Update: There is no TV Police post as this was not a full-length race. We welcome your comments on the SPEED coverage of the evening of racing on this post. Thank you.
It's a big night for SPEED as the network produces the All-Star race from the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Kyle Busch won the truck series race Friday night and is clearly the story of the evening.
Detractors say SPEED is not the network to expose new fans to the sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. Week in and week out SPEED is the NASCAR network, doing the heavy lifting that the other NASCAR TV partners cannot handle.
Mike Joy is going to call the race. Folks thought that perhaps Rick Allen was going to get a shot after all his hard work on the truck series package on SPEED. This is not a FOX production, but SPEED executives kept Mike Joy in the lead role.
The debate on who is joining Joy in the booth began to rage from the moment SPEED announced it was again going to use Darrell and Micheal Waltrip. Larry McReynolds is filling-in for Kenny Wallace and working on the RaceDay and Victory Lane programs. Wallace is racing in Iowa.
Having two drivers in the booth loses the crew chief perspective, but SPEED likes the feedback it got from the earlier appearance of the two Waltrips on a Nationwide Series telecast. So, it's going to be all Waltrip all night long.
SPEED has a tough task because the All-Star race is always a mess. Rules change, tempers flare and the racing is very different from a longer Sprint Cup Series race. The night consists of two races and it is often the case that the earlier qualifying race is more interesting than the feature.
Look for a hyped-up production with more bells and whistles than normal. In the past, things have been a little over the top but this has been a solid production year for SPEED as the network continues to mature on the air.
Steve Byrnes, Matt Yocum and Dick Berggren are the pit reporters. This trio can deal with anything and brings exactly the type of experience needed for this one-off race. Byrnes is another name that has been discussed in terms of an eventual successor in the FOX TV booth. Krista Voda hosts the pre-race show.
Don't forget that NASCAR.com has a free RaceBuddy for this event. More camera angles and in-car cameras should be a perfect addition for this race.
This post will serve to host your comments on the SPEED production of the All-Star race from the Charlotte Motor Speedway. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 379 Newer› Newest»This one should be interesting. Hope the crowd is good.
Good Evening JD. Looking forward to some good racing tonight.
Be a little slow tonight because soo many folks will be watching RaceBuddy on NASCAR.com.
Tell me when that bogus scripted sketch is over so I can change back from the Weather Channel
I like this style of pre-race.
It's over! No clue why they do that. Maybe I'm just getting a little older.
I don't know if I can handle two Waltrips, but I will do my best.
Looks like a beautiful night for racing!
Thanks, JD!
I drove up for this race last year and had a great time. Just long enough, lots of action.
Mr Editor -
Mute button activated ...PRN preset button push; oops, is that Barney Hall and Joe Moore I hear ...how does MRN get to broadcast from a Bruton Smith track??? ...bye SPEED audio; hello RaceBuddy, liimited SPEED video ...one Waltrip bad enough, two Waltrips insulting fans' intelligence all night, too much ...JD, I'll be here
Happy All Star Race Night Planeteers <3
My low end computer can't handle Racebuddy, to jerky. Next computer will be able to do it.
Is the green flag at 7:45.
I gotta confess, all the hype is wearing me out already.
Oh goody. a new toy.
New Toys!
What does this new toy do that wasn't previously done with larger, full-screen graphics and without the smiling faces?
What did you think of Larry Mac on RaceDay? I liked the change. Now he's with Hammond in the Speed version of the Hollywood Hotel.
it the truth aint njo lie they tell u a lot off stuff at the inn
Debby-thought Larry Mac was GREAT on RD!! A huge improvement over KW, imo.
I enjoy these races so I am ready!
Wanted to say that I thought Kenny Wallace did an outstanding job as an interviewer!
Wishing everyone a great race night! :)
I can do without the videos.
Lots of empty seats in that shot.
I thought Kenny Wallace was totally out of character because his did a decent interview.
OK Planeteers. I hope you're happy. Just look at what you've done. Have you seen Krista Voda's spiffy yellow blazer and black slacks? She looks real classy. Anyhow, I just want hard CLEAN racing. We don;t need more controversy. The three hour pre-race show was insane. I hope the Waltrips can keep the BS to a minimum. Kinda sad that Junior may need a fan favorite vote to get in.
wow....terrible audio.
are you kidding me ?
Buzz in audio.
Love the vintage flyover!
Larry Mac in the Hotel tonight!
He has to practice his obscene Malapropisms somewhere!
Sally - "obscene Malapropisms" .... whoa!
SPEED introduces the ILARRY MAC pad!
KudzuCarl...I'm a 'Renaissance Woman'!?
She brought it!!!
TWO WALTRIPS!!!!!!!!!!!
Are the Trackpass scanners working for anyone? I haven't heard a peep on officials channel or any driver's channel.
look forward to a great broadcast ...MRN audio w/SPEED video ...no Waltrip to be heard from
Good, the engines are started.
Bad, the Waltrips are started.
I hope Mike Joy has the duct tape ready, because he will need it!
Of all the blogs on Blogspot...
Kenny Wallace has a body double? Wow, that's not the Kenny Wallace we know. Rusty would be so ashamed.
The Hollywood Hotel looks like a 53 foot horse trailer. Hammond prolly made them a good deal.
Big risk by SPEED tonight. It could be Rick Allen/Steve Byrnes, Kyle Petty and Jeff Hammond.
Should be interesting to see if Mike Joy can control those two.
Somebody keep count of how many times DW mentions Jr. vs. the number of times he mentions all other drivers combined.
Racebuddy is a go!
Becky, they will click them on shortly.
I wonder how many time swe will hear the Waltrips reminisce about their All star races?
To answer the question as to why it's MRN tonight and not PRN, the All-Star race is NASCAR's-event that happens to be hosted by Charlotte Motor Speedway. Since it's NASCAR's event, MRN is the radio broadcaster for the All-Star race. In other words, NASCAR has control of the radio rights for this event, not the track.
Thanks Mike!
No in-car reporter last night in the truck race and the truck race was a good one.
One day I'll bother to figure out why I can't get Racebuddy. I get the opening ad and nothing else. Maybe between the races tonight I can puzzle it out. I'm guessing it's a browser setting, but darned if I know which one or what it should be.
@MikeC ...thanks for the follow-up
I'vve already muted the TV to avoid BBB.
I love it. Streaming video (muted), streaming radio. No Waltards.
Life is good.
Sally, why? It's the last reasonably intelligent thing he'll say tonight.
RaceBuddy is Flash-based. Tough time on iPads, Apple products and some browsers.
Wow! David Ragan didn't change lanes before the green. ;-)
Nice use of unnecessary graphics to delay showing us what was happening.
wonderful camera work!
So they go to change cameras, I see a GIANT graphic as the booth goes nuts over trouble.
How we lookin'? NOT GOOD (Truck booth via Fox tonight)
Headache already
Miss the wreck even when the booth was telling them where to direct the camera - don't worry, we have replay.
That's the kind of hit that used to kill drivers. Thank God for all the safety advances.
This will be fun. The Waltrips talking over one another.
We've grown to expect replays but this one seemed a long time coming.
Maybe MW & DW will cancel each other out!
A-ha! I'll turn off my FlashBlock plug-in at the half and restart Firefox.
If the Truck race was any indicator, we're in for a lot of caution laps tonight.
Well, announcers yelling, replay going and totally missing crash #1.
Don't care how safe the cars are whenever I see a driver hit on the drivers side always think about Eric :(. Glad they're OK, at least able to walk
Darrell Waltrip appears to believe he is doing the play x play and is poised to redefine the role. I wish I could mute everybody but Mike Joy, but there would be a lot of silence for Mike will not talk over anyone. It is a shame DW doesn't have his manners. Now we just missed the first wreck. Dadgummit, this is shaping up to be fox-bitten.
JD, FYI - still no scanners. Help.
See, we have audio on RaceBuddy. My question is if this non-points race is supposed to be part of the PitCommand deal.
The booth is screaming "big crash" and it took forever for the production crew to find it. Not a good sign. My pc crashed so my post is late/ Sorry
I miss the camera work of the truck race.
Why are traditional "start and park" teams actually racing? They aren't likely to advance.
Did Mike Joy come to work today?
Does DW get paid by the word? Seems like it. This is not the same group of TV guys as we had last night, is it. Is the supposed to be the A-team?
No response yet on the scanner issue.
I think it's great that NASCAR runs most of its biggest races on cable. I'll be stealing it from the web as usual.
Let's move the Super Bowl and World Series to pay cable too. That way we can limit our audience to only the "true believers". I'm sure that people that complain about the broadcasts won't pay to be insulted.
I got Trackpass Scanners to work in IE. I chatted with support and was told Firefox 4 isn't supported and I should downgrade Firefox or use IE 7 or 8. Well, I'm using IE9, but only because I pay for the service and want to use it.
Not sure about the scanners in the other Trackpass products.
That graphic that bumpers the replays got old real quick.
I do have a headache & this race isn't helping. Afraid we'll here LITTLE from Mike Joy.
Waltrips are ok but two in the booth is just too much. Will ck DVR...maybe
I was wondering the same thing. Is this the same camera and director crew from last night.
My guess is no.
Charlie, it's got that FOX feel!
Don, NASCAR has been on cable TV since 1983.
I agree on the point that putting this event on broadcast as a special would get some new fans.
In the contract, this is a BIG night for SPEED and they paid for it.
As someone who pays for Speed TV, it is nice to get something for that cable bill. It is a special event and cable is an appropriate venue for it..
Wasn't NASCAR first broadcasted on ESPN in 1981 and every year on ESPN until 2000.
NASCAR has been on cable TV since 1983.
Sure, and have you noticed that they haven't been able to overtake the NFL despite claiming that they have more fans?
Have you noticed that baseball and football play most of their games on broadcast TV and have the front page of the sports section more often and more SI covers?
Yeah, this is SPEED's marquee event, along with the Daytona Duels. Don't believe you'll ever see this event on broadcast television.
That assume those broadcast networks are interested in bidding on the broadcast rights.
Yeah, I'd say the SPEED gang got bigfooted tonight. And one other point - assignments at Fox/Speed have little relevance to individual capabilities, do they.
MultiDrive - Round off your fasteners with your slip-joint pliers and you can use our pipe wrench!
There is more going on in this race then just the top 3, I just know it.
Show the race, zoom out.
@Becky, thanks. I switched from Pitcommand to just the Trackpass scanners. Why Nascar.com has Pitcommand up and running without audio is another mystery. Doesn't make sense to me.
Palmetto, Brian France said on Friday he hoped to return the same TV partners in the new contract that starts in 2015.
How about that one?
I am getting so sick of hearing about the Million Dollars these are millionaires what's one more million?
It was scattered and then ESPN, TNN and WTBS split the races to get them all on TV.
I think Mike Joy has drifted off. Missing in action!
BZF probably hopes to get the same amount of money, too. I hope to be thirty pounds lighter and four inches taller. We all got hopes.
I just love when DW sings. He should do it more.
I sometimes feel this event belongs on a short track. The cars get too strung out in a short amount of time on a track like this.
There's Mike Joy! He led us to commercial break. Chris Myers gets paid a lot to do that!
I wish it rotated around. Love to see this at Richmond. Heck, with this crowd they could hold it at the Rock. Still just a drive away.
Vicky--was it Mark a few years ago give his to the crew? I seem to remember at least one driver say the winnings were going to the crew he wasn't taking a dime from it.
MikeC, I often feel this event should be a normal points race and moved to Vegas, so Bruton Smith would quit whining.
I think Richmond would be a good track for this race since they neutered Bristol.
I just hate they way they keep hyping up the event - through all of the advertising and talk before the race. Now they talk about restarts and say stuff like you'll see better ones later tonight!
Then the actual big race itself is always just a total snoozefest like every other race on a 1.5 mile track.
Oh well, I'm obviously watching because it's racing.
Other than the hype stuff the coverage is actually good other than the usual missing action because of replays and stuff.
Mr Editor -
I may be mistaken, but wasn't it discussed to rotate the All-Star race among several tracks ...and RIR was included ...apparently Bruton's $$$$ made the decision for NASCAR
Speaking of BZF, when I tuned in to Race Day, someone in the crowd behind DW was holding a big sign that said "Brian Z France--reverse your lobotomy". Speed camera crews must have found it humorous as they were showing it quite a bit.
I'd agree this event is overhyped. The constant "the gloves will come off"...and to hype that they have to show "he can choke on that money" and "the pass in the grass"....how many years ago was it those took place? But that's all they ever seem to refer to.
What time is the main event? Maybe I can squeeze in a recorded 'Iron Chef' episode in between if I fast-forward through the commercials.
Osbornk they don't want this race in Richmond because then the drivers can't say they are confortable sleeping in their own beds!
MW implying payback on his own car. Can't quite hold his inner feelings back.
Camera shots jumping all over the place. Tight shots.
Sure is not like last night's Truck race.
Our fav was doing ok but we just noticed that he was 23rd but we're afraid we won't hear anymore about him! Thanks Speed!
I think Richmond or Darlington or the Rock would probably be great. But I do think it's cool for the fans & the NASCAR community to have their two weeks home. Makes the long season more bearable, and gives fans a 'vacation' where they can visit shops & the Hall of Fame & such. Hoping to go myself in the fall (not race week, unfortunately.)
Burton needs a new career
FOX fingerprints all over tonight's broadcast. Someone intervened.
That segment was a mess viewing wise.
And once again they don't show everybody crossing the finish line.
There's usually an hour between the checkered flag of the showdown and the green flag of the All-Star race. So the All-Star race should go green at 9:20p.m.
Well, SPEED has no crew that produces Cup telecasts. The choice was elevate the truck crew or use FOX folks. We know the choice.
Poor David Starr going to the garage thanks Mike for letting us know.
DWs endless babble makes Mikey look good in the booth.....
Well, that was interesting.
FOX has no crew that does Cup well. They blew the decision and everyone suffers but the decisionmakers.
Michael Symon vs. Guy Rubino - secret ingredient: rabbit
Jr doing what he does best - ride around - count his money
JD, your gonna complain on just about everything aren't ya
In this recap segment, do they need to have music playing in the background. Makes it hard to hear somethings.
Yes, that is all we do. Where ya been?
If somebody does not help Jr soon - is going to be bad - manic depression
I actually thought the commentary in the first race was pretty good. I would have liked it if DW would have done some more singing, but in general Mike, Mikey, and DW did a nice job of filling the viewer in on what was happening.
I sure hope they are as crisp and sharp in the feature race.
Nice for DR, he had a rough season so far.
Ya think Jr. is depressed? Hmm..
Yeah - it was so nice to see Ragan advance, and to see the television crew treat him like every other driver like he should be.
Thanks, SPEED.
Will someone please shoot D Dub?
Look, listen to his interviews, can't hold his head up plus plus
He's got a lot going on outside of racing. I think that's a key issue.
This hyping of drivers intentionally wrecking other drivers is just plain disgusting.
I guess NASCAR likes it since it boost interest, but it's really embarrassing to Kirsten Voda, Larry Mac, and Hammond.
It almost makes me want to just turn it off which is sad.
Looks like one of the members of the club that calls this place "The TV Police" has made their appearance here. LOL
WAS UP EVERYONE sorry all eye have been glued to showdown and YESSSS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
DAVID RAGAN WINS IN THE UPS FORD FUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was sweet I for once get a chance to celebrate cause my driver JR never wins and you know how long its been since UPS has been to victory lane!!! Sorry everyone im just happy now lets enjoy this All-Star race :)
So happy beer and wine to celebrate
Kind of like the hype over Bristol and then it's a two lane green flag race.
Hey Mike! Takes all kinds to make a world.
They keep trying to hype this up as if we're going to see the Pass in the Grass again, or something similar to that. Those days are long gone. You may see some leaning on one another, but that's about the extent of it.
Beer and wine? Ouch. Hangover.
Vicky--until the mention of him going to the garage one wouldn't know he was in the race except for seeing him during the invocation :(
Apparently JoLo & Zippy were having an all out drag down on the radio.
That was a terrible race and DW made it nearly unwatchable.
Does anyone in the Hollywood Hotel go to the makeup room before they go on HD TV ??
Larry Mac looks like something from the surface from a Lunar Landing.
Now I know why I DVR everything on SPEED.
JD thats ok cause its so worth it :)
Boy - that feature on the 1 crew sure was insightful. Why do they waste our time with stuff like that?
World record attempt at most flashlights in the background.
The Harvick and Busch probation sent a clear unmistakible signal to everyone that 'boys have at it' is history. There will be no more fireworks in NASCAR. And B. France's bipolar personality has manifested itself in NASCAR racing once again. Proof? Friday's remark about the present TV partners returning.
I love the glitz and glamor before the All-Star race this is so fun!!!
On Nascar.com is the K&N East/West race from Iowa so I'm keeping up with that too. Our guy is doing great in that race!
Had to be his most rambling press conference ever. No tie, looked rumpled, unfocused answers.
Even the mainstream hard card media was shaking their heads.
This could be more enjoyable if they would simply start racing.
As much as I want to see the race, SPEED has almost lost this viewer.
Hammond has lost his Snooki tan;-)
Let us know who wins Vicky!
Got another 30 minutes or so before the green. It'll probably be another 15 minutes before they do intros.
Chicks still dig him!
Wonder if we get those crazy drummers again this year?
WAY too much hype! Just get on with the racing. My real concern is that the #2 car is going to wreck the field at the end. They must be practicing for the Twenty-Four Hours of CMS next weekend!
who do you like in K&N Vicky?
That K&N race is sort of a All-Star race as well, am I correct? I know at one time both the East & West Series joined up to race there.
If they're going to waste our time with this delay in between the races, they could at least broadcast some of the stuff that's going on. Enough with the interviews.
Imagine all the concessions that have been sold since the checkered flew for the Showdown? Time to start driver intros.
Gymmie, We like Corey LaJoie - he's running 3rd!
PS - Pastrana was just lapped!
Television has to "add value" to tonight's activities. As if the speedway is incapable of entertaining people itself. I just don't know. SMDH.
So much smoke I couldn't see Reut!
JD, Chicks dig who? If it is not a driver, then you are as deranged as the whole TV broadcast crew!
DH looks so bored!
Royal Crown was good lol
Go Matt!
Well that there was pretty cool. I reckon I'm gonna go get me some Crown Royal when the liquor store opens Monday mornin.
That's it. I'm going out. Too much time spent on flash and promotion, not enough racing.
This is just me, but the format of the All-Star race needs to be adjusted some. A little bit too much downtime. They could've started the Showdown at 8p.m. Eastern and been just fine.
Don't understand the booing of JPM.
Sorry, was off in NASCAR.com land. The Pit Command (paid feature) audio has never worked for the event tonight.
Talk about a cluster!
MM has his 22nd All Star Race! But he has to drive the 25 car!
Vicky, they want him to be the bad guy but he really does not fit that role too well.
I don't think it's necessary to bring your coke product on stage during driver intros. Pretty lame.
Solely because he is a furriner, Vicky. If he were Merkin there would only be 80~90% boos.
Something is desperately wrong when the intros are longer than the first race.
Vicky - sign seen at Bristol - 42 with a circle around it and a line through it and the words "Juan Pablo Deport-oya".
This is so lame!
Sorry going to bed for some sleep!
It's way more interesting and entertaining!
Dale Junior! What a surprise!
My ears are hurting with all that screaming by Miss Sprint Cup!
It's kinda sad, really.
Was actually able to get a pizza ordered and delivered and able to eat a couple of pieces between races.
Anon at 9:16 - agree!
Ok is Jr in this race? Saw he placed 6th & forgot how this works.
Saw Tony.
Was on phone & honestly not paying attention. ...never mind....just heard teh SPRINT girl screeching.
Wonder what's up w Jr...body language screams not a happy guy He's IN the race!...hope he's ok w whatever is going on.
iNeed food. Hope it helps my headache. It's on it's way to me.
p.s. I could not take all the hype & had to lower volume...sounds like WWF fighting thing & that's NOT my deal
The Sprint Showdown ended at 8:20p.m. It's now 9:20p.m. and they have to interview the Dale Jr. yet.
Twenty years ago...when you heard 'Junior' with respect to NASCAR...what last name did you associate. Johnson? Miller?
Anon 9;16. AGREE.
way toooooooo long...it defeats the purpose of excitement if I turn off the tv, talk on phone or rest my eyes.
This is getting ridiculous. Won't get the Green Flag until just before 10:00 pm. Oh great, ANOTHER interview with Junior! Must be the tenth one this week. Probably going to ask him what his secret is for getting into the All-Star Race. Hope we have time for another dumb interview with Harvick complete with a replay of his pit road incident. Come on folks, let's go racing!
Dale Jr's probably not happy he had to fall back on a fan vote to get into the event, instead of earning it.
Anon at 9:21 and the interview with Harvick he can tell us again that he doesn't understand probation!
Mike, embarrassed would be the word.
Symon won; he kicked Rubino in Taste 28 to 20.
Did I miss anything?
The big Mo is long gone from this telecast.
And this is why this race wouldn't be good for network TV. Way too much downtime. American Idol and Dancing With The Stars finales killing time to get to the main objective? yes, the viewer will put up with that.....but not this event. They'd have to change it up a bunch.
Mike C,
I actually did two loads of laundry while this crud was happening!
AND... I am a guy!
Bob in IND
Mr Editor -
What? ...an hour since Shootout ended and no race ...I'm outa here ...looking forward to professional broadcast on F1 ...see ya for TV Police
anon 9:05...JD is not deranged. The ladies love Hammond. They just do.
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