FOX Sports president Eric Shanks apparently liked what he saw when he teamed brothers Michael and Darrell Waltrip on several NASCAR telecasts earlier this season.
When the 2012 NASCAR on FOX season opens in Daytona, it will be the Waltrip brothers in the Hollywood Hotel. Jeff Hammond is out and will assume a new role as a roving pit reporter. Michael will also take Hammond's previous role of commenting from the Hollywood Hotel during and after the race.
Chris Myers will remain as the infield host with Mike Joy and Larry McReynolds also keeping their current roles in the TV booth next season.
Here are some excerpts from the NASCAR on FOX media release on the subject:
Bonded by blood and their limitless passion for NASCAR, Michael Waltrip, driver, owner and pitch-man extraordinaire joins the FOX NASCAR SUNDAY prerace team next season, taking a seat in the famed Hollywood Hotel alongside big brother Darrell and host Chris Myers.
And in an innovative new role for NASCAR’s No. 1 prerace show, veteran analyst Jeff Hammond takes his extensive experience as a former championship-winning crew chief to where the action is, in the garages and pit road. Both moves were announced today by FOX Sports Media Group President, Co-COO and Executive Producer, Eric Shanks.
“Michael is simply one of NASCAR’s most gregarious, genuine personalities, and we loved the dynamic between him and Darrell when we paired them up on occasion last season,” said Shanks. “Michael has also been featured in numerous television commercials over the last decade, which makes him familiar to a much broader audience. I expect a lot of ‘gotta see’ TV coming out of an all-Waltrip Hollywood Hotel next season.”
Shifting to Hammond, the plan is to use his extensive experience as a former NASCAR crew chief to work the pavement and mine the grease pits for the latest news and go wherever big stories develop all race-day long. Having a former crew chief serve in this role is a first for network television’s NASCAR coverage.
“We’re excited about Jeff’s new role,” said Shanks. “It’s a first for televised NASCAR coverage, and no one knows more about cars than Jeff does. Now he’ll be in a much better position to cover and humanize that side of the sport for viewers.”
Well, there you have it. Change happens just like this in sports TV. It's wrong to assume that Hammond is the odd man out here. His role in the Hollywood Hotel once the race started was limited. Now, he gets an opportunity to chase the kind of stories that the pit road reporters sometimes cannot follow-up.
You may remember that when the Waltrips were together earlier this season it got positive reviews. Instead of the huckster personalities that both can display at times, it was intstead two analysts comparing opinions on the racing action.
Some have suggested that this move is the beginning of a transition to ultimately moving the younger Waltrip into the TV booth when "Ole DW" decides to pack it in. It actually feels a lot more like a new TV executive realizing that the NASCAR on FOX package needs a little shake-up.
Love them or hate them, the Waltrip brothers will be the first things viewers see when each NASCAR on FOX Sprint Cup Series telecast opens in 2012. While DW might still be running off to the TV booth, don't forget that Michael will be live in the Hollywood Hotel and may well quickly redefine the role of infield analyst during the live race.
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Epic Fail. So I guess I'm listening to the radio for the first 17 or however many races Faux has.
Horrible, awful, dreadful idea.
I'm speechless. Needless to say this flies in the face of the "Team Ownership/Broadcaster Conflict of Interest" issue.
However I'll wait until after race 13 next year to pass final judgement.
I dont mind this will be interesting to say the least!
I see a positive side to this. Now I can avoid two Waltrips at the same time. If they could just put Rusty and Kenny Wallace on with the Waltrip brothers, I could avoid four at once. Aw, what the heck. Let's add big Brad to the same show. I know it's not possible, but I can dream.
Worst News Evah!! No Fox for me this yr..
Teaming up these two is a big mistake. The pre-race show will be even sillier and dumber. Just goes to show what Fox thinks about the viewers of NASCAR. They think we are all stupid.
I expect Hammond will struggle on pit road, as Phil Parsons did, not that I don't have tremendous respect for Jeff and his ability in front of the camera. I hope I'm wrong, because I'd hate to lose him to the whim of some executive.
He will have some great tutors to train him, but who loses their pit road job?
Great. Waltrip to Waltrip coverage on Fox.
Just ugggghhhh. Although I've somehow in the last 5 years gone to finding DW so unfair, biased, treacly, grating and myopic that I actually prefer MW.
This stinks on the highest level. Both of them hot air blowhards and neither of them are as good looking as Jeff.
Guess my mute button will get a workout.
Not that we needed one with Darrell on the broadcasts already, but Fox just gave us another reason not to watch them. A muted TV and the radio is the best option.
Speechless. But are they trying to alienate the few viewers they have left? Well, gives me more time on race days to get other things done. Hope the advertisers like the lack of viewers of two shills.
I feel embarrased for this sport. Casual fans will tune in to the Daytona 500 and hear 2 hillbillies talk NON STOP about everything, mainly Dale Jr and Kyle Busch. Its embarrasing enough to get bombarded with dancing gophers and country songs, now 2 air heads yakking with phrases like "turkey walking' "dee di do" and of course "boogity boogity boogity". How embarrasing and very un Fox like, compared to their NFL and MLB coverage. What in the hell are they thinking. What "fan reaction" are those idiots reading. Stupid stupid stupid. I already listen to the radio during the Fox portion of the season, so the change doesnt affect me personally. Im just trying to see it from the perspective of a casual fan. How you gonna reel someone like that in when they will be laughing at this hillbilly circus. Not laughing with, laughing at us.
I'm with ya Pamm. None of the bumbling shilling Waltrips for me. I believe the Waltrips will ultimately be single-handedly responsible for the lowest NASCAR ratings in history.
With they be able to get both there big heads in there?
One more reason for me to skip the pre-race and mute the "race breaks" from the stupidly named "Hollywood Hotel."
I would have preferred one less Waltrip, not one more.
Like I do with Rusty and Brad, I just tune Michael and Darrell out. Still will be watching FOX next year.
Can we give all 36 races to ESPN?
As a proud son of the Commonwealth of Kentucky myself, I am offended that you have referred to the Waltrips as hillbillies. They are not hillbillies. A real hillbilly would smack the Waltrips across their mouths with the butt of his rifle and say, "Will y'all shut up? I'm tryin' to watch the race!" :-D
Shoot. Me. Now.
No racebuddy and two Waltrips..I'll watch Daytona but it looks like for the first time in a dozen years or more I'll be skipping the first half of season next year.
@KoHoSo Like I said Im trying to look at it from the perspective of a casual sports fan tuning in. Trust me I live in western NC. You speak no lies when you say a real hillbilly would smack them boys silly!
Yes, that's what the FOX broadcast needed..yet ANOTHER analyst, especially one that doesn't shut up!
That being said, I LOVE the idea of a roving garage reporter. I mentioned an idea like this a few months ago for Big Brad over at ESPN, and I hope Jeff does well in this new role.
Awesome news! He was the perfect choice to replace Hammond and I have a feeling Hammond is happy to return to the garage and pit road.
I'll miss seeing MW on the track at Daytona but glad to know I'll still get to see and hear him every Sunday until June.
What horrible news! I dread having MW on anything, these days, because he has become mostly a shill for his sponsors.
Well. Boogity Dang.
My only wish is that the Waltrip and Wallace clan would just slip away into the night. They have completely overstayed their welcomes. No way will I watch or listen to those two. I never understood Hammond's popularity. Technicaly, Larry Mac is ten times more knowledgeable. Every once in awhile, they'd be on a broadcast together which made no sense to me. The sport has come light years from when Jeff was a crew chief and it shows. I'd probably fall over if I knew what these people made a year. I don't watch any of the pre race shows anymore. I just can't take it.
I like DW and Mikey. Ok, call me crazy if you want. But this should make a bunch of people's heads explode. Sounds like fun
This doesn't really matter to me because I haven't watched Hollywood Hotel in a long time. I cannot stand the Chris Myers act.
Sad thing is that I once enjoyed DW and Mikey until each was shoved in my face at every turn. Now, I avoid them when I can.
Does this mean that Mikey will be out of the truck booth???? He has ruined those broadcasts for me....jabber, jabber, jabber.
The funny thing for me is:
I started to stop watching races when they went to the pre-race shows.
The more shows they put on, the worse it all gets.
My yard is going to be looking great, because I will not be in front of the TV.....
Very sad really.
Fox is just keeping with the competition. With Brad and Rusty doing commentary, Fox had to lower
themselves to the same level with the Waltrap brothers. Obviously the people making these decisions have no idea how real race fans see these clowns. Ditto on Kenny W and Spencer. Wonder how Hammond feels about being replaced with
his daddy's brother?
Fans here in Race City are shaking thier heads.
Worst, absolutely worst news of the season. I can't stand either one of them.
And they need to change the name of the "Hollywood Hotel" as it was a play on "Hollywood Hammond".
And if they play that commercial where MW is shaking his hind parts, I may just throw something at my flat screen....or projectile vomit...whichever comes to pass.
two of the biggest egomainiacs known to the TV business. DW is shilling and plugging his interests non-stop, and MW is just a clown that was below average on every track but Restrictor plates. I'll tune in at the drop of the green flag and not a minute before!
Wow, epic whining in here today.
My only issue is the conflict of interest. The rest I'm cool with. Hammond never has really delivered on race day. Larry Mac brings it.
I can't stop laughing.
Really? This isn't April fools is it?
This is Fox's way of enhancing their Nascar coverage?
It will be a disaster. God help us with the Toyota comments.
This will be an EPIC failure.
What a slap in the face of Jeff Hammond.
Please give Mikey a chance. He's had a very tough time since the death of Dale, Sr.
I, for one, am happy he's making this positive move.
Oh yes - I am in Hickory, NC and hear the gossip!
I'm really surprised with this move. Hammond's role seems extremely vague. I'm not sure what he can offer after the pre-race as a garage roamer-pit reporter. Is FOX waiting on a company to pay for Hammond to impersonate Tim the Tool Man? Will there be 5 pit reporters? Or is Hammond replacing someone else? Hmmm....
Do they really have room for two "Waltrip Talking Heads" in one Hotel?
Another reason to tune in just in time for the Prayer and National Anthem and skip the pre-race on FOX.
...after all, the number of accidents and mechanical failures have been way down the past two seasons. Seems like odd timing for more coverage of the garage. Maybe he will do play-by-play of the start & park race to the garage.
"pitch-man extraordinaire"?.. and the Exec thinks that's a good think? Both Waltrips are nothing but sell-outs. Michael's sponsor plugs is a very tired act, so lets give him more air time. I haven't watched pre-race shows for any race the last few years, and this sure isn't going make me change that plan.
All I know is Mikey doesn't take criticism well. He didn't like what I said on twitter.
oopsy, don't care.
I'm glad I don't live near a clff.
terri said...
And they need to change the name of the "Hollywood Hotel" as it was a play on "Hollywood Hammond".
Waltrip's Whine Cellar?
That is going to be entirely too much Waltrip! I like the idea of what they are doing with Hammond (wish BSPN would do that with Brewer!), but two Waltrips on the same broadcast is going to be too much Yakety Yak! And it is another case of conflict-of-interest with a car owned doing analysis.
This makes 2 networks now that I will be muting the TV some or most of the time and listening to XM Radio. I wish we could have Larry Mac and Kyle Petty for the full season!
I really hate to jump on the bandwagon. I do, really.
But this is not a good idea. I like DW. But not Michael. He's the one last thing that could drive me away from NASCAR. I've been hanging on for dear life, but Michael might be the last straw. It's bad enough listening to him on SPEED.
Jeff Hammond and Larry Mac are the two best personalities on FOX. Hopefully Hammond's role will not be limited. I love listening to him and his insight. Great book he's got, too.
I was hoping for less Mikey Waltrip... His schilling for his sponsors really annoy me. I hope they will at least make him stop with the sponsor plugs.
As a rule I'll have the tv on mute while the Waltrip brothers are on.
As a relatively new fan I sure wish they could find some analysts that have fewer conflicts of interest.
I don't sit and watch the truck races because of MW and now I guess I won't be watching the preface. Can't stand the way he talks over others and gets off-topic.
What makes FOX think that adding a Waltrip will make the broadcast sound better? I guess they couldn't really hear the complaints because all the two do is talk.
good thing i don't watch any prerace shows
Michael's team doesn't really run well enough to view the them as contenders where Michael's opinion might be more effected. I think it's pretty much a push, I'd rather hear Hammond trying to remember what it was like to be a crew chief 20 years ago rather than having him in the studio. My biggest concern is Michael will play down to the antics of Myers instead of being the polished announcer he is for trucks. I'm excited for the new season and glad FOX tried to shake things up a little.
When I heard the news of Michael joining his erstwhile brother in the "Hotel", I first LOST MY LUNCH....then my girl friend hid the sharp objects around the house and took the keys to all our vehicles....it seems as though NHRA will get the heaviest spectatorship from this house in 2012, and they well deserve it!!!!!
Wow. In a bad way.
Hammond was the only reason to watch the Hollywood Hotel. Guess I jump in now at the starting grid.
Feel sorry for Hammond. Given what he has to work with, and the few minutes he gets to talk, he did the best he could.
I'm the wrong demographic. Nascar doesn't care about me, why should I care about all the hype shows for nascar.
I'll pass and spend my money elsewhere. I vote with my wallet and avoid sponsors too.
I may DVR the race and check for winner on next day, and watch the last few laps.
Ratings will ultimately seal the fate. Just like it did when Mikey ran amok at Inside Nextel Cup. Oh yeah that was cancelled.
Hammond has already done this sort of thing, he will be fine. I remember seeing him doing interviews on pit road when he first started so it's not like a totally new thing (it was Nationwide, I think, but he may have done Cup also.) I also think he might be a better contributor this way; I usually like what he has to say. As for the Hotel--I will just tune them out; the conflict of interest is ridiculous, regardless of whatever dynamic they end up with.
Let me understand this. Eric Shanks (WHO???) is an authority on Nascar who is qualified to analyze who is best as an analyst? The conflicts of interest and the nepotism in this sport is endless. You can't walk a hundred feet on pit road without stepping on a Waltrip,Wallace,Pemberton or Sadler. When Race Hub wants to asess Kevin Harvick's performance or weekly off-track skirmish, who do you ask? Why you ask Eliott Sadler! It's just coincidence that Harvick signs his pay check. But hey, relief is in sight....we've got DANICA next year! I think my head is going to explode!
Good Lord...TWO Waltrips on a Fox broadcast. Fox has already been grating my last nerve with the 'rodent cam' and the Digger stuff...not to mention the horrendous 'boogity-boogity-boogity' which forces me to mute the TV from turn 4 on the pace lap until the leaders hit turn 2.
Hearing DW and MW call the All-Star race together was bad enough...especially the references to the 00 at 'rooti-tooti-fresh and fruity'...it'll be MRN for me until TNT takes over.
And to that point, why can't NASCAR expand the TNT schedule? That's my favorite time of year. While they have some flaws, it can be forgiven since they hardly get any time to get into a rhythm with such a short schedule. Wally and KP are my favorite announcers by far. He's very professional in whatever he calls...the IndyCar telecasts with him and Bob Jenkins are amazingly well done.
The only thing that will help these networks and NASCAR is to replace the people making the decisions. Ls
there are no words suitable for a family site that I can use to express how unhappy this makes me.
I like Hammond and I wish him the best in his new role. I will simply not be watching the Hollywood Hotel on Fox in the coming season.
This is another indication that complaining about FOX and the Waltrips mean nothing. What a farce.
NASCAR should tell the TV networks to not put a current car owner on their broadcast. It's a huge conflict of interest and does not allow unbiased broadcasting.
Just thinking: Fox must have sold a lot of Toyota ads for next year
to allow the the Waltrips to pair up. You think the rodent was bad
just wait for the super saturation of Prius hybrid ads.
Mr Editor -
Well, this latest turn of events is enough to gag a maggot ...mute button works for any Waltrip on screen ...almost enough to drive this 53-yr NASCAR fan away for good
This gives me another reason NOT to watch NASCAR.. one Waltrip was too much... two together will make the broadcast a circus. Their target audience must be uneducated people from the South.
I said in another thread how many casual fans are intimidated with the immense knowledge base that is needed to adequately follow the sport; hell it's hard enough for folks to follow drivers as their sponsorship/car color changes every race, let alone the all the other details.
Quick example: Casual fans will often ask why the tires only last a hundred miles or so, when their car tires last 60,000 miles. "Why can't they use the same tire all season?" they will ask.
Not everyone plays football or baseball, but most every adult in America drives a car, so even casual fans have a point of reference on some things. Hence, trying to explain why these cars only get 4 mpg and burn through a set of tires in 100 miles is not easy.
Here's my point: Treat each race as if it's a Monday rain-delayed race. Ditch the pre-race stuff altogether, except for SPEED.
Think about how ESPN has arguably the best pre-game NFL coverage, yet viewers must change channels to watch the game. And when the network that is broadcasting the game finally switches to its remote feed, we never see the botching of the Star Spangled Banner, or anything else pre-game. They take us right to the opening kickoff.
Get rid of these pit studios and hollywood hotels and whatnot. Open up the show, introduce the folks in the booth, and show us the starting grid during the parade laps.
And tell NASCAR to back off insisting that the broadcasters show the insane 2-car close-up just to satisfy the leaders' sponsors.
We all know showing the sponsors on the car is vital, but it's killing the TV experience. Let's have more wide shots, and then tell the boys in the booth to mention each driver's sponsor more often.
Maybe the rumor mill is accurate and it will be exposed. That would probably solve half of the problem.
One Waltrip was bad enough. Now they're putting both those clowns together. So that certainly drives the final nail in the coffin for me. I'll never watch that silly show again.
Thumbs Up...I like it. Enjoy Mikey's take and looking forward to more Hammond although I did like banter between him and Myers.
I think Hammond was bored with HH. Good for him. However, I didn't need another Waltrip so I'll be skipping prerace more than ever. But my kids love the Waltrips.
wow! where do I start? the mute button gets a work out just with DW, now we have his brother? Should I order new remotes as a backup? or is it easier just to avoid the pre-race show all together? I think the latter is the best way to go. I really hate listening to their stupid chatter, glorifying the toys & of course one certain driver who can do NO wrong...It seems little by little I'm watching less & less of NASCAR programming..Add another to the list.
Gods of us all, somebody offer Mikey a full-time ride so he'll have something else to do on Sundays. Not a 'start and park' either. He'd just hot-foot it to the booth in his firesuit, a la Edwards.
With that out of the way, the Hotel has always been a big fat waste of time. Three in the booth and three or four more on pit road is plenty. Dougherty and Wallace have demonstrated frequently that an owner doing coverage is a bad idea; they're too biased and their presence inhibits their boothmates. Scrap the Hotel and all involved. Maybe Fox would save enough money to skip a commercial or two.
Oh, and who's stuffed toys get priority, DW's Digger crap or Mikey's Lucky mutts?
I don't usually watch pre-race/game/event shows, but I will make an exception for the new HH. Jeff will be doing something interesting and new, as he himself Tweeted yesterday.
FOX is successful because they know what they're doing. Fans who think this is a negative move simply don't like the Waltrips. And there's apparently a lot more viewers who like them (including me - for decades) than there are those who don't. NASCAR viewership has been down because fan interest is down. Baseball attendance was actually UP this season. So much for the bad economy.
And in response to the announcement that we now have two Waltrips in the booth for every race, my only reaction is "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
OK - so now I know exactly when to tune in to Fox coverage of the Sprint Cup races: immediately preceding the invocation and National Anthem. There is simply no way I can tolerate the Waltrip brothers for an entire hour along with Chris Myers embracing his "NASCAR goofball" persona.
At least they didn't fire Jeff Hammond, which is what I had fully expected once I saw the headline. Since I won't be watching the pre-race Waltrip-fest, I'll have to wait until they cut to the Hotel during race breaks to see how he is coping in his new role.
To Mike Joy and Larry Mac: you might want to get some armor to shield yourselves against the onslaught of verbiage from ol' DW once he gets to the booth. After an hour of getting wound up in the Hotel w/ little bro' Mikey, he may just be too much to deal with.
What's next in Fox coverage's march into the toilet? Digger pole dancing in the background? Well, at least he keeps his big mouth shut...)
Compared to Mikey, DW's mindless babble will sound like Einstein.
Simply terrible idea.
Won't watch again until they get these morons out of the broadcast booth for good.
Hammond's experience and insight will be sorely missed.
Obviously Mr Shanks hasn't a clue how fans feel about the Waltrips. I wish people in charge paid attention to what the fans actually want. Michael's addition just guarantees fewer viewers. You couldn't pay me enough to listen to two Waltrips at one time.
I am Waltrip fan from way back. I knew this would get everyone cracked up.
Not that I will watch that much more. For the past 4 years I watch the races via DVR....scanning and fast forwarding.
I DO NOT watch Speed unless it is a recorded truck race.....they lost me long ago.
I must be too old for their demographic. I get more done around the house now.
Ahhh! Two human vuvuzelas in the same room. It don't get no better than this, folks!
There is a post here regarding "the rumor mill" about one of the Waltrips. I heard live the comments he made a few years ago. I just Googled it and there's some stuff out there including a You Tube video of the conversation.
Oh great. We get motormouth, jr. Lovely. Just lovely. *that's sarcasm, by the way.*
Who's ever in charge of Fox/Speed channel hasn't quite figured out that the waltrips aren't brining in fans, and in fact, are turning people off? What do the customers get, even more shilling of Toyota and KB? How much did Toyota pay to the broadcasting partners to get their number one and two shillers on air?
Anonymous 5:43 said...
Ahhh! Two human vuvuzelas in the same room.
LOL!!! If TDP had a Comment of the Month award, that would be my nomination!
Where's the objectivity? It seems that a majority of the folks on the broadcasts have a financial interest one way or another so you've got to take what they say with a grain of salt. Also, I've followed the sport for a very long time and it was once shown as a serious, no non-sense event like the NFL is now. Now, the coverage comes across as corny and slap stick. Who can be the biggest clown?
I'll watch the non-cookie cutter tracks and then tune in for the last 20 laps of the others if I'm near a TV. Turn it off when the non-interesting, cookie cutter drivers start drinking their Cokes for the camera.
I just vomited in my mouth. How, oh how can FOX do this? Do they not listen to any of the FANS? This is the last straw. I AM DONE!
i continue to be more upset over the constant change of paint schemes on my drivers -thus never know who they are on the track, and the bad camera work than I am over a change in the HH.
The brothers work ok together.
There are much bigger problems in the sport. And the world
Chris Myers, DW & now MW in the Hollywood Hotel? The only thing that comes to mind is The Three Stooges. I won't be watching any of the Fox prerace programming next year. This is a really dumb move by a network that seems to set the standard for dumb moves and even dumber shows. What ever happened to good tv anyway?
And the fawning over the Little Sparkle Pony Princess (aka Danica) will be more than a strong stomach will be able to stand....It will be Danica...JuneBug...Danica...JuneBug...Danica...JuneBug...etc.
Good move. While I like Hammond, I love the Waltrip's and think it's a good mix! They will be fun to listen to and watch.
Who did Jeff Hammond replace as race analyst? What was his name and where did he go???
I've given this a chance and I can't stand to listen to the Waltrips anymore. Will wait and watch the races when they leave FOX.
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