Rarely has a Sprint Cup Series race had the national media spotlight like the race today in Talladega. On the heels of IndyCar driver Dan Wheldon's death, motorsports has come once again under the glare of the mainstream media's spotlight.
Publications like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times barely even acknowledge racing, but are quick to jump on the bandwagon of blame when a serious incident takes place. Online sites like the Huffington Post suddenly "discover" racing when they can lead with a powerful headline referencing death.
Add to this the fact that SPEED has been replaying the death of Marco Simoncelli in the Malaysian MotoGP race today. Adam Alexander has replayed the accident in NASCAR programming all morning long. Even SPEED straddles the line.
Nicole Briscoe gets the assignment of opening the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show. Her husband is IndyCar driver Ryan Briscoe, who was uninjured in the accident that took Wheldon's like. Both families are longtime friends.
Brad Daugherty has just announced a new crew chief for 2012 and the return of Bobby Labonte as the driver for JTG/Daugherty Racing. Daugherty joins Rusty Wallace on the pre-race show with Briscoe. Wallace continues to struggle for sponsors for next season in the Nationwide Series and has recently denied reports his team might suspend operation. Needless to say, it should be interesting to see what topics are discussed on this pre-race show.
The Chase continues under this new points system, but the type of dynamic stories of the past have yet to emerge. Three drivers are still realistically in the game, but the type of tag-team racing that Talladega now demands will no affect the ability of some teams to contend.
Allen Bestwick will have to try and describe the tag-team action and somehow frame it in a Chase context. That is simply not going to be easy to do. Rumor is that teams have designated pushers and that the Chase drivers in contention will always be pushed to the front by any and all teammates as the ultimate goal.
Dale Jarrett had his appendix out this week, but rallied to get to Talladega. He has strong opinions on safety and it should be interesting to hear what he has to say. Andy Petree partners with Jarrett and Bestwick upstairs. Petree continues to be the foundation of this coverage as the only original member of the NASCAR on ESPN team in the TV booth.
Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Vince Welch and Dave Burns are the pit road reporters. Little and Welch were involved in the IndyCar coverage from Las Vegas. Little was sent from the track, still in her firesuit, to the hospital in Vegas for updates on Wheldon's condition. There is little doubt that emotions are still raw.
ESPN's coverage is deeply affected by the tag-team racing. The cameras are now forced to frame four, six or even more cars at a time to keep the action in a single frame. It is impossible to isolate on one car, as there are only "combo's" on the track under green.
SPEED produced the truck series race on Saturday and framed the coverage very wide, integrating aerial shots on a regular basis. Effectively mixing the high and low camera angles relays the incredible speed of the track. Lazy directing results in long periods of high angle coverage, which loses the feel of the speed and results in a feeling that the race is actually "boring." No such thing at Dega.
Let's hope the racing is as safe as possible today and NASCAR walks away with the storylines in the media relating to the racing. As usual, eyes are also on Dale Earnhardt Jr. at this track. There is little doubt TV will forget that element.
This post will serve to host your comments on the ESPN coverage of the Sprint Cup Series from Talladega. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.
1 – 200 of 384 Newer› Newest»Good afternoon, hoping for a safe race today.
"Rumor is that teams have designated pushers and that the Chase drivers in contention will always be pushed to the front by any and all teammates as the ultimate goal."
Stuff like that is why I've almost lost all interest in the restrictor plate races. But I'm still watching (I guess I'm a glutton for punishment). I just hope we get out of Talladega w/o any cars going upside down and/or airborne.
I will second that!
me, too, JD. I read an article about Dan Wheldon's funeral and it was so heartbreaking.
We all know the sport is dangerous but it often seems to be forgotten in all the hype until something awful happens all over again.
Now we've had 2 losses in a week and Talladega on the schedule. It doesn't make me feel good about this race at all.
jd were you surprised that nascar didnt make anychanges to elimante the 2 car draft after the first practice concidering the changes made before seemed to try and eliminate the 2 car draft
Nicole looks amazing today. Wow.
Like having a driver in the studio other than Carl. Works for me.
Ideas for getting rid of tandem racing:
1. Remove back bumper from cars leaving nothing to push on.
2. Put giant, radiator penetrating spike on rear bumper.
3. Put picture of Nancy Grace on back bumper of cars.
Anon, if you had a workable suggestion that would solve the problem, I am sure NASCAR would love to hear it!
I'm on the road and up in Charlotte. Hearing Chris Myers calling the Panthers game is really strange. Can't believe it's the same guy as the Hollywood Hotel goof!
cut an inch off the spoiler and lay it back to 45 degrees for less downforce, and make the grill opening about twice as small so when the cars are pushing they can duck out and get air while still pushing, sound like a plan?
I knew this was going to be tough for Nicole.
my heart is breaking for Nicole.
I'm guessing Nicole probably could have had one of the others do that intro, but she is a professional. She's hanging in there.
Poor Nicole. Man thats a tearjerker.
Have to admire her guts to do that
I have a lot of respect for Nicole for hanging in through that.
Sometimes, Rusty just does not get it.
Sometimes?? Brad actually sounded quite eloquent imo. Never thought I'd say that..
Brad's making a big effort at Cup next season. Wonder what ESPN thinks about that. Remember Rusty saying ESPN did not want him to have Cup teams?
Just asking in case I'm missing something. Would the metal strips on the leading edge of the roof and the spoiler wickerbills that were used 10 years ago do anything to break up the 2-car drafts? I just don't know if anybody else has thought of that and it seemed to make for good racing back then.
Vince: "Whats the one thing that a driver has to know about the tandem racing"
Dale Jr: "That you cant do it by yourself"
Classic Dale Jr. Awesome!
Roland, did you see the look on Junior's face? Now, that was classic.
The look from Junior was classic JD. I knew we were going to hear a lousy question from Vince.
And they wonder why Tony stewart gets so mad at 'stupid queations'? That would be a classic example.
I admire Nichole for getting through that spot about Dan Wheldon. I'm glad that she did it...we all know she meant it personally.
ESPN is like groundhog day every NASCAR season, same old crapola over and over and over.
Switched from the prerace to Falcons-Lions. Tired of the same old same old. Back for the race.
I read that Dega is going to 'widen' more seats before next spring. If they keep reducing the number of seats, they may be able to sell it out...eventually.
@Sally Yeah I saw that too. Think it was something like a 20% reduction in seating capacity because of the wider seats. Thats pretty big. They might sell it out again if pack racing returns.
Brad, enough w/the Junebug s*&$#!
Like Brad knows him well enough to use the nickname? HA!
Hearing Chris Myers calling the Panthers game on FOX up here in Carolina is weird.
Brad really wants to belong.
What's the over/under on the "points as of now" mentions today? LOL
@Becky...if they do that here, they will be giving points every 10 seconds! ;-)
They're playing our Redskins and this is actually the 2nd game I believe that Chris Myers has called. It's amazing how different he sounds calling an NFL game vs on Fox for Nascar and the Hollywood Hotel. Sounds like a buffoon (sp?) on HH.
Yep, what an act.
Great shot of the jet s coming in behind Kez!
I don't care what others think, I like Brad D on these shows. He brings something entirely different to the broadcasts. And, if you really dig into his past, he was a real race fan long before B-Ball!
fabulous anthem-no frills-just sung straight & strong!
I give up...even the military reinvents the wheel...re Anthem. I guess anything goes and I'll just keep my opinion to myself. But it doesn't matter what it sounds like...it's 'is it true to form'?
Don't mind Brad, but he has no role. Remember AB tried to call him "voice of the fans" for a while?
Given a choice, I prefer tandem racing over the big packs. That's because when the inevitable accident happens, tandem style won't involve as many cars. Otherwise, I dislike both of them; just to different degrees.
The only way to make either go away is doing something so drivers have to lift. That means knock down the banking and / or use the infield road course. Neither is going to happen, so if fans don't like the racing they should vote with their wallets.
Anyone see Kenny Wallace's tweets about how he thinks Espn is all for the Texas Rangers.
I think he is seeing how Espn goes in with a script and that is how it is.
You could see this last night with the game between Wisconsin and Michigan State. Espn was scripted for a Wisconsin win and they didn't know what to do when Michigan State won.
Anyone else notice nobody on the pre-race show has used the words "the big one" or used wrecks to promo the race? I guess we can thank Dan Weldon for that.
Charlie, that was so very interesting.
Palmetto, I agree. I think we're in the minority though. I actually thought the truck race was pretty good. Any race where you need 'help' to pass is less preferred though. What Rusty was talking about in prerace, that's why I hate the packs. Don't want guys crossing the line on their roofs.
TV has been using 'The Big One' to promote these races for years. Nothing new. In fact, they tend to use wreck to promote most of the races.
Am I the only one with blank screens on Race Buddy?
OK, I'm ready! Lets have a good race, and even better coverage.
Let's hope for a safe race today!
glenc1, I enjoyed the truck race, but it quickly became obvious only the Wallace and Hornaday pairing had the experience and planning to make the tandem work.
But at least we'll see more than one car on screen at a time today.
working fine Sally!
Hey guys, a little late due to grocery store shopping.
Then I'm doing something terribly wrong!
Am I the only one with blank screens on Race Buddy?
No problem here with Comcast in No. California.
Try refreshing it.
that old Spice ad is just creepy...and people complained about the Centaur....
Tried that, no diff. Got all the stupid comments, nothing from the track!
Guess I'm going to rely on you guys for 'extras'!
TV on a ten second delay today.
A couple of observations from the track:
1. There seem to be more people here than last October. Not a whole lot more, just some more based upon the stands now that everyone is off the track, etc. areas and in the stands. More people camping in the infield, too.
2. Wandering around the garage area for the last couple of days the big variable (if it may be called that) people were talking about are the so-called "team rules" or "Noah's Law" where the cars go two by two each after its own kind. But the vaiable on that variable is how workable it will be in practice. Something to look for anyway.
Hoping for a good race today. Yesterday was boring as Wallace and Hornaday had that thing wired. At least all the cup guys know how to play the game. ;)
How dd Robbie Gordon get to the front so fast? And no one behind him!
I can't say I disagree with Jr about this tandem stuff being 'stupid'. I hope Chad expects JJ to push Junior across the finish line this time!
RBuddy kinda STINKS with only in car cams (get that way too much on tv....sigh) and a backstretch cam, where you watch a blank track for about a minute. Very weird.
Should have a battle cam wideshot period. Then the others.
The pre-race was very emotional for Nicole. It was heartbreaking race to watch happen on the tv last week :(
Have the DVR on for this one....will be bumper/in car cam intrusion mania on ESPN :(
Truck race cam work FABULOUSO on Speed yesterday :)
Sally, you must have misread my post. Today was the first time I can remember the folks on the pre-race show did NOT use the "big one" to promote this race. And they didn't include any wrecks in any of the footage. To me, that's a good thing, because I don't watch for the wrecks. Thank you Dan Weldon. Rest in peace knowing you helped make the NASCAR broadcast better.
As long as they keep swapping the lead every lap that will somewhat entertain me. Truth is Im already halfway to boredom
PS how to turn off the comments on right side of RB ? Very annoying. No x to close it out? Is there not an option?
I did hit control+ as usual to enlarge my screen so now it's only 1/4 of chat columns. I hate that stuff if I don't want it. I'm using Chrome & adblocker didn't work on it....just wondered if a way to get rid of the chatter, please
Gotcha! I think it's agood thing, too!
It may be anybody's race, but let's go for a first time winner. Allmendinger/Gilliland /Cassill stand the best chances if you ask me.
I see most of the 'chasers' have dropped to the back. Makes me think about Big E's comment about kerosene rags.
Sally grab the borders of the screen and move them to cover the chat. That is what I do.
@Charlie...no point, as I have no pictures at all!
Sophia, you can ask the help guys at Turner by using the help function.
We talked extensively about the new RaceBuddy line-up when the Turner and ESPN deal was done.
Robby Gordon and Trevor Bayne? I thought Robby was S&P this week.
Bestwick already trying for backstories....and it's waay early.
Chris Myers is a versatile announcer that has done everything from Dog Shows,racing, baseball, and football. Great to see him calling the game today.
Did anybody ever hear why Hammond got demoted?
Perhaps moving Chris into more FOX sports and moving Hammond outta racing is part of the big picture.
Wow! Did Denny piss everyone off?
Ho hum my mind is numb Allen is
back and is still a BUM. TAlk so
loud and he is so proud of his laffs and forced laffs.
He is a pathetic soul. And oh
by the way .. This new format of
bumping and humping is simply
stoopid and worthless.
No rash no reason. Simply a
waste of time. Peace Out..let
me know how it all works out...
Denny's in the bad luck case of course.
I read about RB changes but thought they would've wised up with battle cam addition by now.
have NO CLUE how to find "help button" at turner. Don't see it on the RB page. Sites clustered & unfamiliar. Used to be easy to get rid of chat when Indycar had races online...TNT RB seemed to allow the option to rid too unless I forget...which is possible:)
Man, the Hamlin story this season is not a happy one.
Debris caution to let chaser Denny back on the lead lap.
Bogus caution.
Wish they had something like racebuddy last night during the V8 race.
We really should see every single piece of debris in the Chase.
Leads to the BS flag coming out.
The V8's were crazy!
Scanner is about 15 sec ahead of the TV pic's.
Yep, at least ten seconds. Big delay today. Little worried maybe.
It leads to bogus cautions because you make it lead to believe its "bogus" if you ask me. I know people will disagree, but basing stuff with no proof is not really something a fan would do.
On race buddy, why is the 18 in car not wide screen, not complaing just looks odd.
Actually watched some of the pre-race show today as I was in my living room spot-cleaning the carpet and didn't want to change channels. There were lots of good things but, man, Rusty is just another of ESPN's many clowns that really need to be shown the door.
The race coverage seems much better so far as ESPN is being forced into showing wider shots. However, I am done watching this. This is not racing as far as I'm concerned nor is it truly exciting and the significant amount of empty seats tells me I am not alone in that feeling. I'll see y'all next week for Martinsville.
Roadgeek Adam, some people enjoy conspiracy theories.
adam, they could give us the proof the other way by showing the debris, fully in their control to avoid the comparison to wwe
When TV refuses to follow the truck on to the track to pick up the 'debris', it isn't much of a stretch.
Hello everyone happy raceday!!! Just one question would it be asking to much to let us hear the cars during a restart???? talk talk talk talk talk! Hush for a few please!
Think about how much work goes into showing every replay for a penalty in NFL football.
NASCAR stops an entire race with a caution and TV cannot even show for five seconds the reason why.
It gets my attention.
JD, when I worked in the Sport, I was asked one season to go and retrieve the "debris" from the clean up trucks.
The workers were always happy to give the debris to me when they had some.
Later in the season, Fox later, was told to not discuss it and not to show it on camera.
Hey, but it's been going on since NASCAR began.
I wish the 'Leader' banner at the top would display only official 'at the line' lead changes. I say that as a fantasy racing player who likes to track the points awarded for leading a lap.
I love that! "They were happy to give it to me...when they had some"!
The whole debris issue is another one that has been handled poorly by NASCAR.
if you are joe gibbs racing wouldn't you find a partner that was an odd man out from some other team, vice stewart from a two man team?
This must be killing the camera director. He has to go with wide shots and the in-car cam is not a good view either.
But I have faith. I bet he figures out how to zoom in tight before the race is over.
Guess I'll go do my Sunday crossword puzzles until the last 20 laps. This just isn't racing to me.
Charlie, keep the faith. He'll probably use the road course 'clutch brake gas pedal' camera.
I'm thinking Denny had a plan and someone left him in the lurch. Sometimes things just happen.
Gold Rush is a great show. One of my favorites.
This race has been somewhat entertaining. Better than Kansas lets put it that way.
this is just awful racing. I'm switching to Dan Wheldon's memorial at 4.
I don't think any of us are surprised at todays 'race'. This 'product' is a total bore. I feel sorry that a car running alone (like a normal race car) like Hamlin is running 4 seconds a lap slower and gets lapped. Best thing to do is to go do something else until 10 laps to go.
That Sprint in-car cam sure was a thriller.
Obviously ESPN still thinks a full screen REPLAY during GREEN FLAG RACING is a GOOD idea.
I disagree
and the Sprint Ride shotgun is just plain stoopit!
Respectfully submitted
I dont know how to fix this but yesterday Denny mentioned a quick fix would be to make the holes in the plate bigger. the announcers seemed to agree. I dont know I never worked on cars so im not sure if that would work. any thoughts??? did anyone hear that interview yesterday on Speed Center or trackside im not sure
I know it's more entertaining than what they have been doing. I give it a thumbs up.
jimm57, the Sprint Shotgun makes sense if you're ESPN and getting a check to mention Sprint's name.
Denny said he was working with Tony but he got with Ryan and that left hamlin alone. Tony said friday he did not want to run with Ryan because if a wreck it would involve both of them. Hamlin may think twice if Tony needs help later.
This is so hard to cover. On a track this big, the cars seem like they are going so slow. These guys are riding around with planned partners and will ride around until it matters. It leaves ESPN with a lot of time and little to talk about.
But the speeds are noticable when two cars make a switch. The field rockets by on the outside and inside. Too bad we couldn't see part of that becuase of bumper cam.
I hear ya Palmetto, but it sure does'nt show much of the race
Jr is not happy on is radio the Denny is ramming him. Called him a #%*@
hey jd are you noticing that the pack with the hendrick cars and a couple roush cars are running single file not in the 2 xcar tandems and are actually faster
Bigger plate increases the chances of going airborne and into the stands. It's a fine line.
NASCAR could tell them they could not stay together, after all they make whatever rules they want.
Almost makes me look forward to commercials (that have more action)
The Hendrick cars were doing this in practice on Friday.
They should just make this a 5 lap race.
Going to take the dogs for a walk and then watch the last 50 laps. Maybe then they'll be some real racing.
and yet wasn't it Jr who made fun of Gordon when Jeff complained about the hard ramming others were doing in the pack drafting pre-noah's ark of course.
Bestwick is doing a good job filling in the time.
Funny story on Trevor Bayne!
Charlie, two 40-lap heats and move the top 15 and all Chasers from each to a 100-lap 'A Main'.
26 lead changes, still 74 from the 100 mark, 63 from tossing the record.
One problem Espn has with the scoring ticker on the bottom is if you want to record another sporting event, say a football game you will be shown the score as you watch the race.
Only solution is to record the race and watch the football game.
That is what I will be doing at 4pm.
Watching the Packers and record the end of the race.
Agree Bestwick is working it for all he is worth. Long way to go.
Has anyone here ever yielded to the temptation to go online for out the finish of a GoDaddy's commercial? Does it even qualify as temptation?
Its not bad side by side racing for the lead
and the beers cold too!
On lap 63 I had about a five second signal loss on Dish Network.
I don't often agree with Ginav24,but she's absolutely right. A few years ago,when bump drafting was restricted, Gordon complained to Nascar that Junior was slamming him so hard it jarred his fillings loose! Some guys like to hand it out, but don't like being on the receiving end.
If I left right now and averaged 85 miles an hour, I could be at Talladega for the last 10 laps. Or in jail. But, either way, it would be more interesting than this.
Well, it's more than that. How the cars work best in the pairing.
I have no interest in finishing a Go Daddy dirty comm'l, which I hear aren't dirty on line anyway.
Contributions to his bail fund can be made at Free_KudzuCarl.com. Look for the charity auction on eBay.
Time for Gibbs to pull the plug on the Joey experiment.
Cannot believe he just blew off his fender like that. He is not a rookie.
Joey will be racing for his job next season.
Thanks Palmetto.
Why on earth didn't Logano pit after that? Doesn't make a bit of sense.
Now maybe Kyle will work with Hamlin.
Wasn't it Kyle who nudged Joey? I'll be darned if I'd push the teammate who spun me out.
I on't know. seemed like KyBu body slammed his teammate there.
JD -- how do they decide when it is OK to blow out of a commercial for something happening on the track?
In the contract?
Carl - My guess is lack of car control made him go straight. He had the room. Something must have happened.
Logano and Zippy never worked. Both can win races, but its not gonna happen with each other. Joe and JD are afraid to hurt anyones feelings by making a change. Its truly a no win situation.
The 'Lap by Lap' comments on NASCAR.com's 'Live Leaderboard' were briefly showing the comments of another race, with drivers who aren't in this one, complete at lap 200. Talk about fueling your conspiracy theories.
Now it's fixed.
Home depot cannot be pleased with the performance of the 20 team.
Palmetto its been doing that for weeks. Their technology is not very good. Hell when you load the main page with the leaderboard, it shows the Firecracker 400 starting lineup.
All drivers complain but one get singled out more than others. Doubt any of us could live under such.
Theres still a lot of debris on the apron of the backstretch. Nascar must be saving it for later.
The backstretch, particularly coming out of 2, is always a pigsty. There is crap all over the place all the time there.
The camera work today is so much better than normal. I know it is a result of the type of racing, but it sure is nice to see 6, 8, 10 cars in a shot.
Yay for Curtis Markham mention! Former Busch Series driver doesn't get much mention.
Teammate on teammate crime.
Hey, Joey. THAT'S how you drive with a tire down.
Why does Newman always seem to wreck here?
Jamie??? Rough pit report on the 33.
Agree with the good camera work and agree that it is a result of this type racing. Actually this has been a pretty good race. Lots of jockeying for position and even some old style drafting.
Busch61: Bad luck? He seems to have a lot of it when dominating plate races.
Buschseries61, that's why I left him off my fantasy team. He's only finished 4 of the last 7 here, and only 5 of the last 9 plate races.
I still have no clue about how the strategy for winning these kinds of races works.
With restrictor plate racing becoming a total joke, 1.5 miles becoming increasingly boring (except Atlanta), and road courses being about fuel mileage and wrecking, I am so looking forward to Martinsville next sunday. I used to go to this race, now Im asking myself why I stopped.
Well look who it is, only took 83 laps
Wallace and Hornaday did a great job yesterday working the pit road exit to get lined up. I don't remember seeing that before yesterday, but the Cup drivers were obviously paying attention. Good job by the booth crews pointing it out, both yesterday and today.
If as planned, this will be an interesting restart with the 31, 43, 34, 38 and 33 as the Top 5. 2 of the 5 normally aren't competitive.
came back in to see if anything was going on - unfortunately just in time to see that awful old spice commercial.
Man I can remember when the old spice guy was a real man, not this parody they do these days.
Of course it's pretty bad when the racing is so boring that I'm commenting on commercials.
HMS cars continuing to use the "go to the back" strategy. Can't say I blame them even if I don't really like it.
Headed back outside - still have an hour of daylight.
Roland, I don't know why you stopped either. I'll wave at y'all from Turn 2 next week.
Buschseries61, we know that soon-to-disappear post wasn't yours.
one thing that is weird is that I can hear both of the team cars on trackpass when I have the 24 radio on.
talking about Martinsville, y'all making me think about returning after 20+ yrs ...hmmm, at least truck race
Whoa! Classic Talladega drafting pack, and the booth makes no mention of it.
That is interesting. I am getting soe intermittent bleed over on my headset here on site. I thought it was just my set or where I am perched. Interesting. I wonder if that is happening in car.
Hey Gina! How are you? Hey I had a question for you about Charlotte.. I know you were there at the start of the race on tv the place looked jam packed my mom even mentioned wow thats a lot of people, yet half way the place looked half empty do they leave that early at Charlotte?
I always have to restart my TrackPass about halfway through the race and it just happened again. Using IE, it just won't work with Chrome
My disdain for the Sprint screen takeover thing is pegged at this point.
I have Chrome it works for me
Even though it looks like it a bit, they are not racing. Just team driving and doing their best not to run into someone else doing the same.
J.D., Planeteeers,
The Wheldon Memorial feed is live now. A bagpiper is playing "Danny Boy."
West Coast Kenny
Alameda, California
P.S. J.D., for some odd reason it keeps asking me to sign up for a new blog.
Why would Kyle not have a teammate on his radio?
Brewer in the side by side box....nice move.
45 lead changes at halfway. They stand a chance of reaching 100, especially since we know there'll be G-W-C.
Again, the advantage of tandem racing is that we have more than one care on the 'live' box!
W17, GET to Martinsville next week! Its such a nice ride there, and a great track. They've made recent improvements and its always a good race. We usually sit at the end of the front stretch before turn 1, so they're off the gas and you can hear the fenders hitting! Love it!
'Nonstop' actually showing more than one car at a time. I thought the full moon was last week.
Dan Weldon tribute on Versus now.
Why are they showing more cars in the small box during commercials?
Wow, Bob Jenkins and Marty Reid together on the Dan Wheldon memorial service.
Rusty thinks the last lap will be the most important lap! Seriously? He gets paid for this?
Brad admits drivers have just been 'making laps'...and Nascar wonders why this isn't compelling TV?
I loved Nicole's slight sarcasm over points as of now.
And how is that #20 still competitive?
They care enough to wonder? Bit of a stretch if you ask me...
SPEED has the Wheldon memorial service online at SPEEDtv.com if you are interested.
nice that AB allows pictures to tell the story ...not feeling necessary to talk constantly
One thing that hasn't gone away, the Big One.
They Wrecked-Um
I still maintain that the traditional 'draft pack' would have resulted in more wrecked cars under these circumstances.
Allmendinger is lucky his rear wheels returned to the ground.
Have a good end of the race.
Switching to Football.
Busch, AJ was very close to taking the big ride.
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