It's cold, but the rain has stopped and some rubber has been put down on the track. It's time for the Saturday truck series race at Martinsville Speedway.
Krista Voda kicks things off with the Set-Up pre-race show. Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip will call the race. Ray Dunlap and Hermie Sadler are the pit reporters.
SPEED's TV package is a familiar one. Martinsville should lead to some very interesting racing as the field is very diverse with many different agendas and levels of experience. Matt Crafton, pictured above, is on the pole.
This post will serve to host your comments on the SPEED TV coverage of the race. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.
Hey folks! Small crowd and cold day...but that does not mean the racing will be boring.
It's a cold rain/sleet/snow mix here! Perfect weather to watch a truck race.
35 trucks will be racing today with only one park, #93 Mike Garvey.
Blazergate in full swing!
ready to see some real raceing
JD, did you say the Speed is going side-by-side during breaks?
With all the praise thy rightfully get I'm surprised no one has called them on the lack of the split screen during breaks.
ok crowd today
Told on the QT that SPEED will try side by side late in the race.
No one officially saying anything. I think it was a secret....oops.
Speed really needs the side by side. More often than not they either do a back to back commercial late in the race or take a commercial inside of 15 to go. This is much needed.
Blazergate doesnt bother me any. As long as their wearing clothes im good.
My feeling is if you do blazers, you have to do ties.
They either look like frat boys or businessmen at the bar.
SPEED had a big clothing deal for shirts, polos and jackets for a while there.
No clue what happened to that.
Anthem was 1000% better than a 'recording artist'!
Martinsville does it right.
I didn't realise it until it was mentioned about the atire in the booth. It looked wrong, didn't know why but I do now. Balzer gets a tie, no jacket, no tie. But today just looks wrong.
I feel like Clint last week on Victory Lane when he wondered aloud why John had a jacket on.
Perhaps SPEED is going after a more upscale demo?
Martinsville is the BEST place to see a truck race. They had general admission when we went and we had great seats on the front stretch. It was an October race. Lots of fun.
time to lite the fire and kick the tires
Race Buddy up and running.
lol the blazers look ridiculous. It's like they are trying to be formal without abandoning their traditional look.
Well, ya know, Mikey in a blazer is ... Mikey in a blazer. Lipstick on a pig and all that. With no tines, though, I wonder who will be the first to begin sporting a cravat. Oh, yeah. Proabably Mikey. Silly question.
AR, the guy who used to run FOX Sports, David Hill....is now in charge of SPEED.
Patti Wheeler was hired by him to be his person running the day to day in Charlotte while he stays in LA.
This all smacks of David Hill, including the changes to Trackside and the new female Hispanic reporter from LA.
I guess Im out of the loop but whats with all the references to the honey badger? Thats the 2nd one today. I dont get the joke.
Looks like a ten second delay today on TV.
Why the use of in-car cams so much already. It doesn't show the race on such a small track.
Track officials were trying to catch and rmove a honey badger during morning practice.
I thought the speed crew always dressed up for Halloween.
I got it. The Blazers are a way for News Corp. to justify the increase in carriage fees. First Class demands a higher price..
Hey! It makes sense if you squint!
3 reporters today?
So a 3 minute commercial, followed by at least a minute of presenting sponsors, then a lengthy full screen replay. Went to break on lap 9, finally went back live on lap 23.
Not a good way to start a broadcast. And just as I type this another full screen replay.
In years past, SPEED has always struggled here. The 3 problems have always been tight shots, Digger/in-car overload, commercials.
No real flow to the telecast yet.
The engine noise is a bit high on the Elloit Sadler racebuddy. Hard to hear the spotter, etc.
John, told there was a snake in Turn 2 under the tarped grandstands.
Busch, sometimes Krista stays if the pits are tough to cover.
40 laps and no brakes already?
So there was a snake and a badger?
The badger deal is a long running SPEED joke.
JD then Kyle Petty started talking about honey badgers. Then it was mentioned again during this broadcast. Must be an inside joke. I would ask Kyle on the twitter but hes such a such a smart A to people on there I probably couldnt get a straight answer. Blazers and badgers, its been a weird day.
I think Jenna Fryer with AP started the Honey Badger joke in reference to Montoya.
Apparently Speed wouldn’t allow a Halloween themed show this year. Maybe the badger and blazers are their answer. Not liking the Fox push buy I could have guessed it would happen. Haven't seen much of their effort that we like, no surprise for us and Fox.
Adam Alexander as Dorothy was a classic.
Hey Ill take blazers over costumes any day. Mikey dressed up as a woman that one year was the most embarrasing thing Ive ever seen on a nascar broadcast.
Kimi R. in his truck race. Grumpy nut job of a driver. That's his nickname now.
Roland, it was Halloween at Dega and it was only done for the pre-race show.
I have to say I have this race broadcast completely wired. I go outside to do a few things when a commnercial comes on and when I come back in they are going into another commercial.
AR....it really needs side by side commercials to keep viewers interested.
JD oh I know. I was watching that day. Still doesnt make it right.
This endless commercial thing is going to plague the Cup race tomorrow as well, as it did at Bristol.
Why are they doing tight shots.
Standard Martinsville tv mess.
Oooops i almost forgot ..
Mikey will you kindly shut the hell
up. Thank you
Big block mods from Syracuse tonite? Wonder if the weather will permit it or is it taped?
This looks more like the FOX guys than the SPEED truck boys.
DIRT week was a couple weeks ago. But it's not snowing today :)
Please, can they just get rid of the NAPA, Aaron's & Tire rack ads...I'm am sooooooooooo sick of them.
@glenc1 And the "My name is Doug and I have mesothelioma". Good cause, incredibly overused commercial.
Roland, I don't even think it's a good cause. They're just ambulance chasers that farm out the work. People would be better off finding a local legit attorney. I just keep wondering how many 'victims' there are out there that would not have seen that ad by now....
Be a nice time for some side by side stuff.
BOOM! There it is.
There it is!!!
Attempt + caution. How surprising
That looks pretty good! Like it better than ESPN's version.
Much bigger box than ESPN. Loved it!
The fact Todd Bodine is successful speaks very poorly of the truck series.
Man, now this is some racin!
Well that was a first. I left and went to the store during a race and just got back. Got some halloween candy. We usually get 6 to 8 trick or treaters.
Bet he spun it on purpose.
Now that was Martinsville at its best right there.
lol Max Papis.
Max Papis should be parked for the rest of the day. Hes hit everything but the pace car. Time to end the experiment and go back to sports car racing.
You know, if I did not like racing so much and if it were not such a part of my life for as long as it has benn I do no think I would put up with this stuff. I cannot really see how in the world anyone who does not have a real grounding in the sport could possibly watch it much less figure out what is going on.
There. My editorial on the "Product" for today.
Watching RaceBuddy, so much better than the SPEED broadcast.
Watching #13 Johnny Sauter's in-truck which has been very entertaining to say the least. He seems to have attended one of Kurt Busch's "How to talk to your team over the radio during the race" seminars.
camera jumps around a lot with tight shots.
Not like the usual Speed work.
I think the blazers are to cover up those that need their belt lower.
i love max papis and love that he is part of the truck series!
side by side box is bigger than ESPN's or is it my imagination
Blake Feese needs to follow Max Papis out the door.
about twice the size AncientRacer
I think the side by side box is bigger because they're formatted for 16X9 widescreen where as ESPN goes with 3X4 standard size.
want to add my thanks to SPEED for PiP during commercial breaks. And bigger screen that the competitor, as well. thanks, guys!
Don't think Max i$ going away. Not really $ure how he $tays in this $erie$!
Sure is nice not having a bottom ticker.
I know they don't like to throw a caution near the end, but that was an unsafe situation there.
That vsure tore Johanna's truck up and she did not seem to hit him that hard. Poor kid.
Yeah that was dangerous!
Wow! A caution when they weren't on commercial break! That was a late caution with the leaders bearing down on them. With all the entertainment between team mates Papis and Bodine, you'd think they'd play some of the radio communications. Guess I'm expecting too much. Guess we'll have to wait until Tuesday night for Spencer to cover it on the Hub.
I think Max stays in the series because he plays card well and makes everybody laugh Just part of my opinion, worth what you paid for it
Johanna Long is a fabricators nightmare.
15 Laps to go.
Does Espn keep the ticker and how many laps displayed during side by side like Speed does.
If I remember right they don't.
Jeff Agnew is having a great run today. Up to 12th. I remember him from the old Hooters Pro Cup days.
I have to say whomever is calling the cautions today does not seem to have a hair trigger
Truck Rasslin'?
That was amazing! Martinsville is awsome we need a couple more tracks like this!!!!
Jo broke a sway bar. This is going to get rough here shortly.
This should be a fun post race show.
Speed better get some cameras in the garage. Gonna get wild over there.
Not a bad race at least what I did see of it. Gee I do like short tracks.
See Y'all. My turn to go out to get candy
Lousy winner but interesting post race.
I think Denny forgot to mention the guys who make his shoes. :)
Denny sucks!
Well that was a finish. Max's reaction to Todd is classic though.
You guys call out Max and rightly so, but come on Bodine has no business driving anything with a motor.
Great race. Too bad the Cup guys are to sissified to race like that. See ya tomorow.
Bodine's a champion for a reason, like him or not, he's good at what he does. I think he just has a low tolerance for other people's mistakes. Lower than he should for a veteran; he should probably take it more in stride.
These guys are all the same though...when they make a mistake, it's just a mistake. When someone else makes a mistake, they did it on purpose.
bodine certainly makes his fair share of mistakes too! hello!
If SPEED had used the side by side for the whole race, it would have been worth watching.
of course he does...they all do, that was my point. Just a matter of perspective on it.
I did like the side by side. And Mikey was not too obnoxious today, although he did manage to work DW into the show with the Tide truck.
If SPEED had used the side by side for the whole race, it would have been worth watching.
Yes but with Race Buddy, the way Speed is doing it, showing the leaders, it makes up for a lot of dislikes.
Thanks everyone! See you tomorrow!
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