It's time for the final Sprint Cup Series race on TNT. It's been a summer of good technical innovation combined with the same old gripes about commercials.
Lindsay Czarniak is off to ESPN after hosting this race. She starts the telecast with the pre-race show. Kyle Petty and Larry McReynolds are on the infield rig. Kurt Busch is the guest. Cotton Owens is the Pride of NASCAR feature.
Adam Alexander is in the booth with Wally Dallenbach Jr. and Petty. Marty Snider, Matt Yocum, Ralph Sheheen and Chris Neville are the pit reporters.
The story of NHMS is frustration. It's a flat track that features the pot slowly boiling until the tempers explode over the lack of passing and tire grip. Once the cautions come, they come frequently. The key issue is how long the field will stay patient and run under green.
This is the final weekend of RaceBuddy. The free online app at NASCAR.com has four in-car cameras, two battle cams and also features pit road and the backstretch cams. It's just a nice addition to the TV coverage. ESPN will not have RaceBuddy for the remainder of the races.
Adam Alexander is still in the learning curve for a play-by-play announcer. His style is low key in the booth and while he certainly does work for the TNT producer, he is not someone who pumps excitement into races.
TNT has been a mixed blessing. The network has changed the post-race procedures as a response to fan feedback. TNT has made good pictures, had no technical problems and delivered a solid package for what they had to work with. It's just a short summer visit that always leaves fans wondering what could be.
This post will serve to host your comments on the Sprint Cup Series on TNT. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.
Howdy folks. Final TNT race for 2011. Here we go.
I am going to try hard to enjoy this race. Despite how TNT has gone from great to terrible this year, I greatly fear what is coming after Mickey Mouse takes over with Marty "Coffin in the Nail" Reid.
Final telecast for Linsday Czarniak. She is off to ESPN as a SportsCenter anchor after today.
Cant believe this is the last TNT race. Feels like they just got started. One thing TNT does better than anyone else, the pre race show.
Totally agree!
Listening to Mitt Romney on PRN. Talking racing, not politics. His pick, Jimmie Johnson
Doug Rice from PRN said the Romney motorcade sped by him on the highway so fast he lost their draft.
I wonder where Lindsay will slot in at ESPN. In our ideal world, she and Ryan Burr will handle the 6 p.m. Sunday show that inevitably requires Nascar highlights.
Great "Pride of NASCAR" feature on Cotton Owens.
No answer for that yet from ESPN. I pushed them on it.
Thanks to Rusty running me into the garage yesterday, I got a ton of stuff done and can sit and watch the entire race today.
Too funny.
This will be the first race I've watched from start to...whenever I get too frustrated to continue...in weeks. I find I haven't missed it at all.
Am I the only one that thinks Lindsay has already started her new job? I mean, she's putting me to sleep she sounds so mechanical. Maybe I'm not fully awake yet. One last thing that continues to stick in my mind is how well Carl Edwards did in the booth yesterday compared to all the 'pros'! Can you imagine a couple of Carl Edwards in the booth every weekend????
race buddy down for anyone else?
Nice day! Good crowd.
Nope, working fine for me.
Decent anthem. Good start.
I wonder how long before we hear about the double-secret probation/fine/penalty for Harvick's calling out NASCAR for telling him not to "have at it"?
Handcuffs, indeed. Can't touch the baby busch.
"This is a 300 mile traffic jam" No kiddin. So was Kentucky
Harvick was still pushing that agenda today on the pre-race show in his interviews.
Well, the Reds are HONKING me off big time lately so might watch race today. Hotter than hail outside 90 at noon...got up early to go to British Car show nearby...went alone as my buddies weren't interested & another 1 had to work. So now I'm ready to see cars race after seeing MGAs,Bs, MGTs, Lotus,+ Deloreans. And the music they played was old British invasion tunes from my childhood & not ONE BEATLES tune. Yay, I loved all the other bands who's names I forget.
Dewpoint as 70 here earlier so I only lasted an hour thus READY to be entertained by TNT but not holding my breath for the camera work :( No outside work so ratings might be up?
I enjoyed their pre race & enjoy the booth & will miss Lindsay!! I loved the piece on "Cotton"...need more appreciation for the older guys.
I appreciate the Racebuddy app but we HAVE it when we especially need it for the other stations!!
thanks TNT.
Mix my Fox guys...just NOT the Cam work...though I'm enjoying today...especially Kyle & Wally can crack me up :)
I'm not a big Harvick fan, but if the secret probation stuff is true, kudos to him for calling Nascar out on it. If Nascar was a bit more transparent, maybe fans wouldn't always question their credibility. I hope this will be a good telecast. Hopefully it'll be Adam A. last one as PxP.
Well, Kyle is the new hottest driver in Nascar...with his '100 wins'. Too bad that don't use that bogus stat for every driver on the track.
And the commercial marathon begins
I will never understand why networks can't make it to double-digit laps counts before the first commercial break. How is a fan supposed to get 'hooked' when you're breaking so soon.
Ticker's a bit annoying. If it's just an overlay on video feeds, don't see why they have to take it off the screen for every feature, in-car cam, or otherwise.
This isn't a complaint exclusive to TNT, mind you.
Though, if they switch away from it before it gets toward the end, they need not advertise the conga line of S&P drivers...convenient.
As for Harvick - more power to him. Drivers are here to race and keep sponsors happy so they can continue to - not have a lovefest with Nascar. IMO, anyway.
Yesterday Racebuddy worked on Firefox with no problem at all.
Today using Firefox all you get is a black screen. So it is not my computer it is Racebuddy.
Works on IE just fine today.
In-car cam on lap 2. Got to have those tight shots.
missed the pre-race show any mention of edwards to gibbs?
Best news say good bye to Adam and
eve and come on Kyle take a breath.
And -- tell these folks who are
No matter what you think we can
Yer killin me! We have RaceBuddy that has channels with NO announcers. Come on man!
I think the combination of AA, Wally and Petty just isn't clicking today. One of the pre race shows did mention heavy garage talk about Carl to JGR. We shall see....
Not really. Mike Mulhern basically said it was Logano out and Edwards in.
Can you imagine Home Depot getting Carl? That's a dream.
I absolutely despise these Sprint things
Y'know, speaking of S&P's - with 300 laps they can't go back through the field, give backmarker/unsponsored guys a little occasional TV time, and maybe help prevent this phenomenon of no money to race?
They did a battle for 19th place barely into the race, fer cryin' out loud.
Got a 'Blue Name' today.
Following this blog.
Following JD's Twitter.
RaceBuddy Open.
(2) TV's going in different rooms.
Whew, I needed this yellow!
Time to hook up the beverage I.V.
Can't get enough of Larry Mac pointing at tires five months into the season.
Pffft. Surprised they didn't explain how tires are round and lets the car go in di-rect-shuns without havin' to have legs, like them horses, or like sleds, or somethin'...
I can't begin to imagine KyBu and Edwards getting along as team mates and Denny can't be happy either.
As for Harvick's secret handcuffs - he should have kept his mouth shut about "he has one coming - he just doesn't know when. Do it and "opps it was a racing accident" but broadcast it and Nascar is all over him.
Wow, big hit.
That had to be tough to watch for Kyle
Think I can hear Ancientracer cursing from all the way over here...
Pretty disrespectful interview by Kyle. It was a logical question.
Roland, that's why alot of folks don't like Kryle..he's a name I can't call him on this blog!
Roland, this should surprise you, lol? I think I've just accepted that it is who he is, whether I like it or not. You're not gonna ever get a Carl Edwards-like response out of him. I think the reporters probably know they need thick skins. Ask Chris Neville, Tony 'indoctrinated' him earlier this week. The booth said 'welcome to the club.'
I'm wondering if the Shrub took it the way he did because the reporter mentioned the #88 rather than just asking if it was due to contact without mentioning a car/driver. Either way, that came off pretty snotty on Kyle's part IMO.
Goodyear said melted bead on tire, not contact for the KyBu blowout.
For once, I'll side with Kyle. He dounded like he didn't want someone to 'invent' a story that he blamed Jr. for the tire problem. Besides, he was quite specific about what caused his flat.
Oh no, not surprised at all. Just think it was really uncalled for. I think it was Chris Neville that did the interview. Feel bad for him hes been the victim of some angry drivers this year.
Everytime Kyle does something inmature like that I laugh and remember DW on Fox earlier this year. Every week he would say how Kyle is a new man and hes matured. *Cough* BS *Cough*
About 30 min until the ratings go right into the toilet.
It's almost soccer time....
Do you really think the soccer match will have that much effect on the ratings JD? Of course, I can't speak for everybody, but I've never known a lot of American racing fans that also like soccer.
Deduct a lot of the female fans because it's ladies soccer and then take the male viewers who got drawn in by ESPN...I certainly do.
Certainly dont think anyone watching the race is going to leave to go watch womens soccer. That would have to be an interesting person to like both. Be like leaving a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert before Freebird to go to a poetry reading.
Free Bird is poetry! :-D
I was at that race in 2000 when Jeff Burton led all the laps. I'm sure Kyle Petty would rather they not bring that up too often.
I was at that race in 2000 when Jeff Burton led all the laps. I'm sure Kyle Petty would rather they not bring that up too often.
Have no interest in soccer. Glad that the USA team is doing well, but I will stay with the race. Did, however watch the British Open. Good win for Clarke. Let's hope we have a good guy win today.
Roland, come on man. It's the biggest female viewing demo on TV in years.
I'll be switching back & forth. Guess that means I like poetry and Lynyrd Skynyrd too, lol.
Soccer is big in upstate NY--all the Italian heritage. Abby Wambach is from the Rochester area.
soccer a lot like nascar, u can wait until the last 5 minutes to watch..if they are within one goal, you watch the end. I'm starting to get that way with a lot of sports, nba, baseball, not sure it's worth investing all of the time... maybe it comes with age...late 40's
'JJ akes the point lead"...is that his version of 'If the race ended now"?
never been into soccer ever. Not my thing.
Anon, totally do that on NBA games...especially watching the Heat down here!
Sally, I was just sitting here and we were laughing. First time for that garbage this season.
ESPN in two weeks, better get used to it.
Oh theyll have a big ratings draw, but I dont see that small sliver of America whos watching this race to collectively pick up the remote and flip to womens soccer. No disrespect to womens soccer or womens sports but they dont really share a fan base with Nascar. Well except for glenc1 lol. Theres one in every crowd.
I burnt-out on soccer as a kid. It was politically popular around here; so the ruling class was constantly trying to start soccer programs in the public schools. Meanwhile, a sport that already had broad support (Hockey) couldn't get a foothold because it wasn't as popular with BMW set. I have hated soccer ever since. Yes, I have issues...
it's funny about soccer...I don't think about watching it, but then when I do I remember why I like it. Yet baseball bores me to tears.
Roland, its not a series, it's a spectacle. That's what gets casual viewers to watch.
It's not a fan base issue because it's not a competing sport series like MLB or NBA.
This is going to be a huge ratings day for soccer, perhaps the biggest in US history.
JD, I have to give you credit for having tenacity and objectivity. You have to realize that with the Busch-haters, facts from Goodyear people don't matter. All you have to do is watch their posts and see who their favorite driver is. Bet you'll find that Kyle routinely spanks them! Lol
Dmo, hockey is big here too. Just a *lot* more expensive to play.
I wonder if the #2 car melted a bead too???
Here in the mountains of Virginia, there are only two sports. If it isn't racing or football, nobody cares.
Yea, I'm not a soccer guy. Too old for the demo.
It's going to be younger, female and casual fans that drive those ratings.
@JD It is a spectacle, just like the Kentucky Derby and the Indy 500. The thing is though the casual sports fan is not watching this race to begin with. Not gonna hurt the TNT ratings that much. No doubt its going to be a huge ratings day for Soccer, but the Nascar ratings wont suffer because of it. Casual fans dont watch us anyway.
Wonder if ESPN would carry the Quiddich World Cup? :-)
anon 2:36...friend of mine is a JJ fan...hates Kyle. Hmm...who has 5 championships and who has none? You shouldn't assume things about people who dislike Kyle. They have a lot of reasons; he actually makes himself hard to like. That said...I think what he said about the tires was logical. We may see some more before the day is done.
Let's head back to TV comments my friends. Thanks.
Osbornk - Same thing here in Georgia. Football and racing. Pickup trucks with a UGA "G" and NASCAR number on the back window.
This was reported as a sellout, but it looks to me like there are quite a few empty seats.
I was just listening to the discussion about the charging problem on Jeff Gordon's car. Just when you'd expect an intelligent discussion of a technical issue, you don't get it. AA just said that Gordon's car was charging, but not adequately. Normally, people would suggest a bad alternator. Unfortunately, alternators in almost every case either work or they don't Alternator diodes like all semiconductors are binary-work or don't. I'd suspect a slipping drive belt. The booth suggested they change both batteries which isn't a bad idea given the facts that were reported on tv. This is going to be a LONG race.
Really, they use brakes at Loudon?
Hey Kyle - we do know what it means to melt a bead. Get Larry off the screen and get back to the race.
Larry Mac channeling Tim Brewer today. So glad I know what tires and brakes do now.
24 never changed the batter? Wish TNT had told us. Man, tough call.
Poor Larry Mac today, every time he has been on something has happened on the track.
At this last restart, Adam A says the #24 went into the pits leading the race but restarts in 10th place but he doesn't tell the viewers why. Wouldn't it make sense to let the fans know the first nine cars took 2 tires and he was the first car to take 4 tires during the pit stop?
Also JD, I'm sure you're seeing on Twitter all of the reports of what's being communicated by the #24 yet TNT is blathering on about nothing in particular...until now when Kez hits the screen.
took 'em a long time to mention Jamie Mac had a loose lug too.
I didn't see anything wrong with Larry's 'bead' explanation. That's a pretty reasonable thing to be talking about. At least he doesn't have creepy fingernails...
This Gordon situation is a perfect opportunity for some real reporting. But that assumes someone is interested in actually reporting on what is happening to effect the race and not just providing canned segments that don't inform.
pretty good camera work from TNT this race and although Adam is still bad at PXP, at least I don't mind Kyle and Wally.
I do not understand WHY the 24 crew didn't pullthe battery on the first caution? Now they lost all those spots and still had to pit for it. Arrghh.
I'm guessing Ancient must be at the race today? since he wasn't here to give us the update about Kyle.
CC told #24 to switch batteries every 20 laps.
wow there sure was a lot of speedy dry left on the track judging by that dust cloud on the restart.
woo hoo, I think Jeff just got his lap back!
I've known Larry a long time. The funniest thing for me is that when he decided to dye his hair they also dyed his eyebrows.
He looks totally weird!
Got RaceBuddy back.
I used to like Larry a lot but he has lost my support since he lost his credibility. Plus I already knew that tires were round and go on the bottom.
I will miss TNT. Sally's comment may be laugh too, except it's almost hysterical laughter in anticipation of the horror I'm going to be subject to when ESPN comes on. Race watching on ESPN will be very dependent on the weather - nice weather will mean NO!
If this is a sold out race, about 20-25% of the folks who bought tickets must have stayed home to watch the Soccer match.
JD, I have video but no audio.
with all these commercials, I can watch soccer in between.
OSBORNK - Maybe the track turned away the 20% or so fans. They got their money and they don't have to give refunds.
So they can say it is sold out.
OsbornK - LOL, it is owned by Bruton after all - NH has its own traffic issues esp after Bruton offended the cops by not wanting to pay them.
sorry that comment should have been to Charlie!
Got two folks at the track, they say some fans had to leave the stands because it was so hot.
Said track held 2K walk up tickets and rest was sold out.
Imagine the outrage if they presented soccer matches with commercial interruptions.
Pretty sure the "casual" fan NASCAR wants so badly is watching us women's soccer.
The airport bar I'm in has soccer on 4 screens,
not NASCAR or MLB.
Part of that might be transition/lead-in from British open but obviously no one is requesting NASCAR (here).
Say it with me: Fuel mileage.
JD, the heat is one reason we stopped going to this race in July.
I was under the mistaken impression that it would be cooler in NH.
Although I saw the temp was supposed to only be mid 80's - they should have been at darlington on labor day! LOL
It just totally shifted to fuel mileage. Even the Mod race on Saturday was a fuel race.
for some reason that picture they showed of all the Japanese men in suits in the stands at the soccer match.
I agree that the casual fan has left the building for any sport other than NASCAR.
This place emptied out, Twitter NASCAR chat slowed down and email stopped.
I would say the old TV soccer god has come calling.
JD, when did a race on these flat tracks NOT come down to fuel mileage.
and we all know how "exciting" fuel mileage races are to watch.
With the ethanol blend and the sissification of the tracks, they need to go back to the larger fuel tanks. Fuel mileage races don't attract new fans or retain the old fans.
Would anyone argue with me if I said that Larry Mac is better as the fuel mileage analyst than Mr. Brewer.
Jr. just said it's too hot for these 'BS' cautions.
I'm watching Nascar on the TV and soccer on ESPN3.com. Oddly, the web stream is a few seconds ahead of the TV.
Just been boring races lately...not pointing fingers at the TV coverage so much as it being cars, tracks, etc.
So I've been reading my novel an occasionally glancing at the TV.
Too hot to do much outside without getting heat stroke, or I'd probably have wandered off entirely.
I think that Larry Mac is the king of analyzing fuel mileage strategy.
wow, this changes everything
Chad Knaus overload. 48 back to pits for missing lug nuts. Was battling for the lead. Wow.
I keep waiting for the competition cautions, er...uh, debris cautions to start occurring about 30 laps from the finish.
Take out the fuel mileage runs at half throttle.
So, how is this 'name your pit crew on a weekly basis' working for the #48?
Sally, great comment. I think Chaddie qualifies as a candidate for a "horrible boss"
For a team that used to be untouchable on pit road, they are certainly having their problems this year. Karma?
oldnewenglander, I wouldn't argue that point at all. I think Larry Mac makes the whole fuel mileage thing much clearer than most.
Anyone have "Cheatin' Chad" on the scanner? If so, how incensed was he regarding the lug nut?
All I can say is it's a good thing the World Cup isn't on TNT, whose new slogan is "TNT...we know commercials!"
I think it's Karma because they took Gordon's team last year without asking and Letarte LET them.
I don't know who is even on the 48 pit crew now. I lost interest after they pulled that nonesense last year.
Notice we did not hear any team radio stuff.
We love "Karma Chad"...LOL!!
Chad is making huge mistake switching out some pit members each week on 48. Too much pressure.....one tiny mistake and replaced. Is not working.
JD - Yes, I noticed. I wondered whether it was "R" rated or reached the "XXX" level. I'm suspecting "XXX".
I didnt' have the 48 scanner on, they are NOT my team. JD, I imagine there weren't any words they could play on TV from voldemort.
Adam is actually doing a pretty good job, but TNT just will not go through the field and jump on any side by side racing.
Makes it tough to watch.
Biffle is 8 laps short, according to a tweet by Ralph Sheheen. Thats the info the viewers at home need to hear, not on twitter. Do some reporting Ralph
My favorite sight on a Sunday afternoon -- the 48 pointing in the wrong direction.
Wow. Talk about a tough day for JJ.
Woops!!! JJ hits the wall! Makes for new pit strategy!! Sorry Chad.
sally, i have no sympathy for johnson. he has none for anyone else on or off the track
Tire violation for the 88. He will have to come back down. While hes there they can take the bullet out of the tire carriers foot.
Tire violation for the 88. He will have to come back down. While hes there they can take the bullet out of the tire carriers foot.
@Gina...I didn't say I felt bad for him...just that they are looking like any other team today! ;-)
LOL, Sally, sorry if I misunderstood. I want them to look like that during the last 10 races. That's when I want a real meltdown for that team.
Wow. Looking at the replay, that's a chickens*** call on the tire.
roland, I agree, I hate that I get more info here and on twitter than I do from any of the race broadcasts no matter WHO is doing them.
wow, did TNT just mention drivers OTHER than the usual suspects, like Labonte and Cassil? Finally
I can understand how Twitter can be more informative than a TV broadcast. After all, one can follow any number of accounts that will give every little detail on a driver or team.
The problem is that the gap seems so wide. TV fails to follow up on so many important race elements just to show a tight shot, a bumper cam, or something else that's just as useless.
considering that Johnson is back up to 14th, it is hard for me to ever feel sorry for them.
I would like to see an angry Junior coming back through the field. I know who is leading!
You're right, JD. With the booth covering nothing but the fuel mileage, it just ignores everything else. Particularly the dars that have plenty of fuel.
And I don't care about jr one bit. He's not my driver and coming to HMS didn't make it any different for me.
He's a nice enough guy, but having him have to be the savior of NASCAR simply doesn't do it for me.
I'm really going to miss Race Buddy. It allows me to keep an overview of the entire race, rather than what TV decides to allow me to see. I stay much more involved.
I think the idea is that we want to see some action whether it be Junior, the Shrub, or JJ.
Well, we got some action...on replay. Again.
because we are showing one car and the crew making a sign. how exciting.
The stands look very empty. The race must not be enough to keep them in the stands. There should not be any traffic problems leaving the track today.
@Gina...you do realize that it isn't Jr who says that, right? It's the media and the idiot child BZF.
Told the heat has chased many folks behind the stands into the shade. Not used to that in NE.
Sorry, I didn't mean because it was Junior but just because it was a driver who was made and had a late penalty.
Should have made myself clear!
oops....who was mad!
Sally, yes I do. I think that Jr seems like a decent guy, but when everyone keeps pounding that crap into the fans, it still annoys me.
Bobby La Bonte is running 12th. Have you heard anything from the booth about that?
I've been watching since 60 to go. The broadcast is a much better effort than Kentucky. My only complaint is the lack of a focus. If drivers are angry trying to move through the field, watch them instead of car hopping.
Sally, they did actually mention that once today a little while ago.
This could be great (if they show it)
Good bye TNT - gonna miss your coverage and great pre-race show.
I dread having to deal with ESPN for the next four months.
golly I hate fuel mileage.
Murry otta gas, Hello Newman, Wow they showed it,
Great CAMERA at the FINISH LINE!! thank you TNT!!!
Drop down graphic!!!
I'm going to miss this start & finish line shot
Nice to spend the afternoon with all of you. Not looking forward to ESPN and losing racebuddy.
Did TNT ditch the "enhancement sound that was really a horrid in car cam" deal?
I only watched race off and on today but missed it...and the camera work seemed much better.
That thrilling call to the finish reminded me of Marty Reid!
JD do I detect sarcasm? LOL
Let's see if they go past 4:30PM!
Watching a fuel mileage race is as exciting as watching a turtle race at the fair. It's only exciting if you have money bet on the outcome.
turtle races! good description.
If you are heading out the door, the TV Police post is up and we would appreciate a final comment.
I watched the ticker from lap 37 to the end, lap 301.
The ticker cycled through 32 times in those 264 laps.
Twice the ticker went by 3 times without an interruption around lap 110 and another around lap 150.
It took about 2 minutes for the ticker to go from the first position to the last, which equals to about 4 laps.
Well, that answers that! Gone from TV and off to the online post race.
Pretty awful sign off from AA.
2 post-race interviews for the final race. That's precious.
I don't get it. ESPN at least gave a decent post-race yesterday, cutting into (GASP!) Sportscenter air-time, and TNT again bolts in a hurry.
Moving comments up to the TV Police post.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by today.
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