jeff. Their reminiscing about other people in the sport's past is informative, seems unscripted (like good buddies sitting around in their living room) and not self-aggrandizing. Refreshing!
AB in the booth! YES!
AncientRacer...RE:BZF...WOW...profit center exploitation at its finest!
Chadderbox you are kidding right? Dick Berggren, Jerry Punch, Steve Byrns, etc.
Ancient Racer, my husband's brother requested his ashes be scattered over Daytona Intl Speedway since he won a motorcycle race there. After calling the track, the contact person I talked to said they do it almost every day of the week, although none during speedweeks.
That Krista Voda has a lot of experience too, just sayin!
Yes John, about 10 years in Nascar, 14 in tv overall.
Krista has come a LONG way since Nascar Nation! What a show that was (not).
Jerry Punch has experience but he did not do very well calling the races.
Anon 4:12, Totally Nascar was far better and was very similar to Race Hub.
Chadderbox, you said booth and infield. He is very good in the pits.
I'm glad ESPN kept Punch and moved Shannon over to part time and other sports. He would have been a big loss to the credibility of the network for sure.
Instead of researching useless and non-NASCAR-related facts on Wikipedia, the Speed crew should be getting their information straight about what they're covering.
Mike Joy just said Ken Schrader is driving the Virginia Mortgage Center car. It's actually the Veterans Affairs Mortgage Center that sponsors that car.
I think motherhood possibly slowed Shannon just a tad too. Twins to boot!
Absolutely! She looks very happy to be driving to college basketball games. She is working this weekend in Cali because Jamie in on the IndyCar race.
Hi to everyone joining us for the 5PM ET coverage of the Nationwide Series race on ESPN.
Should be interesting!
OK, no Danica today people. Take deep breaths now!
No Danica? What is TV suppose to talk about :p
Mr. Petree is now on Twitter @apetree33 straight from our friend Tracey who works for ESPN so it's real :). I saw a tweet from the account in my NASCAR column on TweetDeck & asked her about it.
If you're looking for a different way to refresh this page you can use the F5 key or Ctrl + R to do it.
Small crowd today with hoops and all the other real life things going on. Kind of looks like the same thing at the track!
well there you go JD. Nicole just did an Indy promo so everybody could get their Danica fix!
On speed anyone else getting about 3 Denorex commercials in a row with Jimmy Johnson on them. Happened today during happy hour and it also happened yesterday.
Is Rusty in the booth today too?? Ick..
Pammmmmmm, you should really read my columns! :P~~~~~
I swear, ESPN's booth monkeys must put they're heads together with the Fox group and plan out all the ways they can squeeze in any mention of their Kryle adulation.
Give it a rest, already...
Sue, here in Florida we have the return of the Jimmy Johnson (football coach) ExTenZe commercials. I was surprised to see those and repulsed at the same time.
Guess I skipped over the part I didn't like & focused on AB! selective reading-gotta luv it!
Very familiar with that concept!
My feed today is from Hong Kong. You aren't the only one who saw the other JJ...
Bestwick in the booth? Guess I'll hit mute today.
Good prerace show though!
In Ky we had the extenze commercials too. Geez, they need to tell Rusty the green hasn't been thrown yet and he's all jacked up.
5-Hour energy drink is kicking in...
Pammmmmmmmmmmm---yup like I said JD had us at Allen in the booth, the rest we glossed over *giggles*
Well Brian's lesson to Howie was wasted :(
You know, I have no problem with a more dignified 'Gentlemen...' instead of the more ridiculous over the top commands I've seen/heard over the years.
How long after the green flag
before Rusty repeats someone else's
Oh No! 8 on board cameras.
Gymmie-that was pretty lame by Howie. At least he said drivers tho. Yep, that selective reading is a bear..lol!
Can someone tell me how Derrik Cope manages to keep getting rides? No disrespect, but....
Sally, I am told there will be a lot of starting and parking going on today.
Should be interesting to see the battle at the back of the pack for the cash prize!
8 in car cameras, apparently 10 or so start & parkers, Rusty repeating things back to the person that just said it. Could be a long day.
@Sally I think Cope owns the car or atleast part of it.
Thanks JD, brad. Makes sense. He just keeps opooing up out of the blue every so often.
That should have been 'popping', folks. cat on the lap.
Hey! great shot of the debris! From Derrike, no less.
And yet another driver/announcer yakking about when they drove this racetrack...EONS ago!
they really got strung out in only 8 laps.
@Sally "opooing" had my occasional dyslexia in fits! speaking of Derick Cope there he is. And can someone tell Rusty that we all have ears so he doesn't have to shout!
Rusty babbling already. "New
car at this track" at least twice;
more to come.
4 start and parkers off already.
Director loving those in-cars because he knows there is going to be limited racing for position.
I'm going to watch a little TV...probably switch to this blog and twitter soon. Doesn't look like much of a race so far. Have they shown any nationwide-only drivers yet?
MLB on the Deuce for commercials
Like to see AB mention the S&P cars just to keep things in perspective.
Well, I guess all the Nationwide regulars decided to start and park today...
I like the way the camera caught the spin as it was happening. No chance of that tomorrow I'm sure.
See, this is 'racing' at a track that's wide and has lots of room to pass with multiple grooves. And they wonder why people aren't happy with the 're-do' at Bristol? You can see this sortof racing at 80% of the tracks now on the circuit. Bristol used to be unique. No longer.
Say, does anyone know if they've ever been to this track with the new car before? :-)
First time at this track, no testing.
JD, sorry; I was being a smart-aleck. Rusty had just repeated that for the third time since the green flag.
You're right. We want to see drivers race where it is hard. You need them to have unique challenges to separate the good drivers from the great drivers. A wide smooth track is like racing on a video game rather than a track with unique challenges like Bristol used to be and Darlington still is.
Hehe....I was not watching college hoop....I was not watching college hoop. If I repeat that enough, it comes true, right?
Wow. I think this is the first time that Kryle wasn't the cause of JJ Cobb's spin.
@osbornk...thanks. I refuse to apologise for enjoying the 'old' Bristol rather than the 'new' Bristol. The intensity of the old track was unbeatable! Very little of that now.
Never knew they use bullets from guns to put holes in splitters.
I'd love to see the app for THAT job!
Sally. I live about 50 miles from the Bristol track and the thrill in the air on race week is no longer there. It has gone from an exciting week to a week with annoying traffic.
... and Steve Wallace spins. Nice to know that some things never change.
Cut to the in-car camera during the live spin. Come on man.
Bumper cam on restarts is not a good idea.
We don't need this to be the Wallace family race highlights.
LIVE Bumper cam DURING a spin ??
TD must have hit the wrong button on the board.
Disney hasn't been "family-friendly" in over 40 years...
Dega commercials have me giddy! will be there live, so no tv. awesome!
When Walt died, the true Disney died. It went from family oriented to profit oriented.
Is Jennifer Jo out of the race? I guess we can't call that a start and park...
My older ESPN friends have great Disney stories about being told what to do and how to do it on everything from using the phone to sending emails.
I always tell them it's like being a Scientologist!
NCAA game tied
I think only 2 maybe 3 cars are offically done for the day so far. JJC is still running albeit off the pace.
Doing a little too much in-car camera action here. Loved listening to Shrub's engine tho.
Remember, ESPN director learned from the FOX director. Hence the in-car heavy directing.
At least Nascar made it thru 2 generations before it went down the tubes...Disney only 1!
Rusty Wallace doesn't belong in the booth period. He keeps repeating himself.
Just got in from store & turned on race. NOTHING but 90% in car cams. Lather, rinse, repeat. Kyle B for 30 seconds or more.
I hope things are better for the Indycar Race tomorrow....this is not fun to watch. We may have it on for background noise while I fix dinner...or not. RHEEM paying for in car cam?
Who was Kyle's Sponsor. the car sounds are DISRUPTIVE with engine sounds from in car cam to Group shot...& the cam work disorienting as hail. :-(
Why do I turn in it just puts me in a bad mood. FREEZING outside. 40 degrees but 20 mph wind makes it seem colder...dark, gloomy..sheesh.
Off to make dinner...easy blackbean/tomato/corn/cilantro salsa & chips or put salsa in Tortilla's.
Maybe some White Zin will help the mood.
Or Evan Williams.
Lotsa racing tomorrow...F1, Indy and Nascar. And that's only 4 wheels.
Decent broadcast so far. Nothing special. Feel bad for AB and Andy, they had to tip toe around Steven Wallaces accident. This normally isn't an issue because Rusty is locked in the pit studio. This problem would be solved if they made Craven the "B" analyst behind Jarrett instead of Rusty. Shannon and Mike aren't the best pit reporters in the business but its a refreshing change to have them instead of Jamie and Vince, those 2 have become clowns. Production truck isn't doing very well today. The cut to the bumper cam during the Steven Wallace spin was absolutely retarded. We all knew the front of that car was about to be torn off, well everyone except the producer. If your looking for an exciting broadcast this is certainly not it, but its so great to hear AB back where he belongs. And Nicole is doing great in AB's pit studio role. ESPN please take notice, this weekends lineup WORKS!!!
Got a suggestion that ESPN should put a "wallet cam" on Rusty so we could see the cash leaving ever time Steven wrecks!
30 seconds to go and the Butler down 1 with foul shots to come. NAPA commercials
Overtime Baby!!
During the last ad break, somebody found (made?) a "74" graphic for their ticker (it was just CG text when the show started), even though Harmon had parked after three laps. Sometimes, it's the little things, so I felt they should at least know that one guy watching noticed it.
(I should add that FOX/SPEED *still* don't seem to have a full complement of number graphics in THEIR ticker.)
Naw. They'd just show a lot of single-bill closeups and in-pocket camera shots while the booth monkeys jabber on about how wonderfully the rawhide stitching sets off the rich oiled leather.
Then they'd cut away to a full-screen Tech-Garage segment on how much more efficient leather wallets are than the nylon versions...
Let me second osbornk's post. Disney went from being family oriented to being profit oriented.
They took over ESPN and made it unwatchable.
And they have no interest in changing.
crap trickles downhill.
Bradski just can't catch a break this year.
JD, for what it's worth, I started my career in the mid sixties and in those days, that's how things were---people above you told you exactly what to do and how to do it. Disney wasn't unique, but perhaps he took it to an extreme. "Empowerment" didn't arrive until the mid-eighties and a lot of folks in my organization were uncomfortable taking risks and making their own decisions. As I predicted, this track is more compatible with the Networks covering Nascar. Everything appears to be in slow motion. This allows them to better follow their script.You'd think they might get rid of the grass that wrecked Kyle's car yesterday and Steve Wallace's today. Most of the big tracks have paved those large expanses. True to form, Rusty is tedious and grates on your nerves. Espn has been really 'stiff' to me this year. Everything including Nascar Now seems so rigidly scripted as if there's not room for an extraneous thought. I really miss Danica to be perfectly honest with you all. She always makes me chuckle. You may have seen the interview with her after the Bristol race where she questioned whether the track was a half mile-----in the background,high on the grandstand in three foot high letters was ..."The World'd Fastest Half Mile."
2:43 to go in ovetime and Butler ahead by 1.
Good lord! Not another explanation of where the fuel pickup is located!
Sally, you are a new fan....right? *cough*
53 seconds, Butler ahead by 1. The excitement level is a little different there than at the track.
And for all you new fans out there, the engine makes the car go fast, and the brakes slow it down...
Joey Logano looks older than Butler's coach. Yes even I have made the switch to basketball. Got the race on the radio though. This race is just mind numbing
Man what a game. Hard to beat the ncaa tourny for excitement.
Man what a game. Hard to beat the ncaa tourny for excitement.
Timeout. 29 seconds to go, Butler ahead by one and Florida has the ball.
Right, JD. After 50 years, I'm glad I finally found that out. How on earth did I ever manage to watch and understand racing without all these graphics, trailers, and at least 12 people to leep me informed? Wow, was I lucky.
AB gave a nice rundown of the wave arounds, lucky dogs, and how many cars on the lead lap.
Jennifer Jo Cobb is out. 38th.
Wow! Butler wins by 3
We are getting this recap w/green flag racing going on??? Good grief..
I'm flipping over to reruns of "Deadliest Catch', revving up for the new season.
Switched over after basketball, got the rapid recap, apparently haven't missed a thing.
It's been hard to breath excitement into this. AB has been great on updates and info. Andy has been good on analysis. Rusty has been good on.....um.....
Rusty has been good at being "ME ME ME ME!!"
sorry, we are basically ignoring this race. For some reason I FEEL no energy from the booth & NO CLUE of what's going on the track. Bad camera work. PITIFUL.
No interest. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
We did not get to see that carl used a slower car to get the lead because of the bumper cam.
Charlie, thanks for the F5key to refresh the page for this blog. Comes in handy when the wireless mouse fails.
so they show a stupid bumper cam and miss live why harvick had to back it down
I just learned the F5 key thing today to. Since I updated to the new Firefox they moved the key I am use to using and figured there had to a better way.
It is really nice to hear Mr. Bestwick in the booth today. I feel he is doing his best to keep us up to date.
And yet again, the Cuppers are the whole show. Too bad.
Hi, folks, I ran out of daylight so I'm here to watch the rest of the race with all of you.
Hooray for Allen in the booth. Made my day cuz I had turned the TV on before I read your column, JD. Unfortunately Rusty is there but AB will hopefully keep him in line.
I'm reading down through the comments -- but what happened to JenJo? The ticker says she's out.
The F5 key is the best thing I have learned today. THANKS.
I guess I'd at least rather see Harvick win that Kyle or Carl. I guess.
Until TPTB limit the number of races the Cup guys can run, it will always be this way. I think it stinks personally.
Kind of wish they had a ticker or an update that would do the driver points. It would help us with a perspective of who is battling among the regulars.
Supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow and sunny. No track weepers and the crowd walk-up has been good. Track opened another section of grandstand.
So, all is not lost at this train wreck of a track.
JenJo spun out and went through the grass. Messed up the car.
This is what she just said on Twitter -
Rear end just wants 2 step out. Kept tightening it but not fixing the problem. Kenny Rogers says u just got 2 know when 2 fold em! Thanks so much @rickwareracing and @crewchiefsteve !!!
thanks for the update on Cobb. LOL, I was thinking about that F5 tip, too. Very nice.
I was thinking that the camera work was not too bad probably because I've only been watching for a little bit AND they are winding down in the laps.
Charlie, the flip side of that is she was over ten mph off the pole and driving what has been a start and park car.
Hope she gets things sorted out and also hope she is a bit more upfront with the reality of her situation.
Rusty needs another 5 hr energy shot
oh my, did I just see a pass for the lead? Live no less. I admit, I have not watched all of the race. But was listening because Mr. Bestwick it in the booth today
Just think, if Rusty hadn't put Kenny in a car last year who knows what Kenny would be doing now.
It has been so nice to hear AB back in the booth and this team with he, Rusty and Andy has not been that bad and it has been quite enjoyable heaing Allen do play by play again.
It would be great if ESPN would put him back in the booth permanently.
DirecTV missed their chance for a great line in that 3d revolution commercial...
Cars at speed are never boring. Someone once said that. This is a great race.
We have been talking about the ESPN changes behind the scenes.
AB makes a big difference. Rusty has toned it down now and stopped sticking his foot in his mouth.
Petree has been on target and without Jamie and Vince the pits have been very good.
Biggest change is seeing the field. I think that error on the Steven Wallace spin got their attention.
@Anon 7:35
I'll counter that with "try watching F1 on a Tilke track..."
Mike Bliss - doing it the right way.
I think Rusty just figured out that the cup guys are not racing for points. Like a light went on.
Rusty, Rusty, Rusty! What are we going to do with you? Good Lord!
I think Rusty finally gets it! Kinda....
15 laps to go.
Look at all the comments that folks are watching this race, even tho it's late in the east-because AB is in the booth! Hello, BSPN-wake up!!!!! History w/company does not a lead announcer make.
I think DJ would be much better with AB. Just sayin'
how much is a "100 car length lead"?
LOL, Debby - a couple of laps!!
Did you hear the pause after Rusty said that? It was an instant classic.
Allen and the camera group worked well that last little bit.
they were working together
p.s. re: F5..if you happen to use Facebook (I only rarely do) They've updated their picture viewer to some HORRID thing with a wide back black background...
While LOOKING at a photo on FB, hit F5 & hold a few seconds. It will take you back to the old, larger picture on FB & if it is somebody you know, you can still right click to download it. The new way you can not.
It's nice to hear AB's voice in the booth but I think this race could've been better broadcast. Not apying much attention but there "Maybe be a few more seconds" of wid screen here...but not enough to get our attention.
Housemate is in his room watching Harry Potter 2 on the 42 in flat screen..and I am in LR watching 52 in of GIANT USELESS in car cams...BSPN is JUST as bad as Fox.
Oh my! Pulling back to give perspective on how far apart the cars are???? What a radical idea!
well, this race just became a lot less interesting. No matter how they spin this, it is still 3 cup drivers competing for the win.
OMG-I am gonna just be sick if Shrub wins again. So sad...
Now they get tight and cams in their camera work.
Must be the pressure.
Nice wideshot for lead lap cars on the finish and this is officially a good telecast!
I can't bear to watch anymore. Too much Cup lite....is no one else running closer together for position?
If I hear one more comment on the two tire stop or the 18 does not want a yellow. I will shoot the TV. lol.... Guys in the booth we got it thanks...
At least Kyle knows how to make a SHOW out of it !
The "race losing move" didn't work, Rusty.
That one camera shot on the last lap just lost me. I had no idea what I was looking at.
What a surprise. A megateam buschwacker wins yet again.
And some people wonder why so so many NW teams can't afford to race...
Ugh, and Kylie wins again. wowwee, whoopie do!
It was good of Rusty to make sure and stick his foot in his mouth one last time. Why does he say that stuff?
Oh well, pretty good race and nice telecast. Like AB and Nicole and the pit reporters.
At least they showed the finish line but that's my only compliment. The rest was a constant in car vertigo effect.
shrub won. SURPRISE #notreally
AB did a Super job.
BSPN has a WHOLE half hour for post race. Interesting to see how much they use.
Wish they would have kept the camera on Carl and Kevin. Those 2 hate eachother. Would like to know what they were talking about.
Thanks everyone. We will stealth blog the early TV right here and then live blog the Cup race!
Have a great Saturday night and thanks for stopping by!
Other than the Wallace Clan lovefest, I thought it was a pretty good coverage for this race.
JD, agree w/your 759PM comment. It just makes me wonder, thats all. Another cup driver wins. Hope we get an interview with the highest N'wide regular.
I refuse to watch any more "nationwide" races. "Nstionwide" drivers don't have a chance...why waste my time...I did dvr the race and will watch the last lap to see where the younger drivers placed.
I agree, some good wide shots. AB and Dr Punch did a good job. Kyle snookered them.
It pretty much depends on whether there's a Texas Hold'em poker tournament to cover...
Good to see the true series regulars do so well today AND they talked about them!! A good job by AB at directing the booth today. See ya Rusty...
Good to have Allen in the booth, that was the best part of the race.
With AB directing traffic it wasn't such a miserable telecast and Rusty did provide a fair amount of comic relief even if it was unintentional.
Hope everyone has a nice evening.
Here is a little experiment I did today. I counted the number of times each driver was mentioned on air. The results are interesting. Keep in mind these numbers are not perfect, but very close.
18 BUSCH 60
32 MARTIN 23
16 BAYNE 15
20 LOGANO 10
11 SCOTT 7
7 WISE 6
19 BLISS 5
81 KOCH 2
99 TRUEX 2
28 COPE 1
41 COBB 1
15 HILL 0
44 GREEN 0
68 LONG 0
55 ROWE 0
Larry, back in the 1980's Mark Martin used to stroll in, hop in the Winn Dixie Ford and proceed to wipe the floor with the Busch Series guys.
Now, it comes down to budgets, testing and all that race simulation stuff.
Maybe after this season, things will change even more.
Nice stats Buschy!
Has anyone else noticed what a uniformly bad season Kesolowski is having in both Nationwide and Sprint Cup?
JD, I remember when M. Martin did that, too. It was annoying then, too.
My Tv just cut away to commercial as they were talking about the NNS points.
Wow! Color me impressed w/BSPN staying with post-race this long!
Thanks Espn for sticking around and interviewing drivers.
35 minute post-race for a NNS event? Nice!
Nice compliment!
Kylie is what hardcore fans now call him
My idea is to get a poster of Kyle Busch and put Kylie Minogue's face on his face.
I would like to call him Vile Kyle or Kryle but I know fans of his post here. So I don't. Even tho I can't stand him.
Mr Editor -
Nice work throughout broadcast ...AB's a great traffic cop ...interesting body language among drivers w/Dr Punch vs others ...cleaner show w/o Marty, Vince, et al ...although I could think of a number of places to exile to other than St Pete ...what a great venue for a street course ..interesting to see if production team can replicate this effort for tomorrow ...no doubt this track layout doesn't lend itself to great racing, but that can be surmounted by imaginative use of production assets at hand ...oh well, I get a treat tonight w/studio-bound F1 eam of Varsha, Hobbs and Matchett ...almost ilke they're at trackside
I thought it was good that espn stayed on to do more interviews. I did not think espn would do that, and it was good to see that for a change and not rush to another sport for updates. It was good to see interviews with N'wide drivers who are running for points. I was waiting to see if that would happen and it did. And that is a good thing. I hope espn makes a note of that. It was and is a good way to end the broadcast after spending the time to listen and/or watch for a few hours for us hard core fans of the sport.
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