It's time once again for the series providing the best NASCAR racing this season. The Camping World trucks are in Nashville and it's hot!
Krista Voda opens the telecast with the pre-race show. It should be interesting to see what the temperature on pit road is this week. Ray Dunlap and Hermie Sadler will be the pit reporters.
Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Micheal Waltrip will call the race from the booth. Once again, the key component to this team is Waltrip. When he takes the team role and works as an analyst with his TV partners, these telecasts shine.
If Waltrip tries to step-up and take the lead announcer role, the telecast will have the kind of struggles we have seen with him in the past. While he certainly has the ability to dominate and talk over the top of Allen and Parsons, Waltrip has been working very well in this team setting recently.
Nashville is a tough track and the quality of the racing depends on how wide the groove becomes as daytime changes to night. The trucks have been putting on a solid show despite a limited field and this week should be no exception.
This post will serve to host your comments on the SPEED coverage of the Camping World trucks from Nashville. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for taking the time to start by.
Time for trucks from Nashville. This might be a small crowd.
Wishing everyone a great race! :)
I already don't like the hat!
Whaaaaat? No love for the pre-race hat?
JD, we're waiting to see the stands to decide how many fans are there tonight. Go David!
Hey, looks like summer school is out for the day! Hi, little troll boy! Hope you get a driver's license and a girlfriend pretty soon!
*Sniff* They grow up soooo fast!
I give that kid an A for effort and an F for spelling!
Looking forward to some interesting racing and what's usually a solid broadcast...wonder how the off-week will affect the racing dynamics among the regulars?
Those grandstands behind the drivers look like a scarce crowd. Oh no, another local singing sensation! Mute mute mute
Happy Friday, Planeteers. Hot here in Jersey today.
not a bad anthem, but she was way too slooooowwww.
Seems some of the singers think it is cute to add their own version to the National Anthem then just singing it the way it was written.
The singer must have wanted her moment of fame - took way too long!
Cheering for Johnny Sauter and Johanna Long!
Barb, I did five loads of laundry ate dinner and washed my car during the anthem!
John - you must be cheering for BJ?
here they go!
oh no, Johanna!
So ... Justin Marks is done with his ride after this race?!
What a terrible turnout. The Nationwide race better sell out or else Dover Motorsports will look like a failure. No more excuses, those stands haven't been packed in a long time.
JD, I read War & Peace during the anthem tonight!
RaceBuddy not working for me here at work with a super connection - thought it was just my home computer and mediocre connection. Must not like us here in California.
Your work may have racebuddy block.
I can get Racebuddy on FF with the ad block on.
That is one ugly truck - #2
Wowzers, didn't know Speed was doing their own Race Buddy thing now! Works fine here, using Linux and Firefox...better than TNT's app, in fact.
The lack of competitive trucks could make this rough for SPEED.
Nationwide won't even be close to selling out. The problem is it's just too dang hot. Every summer in Nashville has a chance of having 100 degree heat. Been there, done that, won't do it again.
I just jumped over there, RaceBuddy is working fine for me on the old IE laptop.
Looking at a crowd at a track does not indicate how many people bought tickets, it indicates how many fans were allowed to be at the track.
That joint is empty! Nice RV's on the back stretch though, that looks like the cool place to be.
What a bummer on the crowd! I remember when they brought in extra grandstands for the Toyota Employees! (They held their employee day there)
Through the field was a good decision.
Wasn't that nice? And timed out well too!
When we went to the truck race at TMS 2 months or so ago, they had cooling stations because it was very hot that night. Hopefully the Nashville track has the same thing.
Anybody who goes to the races..in this weather deserves a heat check
yah know rain check heat check.
I just went through two segments without the boys in the box talking...
I actually enjoyed it a lot...
If you counted the teams, their families and the Tv people you may have more of them then the race fans watching at the track.
Well, I know with how the heat has been here - and it hasn't been quite as bad as other places - I'd have to rethink whether I wanted to go to a track when I can sit at home with at least a fan running in this muggy, horrific mess.
Lot of lapped traffic...yeesh.
Dumbest stuff on wheels looks like another quality program from Speed.
I've been going at it on Twitter with some of the production folks.
You can't show people on TV getting seriously injured and pretend it's all a joke!
What the heck is SPEED thinking?
I was talking to my Ohio nephew today and asked him if he was going to the K&N East race at Columbus tomorrow and he said it's too darn hot there!
You go get a girlfriend and a drivers license.
I give you an F- for sanity
Hey everyone just got in... Time to start a great race weekend even though Cup is off its all good tonight trucks, tomorrow Nationwide, and Sunday the Rolex Sports cars!
Heh...can we have a revised rule wherein if it's a small crowd and we get trolls, I get to flame them to pieces? It's so hard being family friendly sometimes... :(
What he heck is a Wiccan? Can I get that at WalMart?
Do you ever watch races there, Mr. W?
A lot of talking for the sake of talking. Had to laugh when Phil explained a transition would effect some trucks positively and some trucks negatively. Welcome to Racing 101.
JD what are you talking about what did I miss???
It's hot enough to roast trolls. I'd join in the flamebroiling if JD will let us!
It's pretty boring and the race has no one in the stands, so we are attempting some troll fun with our WICCAN.
I still don't know what that is...maybe a civic organization?
I used to be in the Knights of Columbus, that count?
a wiccan is a pc word for witch! I'm guessing that really he's a wannabe warlock.
oh wait I already know that new show I saw the promo earlier I thought you ment someone got injured at Nashville...
All new shows are stupid now a days
hmmm, let's see, speed is thinking -- cheap to make and people LOVE to watch people make fools of themselves.
I'll skip it though. Racehub is the only program I watch on a regular basis on speed.
Wiccan: Creature devoid of reproductive organs and common sense, often seen "shopping" in the dumpsters behind Hot Topic.
Time not spent shopping - as it were - is spent in the attempted acquisition of alcoholic beverages from the parents' fridge.
Generally harmless, but much like the common skunk, has tendency to spray viscous, smelly substances wherever it travels.
JD, no making fun of the wiccan's they'll put a curse on you! Although perhaps being a former member of the KoC you could exorcise his demon!
I've known many a Wiccan, and frankly...they'd flog him until he fled town. Well, more accurately, they'd think about it and decide the poor fool isn't worth the trouble. :)
Seriously? A male witch? Dude, come one now.
We have got to get that guy a GF!
I'll confess...snuck over to 'Say Yes to the Dress.' James Buescher's fiance is picking out a dress. Unlimited budget. Just had to share.
Come on, someone date the WICCAN please!
Maybe we could get him on eHarmony?
She seems to be a very nice girl on Twitter, but she has NO CLUE to the financial reality of the rest of us!
I used to steal their g/f's from them. *snicker*
So - go right ahead and find the poor bloke one...I could use another, I suppose!
Aaaaand Jacques Debris strikes again! :p
we can all chip in and get him a subscription to eharmony or whatever dating service gets him out of the house.
finally getting dark in Nashville
I'm gonna go with either Myspace or OkCupid for the guy. Amigo's stealing Dad's beers - I can't fathom how he'd pay for or find peers on eHarmony.
Anyway, man...race is kinda devoid of excitement tonight. Wonder why.
I thought cialis always was for daily use?
Anon/J - totally agree. no excitement - its why we are talking about finding the troll/wiccan a GF
Missed a restart!
I prefer the approach that nearly every other country takes - no pharmaceutical advertising on television.
I'll trust my doctor and/or pharmacist over an ad.
Yay for excitement, and burnination! Boo for truck destroyed. :/
Nice job safety crew. For a small track like this? Pretty good.
Fried gecko anyone?
OK, Mikey usually annoys me with sponsor plugs, but the geico one was pretty good.
Glad Max is OK
Officially over that idiotic promo.
Well, let's hope things pick up a bit more without already-broke teams having their equipment get destroyed.
Seems like this whole section of the season is just a snoozefest.
I know, makes me a bit of a fanboy, but I wish other networks would take an example from the Speed channel as to broadcasts...
Did Samantha Busch have her Say Yes To The Dress show yet?
LOL, JD. Me, too. Funny the guys in the booth talking about their own "dumb stuff" though.
I, too, am happy that i grew up before the ubiquitious cameras were ever present. I can live with the memories so long as they don't exist on video somewhere.
Hmmm, mikey's actually doing a good job with his commentary.
The fiance's (I think it's Krishtian?) friends almost sabotaged her appointment. But the consultant picked a nice dress. It didn't appear to be ridiculously expensive (they didn't say) and was classic & pretty. Said James would be brought to tears.
Waltrip is just as mouthy as he was at the start
Can't figure out this season if Kyle is headed for success or another meltdown from all the racing he does.
I say success this year or next. No meltdown.
Karen, Sam & Kyle's wedding was on Style network. Didn't see it. Her dress was nice though.
Wow, they are going to remake Conan the Barbarian. i thought the smurf movie would be bad, but that one may take the cake.
Waltrip would be good on the radio, they still have radios dont't they?
I think Kyle will fall apart as soon as the gravy train of wins falls apart - just doesn't have the discipline or reserve to get through tough times.
And I'm an armchair idjit...so...we'll see. He's pretty lucky to have - IMO - the protection he does. Earnhardt would've drove through him and kept going.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Seriously? A male witch? Dude, come one now.
We have got to get that guy a GF!
July 22, 2011 9:13 PM
And an air compressor
Come on SPEED, bring it home!
Ha! The cat had been messing near the center speaker and unplugged on of the leads...
Hence, no booth announcers, no pit reporters, just trucks rumbling around the track making the house vibrate...
I enjoy the truck guys in the booth, but its fun to not hear them for a change, just engines...
I was getting some serious grief here at home, seriously...I had never heard the word WICCAN before.
15 Laps to go.
Great shoutout for our David!
homestretch for this race. I'm not sure about KyBu. He isn't acting quite as obnoxious as other years, but the last 10 races will tell. I hope that somebody beats the 48 this year or even better that the 48 team beats themselves on pit road. It would serve them right for taking Gordon's pit crew last year. I know, I know, I should be OVER it, but I'm not.
really JD? A few years back there was a story of a family that wanted a wiccan symbol on a military headstone. It wasn't on the preapproved list, but they eventually approved it. So there are wiccans in the military, believe it or not. It's some kind of 'swish' design. I think it was a female though.
Larry Mac might be right, just needs to race Cup for one season and nothing else.
Yeesh, JD...well, in your defense, it was a huge fad when I was around 13 (26 now) and there's still a similarly aged demographic that pursues the like.
*sigh* I'm starting to suspect that these teams just can't afford to get out there and really, really *race* - save equip. and tires, etc...and no payoff to speak of.
I'm having a hard time believing you never heard of Wiccan. Learn something new every day, huh?
Billy, LOL, about the cats. Mine chewed through the cord for my cell phone charger today. Argh!
Your's were more helpful!
JD, LOL, you get grief at home? I thought you only got grief here on the site.
We could start doing "word of the day" contests.
Congrats Austin!
Gina! All the time!
I am here with my main man Brian Z france to put a curse on you 4 all eternity
OK, that was tremendously dumb.
I never heard of WICCAN either.
Heheh...I liked his little dive into the logo.
Least you know he cared about winning!
hey has anyone tried throwing a bucket of water on the wiccan? It worked for Dorothy!
that might solve your problem, JD.
So will we see 35 minutes of post race or 5 minutes.
Yea, Brian loves every bit of me! I think my face might be on the dart board in his office!
Come on, you never slide into home head-first! Chip a tooth or something.
Hey Mr. W, I've already been through eternity...ten years at ESPN!
In his case, with the diving, I'd say it's excusable. Just lookit the guitar he gets!
I want to know what he did after the dive that he was talking about!
And, really, JD? Teh? I feel...dirty. So dirty. :/
Been a fun night, even if the race wasn't much to write home about...thanks again.
Err...ten. Sorry.
Thanks everyone! See you guys tomorrow for NNS and we are always chatting on Twitter.
Come along for the ride.
I thought he was going to do a handspring. The nosedive was a little odd.
Oh well, hope to see you guys tomorrow for the nationwide race -- I'm going to try and learn to sail a boat tomorrow - knock off one of the things on my bucket list!
so assuming I don't drown or get lost at sea like Gilligan - I'll see you all tomorrow.
Have fun Gina, boating is a blast!
I had a distraction and missed the second half of the race. Hopefully this series rebounds soon. The first half of the race was really boring, SPEED did the best they could.
Totally forgot about the blog tonight :(.
Congratulations to Austin for his win tonight <3
Needs to work on his belly flop thingie...
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