Everybody is groggy from the time change, Kyle Busch is sitting this one out and the Chase is coming down to the wire. Happy Sunday, folks!
Nicole Briscoe gets Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty to re-voice the opinions they gave Saturday on Kyle Busch. Since the ESPN2 Nationwide Series race, there has been an apology from KB on his website and a Facebook posting from #18 sponsor M&M's USA.
It should be interesting to see what interviews and guests ESPN is able to land for the pre-race show. No word on Twitter this AM about the location of Kyle Busch. Joe Gibbs has been on the other NASCAR TV shows doing full-out damage control.
Allen Bestwick, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree will call the race. These three appeared earlier on Sunday's NASCAR Now show. Jarrett said he expected additional penalties from either JRG or NASCAR where Busch is concerned.
Jamie Little, Dave Burns, Vince Welch and Dr. Jerry Punch are the pit reporters. Tim Brewer will be in the Tech Garage. This is a dynamic track and it might be a long day for those working pit road if the action is similar to last week in Martinsville. There was not a lot of giving and taking going on.
ESPN has quite a task on its hands today. Three storylines must be followed from start to finish. First, the Chase and the saga of Carl vs. Tony. Secondly, how Michael McDowell is doing in the #18. Finally, coverage of the actual race.
In the past, this has been a tough issue for a network that likes to script things in advance and keep working back toward those stories in the telecast. One big incident today might scramble all three of those main storylines. It should be interesting to see how they respond.
We invite your comments on the ESPN coverager of the Sprint Cup Series race from the Texas Motor Speedway. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below.
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Texas Motor Speedway
JD. This should be fun . Look for the 18 w/Michael McDowell to be good. Mike has handled this well. He has a good ride today. And I wish him well
...Three storylines must be followed from start to finish. First, the Chase and the saga of Carl vs. Tony. Secondly, how Michael McDowell is doing in the #18. Finally, coverage of the actual race.
With "must" being a fungible word in the ESPN lexicon item number 3 (at least) will likely not happen if doing so involves more than the single car allowed to be on screen at any one time.
That is, of course, unless Jr. gets hot.
Mike Helton will be on the pre-race show at 2:05PM. Should be interesting stuff.
What's the crowd look like today?
No clue yet, lots of folks behind the SPEED peeps on TV.
Major props to Alex Zanardi on winning the hand bike division of the New York City marathon.
Now back to Texas. I expect the pre race will be about 3 drivers: Kyle, Carl, and Tony. Doubt they will talk about anyone else.
Dustin Long from hamptonroads.com just reported that Kyle Busch is still at the track.
Nicole: “Give us your thoughts on the KyBu situation.”
Rusty: “I’ll tell you what. No doubt about it. As a car owner in NASCAR I feel they did the right thing. Blah, Blah, Blah.”
Brad: “ Hurrah for NASCAR. As a car owner in NASCAR , I feel they did the right thing.
Reality of KyBu's actions will be known for sure when M&M Mars puts its foot down ...let's see if Michael McDowell raises his performance level to match the equipment he will be in today ...don't expect much from ESPN, either they ignore long-term impact of the events of Friday or they go into overload mode ...I would think they will go for overload, regretfully so
Looks overcast & Carl mentioned 'weather' which means rain.
Anybody heard the weather report? I've not heard a peep until Carl?
40% chance of rain.
Pretty good interview with Helton. Nicole did a good job of pushing the issue on further sanctions.
Nice interview with mr. helton.
Maybe it's just me but I feel like Kyle's extreme and excessive speeding on a residential road is way worse than what he did on the track. These Gibbs interviews are so somber sounding.
Just a quick comment on Raceday - I thought they beat the KyBu story to death - a 2 hour show that spent (at least it seemed like) 1 hour and 50 minutes on KyBu. Thought they covered it well at the very beginning but then brought it up about 20000 times too often.
Does anyone else thing the Kyle Busch thing is being overblown? They need something else to divert attention to something else. NASCAR wanted to make a statement and they chose Kyle Busch when they could have chosen several others earlier in the year.
wth music is that with driver interviews?
@Anon 2:18pm
My guess is any owner would be somber given the diplomatically very strong statement issued by Mars, Inc.
Coach really sounds like he's about to burst into tears in every interview I've heard him give this wk-end. And wow...talk about a non-answer about whether Kyle will still have his job. Scary...
25 minutes in and no commercials. awesome!
Coach Gibbs skirted around Dr. Jerry Punch's question asking will Kyle still be driving for JGR. Think Mars may have made that decision for him already.
That's 20 million dollars or so in tough economic times. I think he is livid inside over it.
anon 2:25 i agree, that was the perfect time for Coach to back him 100% and he did not do it
Just asking about that. Still trying to get an answer on the breaks.
Nicole is doing a great job running the ship. Rusty is also putting in on 100% so far.
Gibbs sounded like he's going to go light on KB -- unless Mars forces is hand. I think he should have sent him home.
I've never seen Joe Gibb tapdance so much around an answer.
Yes, it's talked about too much but seriously....Coach Gibbs knew the person he was getting when he hired Kyle?
Heck I still think he's a jerk for the guitar breaking issue in Nashville a few years ago.
Also the fact Kyle is staying hidden behind the cameras while others speak for him & about him, not impressive.
Well they spend have their show talking about KB.
WOW!!! Thos comments from Brad Daugherty about the effects of KB's actions as a team owner, and balancing the assets of a driver vs. the liability of employing the driver were fantastic! I have been very critical of ESPN for why they have Brad in the infield studio, but I am very happy that he was there to make those comments.
I would think KB's PR people are keeping him under wraps just as they reminded Denny over the radio yesterday to watch what he says to the media after the race or on the radio. It was too bad that KB's PR people didn't get to him before he spoke to the media on Friday evening.
While I am not going to stick around for the race, I of course had to check in with the pre-race show especially once I saw on Twitter that Mike Helton would be interviewed...even though I knew full well Helton would not give us anything new. That was an excellent job by the entire ESPN crew. Even Rusty and Brad somehow had their acts together.
Let no one forget M&M Mars sponsors the 18 truck's TV panel most races & was on it during the incident. Gibbs non answer really said it all... a simple no would have been said if the answer was anything other than Kyle will be losing his ride (IMO).
I would have liked a follow up question to see what Gibbs said about allowing Kyle on the pit box, although I'm sure if he is ESPN will be all over it.
Pretty important to remember that Kyle was racing a KBM truck in that race.
Only issue with the #18 Cup car is the driver's actions in another series.
Gibbs may move him on, but there is no indication that Mars might pull out of JGR.
ESPN stepped up w/commercial-free coverage ...Lord help us when they try to do make-goods during the race ...no MRN, so we can only hope PRN doesn't beat it to death ...suspect M&M/Mars will put its foot down, if not for this season, then likely next ...looks like Tony is relaxed, enjoying the Chase ...keep remembering how A.J. Foyt would react in this situation ...#14 comin' thru
The lack of commercials was interesting.
I did get a laugh at ESPN trying to plug in their SportsNation program in the Kyle Busch case study.
ESPN is all about ESPN.
If Espn did not have the bottom ticker showing NFL scores I would watch this race and record the NFL Packer game at 4pm but because of the bottom ticker I will record the end of the race (skipping commercials when I do watch it) and watch the football game.
Pretty sure none of those sponsors wanted to be aired in the middle of the KyBu story.
Well, there are several decent drivers out there looking for rides next year. Most of whom would not embarass Mars the way Kyle has. Talking about what a 'wonderful person' Kyle is away from the track is ludicrous...since most fans will only see him through his actions at the race track. And frankly, I am not so impressed with all the 'foundations' most of the drivers have, since they are a convenient way to avoid taxes...just Like Nascar's involvement in charity work.
David Ragan or Trevor Bayne would be right in the wheelhouse for kids and candy.
Thanks goodness the Green Flag is close to being waved.
All this KB mostly one-sided folderolish jabber is starting to make my speaker's tweeters ring.
Let's just flog the poor guy and get it over with.
Sally said...
Talking about what a 'wonderful person' Kyle is away from the track is ludicrous...
If I'm not mistaken he had some actions away from the track earlier that got him in trouble too. Something about excessive speed in a passenger car?
Things are a little different in the social media world. We are seeing it in politics, news and sports.
Don't like it, but it is what it is...
JD, I was thinking Matt Kenseth for M&M's and I've seen a lot of requests for that on Twitter. Interesting how all of those drivers are under the Roush umbrella. I wonder if they've already had a representative go visit the Mars family who I understand are at Texas right now? I know I would have already sent out a feeler for Kenseth who needs a sponsor for 2012.
Yeah but lets be real, David Ragan isnt going to put up 4 wins a year.
Kyle Busch is not going anywhere. Heres whats gonna happen. Whenever he comes back, whether its next week or next year, he will be driving the #18. He will lay low and stay out of trouble just like he did at the start of this year. The media will fall in love with him again and drool over the "new" Kyle Busch. After a few months of that he'll get into it with someone again and the process will repeat. Although I dont think youll ever see him do something as extreme as Friday night again.
Just remember, Harvick is not done with Kyle. The fued between those 2 is not resolved. Harvick has a lot of chips he's gonna cash in on Kyle, and its not going to be pretty.
Actually, Kevin might be smart enough to let Kyle hang himself. It seems inevitable, doesn't it?
If vegas had a line on it, i'd bet my house that kyle isn't going anywhere. JGR knows they have a winner, m&m's know they have a winner, right now they are attempting to put the fear of god in kyle... this is their version of scared straight... he will be given a second chance...
David Reutimann is great with kids and rarely loses his temper. Be interesting to see what he could do with a competitive ride rather than those MWR nags.
I have great respect for Coach Gibbs. Right now, he is sitting on a razor blade. Does he keep a talents driver that has an enormous attitude/arrogance/temper problem, or does he dump the driver in support of a sponsor who is very angry about how the driver is affecting their reputation because they sell a lot of their products to children?
I wonder if the coach was tempted to use Jack Roush's line about not being an apologist for a Busch any more?
I wonder if Mars is doing some quick research on this. Do they get more business by sponsoring him or lose more? After all, I can't be the only person that has not bought one scrap of any Mars candy since they started sponsoring Kyle Busch.
I'm pretty sure Speed and/or ESPN would be happy to have an interview with Kyle. And likewise, the media folks would love to cover Kyle's side of things. It is Kyle or more likely Joe Gibbs decision for Kyle to remain silent. It's not like the opportunity isn't there for him to speak.
I hear ya JD, kind of sad in a way. Way to negative all around.
Hope ESPN gives us a decent race today.
I wonder if Michael McDowell will bring it down pit road on lap 2 out of habit.
KoHoSo-nope you're not the only one & I miss M&M's like crazy!
Crowd looks pathetic today (so far)
I'd love to see Trevor Bayne win today! That would be cool!
Steve L...a win by a driver like Bayne would be a perfect antidote to what NASCAR has been dealing with since Friday night.
OMG how many times are they going to show this "Dynasty" thing? UGH!
The sport has a way of solving these kinds of issues by putting other storylines out there.
Well, with all y'all not eating M&M's it leaves more for me -- Thank You! :)
Bayne's from my side of TN and he's a really good guy. We're all proud of him here in E. TN.
AncientRacer...at least we're helping keep the costs down for you. ;-)
Way to go Mr Adkins!
Nice to hear the anthem sung by someone with the range to do it properly. He should be the official anthem singer for Nascar!
Trace was down in my area few weeks back singing at a local festival. Before and after his show he was just hanging out and wandering around like everyone else. Was neat to meet him. He is a big guy. Bigger than I thought, and he looks big on TV
Nice of Trace not to joke about Kyle "losing his damn mind."
Still can't believe Ray Dunlap asked him that after the truck series wreck.
That was classic TV!
Nice to hear it sung properly vs the singers that try to put their twist on the song.
Trace Adkins NAILED IT! And a fantastic loud B-52 flyover!
You never know what will come out of Ray Dunlap's mouth. Reason why he's been removed from reporting for a few races thru the years.
haha How else would you phrase it JD?
I think the Kyle story will start to die down now if these guys put on a good show. If we have long green flag runs, Kyle will be the first thing the producer turns to.
Mars goodies are OK, but Hershey's stuff rocks. Maybe they'll pick up Kyle if Mars bails.
Mr. Petree's choice of shirt and tie just ain't doin it for me.
If you boycott a product because of a NASCAR driver, that is sad and pathetic.
Did any of you people that are refusing to buy MARS CO. products, e-mail NAPA when when Michael Waltrip got his DUI? NO? OK there ya go
No RaceBuddy yet, working on it.
I think the crowd they had here for the Monday rain delayed race last year is bigger than todays.
How so Anon? If you don't want your 2 cents going towards the sponsorship of a driver that's a consumers right.
Nice anthem. Sheesh I haven't tuned into the start of a race on eSPN live in a while so I'd forgotten they still do that annoying thing after the command to start engines. the babble of voices just makes me aggravated.
I've got about an hour of daylight left here in NJ, so I'll watch the start and then go back to finish my outside work for a while since Texas is not a favorite track for me to watch racing on.
Hi everybody.
Hey, wrong blog! We got no "you people" here. You must want NASCAR.com!
Sorry, but I don't give Nascar sponsorship much value when deciding for or against a particular product. It's got to be pretty much a coin flip before it makes a difference. Often it's the other way around -- I liked JJ because I'd rather shop at Lowes than HD. And I hoped DE would have mechanical failures every race because of the Mr. BadWrench attention given my Corvette.
Gina, well, this is the first season in a long time I will be watching Homestead all weekend.
is anyone having trubble getting RB up online???
I am willing to bet that JGR suspends KB for the final two races as internal discipline.
That will take NASCAR off the hook and show a strong stance on JGR's part.
RaceBuddy is up and running.
Daly Planet Editor said...
No RaceBuddy yet, working on it.
Wondered WTH?
Trying to find out if that is the new "Chad Knaus rule" of not putting it online until the cars actually roll off.
Bet it is!
Alright lets go racing!!!! WOOOO Cheers to everyone lets have a fun day im digging this 2pm cdt start its different for sure! I will be in Phoenix next week so im going to enjoy this
and go Carl Edwards WOOOOOO!!!!
Not sure I agree with putting Marty Smith on Kyle Busch watch. Kyle made his horrible mistake, he eventually apologized, and he's getting punished for it. Ambushing him on the pit box isn't the right thing to do. Besides, what else does ESPN expect he will really say?
KyBu walking to his pit box!!!
KoHoSo, you can count me in as one who has not bought any M&M Mars products since they took on KyBu.
There's lots of other candy I can buy.
Lots of in car camera's. I have the sound muted right now since I have had all I can stand of ESPN's jawing.
You know what would be interesting.
Have the 18 car take out Tony Stewart during the race and have it just be a race thing, not intentional.
Marty Smith still trying to get an interview with KB
You interview Stewart and his crew chief and then turn around and have Jamie Little do a preview from his box?
Spread the love.
Wow! Carl is really talented! How calm his pep talk was as they dropped the green flag! NOT. ESPN screws up before the green flag drops.
Man, the in-car cams on RaceBuddy are wild!
Wow, don't remember that many empty seats at a Texas Cup race ever!
I wonder if they practiced pits stops with McDowell since he's use to S&P.
To channel my inner Rusty, them Fords are flat flyin. This is going to be a repeat of Charlotte.
Wow, there really are a lot of empty seats there today.
Yeah, they're going to have to tell Mike McDowell to KEEP ON GOING! He probably hasn't practiced a pit stop in years!
Here we go - tight shots
talk about the car and not the race.
Every track over built, there will always be large chunks of empty seats. unless they really wanna drop ticket prices.
wow the crowd was ALOT better the first race at Texas go watch the start of the race in April on youtube. Why is this???? You would think with all thats going on this race would of been on par with Aprils???
@Jonathan...maybe in April with the season new, fans are more willing to sit through a rather boring race. By his time of the season, they want better races to sit thru?
25 laps in and getting hyper-tight complaints from email, Twitter and blog.
Some things never change.
I guess all the crazy promotions by TMS didn't work too well.
Maybe a lot of people stayed home because Kyle Busch wasn't driving. :-)
Looking at the empty seats and allowing myself to think cynically if NASCAR had chosen to try to goose attendance they might have let Kyle race and let talk of a possible Harvick/Busch confrontation do it.
Jon, there is a Dallas Cowboys home game today. Not good.
My Race Buddy is showing TBS stuff.
Good for Jerry Jones
If you had never been to a race and just watched Espn coverage, why would you go. You would think most races are boring and not worth the money to see a race, stay over night, etc.
im sorry yall but this isnt boring to me. Just saw 3 wide and were more than a few laps in! How is this boring??? sitting through 19 cautions at Martinsville seems like it would be a heck of a lot more boring than this! but hey thats just me i guess
Anon, I boycott other products that have people representing them that I don't care for so, while you may think it is pathetic, I consider it a way to make a statement to corporations in a way that may possibly get their attention.
Profit IS the motivator for companies, so as a consumer I can choose where I spend my money.
AR - enjoy those M&M's for me, I do miss them.
JD this is true didnt know there was a Dallas home game sure that dosent help!
Why do they go to the infield studio during a green flag race?
I'm with you Jonathan, I don't need wrecks. Between race buddy and the four letter I see plenty of good stuff.
Does anyone think the race next week at Phoenix will be a one grove race? Heard there putting a lot of Richard Petty Driving cars on the track to get the 2nd grove rubbered up
It seems "us fans" that hit the listen to Jr button on RB are getting TBS shows. LOL
Alright Jerry!
Adam, are you going to Homestead?
We've went a couple of years ago and had a lot of fun.
That backstretch angle on RaceBuddy is pretty intense!
ESPN reporting on Travis Kvapil's pit stop?!?! ESPN amazed me!
Just refresh your browser, Turner had a server glitch!
Gina: I'm 20, I'm not going anywhere. :P
I meant on TV. I will be watching Phoenix from New York (and listening in Vermont)
Cowboys are playing at home today, game started at noon local time. Probably cost the race a bunch of tickets.
Ok right now the M&Ms commercial is in rather bad taste.
I agree JD love it!!! I wanna go to Texas one of these days with all the stuff EG puts on pre race and then this racing bet its fun!!! LOL at the M&M's commercial fits Kyle this weekend thats for sure! LLLLLLLLOOOLLLLLLLLLLL HAAAAAAAAAAAAA
isnt it ironic
Nice timing with that M&M's Kyle Busch commercial.
Charlie, that has been something I've talked about with a lot of fans - if the TV coverage is poor like it has been for a while now, it doesn't make people WANT to go to the track.
Based on what I've seen of most of the 1.5 cookie cutters (mostly on TV) I wouldn't waste my money or vacation time to go. We got to Charlotte because my brother lives close by - left to myself I probably wouldn't bother to renew my tickets.
Well we can see what they were saving all those commercials for since they were not showing them on the pre race show.
Formally Anonymous (I figured out how to put a name in LOL)
OK, that was a really weird commercial.
Wow, and I thought they'd be too embarrassed to keep that M&M's ad running. Hysterical!
Really cannot believe they ran that one!
Let's see - the leader has a 4 second lead - wow, that's just what excites me.
Gina what do you want a side by side race for the lead for 334 laps???? lol :)
there great racing through out the field
Joining late, beautiful day for yard work and stuff
Kahne 7th, woohoo!
Where do they load the commercials? Bristol? Could be someone there who knows nothing about this kerfuffel
I'd like to see more of what happened in 1997, go into turn 1, pileup half the field. :P
Jonathan, sure, that would be fun! LOL
I'd be happier if they were SHOWING us more of that side by side racing.
A 4 second lead wouyld excite you if it were Jeff. Jus sayin ;)
Tommy Baldwin Racing & Joe Gibbs Racing having tough days.
Not side by side for the lead, must be a horrible race, never mind three wide for 12th or racing hard in the back.
decided to switch over and watch a little football. although none of the games are that interesting to me.
the good news is that with pit command I can tell that Gordon is moving up through the field even if there is NO coverage on TV.
and they wonder why I tune out?
I know I would as well. ESPN $*#*ing sucks if you ask me! Put on racebuddy that helps a lot! Maybe just maybe we will get lucky when 2014 rolls around cause I agree with Gina this coverage sucks!!!!!! But the racing is still bad ass JD mentioned how the backstrech camera on racebuddy is intense! I WISH ESPN's coverage would be intense but its not
personal preference I guess but a 4 second lead says more about a race than 3 wide for 15th. Ofcourse it's not like they will show us the 3 wide in the back anyway.
ESPN has barely mentioned the Hendrick cars today. I think they only featured Johnson so far.
LOL, Adam, sorry about that, i just wasn't sure. Well I actually enjoy coverage on the radio a lot of time.
Jonathan it is 2015 before there maybe a change.
Well have a good race all. Off to watch football.
And the familiar pattern returns! Come on guys, get excited and work to show us some racing and develop some stories!
but they would announce any changes for 2015 in 2014.
AR - you are right, it would, but then I'm biased. With it being one of the rousketeers it results in me saying "who cares?"
Have to side with Gina in this debate. At Martinsville, we saw the fire inside these drivers. You could tell we are in the so called
So far, not much of the fire is evident here. At least not based off the tv coverage.
The contract will be negotiated in 2012 and announced toward the end of the season.
The current agreement for TV expires at the end of the 2014 season.
Three more years of the current NASCAR TV partners for all three national series.
Right side tires on Edwards car were blistered after that first full run.(per @bobpockrass)
Could mean something later in the race.
Even in a year of long green-flag runs, I think this is the longest green-flag run we've had to start a race probably in years.
Once again how can ESPN do a decent job of showing a football game being CFB or NFL but can't properly show a race.
Except for green flag stops, this race is pretty boring.
Buschseries, thanks, that is why I enjoyed Martinsville so much. Plus I was at the track so I could see the whole race, not just what the TV gods choose to show me.
It seems that the only HMS car ESPN is going to cover is the 48 - I'm surprised considering that Jr has an in car.
Watched theend of the 'Bama game lst night, first time in ages I watched a foosball ame. One major thing I noticed was that because of time outs in football, they go ad cover other stuff of te teams and players. Got me to thinking of how the race directors/producers wold love to have a time out more often than they do, but being that they don't, they jump around their shots as the foosball guys do. The result is disjinted race coverage. We need a race fan as producer/director who understands how racing works.
Just my opinion
Busch have you ever raced a race car???? there fire burning from lap one all the way to the final lap... if there isnt then you shouldnt be racing! Sorry but just cause its not a short track and there not betting and banging I CAN PROMISE you there is FIRE in every one of these drivers! your statement is a stab at all drivers who are racing
Where is Jr?
All 3 Gibbs cars are outside the top 25. Ouch!
JD, and ESPN's familiar pattern is killing my interest in racing.
And just like I mentioned at the beginning of the thread, if we had long boring green flag runs, the ESPN producer would jump to the Kyle Busch saga.
oh please, woe is Kyle, woe is Kyle.
As miserable as Kyle must be on the Busch? LOL Way to go Vince LOL
cRusty saying it is a bad day for McDowell. Bosh. McDowell gets to drive a whole race! Hardly ever gets to do that!
Giants - Patriots game about to begin on Fox. Looking cold in NE.
@ Jon, I'm sure the drivers have that fire inside of them, that's what makes them race car drivers.
But on tracks like this, it is all aero. If the car is not handling, the driver can't do anything but hang on. With so many of these tracks on the schedule, driver frustration builds up tremendously as they can do nothing but ride around. Once we get to short tracks, drivers have more input over the handling and speed. They let all that frustration go. Fans in the stands want to see them drive, not becomes slaves to aero, engine power, and fuel.
Think there's any signifigance that KyBu isn't wearing anything with M and M logos sitting there? Was he asked not to. Does that reflect Mars decision.
nascarnut, Jr is in 14th per pit command
112 Laps....
I think JD must be taking a nap during this door to door banging race. LOL
Is anyone listening to the race online? Can some buddy give me a link to a station please?
Phony caution.
Up until the yellow, the average speed was 170 mph!
How convnient! Pfft.
Show the debris or I change the channel.
GIGANTIC twist tie on the track!
The debribs spotters are, I am convinced, the same people who will tell you they do, in fact and for real, see Dead People.
Thanks Roland!
No, just playing around with RaceBuddy. Trying to get if for NNS races next season.
AR that comment just gave the folks at the Speed Channel an idea for a new show for next season. LOL
PRN reports Kyle Busch has left the pit box
Eddie Gossage is delusional. Here is what he just said on Twitter.
Wow! Great crowd! Infield is packed, stands look good. We"re proud to have the biggest crowd in The Chase! #texasracefansrock
I LOOK at it like this if that driver has to "hang on" all race well you know what they didnt do that homework then! Trust me yeah the mile and halfs are areo but this day in age many are so close that its still a race! If this was 1970 there would be 10 cars on the lead lap and yes a mile and a half! There is plenty of racing going on and most contenders are not just hanging on and if they are well they better know how to change there car w changing track conditions!
With the looks of that restart I see some more Jacque Debris cautions coming out in the near future.
@Ancient -- LOL, said in a very hushed voice, too.
That said, Gordon had debris on his grille, so there is stuff blowing around out there.
WHY DONT the members of the eeeee
telecast team YELL SOME MORE
AND THEN do it again .keep yelling
h your collective brains out....
just perfect
Jr. in 13th and not a peep from ESPN all day. DW must be livid!
So Gina debris on Gordon's grill is reason for a caution? LOL Did not know that. LOL
...and Kyle Busch back atop the box.
Hey, park...don't you have a volume control on your TV if it bothers you so badly? No one else here seems to have that problem. Turn the dial/slide to the left!
Is it going to take 330 laps to get some better racing around here? This game of follow the leader is fine, but not so constant.
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