Here are some tweets from SBNation's NASCAR blogger Jeff Gluck, shown above on the left, after two press releases came out on Monday.
The first release said that FOX had extended Darrell Waltrip's TV contract until 2014. That is the final year of the current NASCAR TV agreement with FOX.
The second, without mentioning the programming issues of last season to put things in perspective, announced that the overnight ratings from the Sunday Sprint Cup Series race on FOX were up almost 30%.
This followed from Gluck:
DW joins Rusty as broadcasters signed to extensions despite fan gripes. Conclusion: Networks don't care what you think about their talent.
DW isn't going anywhere and he isn't going to change (a new deal only encourages his broadcasting style), so if it annoys you, tough luck.
While enough fan opinions/complaints may move #NASCAR to make decisions, TV networks are not interested in fan input on who's in the booth.
My point is if you're going to complain about something, you're wasting your breath on the TV announcers. Save it for something else.
The ratings are up this year so far...everyone is happy in TV land. My advice is to just enjoy and press mute if it bothers you.
Well now, that certainly is interesting. There is only one little problem. Many of us remember the reaction when Gluck did not travel to the Chicagoland Sprint Cup Series race last year. He was forced to watch just one race on TV just like the rest of us.
Gluck was upset from the start. It was as if he had just come out of a protected cave and discovered the real world of NASCAR TV. Some suggested at the time that cave might be called the Infield Media Center. Then he wrote a column.
Click here to read the entire post. Here are some excerpts:
"It's not the quality of the racing that's making people tune out – it's the TV broadcasts themselves."
"I'm not sure the executives at NASCAR understand this. Like me, they're at the track nearly every week and don't rely on the TV broadcasts as their primary source of information. I didn't get it; they probably don't, either."
"Unless you're truly hardcore about NASCAR, you can't just sit there and watch the race from start to finish. Casual or even semi-interested fans would be turned off by the broadcasts."
"What's frustrating is all this time I've been thinking the declining ratings had much to do with the quality of the racing. It really doesn't. It's the quality of the broadcasts which are supposed to show the racing."
FOX, TNT and ESPN are returning their primary on-air staffs this season without change. The amount of commercial time is identical to last year. There is no side-by-side commercial option available and RaceBuddy will be provided for only the six TNT summer races.
In short, the very same product that Gluck could not believe was being presented to fans is being presented once again. In his column, Gluck called for change and innovative thinking from NASCAR, the TV networks and sponsors.
This is not a ratings issue. There is only one outlet for NASCAR's Sprint Cup Series races. You want to see them, you must tune in to FOX, TNT or ESPN. Last year this past weekend had the gold medal game in Olympic hockey competing with NASCAR. You might remember who won.
Now in year five of talking about NASCAR TV and new media issues, we have seen tremendous shifts in the television and online video landscape. Solid news programs are now up and running on ESPN and SPEED. NASCAR.com continues to expand online video offerings and is working hard on becoming more fan friendly.
NASCAR racing series, drivers and teams use Twitter to its full capability. They mix that with social media content from Facebook to offer an almost continuous stream of fresh racing content. It has been nothing short of amazing to watch.
Meanwhile, the Sprint Cup Series TV networks are effectively producing the same product with the same personalities and the same amount of commercials in the same way they have since 2007. This too, has been amazing to watch.
In closing, we leave you with the words of Gluck from his column after the Chicagoland viewing experience:
"For those decision-makers from NASCAR or the TV networks who read this, you may be tempted to dismiss this column as the typical gripes you hear every week."
"But I challenge you to do this: Sit down and watch a NASCAR TV broadcast from start to finish without fast-forwarding through the commercial breaks."
"You may discover the same thing I did: As it turns out, fans don't just complain for the sake of complaining after all."
We welcome your comments on this topic. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
I know people complain about him, but DW really doesn't bug me, and he's heads above every single member of the ESPN sprint cup team in the fall. What bugs me is the production team that focuses on things like in-car shots, shots of girlfriends, wives, crew chiefs, Digger-cam, close-in shots of one car, everything but the actual racing itself. The broadcasts would be a thousand percent better if they'd just get rid of everything but the cameras around the track, and get rid of the zoom lens on those.
My way of coping is to mostly watch the race on Raceview, where I can 'see' the actual racing, and if the TV guys get too annoying I can switch to MRN/PRN. But that requires $80 and a good internet connection near your TV, so it's not for everyone.
From Jeff Gluck to me on Twitter Monday night:
"I read your post. My point is it may suck, but since TV execs clearly have no interest in changing, complaining is useless."
"They're not going to change talent, air fewer ads, provide more post-race coverage, etc. They don't care what we think."
My response:
"They already have Jeff. Rusty was moved to the infield and they got DJ because it was not working. Same for Marty Reid and Doc."
"FOX can do whatever they want. It certainly does not mean that fans offering opinions on Cup telecasts is a waste of time."
I appreciate Jeff responding and look forward to more conversation on this topic.
I think Mr. Gluck's point is this: While ratings for "FOX" (there's the main point) remain stady/rising, David Hill and company could care less what you, I, or antbody else thinks (witness Waltrip's contract extention).
ESPN had to make changes because their ratings are, and continue, to tank.
Fox/ESPN, not apples to apples.
Ans for what it's worth: I agree with Mr. Gluck. The TV networks/NASCAR don't give a crap what we think. As long as those commercial slots sell, that's all that matters to them.
If Gluck had to watch another race on tv this season like he did last season we might get another article from him criticizing the coverage. Right now it sounds like he is in the infield and therefore has not had to endure 3 weeks of the same Dw and Fox coverage. I watched Daytona from the grandstands and now after 2 weeks of Fox coverage I am in the same boat I was last season. Frustrated! I don't get to go see all the races live like Gluck does.
Gluck is right. They obviously dont care what we think. Ratings are up and everybody except the viewers are happy. And hes correct on another point, I mute the TV and cut on MRN or PRN. People may take his comments the wrong way but he is spot on.
Businesses that fail to provide what the customer is looking for will fail in the long term. That's simple Business 101. This is still a 'mostly' free country and I can complain and I can pick up my remote and change it to something else.
"I read your post. My point is it may suck, but since TV execs clearly have no interest in changing, complaining is useless."
So, if what he thinks is endemic among the at-track media are we the Great Unwashed supposed to quit trying to get the nets attention? Are we supposed to sit down and shut up?
Sure, the nets primary interest is money and ratings, but they are not the Borg. Resistance may be difficult, but, at least in my feeble mind, it is not futile.
When I read Gluck's comments, it really made me angry. I hate the way racing is currently shown on TV. I hate the fact that I have to use my computer and a radio feed to find out what is actually going on.
So ratings are up 30% - well that will make NASCAR and Fox very happy and Gluck is probably right - they didn't bother to change much in the broadcast style when ratings were in the tank - ratings being up will make them think, like BZF, that all is wonderful in Foxtown and Nascarville.
As you say, JD, if I want to watch racing on TV, I don't have another option. So maybe I just won't watch.
Only at Fox, ESPN and NASCAR would the customers comments be so blatantly ignored.
Bravo JD!...for your article and response to Jeff's come back.
What an attitude. Just give up? Never.
What I will say is I sometimes get frustrated with the tone of the feedback. I don't believe it is helpful. Keep it constructive and it lends credibility to the issues we have with the broadcasts and on air personalities.
A side note since Jeff writes for SB Nation. Three times I have clicked on a link, from credible sites (Yahoo, Jayski's), and been hit with a virus. Won't be reading any of their stuff going forward.
It sounds to me like Jeff Gluck has given up. It appeared to have been triggered by the DW contract for 2 more years. The DW extension makes it obvious that nothing is going to change for the better in the eyes of Jeff. I think the continued practice of ignoring sponsored cars that don't have celebrity drivers or paid ads on the network will hopefully cause NA$CAR change the next TV contract to improve the product. The current coverage discourages sponsors.
Skip--You consider DW better than the ESPN crew but that is very faint praise. I think there needs to be a strong director who will force the booth monkeys to play together nicely and share the broadcast. If DW or others will not toe the line, let them go elsewhere.
After 3 Cup races, my faith in the sport is back at the same level as in was at Homestead. The company line is if you don't like what is presented, you're not a fan, so stop complaining. I've only been able to watch 1 Cup race from green to checkers without changing the channel and walking away this season.
Why bother with FOX,Hill & DW?
Gluck is right about Fox not giving any care to what fans want. So my TV remains muted & I have to use scanner & net radio & this blog to follow the race.
I'm just not dealing with those so called race coverage folks who don't have a clue how to be professional. I really feel sorry for Mike Joy - even with the sound on I can't hear him for DW talking non stop, so why bother?
That means I hear NO Sponsor commercials. Not 1. Bet that makes those advertisers happy, oh wait they don't care either.Why bother?
I no longer attempt to watch espn for any reason connected to racing, not even muted. And come the lovely chase, I will not watch Cup cars either.
I really miss RaceBuddy. I also wish Raceview hadn't been over improved - since it no longer works on computers with XP and less than 2gig RAM & a boat load of add ons! I did get a prompt refund AND a credit from NASCAR.com
( yup I was shocked too)so this year its Pit Command - MRN/PRN, Twitter & this blog to get race coverage. And the sponsors get zilch from us.
Only NASCAR & Fox could make the NFL look fan friendly... Just sayin'
I think Jeff is right that they clearly don't care much what we think; I think he just sees us as wasting our time. Perhaps we are. But though we may be tilting at windmills, that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep at them for bad coverage. FOX's ratings are probably on a roll because of Daytona--they always get to start with the 'Big Event' and this year it was a particularly good story. But I think we will see things start to wane a bit...that is, unless Junior continues to do improve. I hate to say that but I think it's true (and overall I think it would be good for the sport). It won't stop me from turning off the sound & going with MRN. I do think it's true that DW himself might not bother us so much if the rest of the broadcast (ie, camera angles, close-in camera work) were perfect. But given that they want to expand a younger, more hip audience, I can't believe Fox doesn't see that the boogity stuff just makes them look like hicks. I know it's only 10 seconds but it's just embarrassing.
I generally do not complain about the advertising aspects. I don't DVR, I simply find things to do during the ads; they really don't bother me; just background noise. They pay for the 'free' coverage. Post race coverage, etc, is nice, but not a must have, if they move to SPEED I'm fine with it. I'm not even as picky about the 'showing all finishers at the end' as some of the rest of us (though I respect the idea.) But if the networks' goals are simply to keep current customers (fans) reasonably happy--I think they will fail. That's not a good business model.
First and foremost, the television audience is not the customer of the television broadcaster, the sponsors are. When the sponsors demand change, changes will be made. Until then, the status quo rules. Back at the end of the 1972-72 television season CBS dumped a large number of successful programs in what was known as the 'Rural Purge', in which every show with a tree in it was canceled. David Hill and FOX Television has never underestimated the intelligence of the television viewer and the presence of the Waltrip clan indicates this fact. David Hill has engineered a lineup reminiscent of the Beverly Hillbillies-Petticoat Junction-Green Acres days with his NASCAR on FOX list of personalities. Only when the real customers-the shows sponsors, object and demand some change will any consideration be made. It is painfully obvious to Jeff Gluck as is to me that FOX Television's metric is the tv ratings. Period. Three weeks of ratings was all FOX needed to affirm their beliefs. Presto, contract extension. There was never any doubt in FOXland that they were right and everyone else was wrong.
Ultimately, until some pressure can come to bear upon the show's sponsors, the tasteless massacre will continue. Unfortunately.
I think ratings are up because it's a new season. I don't think it will last, particularly after Chad decides it's time to quit sandbagging and pulls the trigger. Then the ratings will drop big time.
I always have the race on but that doesn't mean I'm sitting there watching it, and I've started running errands and doing other things during the race where there's no way I would have before.
It's clear that FOX and the Raceday folks believe that we're just a bunch of complainers out here, so what we say doesn't mean anything.
DW has good information, but he gets very emotional and wound up by the end of the race. I prefer him on something like Wind Tunnel because it's calmer and he isn't so hyped up.
I saw Jeff's comments on twitter as well and responded with no response not that I expected anything back. I have been very vocal on twitter about the lack of change on the TV coverage. I even went as far about 2 months ago to say I have given up on enjoying NASCAR anymore and hours later was responded to by a very prominent member of NASCAR. (You can guess who it was) This person told me I was going to be very suprised with NASCAR this year and what they do for the fans from top to bottom, social media to how the sport is presented. I asked about TV and was told you never know. I know now what the answer is. I should have know better than to trust someone on the interent ;-). There is no reason to think anything will change is the prevailing thought since DW was given such high praise by David Hill.
The fans on twitter are not the enemy like some of the NASCAR owned media seem to think. I do realize that those that are not a member of the NASCAR owned media are not going to be quick to say anything bad about them anymore since as a good friend told me they would really like to work for one of those TV networks one day..
The racing on the track is better I am sure of it, my brother was at the Daytona 500 and kept telling me about stuff on the phone and asked if I knew what happened to so and so. If I saw the wreck and such, I said no I am watching it on FOX hello. He came home and checked his DVR and like we all know couldn't believe all the action they missed. Then again if you are posting on this board you already know there is an issue.
I guess it is time to move on to other pursuits.
I am a member of the Fan Council and do post my honest thoughts over and over there as well. They keep asking about TV coverage and how I liked it and I post I don't but from what I can tell I am in the minority and just need to give up..
You may have a high opinion of Jeff Gluck, I do not now!
When faced with the same telecast we have to live with each week, he claims its unwatchable! AND they fire a guy for "clapping" ?
Waltrip getting a contract extention was enough for me, my absence will probably not mean a thing, but enough is enough.
I am a race fan, there is more to racing than NASCAR, REALLY THERE IS
We are Dishnetwork subscribers. As of 03/04/11, we lost our Fox local station due to a contract issue. The only way we were made aware of this was when we tried to access the channel. So, my question is, how could ratings be up 30%. I'm sure we aren't the only subscribers to be affected by this.
Unfortunately we have no computer or access to the internet. Yes, we have a high def TV & antenna, but the reception is erratic.
Thank heavens for MRN/PRN.
On the bright side, I didn't have to listen to DW.
When PR folks release information, it's often what they leave out instead of what they put in.
Last year, the Olympic hockey gold medal game was on against the race and the ratings were horrible.
So, of course this season they are up because there are no Olympics.
This basic info was left out of the releases and media types who then broadcast and reprinted the happy news that ratings were up did so knowing that they were leaving out key info.
That is not to say that NASCAR is not on a roll, just that disclosing information fully is what allows fans to trust.
Hopefully, Danica at Bristol will be a great lead for the Cup race and the weekend will be solid.
Let me take a different angle on this subject.
Over the past few decades, the overall trend in North American society has been to get the population to accept less service and lower quality. Those wanting the people's money and attention try to disguise this fact with more flavors, fancy language, technological doo-dads, and the ever-present phrase of "new and improved."
In my view, this is exactly what we are being asked to swallow from Fox. I just wish that the only problem was ol' DW and his many habits that would make any communications professor studying him need immediate care for a sudden rise in blood pressure.
Gluck may be right about the fact that Fox does not care about fan complaints. The only thing with which I disagree is him saying that we should give up. While nowhere near as important of a situation, I compare it to what just happened in Egypt. Those folks did not give up, and they brought about change that most thought was impossible. This blog has already had some notable successes including getting cRusty moved to the infield and Dr. Jerry Punch back to pit road (where, just as we all predicted, he is flourishing).
I have to admit that I feel pretty despondent about Fox coverage right now and that the great chance is that they will only get worse through the remainder of their contract with NASCAR. Still, quixotic or not, I am not ready to fully give up and, at the very least, want to continue to make sure there is still a voice somewhere saying that what Fox churns out every week as a race telecast right now is utter garbage.
I agree with Jeff Gluck. The TV viewing is horrendous, and nothing the fans say will bring about a change. However, I will retain the right to voice my displeasure every chance I get. I wish someone would publish a poll on how many viewers watch the race with no sound. I feel there would be a large number who do. It's the only way I can retain my sanity. So have at it Fox, DW, LarryMac. Your reputations proceed you and they have become the one thing Nascar cannot overcome.
I decided a couple of years ago to take a different tact on the televised NASCAR racing. I just watch on DVR, picking and choosing what to stop and watch. I get almost all of my information during the race on twitter, or MRN.
This led to other things. I missed two chase races last year, and lived to tell about it.
I have more time to do things with the wife and around the house.
I miss my sport on some Sundays and will peek in, but then DW goes on a crusade and zap it's back to the kitchen or outside and the DVR gets turned on.
Maybe ol' DW shined Gluck's shoes with some shiney flattery and he's got glitter in his eyes and now can't bring himself to criticise his new best bud. Ratings might be up, but be careful we're only THREE races in to 2011. It won't take much to make this thing turn sour. NASCAR is about as fragile as the so-called economic recovery. Kyle Bush was a reformed man about this time last year too and we all know how Mr. Unsportsmanlikeconduct ended the year. FOX News plays fast and loose with the facts so the idea that anybody at that network has credibility is suspect at best.
I posted this in an earlier article by JD:
As for Gluck. He's only been reporting Nascar for what, 6 or 7 years? He's still in diapers in Nascar reporter years. I get my news and views from reporters who have been around the sport longer. I could care less what Gluck says.
I'm also convinced the networks
don't care. Just got a $4 increase
(6%)on DirectTV with no additional
products unless they are infommercials. Bet DW got a fat
raise also.
No one has mentioned the weather
factor in the ratings increase,
but I think we have had only one
nice day during this year's races.
Just wait until Spring and do a
head count.
To West Coast Diane
I went on Jayski's this past Friday and read a article,then was notified from Microsoft I got 3 Trojan virus's.I use Norton it went by them and never caught them.
I went to Microsoft security center and downloaded Microsoft Security Essentials, after 3 full scans and sending them the report, they fixed the problems.They do the service free.
Tks.JD Ron Il.
The whole problem is "where are we gonna go?" All TV wants to do is attract new viewers; they know that the old viewers are captive. It's not like we can pick Verne Lundquist over Dan Shulman for a Saturday NCAA basketball game; it's either watch the race or watch nothing. I can guarantee you that, like Gluck, we 50-plusers endure and tolerate it more than we ENJOY it.
To me the ratings increase is a ruse. Not only were the Olympics last year, but many areas had horrible weather the first 3 weekends this year. Also, with "real" unemployment over 17%, many people in the NASCAR demo, who used to be able to take regular trips on weekends, now have to rely on TV for their entertainment. Let gas prices (if they ever do) drop back below $2.50, wait for the "real" spring to arrive, and the Neilsen numbers will plummet.
Jeff is right. Complaining hasn't changed a thing. So why bother? Well, why not? What's the harm? Maybe, just maybe, there'll be someone who will listen. (I know, when frogs fly...wait, some do fly!)
I'm not a DW hater, and I respect his love for the sport, as well as his knowledge of its history. But I too find other things to do during the race. I'll DVR it, fast forward past the ads, and check in live now and then while doing other Sunday chores.
On a happier note, heading for Darlington for the truck race Saturday. It's a 7 hour drive, but we decided it was worth it to see some really good racing.
Ron...much appreciation for the info!!!
Another thought. At this point if they would just
fix the camera work I give the booth another
opportunity. Not sure how much of the booth
issues result from poor direction behind the
Race viewers up 30%. Las Vegas track sold out. Nascar and Fox are happy.
With the Sprint cup off this coming weekend the Nascar and Fox people have two weeks to crow about how great this news is.
I say, lets wait and see what happens for the next 3 races with Race viewers and seating at the tracks. It will go down.
Gluck says complaining is useless. Tv execs have no interest in changing. I say to keep up the complaining. The product we see on Tv needs improvement. When the ratings drop someone from Tv may read some of these posts and get the hint about what is wrong and how to improve it.
My main complaint is the tight camera shots and all the cams they use. You can't see the flow of the race using these type of camera shots.
Gluck probably had to say that if he wants to keep getting Nascar's approval and into the media center.
Broke my heart when they renewed DW but like other viewers I find myself doing other things while race is recording and I fast forward through a lot of crap. We only get to hear about the booth's favorite drivers and never even hear about some of them.
We don't matter at all to either the announcers, Nascar or any of the sponsors. We buy anyway unless we totally hate a driver or owner.
Thank you.
Used to like Steve Byrnes. After reading his response to Jeff Gluck on Twitter, not so much anymore...
I remember reading Gluck's original post last year about his experience watching the Chicago race on TNT and re-read it again just now. He based his negative opinion of the broadcast solely on the number of commercial breaks, a common gripe, but did not mention on-air talent at all.
His twitter comments yesterday regarding DW and others seemed to be based on his knowledge of how the TV guys play their game. They do own the ball, so to speak, and have the paid receipt to prove it. Unfortunately, the networks, the sponsors, and more than enough fans either: approve of, have no opinion of, or don't care, who the on-air talent is, they have no problem with that subjective stuff.
I agree with what West Coast Diane said concerning complaints, "I sometimes get frustrated with the tone of the feedback. I don't believe it is helpful."
Gluck is good guy even if he is relatively new to NASCAR. He is gaining respect and puts out some very innovative stuff. His live race day chats are pretty cool. Sure he's been caught with foot-in-mouth, but readily admits it and moves on. He's a hybid kind a reporter, prefect for this time of change.
Comparing his written opinions regarding excessive commercials from a TNT broadcast last year, to recent tweets about on-air talent, has a nice arc to it, and continues the stir the pot.
I'm going to lay the blame for all that ails NASCAR on Turner. They own the Golden Egg of online content, but are not sitting on it properly for it to hatch. I wonder how much longer that will take?
More stream, more stream, more stream . . . ing. Please!
Like a can of Spam from World War 2, DW is well past his due date as is the rest of the DW DimWit Comedy Tour.
Since David Hill doesn't bother listening, I'd suggest contacting Rupert Murdoch by snail mail and bury his secretary in complaint letters. Maybe then some changes can be made.
Failing that, boycott all the products and services advertised during the races, get friends and family members to do the same, then vote with your remote and get everyone you know to do the same.
I trust Gluck almost as much as I trust BZF. Says one thing in his articles, says something else on Twitter, sells out a source which violates the first bit of ethical rules when it comes to being a journalist, and yet says cheering or applauding violates the ethics of journalists.
There's a real trustworthy journalists for you (sarcasm.)
My friend, please stop coming here and trying to post multiple messages as different users. Just give us your opinion on the topic without criticizing others.
It's a simple format and one that has allowed for a healthy online conversation.
Anonymous said...
Used to like Steve Byrnes. After reading his response to Jeff Gluck on Twitter, not so much anymore...
March 8, 2011 3:52 PM
What was wrong with his response? As Steve also said, he's entitled to his opinion.
Yes, the coverage sucks, but it's not Steve that sucks, and it seems he's taking the criticism from Gluck personally, and I don't really blame him. Steve isn't responsible for the crap product that Fox is putting out, and IMO, he does a great job in the pits, and seems like a really nice, knowledgeable, personable guy.
I don't recall any sports commentator being beat up as much as "ol DW, and with good reason. He is simply "over the hill" and over the top in all respects. Kornheiser comes to mind, but he is GONE. My NASCAR watching has almost ground to a complete halt until TNT comes up to bat. Radio is too far away to pick up a good consistant signal. Since none of the people at FOX give a care, neither do I.
Sorry, Mr. Gluck..but if I want to complain and continue to complain, I can.
I agree with Terry G about Steve Byrnes. He always does a terrific job.
I think the problem comes from higher up, personally.
No one wants to beat him up. It's simply a case of having a 64 year-old man try to do analysis on a four hour high-speed race.
We saw him lose it last year several times. Almost cried toward the end of the season and in the last race for FOX he was a mess.
The solution is to move Waltrip down into the Hollywood Hotel. Let him offer observations, stories under caution and his unique perspective on the sport.
He simply does not know the lap-by-lap details and cannot keep up with the racing action. That is why he keeps changing his comments to cover all the bases.
Guys ten years younger like DJ or 15 years younger like Kyle can stay focused for the entire race and follow the stories.
Putting a different personality in the TV booth and letting Waltrip move to the HH for the races would kill two birds with one stone and not wind-up embarrassing DW as he winds it down.
To Zieke
You can get MRN PRN stations on the internet.
Tks.JD Ron Il.
JD that's a good thought, one I admit never occured to me, maybe DW in the HH would work, his comments would be in a timed frame, and the only one he could walk on would be that nitwit Chris Meyers, and I'm not kidding, because I care, about the poor way the sport I so love is projected to the rest of the world. great thought again JD
Daly Planet Editor said...
It's simply a case of having a 64 year-old man try to do analysis on a four hour high-speed race.
I understand and respect your point JD, but I think it might be more a man's personality and always wanting to be on the winning side and the center of attention than it is his age. After all, Benny and Ned were not exactly spring chickens and they did a great job. Maybe ol' DW would have more steam at the end and overall effectiveness (plus a lower irritation factor) if he would just learn how to try not to always be the center of the telecast.
Good call. I could live with that. No more than they cut to the "hotel" the conditions and broadcast would improve alot.
BP and Ned worked in a very different TV environment, especially early on at ESPN.
As they got older, they let the third in the booth step-up and take center stage. That is the problem with DW.
When he talked overtop of Rick Allen and Mike Joy on the finishes of the truck and Cup races at Daytona, that was the signal that it was time to move on.
I think he is a great ambassador, a great thinker on topics and I even enjoy his home videos at FOX.com.
The problem is that his emotions have begun to overwhelm him at key times. Rooting for Jr. last year at Daytona, talking over the PXP guys this year and almost crying all the time is just not working out.
Stepping out of a key role is never easy, but I just don't feel that four more years of him in the booth at FOX is going to yield quality commentary.
I think you're right, John, but that would be considered a step down and I don't know how he would handle that. I think he needs some tough love but that's not happening. Larry Mac has been almost invisible this year because DW has been so aggressive.
If FOX would just replace the mindless chatter, the terrible camera work, the meaningless graphics and doo-dads, the endless commercials and irritating cheer-leading and shilling with barrel-jumping, bull fighting and hurling (the stick and ball sport from Ireland, not the afteraffects of overconsumption of adult beverages or the results of four hours of listening to the current broadcast crew without benefit of mute or MRN) it would look exactly like the coverage I was brought up on . . .
ABC's Wide World of Sports!
About 45 years ago we race fans would gladly sit through 80% of the show watching stuff we had no interest in to catch a few glimpses of our heroes doing battle at Daytona and Darlington and a few other tracks - a few laps at the start, a few in the middle and of course the exciting last couple of laps.
Not much different today, except the expectations have changed. Back then we knew what we were getting. Today we expect flag to flag coverage but instead we get Wide World of Sports (no disrespect intended to those at ABC and those broadcasting pioneers).
With all the resources, technology, innovations available today, NASCAR viewers should leave a broadcast with "the thrill of victory" but week after week "it's the agony of defeat . . ."
Defeat knowing that FOX and NASCAR can do better, should do better, and the sport they love deserves better, but for whatever reason choose not too.
But as long as they continue to care and are willing to use whatever resources they have (commenting here or on other sites, letter-writing, M&M'ing (muting & MRN), DVR'ing or other means mentioned in previous posts) they are not defeated.
Change will come . . . it just may take another 45 years.
It is only when , as long as they cry out they are
Lets look at it this way... DW shills for Toyota and MW wins truck race in a Toyota and DW goes nuts about it over and over .. DW in a Toyota Commercial..
Erin Andrews the ESPN Sideline Princess signs with Ree Bok and makes a comment about the NIKE clad TCU team slipping in their NIKE cleats during the Rose Bowl and the Sports blogosphere goes nuts about bias..
DW in a Toyota Sponsifier (don't care if I spell it correcly) commercial and a FOX announcer on Speed too and not even a wimper. Folks we have been marginalized by NASCAR to a big fat Dollar sign. When we complain we are called wrong and many other words by the NASCAR wanna be on ESPN or FOX writers media.. Wake UP!!
Unless you have a Nielsen box in your house, Fox/TNT/ESPN don't care whether you watch or not. The networks make their money selling ads and establish ad rates with TV ratings. A million of you could stop watching without anyone taking notice.
Writing letters to the networks or comments on a blog will not matter as long as Nielsen ratings are flat or rising.
The most effective protest would be to take it to the advertisers but that is difficult to do and would involve hundreds of companies.
This applies to everything on TV, not just NASCAR. Even if they could tell whether you were watching, they can't tell that you have the sound off and are listening to MRN.
The other method of protest was in force last year. Just stop going to races. The protest will be mis-directed but you can be sure that NASCAR will appeal to the networks to attract more interest in the sport.
FOX has already told us they don't care what the viewers think. Remember David Hill's response in that chat? "Tough".
Waltrip is an embarrassment to the sport as well as a hypocrite when it comes to matters away from the sport.
Jeff Gluck is just about the only person covering NASCAR that maintains a journalistic attitude. He's not compromised by the good ol boy system and calls out those in the sport when they spout off a line of bs. Anybody remember when Kevin Harvick and his wife attacked Gluck last year?
It amazes me how thin-skinned NASCAR drivers have become whining constantly about the press. The only ones even more thin-skinned are the reporters covering them - wire reporters, national publications, anyone on Sirius NASCAR radio.
Thankfully we still have someone like Gluck and you JD that aren't cowed by the France's or the rights holders who would silence any and all criticism. Thank you.
I can think of a couple words to say that rhyme about Gluck and his tweets, but the family site rule silence them.
Dont care what anyone says about Jeff! Love him, his writing, his tweets and his tweetups! I think I took this picture with his cell at Texas Motor Speedway at what might have been his first tweetup there! Hang in there Jeff!!
Pam Stephens. @pstephens890
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