As the Nationwide Series race approaches, the weather in Bristol, TN is "iffy." Not originally on the list of issues, it looks like rain might play a role in tonight's event.
Nicole Briscoe has Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty in the Infield Pit Studio tonight. Expect these three and a lot of guests to pass the time if the raindrops fall. Briscoe has done a solid job of directing traffic, but she can't control some of the gems that come from her two analysts.
Marty Reid returns to work the race tonight with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Allen Bestwick is designated for the Sprint Cup Series events. Reid was demoted this season and the spotlight is squarely on his ability to deliver under pressure.
Jarrett and Petree have been solid, but the one reason did not return to the Cup races was the lack of chemistry between these three. It should be fun to watch this dynamic play-out on the air tonight.
Bristol is a mess for TV. There is just no good way to get a quality product on the air with the amount of commercial inventory ESPN carries. There is no RaceBuddy for the Nationwide races, so TV is the only source for video.
With laps around 15 seconds, each 30 second commercial element covers two laps. It's a tough task to integrate commercials on this track with a race that features long green flag runs. Only lots of caution flag periods change the game.
The same ESPN battle that has been discussed on this blog for the last four seasons will again be a topic. Seeing the race involves wideshots, aerial angles and the search for the best racing on the track regardless of position. It does not involve in-car cameras on restarts, key passes or live during accidents. It does not involve following the leaders.
ESPN has changed a lot of things behind the scenes. Let's see if it makes a difference tonight.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Nationwide Series race from the Bristol Motor Speedway. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Happy Race Night Planeteers <3
Told skies are gray, but not raining right now! Good news.
Hey G!
Bristol Radar looks OK
Rain at the track has started again.
Yea, the radar looks fine! Just a nasty drizzle I am told.
At least Bristol dries quickly if necessary.
A Kenny Wallace interview!
Hi guys! Time I guess to see another cup driver win. I want to hope Kenny Wallace pulls the surprise win.
R. Wallace picks Leffler to win.
Trying to kiss up to him for his son?What a crock.
Bristol fans suck. Another pathetic Nationwide crowd.
Bristol fans suck? That comment alone has a little extra pain considering Bristol is my favorite track on the schedule.
Anthem: A-. Much improvement over the joker on Wednesday night. The microphone constantly going out doesn't really help either.
I live about 50 miles east of the track near I-81. I have seen the fewest RVs on the way to Bristol this year tha I can remember. The local motels that are normally full are not filled this year. I hope it is just the economy and the east coast weather.
What happened to the flyover? I never saw the planes? I heard them?
I hope the sound equipment malfunctions for both the pledge and Anthem is not a sign of things to come.
Told flyover was late.
It will be interesting to see if the video follows the on track action and if MARTY LOOKS OUT THE WINDOW!!!!
Command win. :)
I want to see Marty have a good day today. I know I am one of the few here who sees hope in Marty Reid, but we'll see.
Been looking foward to this!
After the CWTS race Wednesday, he doesn't have to high a bar to jump over!
Here's to Herman getting a birfdate week win <3
@OSBORNK...Maybe the notels will finally get realistic about the prices they charge for the races, especially since Bristol races aren't as generally unique and popular as they used to be. (pun intended) ;-)
UGh, same tired question from the mailbag.
Hi Planeteers...IMO those questions from emails to drivers during pace laps are ANNOYING!!!
Nice little plug nearly every week for Rusty's sponsor. Can't they pass the helmet cam around.
Tonight was the worst contrived piece of crap yet.
Why do they insist on these super tight shots
Cannot get the Nationwide scanners to work at NASCAR.com.
SALLY--The feeling of excitement tht used to be in the air is gone. The town used to be filled with WELCOME RACE FANS signs and such but there are only a few now. It just feels different.
I have to say that is one of the thinnest crowds I remember seeing at Bristol. I don't remember it ever being that sparse when I attended the races. Ouch.
I don't care about Jeff Green, don't think anyone does, why mention it? Start and park drivers, and owners should be banned.
at 30 seconds a lap you will miss about 6 laps during this break
OABORNK...I remember how I felt the electricity at the track just drain out of the crowd about the time the 'chase' happened and all the drivers got really polite. I used to love going to the races there!
Where RJR used to promote the races Sprint, sits on its behind and waits for I do not know what to do it and NASCAR in its infinate wisdom has yet to figure that out yet, hence the drop in enthusium
So far so good for Marty. Definitely content with the first run so far.
Crowd looks fine to me, the place seat's 160k.
Supposedly tomorrow night is a sell out with a decent walk-up. According to the CWTS announcers.
Five hour energy pays $$$$ for hollywood to have that helmet-cam - its not free.
Anon, 15 seconds a lap as I mentioned in the post.
@jerry...the crowd used to be almost as packed for this race as the Cup race when I first started going.
sorry - i should know better - 3 1/2 minutes at 15 sec/lap = 4 laps per minute = 14 - ouch
Jerry---The local news were talking about a potential sellout a couple of weeks ago but any mention of a sellout has disappeared from the local news. I hope they have a sellout but I have my doubts.
I wonder how many east coasters are 'evacuating' to Bristol to avoid Irene?
Atta boy Dave Burns!
Cup driver wrecks Cup driver. :|
go back a few laps - Marty Reid "Mike Wallace isnt doing too good" - what awful use of the english language -
Im by Raleigh and WISH I was evacuation to Bristol tomorrow. Im afraid we'll have our local ABC station giving storm coverage and not race coverage. Boy are we gunna have a snotty Saturday
@ Sally - ESPN is my refuge for the night. Irene is on at least 8 channels right now.
I hope all Planeteers that are within reach of the storm stay safe and dry!
Thanks Sally. My father and my sister are on last minute preps for Irene to come in. Thankfully I'm not in an evacuation zone here in Jersey.
None of the free scanners at NASCAR.com are working. What an awful night not to deliver a product like that.
JD, I gave up on NASCAR.com last season. Finding help was too difficult to justify keeping it.
@JD > WHO decides what pictures ae shown? Producer or Director
from twitter
dustinlong Dustin Long
#NASCAR ... Kyle Busch just split two lapped cars during commercial break
The director selects the live pictures and sound. The producer selects the replays, mixes in the pit reporters and infield.
Basically, the director does the grunt work while the producer tells the story.
Thx, nice to know who to blame for this attrocity
Too much emphasis on the cup guys so far. Haven't see much of our fav either but will race all 3 races this weekend.
I agree.. This thing is a mess.
80 laps have gone by and I feel like I've only seen about 10.
Isn't Bristol .553. Somebody needs to tell Dale Jarrett that.
.533, .05 more than Martinsville.
Since 2002 attendance for this event has been listed anywhere from 90,000 to 130,000.
I think it's safe to say there aren't anywhere near 90,00 there tonight. maybe it's the threat of rain?
Jamie's 'report' on Stremme made me cringe.
@Vicky--at least they interviewed him during quals today :(
Jerry-You have to figure in about a 20% fudge factor.
I know Jaime Little is reporting.. But all I hear is blah blah blah. Please report and quit calling the play by play.
Good run from Stemme, to bad Little has no clue on the team or driver.
Sally--The treat of rain is only 20% which is probably below average for this time of year. It rained for about 5 minutes at my house around 6.
Yeah, I don't know. I'm not real good at crowd estimates. Me I say at least 90,000 but no way is it 130,000.
But like I said I'm not good at that anyway, lol. Fun debate though.
This is quickly becoming the Kyle Busch show here. 15 cars on the lead lap and falling
Or I could be partially wrong.
Time for a debris caution, isn't it?
Wow. Just as I typed it, it happened! I'm getting good at this!
AS the four letter is showing me single file action through a incar camera, I was really wanting to see the the action in the big wad of cars a straightway ahead.
Jerry, I guess ESPN tonight is a firm believer in the 'always leave them wanting more' philosophy.
Would be nice to have more cautions, some of it involving Cup drivers.
Just got sound back on the NASCAR.com free NNS scanners.
Did we ever get an answer to the question if ESPN shows NASCAR commercials during football games?
If the caution can't be a Cup driver, a Wallace is even better.
They show ads during time outs and while moving the down markers. During offense/defense team changes. After kickoffs. Lots of chances with no on field action.
OSBORNK - What's wrong with Kenny? he's running well all day and this wasn't of his making.
However, I'm sure that Nascar is NOT included in them.
ESPN has always made me nuts by wasting time promoting the very sport we are watching in NASCAR races.
The promo dept. it huge at ESPN and it controls the inventory that is run in commercial breaks and also the content the announcers read during live events called "drop-ins."
100 laps to go, and 14 cars on the lead lap.
RA--The hyper screaming loudmouthed Wallace clan drive me nuts. If they would just shut up and drive, I would be OK with them but it is not possible for them.
JD totally agree - why do we need NASCAR commercials from ESPN? like the Kyle Busch one of the Gordon 24 bingo one. Do local cable outlets insert commercials there?
Im logged into scanner, still aint workin
Brewer and Nascar 101...clean your tires before a restart. Sigh.
I don't mind this two-wide stuff at all.
"Streaking through your screen" lol Marty
Sally, I saw him with the tires and I thought to myself: He is NOT going to say that six months into the season...sure enough...he did.
I get the feeling that Brewer filmed a bunch of clips early in the season or before the season and the director picks one like a DJ picks a song.
4 of the Top 5 are Cup regulars. This is getting stupid. Where's all the wrecking we had Wednesday?
At least they showed some racing that segment.
I liked the splint screen laps 110 to 120 side x side racing, GEE it must have been a mistake, I thought they could not show that?
Oh YEAH!!!! they are tooo STUPID to show it
Yeah, I wanna come back from a commercial break and see the drag strip, not racing I missed! Sheesh!
Another non-Cup regular, I'm getting annoyed.
After it happened? MARTY< that is all you know
JD, how many cameras they have here?
hate that for David :(
Side x Side racing through the traffic, that is what BRISTOL is all about and you can not take away from KB just how well he can do that.
Looks like about ten around the track, add the in-cars and aerials and hand-helds in the pits and it adds up.
Don't forget the infield studio, tech center and TV booth.
Thanks JD
thought there were more for on track action
There is nothing more maddening than a commercial break shortly after a restart.
The thing that really winds my clock is when you wait for a pit stop and new tires to watch the fast cars come through the field and these DUMMIES can not understand That is the RACE. They show pics so tight that you cannot follow the action and you totally loose the perspective of the race.
OMG the light has gone on AT LAST
Ah! Nice birdy on the split screen!
Jimm, you can count them as the director cuts around the track.
You can also get familiar with the locations. Low/high and the turn #, also cams on top of the tower.
This camera work can make a fellow dizzy. I can't imagine what it would be if I had a buzz on.
15 Laps to go.
James, ESPN has always been in love with the leaders and has never figured out how to watch a fast car (like Carl tonight) come back from a penalty of pit stop to the front of the field.
It's like FOX, just random car shots that the announcers discuss.
Makes just no daggone sense.
7 minutes of racing left and they're showing 12th and 13th. Hmmmm..
The front 3 have checked out since lap 1.
At least this battle is exciting.
And the million dollar question, why does it go on week after week
nice 16 & 32 coverage ESPN!
How DULL was that call??????!!!!
What a great finish, MARTY blows the finish AGAIN
How to you blow the story of Logano catching Busch the last several laps and show 12th place instead. Yeah the race for 12th was good, but this is going for the win. ESPN fails again.
Not exactly a barn burner a Bristol.
Two cars cross the finish line on TV. Are you serious?
You would have no idea these 2 finished side by side (only 2 hundreths apart) with this coverage.
Also, this race had 50 more laps than the truck race & actually was completed about 5 minutes faster. Longgggg post race.
Kyle Busch, nobody really cares that you have 50 wins in NNS.. Seriously, we don't.
I think they are going for the sweep, I got them 0-3 this weekend, how about you JD?
Time to get back into the reality of Irene. Not a good job by ESPN tonight. I've given up on Marty after that lousy call.
DID you notice the 66 car was a non factor?
James, they showed him plowing through the field and bumping with Trevor Bayne even though Steven was down a lap. Never followed it up or showed it again.
This was such a momumental last five lap FAIL my brain is still trying to absorb it.
I hope you ARE happy, I JUST FELL out of the recliner LOL
This was such a momumental last five lap FAIL my brain is still trying to absorb it.
No kidding, the 20 car is more than a second behind, "your not missing anything up front". Then all of a sudden Joey is trying to run Kyle up the track for the lead.
Same old same old..
I might be done being livid. No point in it. If this is the kind of crap TV that NASCAR wants, than that might just be what they deserve.
This is great, they have to fill in the time and actually have to interview the Nationwide guys.
At least I know its not just ME, Thx again for the chance to vent
At least we will have AB tomorrow night but man they need to do better with the camera work
Mr Editor -
Simply put, NASCAR is getting what it's getting paid for ...it would be an insult to manure to call it crap!
For having broken her nose water skying this week Nicole looks great.
John, she turned out to be quite the character!
Hey, thanks for stopping by. We will be updating the TV vs. weather issue tomorrow.
If ABC goes to network hurricane coverage, the race might swith to an ESPN network.
We will keep you posted! Have a great night.
dont u b dissin on mi sns cause it payz my billz ya no & keeps mi man in cigs (free onez ya no~~~~wank wank~~~~wen no 1's lookin
if u no wat I meen). wen i sea u on da rode im gunna giv u sumthin 2 tawk bout beotch. thes is ur worning.
I haven't read any of the comments yet but I will. I was watching the Packer game and record this race and just got done watching it.
The start of the race when they threw the green flag and all you saw was tail lights I could just hear JD going nuts.
Marty Reed may think a car is in trouble because it is throwing sparks but he knows how many lead changes there were and by how many drivers.
Jamie Little may be trying out for the booth with her play by play while doing through the field
Kenny Wallace hits the wall because they say he had a tire go down and then we don't hear why he is still sitting in the pits until 66 laps to go.
I thought the camera shots were to tight. The cars they would zoom on would be having a battle and with no warning they would go to another camera. Why to much jumping around.
I watched this race from the Allison Terrace behind the flagstand. This provided me with the opportunity to watch the race unfold, following the story lines as they developed and watching the cars as they moved up and down in the running order passing for position. I had no problem finding interesting little plotlets that I knew I should keep my eyes on, for these developments would lead to incidents laps later in the race. I kept one eye on the big screen in the middle of the infield for this was the best example of television's skill. I kept noticing the images displayed had little to do with the race I was watching, so I switched my scanner over to the television frequency featuring the producer's voice over the booth voices. I then realized this guy was making television! That's what he does. His job is television and he has no passion for motor racing. That's the problem.
fake Roadgeek Adam's post had been left up
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