This road course race from Montreal is always interesting. First, it often rains although the weather today is clear. Secondly, there are a lot of Canadian road course ringers, so it kind of makes for a race within a race.
If the final laps of this are run under caution, it sometimes turns into an exercise in who can spin who on the final lap to win. Sometimes, it's just not pretty.
ESPN provided no coverage of practice or qualifying. The B-team of Marty Reid, Rusty Wallace and Ricky Craven will provide the coverage. Down on pit road will be Shannon Spake, Jim Nobile and Rick DeBruhl.
Road course coverage mandates that the director follow the leader and then jump backward to any incidents on the track. Hopefully, ESPN uses a lot of split-screen coverage today for things like green flag pitstops, soundbites and pit interviews.
It's hard to lose track of the leaders and then suddenly snap back to them on-camera. The only thing that helps to restore a sense of perspective is an aerial view. The scenery is beautiful and the crowd at the track is legendary for enjoying hardcore racing.
There are several NNS regulars running for the points championship who will have to be rather careful today. There are many drivers who appear in the NNS only on road courses and their only agenda is to win.
Danica Patrick is in the race, had told the media she will have no comment on her NASCAR future and will start 25th of 43 cars.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series race from Montreal. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below.
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Nationwide Series coverage will begin on ESPN once the Little League baseball game is over.
And ESPN is on the air only four minutes late! Not bad.
First race back for Danica. Three Cup drivers not at the track yet
Hahaha, Marty just immedeately gives up the hyperbole role to Rusty. Too funny.
...and Rusty has the gall to look into the camera and say that "Danica Patrick has exceeded all expectations." -- Seriously?? -- She's improved a lot this year, but come on, Rusty. You just lost whatever credibility you had left with me. Makes it hard to watch the coverage when you have no integrity.
Rusty is just awful. I used to be patient with him, but he has been doing this for five years fulltime now.
Cup Drivers have arrived !
I realize this is the 'B Team' but so far Reid and Rusty are killing me (and the race hasn't even started yet). I wish they'd all take a cue from Craven (and Bob/Benny/Ned before them) :: You don't need to reinvent the wheel... Just give me HONEST, professional analysis. Rusty and Marty are just talking heads :(
Bilingual invocation. Fantastic.
They've done the bilingual stuff well here and in Mexico City.
Anthem sounds good. Interesting to hear the prayer in both French and English.
Oh boy ...Montreal NNS often means rain ...line of storms moving in from the west ...may see some wet surfaces yet
Good for the Canadians singing with their anthem! awesome.
Is it a sold out crowd? Looks damn close.
I didn't even bother to switch over from the truck race to watch ESPN's pre race. I'm tired of Rusty and Brad. neither of them provide any reason to watch the pre-race.
Maybe Marty can actually do a decent job of PXP.
at least craven is in the booth with them although I'm still not past his comment that was something to the effect of "drivers giving the chase guys more consideration".
I don't like the chase on principle. Haven't and probably never will.
Never realized that this track is flat. Built on a landfill, right?
I hope I get to see all this race. Storms coming in MI. MIS cancelled the concert tonite because of the incoming weather.
That anthem was amazing
of course there's an in car camera for danica. and why does Steven Wallace rate one? Unless its so we can see another wrecking ball in action?
ugh, and I just had to mute the tower of babel nonsense that ESPN insists on by playing all the audio of all the drivers.
Get used to Danica and Carl as the 2012 ESPN themes.
Did those that speak Freanch start their engines earlier, since their command was first?
The only way Danica will factor in this race is if she wipes out a few competitors. She's bad on road courses in IndyCar so I don't see her effort today in NNS being much better.
Hi again Planeteers <3
I don't watch many of the Cup Lite races anymore anyway. Guess I won't be watching hardly any next yr..:(
well, let's see if n'wide tops the trucks/demolition derby for excitement.
Man, we have got to get our troll a girlfriend.
Dude, bathroom talk is for 12 year olds. Can you at least try for some politics or current events?
Whats up Planeteers. Long time no see eh?
Good to see Jim Noble on TV. Unfortunately Imma MRN this bad boy. Cant deal with Marty and Rusty.
I got Steve Wallace wrecking twice and taking out at least 8 cars.
Should be a wild race. And a bigger crowd than the Cup race tomorow
Has Alex Tagliani ever driven a Cup car? Hope these guys not experienced with these heavy cars take care of their stuff!
I'll see your two spins and raise you a green-white-checker and/or cut short finish because of him.
Boris Said with a little something to prove.
Rambo and Roland, too funny you guys.
well, JD, DP and Cuzzin Carl may be ESPN's theme but I can tune out, too.
One of ESPN's biggest issues is they are tone deaf to what the fans want in a broadcast.
Does Steve Wallace have his own souvenirs trailer. With all the coverage he gets he must have many, many fans.
Wow. Did Marty just refer to "Gilles" taking the inside on the first turn of the race (as opposed to Jacques)? Just... wow.
so, if my count is correct: 12 different camera angles in that first lap. and we know there's a overhead plus pit boxes to make a minimum of 14. (i think.)
Our guide on DirecTV was wrong and hubby didn't realize the race was already on.
i'm kinda hoping this whole thing blows up big time and all this early pit strategy goes out the window.
EIGHTEEN spots in FOUR laps! LMAO
maybe boris can have a clean race this week.
any bets?
did Rusty just utter "Tag-A-Lonnie"...might have to tune in every so often to see how many times they'll butcher the names ...enjoying Eli Gold on MRN, though - a real pro
here's a better bet Gina. who wrecks more cars, Boris or SW?? LOL!
Good to know. You have to slow down to go to pit road.
Like the new split-screen with same size boxes.
JD: agreed on the split screens.
not gonna lie: every time i hear "Driver X is getting serviced on pit road," i have to grin. i know, i know: juvenile. but i still grin.
Mr. Craven is such a class act. Rusty out and Lajoie in.
Ignoring the 14 year old pain in the ass up there..
Its been a relatively clean race at Montreal, kind of uncharacteristic.
Getting really bored of the fuel milage talk in all 3 series. At least Speed showed the battles and avoided these single car shots.
Just went to badly timed commercial? TW or ESPN?? Local radio does this for Dan Patrick radio show....hated automated age sometimes.
Man Ricky was way polite trying to explain to rusty about fuel mileage. I would have been " hey moron do the math".
My guide says ATP tennis tournament on HD...odd, if not for twitter & this blog would still be clueless.
LOVE this course!
and now we show Danica prowess on the track!
great explanation of Danica spinning out Rustys car
Danica spun a RWR car? Oh boy.
i am very much enjoying ricky craven in his role in the booth. concise, informative, intelligent comments.
Circuit Gilles Villeneuve is pronounced Circuit Gil Vil-noove. MRN is doing some weirdo version of that. Id imagine Marty is too.
Jacques Villeneuve is pronounced Jock Vil-noove
Tagliani is pronounced Tag-li-ahh-ni. Not that hard Rusty.
Patrick Carpentier is pronounced Patreek Car-pon-ti-aaaaaa.
I wish some of these guys on MRN and ESPN would get that. Its getting Larry Mac kind of bad out there
Eli holding it down for MRN.
Woahhhhh boy Maryeve, or Maryev depending on whos talking, is channeling her inner Alex Kennedy. Ironic that the 16 hit her.
Top that Steve Wallace
According to R. Wallace, Reed Sorensen
just replaced a lug nut on his TIRE. That's a new one on me.
so much for the new "cutie"
Rusty's word-of-the-day calendar must've had 'wheel hop' for today. I think he's said it about 15 times already.
I'm holding my Jen Jo Cobb jokes.
Don't ya just long for they days of when racing was about the racing
The reason I'm beginning to like R. Wallace is that it feels so good when he stops talking........
Starting to get that FOX feel of not knowing what is going on right now.
Jumpy coverage. Need a nice big recap.
today we hear that Boris has trouble with steering ...something like that said at the Glen, but on the last lap
Ya' know what, Ricky? i appreciate your attempts to get an intelligent comment out of rusty w/your solid lead-in questions but it just ain't gonna happen, buddy. just. not. gonna. happen.
red, he sure did try to help!
JD I have a question for you. Will the Bristol Modified race be live on Wednesday? It has been both times theyve run it. Just wondering. Hadnt heard anything about it on Speed Channel.
News flash! Rusty's confused.
he did, JD, he most certainly did. and that wasn't the first time today, either. craven just adds so much to the broadcast that it's painful to listen to him try to drag rusty foward with him.
No Mod coverage this season except delayed on SPEED. None of the stuff we saw last season. Nothing in the listings right now.
Will have updated list of ABC stations dumping the race for NFL pre-season games shortly.
Isnt it great to hear marty reed
talk and talk and talkand talkand
nevertakes a breath...just what we
Marty Reid.
Great camera work on that spin
PammH, if that's my choices, I say SW!
This is the Daytona 500 for Robbie Gordon?
What the heck is Rusty talking about?
Rusty is lost in translation. Tag-annie?
Rusty doing his best Larry Mac impression today.
This is "their" Daytona 500, the most overused statement out of the booth! Craven trying to lead Rusty to give a thoughful answer, it is too much We need more retired driver as analysts, they can ALL do what Craven and NED and Benny AND NEIL BONNETT did!
JD, I got tired listening to them talkinga bout Rusty's calculator.
JD, i mentally tune out when i hear rusty but pay attention to the others. makes it much easier.
Watching this on Espn makes me feel like there is another channel that is really showing the race and this is the 2nd feed you can get to go along with the main telecast.
@Charlie>> could not agree more, maybe we can draft this cowboy from the TOYOTA commercial to audition, hey he can breathe
We haven't heard Rusty butcher Justin Allgaier's name yet.
Take us back to the LaJoie of broadcasting!
Hi gang, looking toward the back of the list, I see the regular 'start-and-park'ers' have took it behind the wall. My question is, how would it be financially beneficial to drag a car way up to Canada, with the crews and everything else that goes along with a team? Wouldn't they be loosing money for this race?
I remember the Mexico race was the same, crews complaining about not making money for such a long trip.
Sponsor showing?
do you suppose rusty just drops his head on the desk when he hears the words "bad news for the 66 . . ."?
and then pulls out his checkbook to check the balance . . .
Steve. They seem to be making it an industry. That means they are making money.
Hello everyone! So so broadcast so far, good camera work but im still scratching my head wondering why ESPN signed Rusty till 2014. Funny how this is Robby Gordons Daytona 500 when he finished 16th in this years Daytona 500 lol
Rusty been hittin the miller lites or what
A tow to Canada is very short in their grand scheme of things. How many hours was it to Mexico City after the Texas/Mexico border?
Something like 12 to 14 hrs. or more even. Much longer tow.
Cousin Carl has been a non factor so far. Glad ESPN has found something to fill his usual time slot with.
You have to admit, the views from the air of this place is beautiful.
I wonder if the end of this race will be the same cluster tha Truck race was?
FIY, it's raining about 2 hours east of MIS right now, complete with thunder.
We need some help with strategy updates.
JD, the booth needs help with strategy updates. They've been confused for quite some time.
Danica is slowly working her way to the front
OMG I am turning into MARTY
Great to see Scott Speed in 5th! not much talk of him on tv
James just say meat in the sandwich 3 times you will be alright!
Could you imagine these guys calling an F1 race? Trying to pronounce all those foreign names. lol
At least Craven knows that he and Rusty butcher names, not just the french ones.
Oh wow...DP is in the race? How come they haven't been talking about her? Oh wait....she popped a wallace car? Hey, if that's what it takes to keep them from talking about her, Ihope that she pops RW's cars each and every week.
I miss DJ and Andy Petrie.
whats with Rusty and his love for wrecks and crashes he talks about that a lot. Before the race he said were going to see alot of wrecks. Do you hear baseball announcers hype up how we may see some players get hit by a pitch before a ball game???? Rusty we dont love or watch this sport for the crashes... thats the last thing we want to see wtf
My fav from Rusty is Eric Amarillo.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Danica kept strategy going, and she could win this race? I doubt it, but who knows.
F1? LOL ...they'd never know they got it wrong
I was outside (washing car) listing to the race on XM with Eli Gold and the team calling the race and they are doing a great job. The ESPN bunch has all but put me to sleep so far.
how appropriate ...rain ...rusty will be in his element - all wet!
Hell, Rusty can't pronounce David Gilliland's name.
Horrible, just pathetic
All kidding aside, Tony jr has a stake in Danica doing well, he has a lot to prove, and she follows directions well. I am thinking she will do well in NNW series.
Rusty "they wont break out rain tires". Rusty, in 2009 rains came with less than 20 laps to go. They put on rain tires and completed the race. Steve wrecked 3 times after that FYI.
What a dumb move!
Shut up rusty, pleas just shut up.
Just when you thought this was a good idea. Same dumb moves and the cycle of crashing begins again.
Rusty is a prophet, look where Danica is?
w17scott said...
F1? LOL ...they'd never know they got it wrong
August 20, 2011 4:17 PM
They don't know that now either.........
BACK in front for the FIRST time? Yeah, that works.
Remember the motto: Those that cannot participate agitate.
Works in politics, works for Internet, works in life.
Keep that in mind and everything is always in perspective.
Don't you just have the feeling that before this one is over Rusty is going to step in something on the air big time?
Dvr did not record because Directv guide says rugby is on.
At least I can watch the last 24 laps.
I'll give Danica props...she's managed to stay out of trouble (so far), and seems to be having one of her best runs ever on a road course.
Lots of fans lost the race due to cable and satellite guides being wrong. 4AM ET re-air on ESPN2.
I can't believe that on a big road course that the camera work now is going to one or two cars in a shot.
Zoom out - use the aerial shots more.
thanx for the re-air heads up JD
This is going to be one ugly restart if you ask me. Big pileup coming?
JD have to give you a lot of credit, you are a great sheriff!
The commercials are like 10 times louder than the broadcast
Sally-OT. Did you have a big storm come thru? I got lots of rain & wind-some thunder. turned off computer for abit.
TonyJr seems to be in control of the race ...and Danica seems to be adapting well to a race strategy that differs greatly from IndyCar ...haven't heard much complaining like they seems to go out of the way to air last season ...gotta have seat time to learn
I hope this does not turn into another embarrassing crash fest.
Racin's wreckin'...
And in might be rainin' soon.....
James, it makes it fun! You should see my email. Yeesh.
@Pamm...got some distant thunder, a brief downpour, sprinkles, then nothing. There must have been a bigs storm somewhere, because my TV kept changing channels all by itself!
"Carpantier's very very marginal"
What? Does Rusty even care what comes out his mouth at this point?
love those aerial shots of the hairpin
"you knew there was gonna be a wreck cause a turn is there", did I hear that right?
does Steven even care or does he just make dumb moves on purpose?
ESPN was about a minute late in mentioning that Alex Kennedy was stuck in the gravel trap. MRN called it live as it happened.
I knew Steve would strike before the end of this deal.
That was just classic TV from Rusty.
ya know, if you don't laff about how inane Rusty is, it will put you into a puddle of tears.
Looks like the 66 took out Scott Speed too.
I find it easier just to ignore him. Marty and Ricky are easier to listen to and right now Marty is doing a decent job.
That commercial for the Chase is stupid. Trying to trick the casual fan into thinking weve had the chase for 60 years. SMDH
Rusty's ok if he still has us fidelis ...oh yeah, like steven, they didn't get it right either
Alex Hayden on MRN said Carpentier was in the middle of a Rusty Wallace sandwich at the hairpin turn and the fans in the stands both verbally and physically showed Steven Wallace how they felt about his aggressive move on one of their own.
Brewer on Memorex.
You could just watch and know that he was going to do that! How long does he need to understand that will not work! No matter how much Rusty spends, he will never be a race car driver, he has no discipline and he can not learn it!
Can we get the Busch Series out of Montreal and get ESPN to fire Rusty altogether.
15 Laps to go.
They just completely ignored Jason Leffler spinning and hitting the wall in turn 6. Awful coverage.
I don't think the booth has any idea what is going on in this race. Thus, they can't give viewers a clear picture of how the race is unfolding.
Steve Wallace is trending on twitter. #5 in the US. hahaha.
I'm pretty sure they missed a Kenny Wallace spin too. Top to bottom a subpar performance today,exception maybe for craven.
Did Rusty just throw in the towel?
Rusty just surrendered.
No, just gratuitously kiss NASCAR's feet for being magnanimous enough, in their grand wisdom, to reverse a penalty.
You may have not mentioned Carl Edwards much today but there are a few drivers you have missed completely.
You wouldn't even know Kenny W was in this race. RW must have disowned him as a bro.
Whats with the satellite shot at the restart?????
Have they ever gone back and shown the 25th on back cars for any extended time?
rough day for a lot of drivers. I couldn't believe when the leaders wrecked.
Under green 8 laps to go and we watch a single car that spun and look what they missed.
@Pammh Same thing for Mike too
This has to be feed #2. I want to see the main feed.
@Roland-Mike is in this race????
Did we even know the caution came out? That was horrible coverage there. WOW!
@Pammh Exactly. Lol
I hope they do a better job tomorrow. This is confusing!
With all the replays and showing Tag ESPN never once indicated that the yellow came out. I had to with oil all over the track but they never said a thing.
Again they never indicated that the #66 ran into the right rear og Speeds car causing a pit stop.
HORRIBLE non-coverage.....
Great. Yeah, get another break in. Nothing else to show! HA!
Cool to see Carpentier take a final lap in the pace car... one more effing commercial then things are bout to get REAL wild!
Rusty throws in the towel, ESPN runs out of gas, what else is new?
WOW is an understatement! We did get to see Patrick C get a ride in the second pace car? What's that all about?
Real wild should be an understatement. I just hope for once its not Ambrose in Victory Lane. McDowell being in VL would be great.
On the lead lap is Joe Nemechek. How many times have you heard about him and his sponsor.
Robby ruins the Patrick shot
speaking of lousy cam work, even Golf channel shows INTERVIEWS instead of leader Fred Couples teeing off! What the bleep? Producers stink everywhere in sports. Last night Fox OH showed a Google earth shot of a pitch during Reds game. I kid you not. Turned off & mostly listened to Reds radio. 10x more enjoyable than tv.
Not just a NASCAR issue. Sports in general issue. Caught this race in bits at Y earlier & also had on Golf :) Heaven was recumbant bike & two tvs of stuff i wanted to watch w headsets, lol.
You guys think I should put up a Rusty Wallace post for comments on this race coverage?
It's really just off the hook awful.
Awful coverage... Just awful. Why in the name of god would you cut away from LIVE RACING to show Carpentier SITTING in scaffolding!? Not only did this point to the fact that you totally missed whatever happened to him, you cut away from the GREAT Tagliani/Gordon duel... Then missed THAT incident too. Who's directing this crap?
Daly Planet Editor said...
You guys think I should put up a Rusty Wallace post for comments on this race coverage?
It's really just off the hook awful.
August 20, 2011 5:36 PM
IMHO you could do it every week
I welcome a Rusty post
Well, Carpentier called out the 66 in his farewell address. Will we hear another word from Rusty today? (God, I hope not...)
Okay, so why did the caution come out? For Robbie putting oil down? Guess we'll never know.
And since when does Na$car add laps to a race? I have never seen the like. Guess they want the whole field to run out of gas.
Good ole Robby sure let Rusty know about his no-driver son!
Has football started yet?
did i see the replay of carpentier's deal correctly? It looked like DP got into his front tire - he could have wrecked her and didnt?
I just don't know if I saw that correctly.
what a mess this race is.
I tell you what, Fellows gave Danica a break there by not running into her.
wow is steven going to finish 4th? amazing.
Full course caution was called by booth but it was the final lap. Oh well no big deal.
Where's that rain that Crusty said was going to be here in 20 minutes?
I am still shaking my head about Na$car adding laps to a race. Unbelieveable.
Steve Wallace finishes 4th. There is no justice in this world.
Marty thought white flag = full course caution/yellow flag? HOW CAN YOU GET THAT WRONG?!? I know it's a road course and there's a lot going on. Maybe he's got a moronic producer in his ear... But somehow I think Bestwick or Mike Joy would have enough of a handle on race to never make such a critical EMBARRASSING mistake. Marty should just quit. And take Rusty with him.
And now dufus speaks!
MRN mentioned Carpentier getting out of his car and sitting in the scaffolding 2-3 minutes before ESPN showed it on TV so it wasn't even live coverage we were watching. Nothing like showing non-racing while a live race is going on!
Woohoo happy for Marcos awsome!!! Nice to see him win for both his sponers DeWalt is the primary sponser today and Stanley was last sunday!!! I think its time to let Marty go on the Nascar side of calling races His first Nationwide win aaaaa Sprint Cup win???? Rusty needs to never call a race again... Prerace and the infield thing is perfect for him.... Callng a race on ESPN makes are sport look bad to viewers who turn on who know nothing about Nascar.
Espn you made steps with AB calling the races for the Sprint Cup.... I dont want AB out of gas so dont wanna see him call the Nationwide races but you need to let Marty do Indy racing and Rusty infeild.... TIME TO GET REAL
oh nevermind my bad Stanley is on the hood today lol the booth is getting to me im as lost as they are lol
Apparently one of the side effects of 5 Hour Energy Drink is a loss of perception
Steves actions put his dad in several awkward moments. The hair pulling is the highlight lol
OK, new post is up for post-race comments and Rusty Wallace reaction.
After five years, we just fundamentally deserve better than this as fans.
Please refresh your browsers and go to the main page for the new post.
Glad to Carpentier calling out
Steve Wallace. I knew it wasn't
going to be done by the TV crew.
Too bad Craven is destroying his
creditbility by being an apologist
for Rusty and his loose cannon kid.
Overall camera work was good being it was a road course. The overhead shots were tremendous!!
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