It's been a mess today in Homestead due to rainy weather. The day had most sessions scrubbed, but the truck race looks to be happening on time as the jet dryers are working hard and the rain has stopped.
Krista Voda starts the best pre-race show on TV with The Set-up. No hype, no fancy set and nothing but information. Ray Dunlap and Hermie Sadler are the reporters who join Voda for this program and then work the race.
Rick Allen, Phil Parsons and Micheal Waltrip are going to call the final race. These three have a unique chemistry. Waltrip can be a solid third guy in the booth, but if he gets too excited and loud he can ruin the entire telecast. We will see which Waltrip shows up tonight.
The trucks series TV teams kicks it old school. The telecasts are cut very wide, let the fans see packs of trucks and continues to be the best live NASCAR TV presentation. It's easy to watch because the SPEED team knows racing.
If the rain stays away, it could be a fun night of racing on SPEED. As always, we appreciate your comment on the SPEED telecast. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below.
How much of a race TV production is done by network employees with network owned equipment and how much by outside companies/contractors? I seem to recall hearing a few years ago that the in-car cameras, for example, are set up and operated by an outside company.
The TV compound is huge. BSI runs the in-cars and has for years. They are sent not only to the TV networks at the track, but also online to NASCAR.com.
Tonight's race is SPEED production folks. The compound is coordinated by the NASCAR Media Group at the Sprint Cup Series weekends and all the TV partners just work with them for facilities and manpower.
The weekend shows from SPEED like RaceDay, Victory Lane, NASCAR Live are directly produced for SPEED by the NASCAR Media Group.
Does that help?
So all of the technical people and camera operators work for NASCAR Media Group?
No Chris. Both SPEED and ESPN have production folks that work for them because the resources they use are not shared.
For example, only ESPN uses the Tech Garage and Infield Pit Studio.
Shared resources are manned by folks paid and coordinated by NMG.
Gotcha. Thanks.
Weather has been insane in Homestead. I won't be watching the Cup race this year, have to be in NYC for a dinner. Will watch Dillon/Sauter/Buescher go for it and see Stenhouse get his well-deserved championships.
I will say this. Stenhouse, Dillon and Sauter will kill off the Winless Champion theory.
While we're on the subject, what about cameramen? I assume all networks use the same cameras, but do the operators change when coverage changes between networks present that weekend?
Finally some cars, I mean trucks, on the track. Been a long day of sitting around doing nothing! Lets race. Im just glad DW is not involved in this broadcast, because he usually is.
...and as I say that, I see rain.
Last Truck blog for the season! Thank you JD for keeping these open this season.
I remember a few years back, Trucks raced early in the morning....let's hope not.
Oh, Austin's got his Bose on.
Based on previous years, the best racing at Homestead will be on Sunday, but the best broadcast will be tonight. Hopefully SPEED and ESPN tomorrow don't go overboard covering the not-very-close championship battles at the expense of the racing action.
Hey Busch! Here we are again.
Same with camera folks. Some are shared and some are what they call "dedicated." That just means they are working fulltime for one network.
Gracias, senor.
Adam, I booked myself on a plane Sunday afternoon. I could have gone Saturday, but didn't check the schedule. At the time I must have thought the season would end the weekend before.
Earlier they were saying that Artie produces the games for NFL Network. Didn't remember that. Just never paid attention, I guess.
Is Rick Allen really that tall? Should be a good one tonight! Go RCR!
glen - It was back in 2005 when the Trucks ran in the morning and Todd Bodine won. I had to keep the volume so low when I was watching because the rest of my family was sleeping in. I can't believe that was 6 years ago already!
Busch, I remember because I was on an airplane. I don't have Sirius at home, but I was happy to plug in my earphones and it was timed so I got to hear the whole thing.
Ben - 6ft6!
2003 NCTS, back when Cup drivers didn't run with the damn show
so they are making Mikey the short one tonite in the booth?? good grief..
Parsons is only 5-9. He must be standing on something.
John, are the NASCAR Media Group personnel employees of NMG or are they BSI personnel or local freelancers? For example, because you're a local person, if you wanted to, could you make a few calls and be added to the staff?
While waiting to see the race, I'm watching Presidents Cup golf from near Melbourne Australia, where it's Saturday afternoon. It's raining there too.
To think I use to be a Nascar nut. I would never miss a lap of action in any of the races, truck, nns, or sprint.
Today I will be watching Kitchen Nightmares first then switching over to truck.
Tomorrow I will be watching America's cup sailing then the end of NNS.
Sunday is first NFL, then sailing and if the race for the sprint is still on I will watch that.
Do they really have to tell people to place their right hand over their heart?
ChrisK, that is not the custom for many. It didn't used to be part of the code at all until recently.
Anon, email me your info and I will hook you up with the right contact info for NASCAR TV freelance work.
I always thought that you only put your hand over your heart for the Plegde of Allegience, not the Anthem.
That was a good, solid pre race show.
Krista Voda flat-out gets it done on TV.
I'd say she and Wendy are top of the line.
One thing I noticed during the pre race. Speed seemed to be using a new type of camera while showing shots of drivers and trucks on the grid. It looked like it was one of those strap on kind of cameras that are super stable instead of the regular shoulder camera. I dont know the exact name of the type of camera, but I have never seen it used before in Nascar. You see it in NFL all the time.
I always enjoy this segment SPEED does with the new faces. Wish the other networks did this.
Rats! for a moment I thought Mikey's mike cut out and we would be spared his over the top babble. No such luck.
Still cannot believe RaceDay is punting Hermie Sadler. I still cannot get from SPEED if he is done altogether!
Amazing, isn't it JD? They dump Hermie and resign Rusty and both Waltrips? What's with that?
It would be awful is Hermie is done with SPEED. I've been a fan of his since his days driving the Virginia Lottery #13. He did a good job stepping into broadcasting, despite the accent.
Well, there went the only Ford in the Ford 200. Its sad that they dont care about this series anymore. You can really tell which manufacturer spends the most money in this series. 13 of the top 15 trucks right now are Chevys.
I don't get Speed, so I'm watching RaceBuddy. Being the last Truck race of the year, can I assume that Mikey is worse than usual with his shtick?
That aerial shot on the restart was AMAZING.
It's been a cycle Roland. Dodge pumped huge $ into the series around 2000. Toyota spent a ton in 2004, over half the field was Toyota a few years ago. Now it's shifted back to Chevy thanks to KHI/RCR. It's up in the air next season.
I am SO loving this coverage.
sb, he settled down...but the pre-race was over the top.
Tonight's S&P's were Harmon, Setzer, & Chapman. Really sad they decided to park it considering the amound of trucks sent home that would have raced.
Mikey is talking too much, but other then that this has been a great broadcast so far. Loving the W I D E shots.
I've not been able to get an answer to this question, maybe you can help. When an accident occurs the safety crew make sure the HANS devise & helmet are taken from the vehicle. Why? Are they checked for damage from the incident?
Daly Planet Editor said...
sb, he settled down...but the pre-race was over the top.
November 18, 2011 8:32 PM
Thanks JD
If the prerace was that bad and I had tried to watch it, it would have soured me on the whole race broadcast and I would have bailed completely
Amazing what a difference it makes when you can see multiple cars in a shot, isn't it? Actually seeing trucks as the gain or lose spots on the tack really helps keep me more involved in the race.
This is great! You can actually get a feeling for what is happening.
so far it's been a very good broadcast.
Even Mikey seems to be doing a reasonable job.
Meh, why can't the 18 & 2 just take themselves out now...
This is KHI's last race, so I imagine Kevin is highly motivated.
This is KHI's last race, so I imagine Kevin is highly motivated.
Just get someone to push them into the paint Adam.
Sally, I would think you are right about Harvick, but I'm kind of with Adam that I'd like it better if the 18 and the 2 weren't in the race.
Adam, you almost got your wish with one of them!
Marge: They check the helmet and HANS for cracks or other damage that might indicate the hit was harder enough to warrant additional screening of the driver. Just a precaution. The driver may think he's fine, but actually be suffering an injury that needs attention ASAP. One more piece of data in treating the drivers.
LOL, Buescher got my idea.
Marge: Ummm... "hard enough" It's an adult beverage evening and the grammar is the first thing to go!
Wow, look at the empty grandstands. This is the best racing of the 3 NASCAR series.
If the trucks can race like this, why can't the cup cars? Wasn't the original plan for the COT to make them race more like the trucks?
WOW who knew there were so many racing at the same time! LOL So use to seeing only 2 cars in the Cup series.
No points crawl on the screen either.
Homestead call me like a million times for tickets! Have a feeling it's going to be sparse.
This is great Im loving this!
I see that the best thing about having the points leader far enough ahead that something drastic would need to happen to change the points is that we are NOT getting a lap by lap...'if the race ended now' point update. I see that being a big problem Sunday.
Hi, drdiandra, welcome and thanks for the info about the HANS.
Don't you love how little attention is being paid to Austin Dillon? He's not racing for the lead, he's not in the garage with his season in tatters, he's not in the middle of a wreck waiting to happen, he's just running in a nice, safe top-10 position, so there's no need to give him any special acknowledgement.
Hmmm. I thought that all made sense somehow...until I read it again. And I don't have an adult beverage excuse!
JD, we really enjoyed going to Homestead, but when i priced everything between airfare, rental car, hotel and tickets, well, it just wasn't in the budget this year.
I know I got called by a lot of tracks where we had bought tickets but didn't renew.
How was the Homestead racing in person Gina?
Sally, I'm giving consideration to having an adult beverage myself. It has been one rough week at work and it's cold here in NJ. I have cider in the fridge and adding a little applejack and warming it up sounds pretty good.
I was very envious when they said it was 75 degrees at Homestead.
DrD! Nice to see ya. Snowing in West Virginia yet?
Any word on what happened to Miguel Paludo? I don't think it was mentioned on air.
DPE: Flurries yesterday, but my petunias are still alive. Hit 70 last weekend.
Ask me next week, though! May be coming to move in with you!
Mikey needs to take it down a couple notches. Hes startin to get on my nerves.
Busch, it was very good. The cars really can race multiple grooves just like you are seeing now with the trucks.
As long as your seats are high enough to see over the silly infield seats, you can see around the whole track.
It's a shame that the TV broadcasts don't do it justice - but all it would take is some wide shots. ESPN and the other TV partners are not doing the tracks any favors by using the hypertight crap.
Couldn't agree more with you Roland. Mikey's starting to get the rambles. Less is more.
I don't give out my phone number. But I get a lot of mail from Dover because I ordered ONE ticket from them a few years ago (my friend usually buys our block of tickets.) But I get mail from other ISC tracks too. Tickets are very reasonable these days, but the other expenses...yikes.
Hehe! 70 and humid here in North Cuba!
Ohhhh noooooo its the dreaded double commercial!!! And they were doing so good!
Harvick is pissed now! Buescher is screwed!
Harvick is pissed now! Buescher is screwed!
This truck series is nuts.
If they show a pit stop I wish they would show the whole stop.
That whole segment you couldn't tell what was going on with the race because they obsessed with the Buescher/Harvick thing.
Why do I have the feeling Austin will get caught up in someone elses mess.
I dislike 75 degrees. I prefer what Jersey has now. In fact it ain't cold enough.
37° here in the upper peninsula of michigan
North Cuba, JD, you are bad! LOL
That snow we had on Halloween weekend was a real pain in the you know what. I spend 8 hrs in the philly airport waiting to go to NC so I could go to M'ville!
@ DrDiandra,
I'm guessing you're the author of the book "The Physics of Nascar". I purchased the book a couple of years ago as a Christmas present for my mechanical engineer husband who thoroughly enjoyed the read.
Adam! Say it ain't so! I think the perfect temp is 85 degrees - I spent just enough time living in Hotlanta for my blood to thin out
Just a Bruton trubute, Gina!
Yay side by side
WHOA! Where did that come from?!
DrD, I always enjoyed the articles you wrote, too. NorCalFan, I'm going to have to look for that book - my brother would love it -- I'll give it to him after I read it.
I got the joke, JD. I still can't believe the old curmudgeon said that - more than once!
Ok SPEED, is there any racing on the track besides the leader making laps?
I like how there is no bottom ticker and just a two ticker on top.
Less is better sometimes - Espn
Hey! Side by is showing something other than the leader running all alone! Cool!
Good. We needed a caution. They were starting to go to tight shots.
Yep, cutting the live race in the video box!
I hope things don't get ungly in the restart.
Uh...that should be ugly.
This is going to be a restart to remember.
30° here in western NC. Got a fire in the fireplace. Im kind of like Adam, I like cold instead of heat and humidity.
They have got to get a catchier name for the side by side. Say "Speeds continuous coverage" 5 time fast.
Maybe more than restart to remember before the night's out. Homestead can see more cautions in a hurry if needed.
Fireplace? Wuss....I have my bedroom windows wide open.
Easy now....
Got some fast cats up front.
FYI - Dr. Diandra has written a couple of Nascar physics books; my husband read the one about the science of speed.
Sorry JD, OT.
LOL @ Adam and Roland.
I prefer Roland's fireplace to windows open in this weather!
Roland, you miss all the tornado damage. It got really close to my brother's place.
No prob, I'm a big fan. Miss her info these days.
Pretty wild Austin Dillon story unfolding right now.
@Gina Closest stuff to us was the tornadoes down in the upstate of SC. The county I live in actually borders SC so it wasnt that far as the crow flies. Really glad I have the mountains to break up some of that stuff when it rolls through!
AAAAGGGHHH, cats on the keyboard
Nice to see Nelson Piquet, Jr. doing well tonight. he really come on this year. Does he have a ride next year?
I have been listening to Austin radio and they only told him that someone said something about his car just before the restart and they told Austin no problem and that is the last I heard of it.
Not sure where speed is getting this stuff.
Hmmm. Wonder what happens if Harvick gets on the bumper of the 18 truck?
roland, glad to hear it. those pics of the damage were scary
hold on, austin
*blush!* Thanks!
Hamlin, Rejected!
Speed never mentioned that weather was on the way. Now its "pouring". Sigh, we need Larry Mac. This race is over.
Turn out the lights, the party's over.. Congrats to Austin Dillon.
15 Laps to go.
so will they call it?
Yeah that's it. Austin is in 10th
These guys are going to have some conversations when they step out here.
Somebody asked about Paludo. He said on Twitter that he lost an engine.
@DrDiandra, @NorCalFan:
ECHO. Even a dope like me understood what you wrote!
I think the coverage deteriorated toward the end. Tighter shots. If the race ended now, etc.
That track was drenched in 5 minutes. Will NASCAR take 2 hours to dry the track?
After the day they've had with rain, I bet they call it.
Chris, little bit of a weird transition there huh?
I have to say that I'm not going to last much past 10, I have stuff to do in the morning
Piquet Jr. trucks and some NNS for Turner next year.
I just got word...over.
Austin Dillon is your 2011 champion.
Sure was. Also Mikey went over the top again.
Thanks! One happy kid and Granpa there!
For DrDiandra:
Is the following true?
According to James Watt, The measurement of horsepower is how hard one hits the wall and the measurement of torque is how for the wall gets pushed after the impact.
I think my favorite moment of the season was Pop-pop punching Kyle Busch. LOL.
congrats to austin & grandpa childress!
Well I do want to thank Nascar for not making us wait around forever before calling it. If your gonna call it, do it quick, so kudos. But Im still kinda mad at Speed. 5 minutes ago we were racing. I didnt know rain was coming. Speed never said nothing. This is crazy.
Here is the revised Sat. TV Sched:
Saturday: Cup practices 9:30-11a ET and 11:30-12:30p ET. NNS qualifying at 1p ET and Sprint Cup qualifying at 2:30p ET. All on @SPEED.
Glen, I have to agree with you. Hold my watch!!
Me too! The only problem was that he should have hit him harder. Didn't manage to knock sense into him at all!
sbaker: I like the following better:
Horsepower lets you go fast
Torque makes you feel good
Torque is what makes you accelerate - it's that great feeling you get when you floor it to pass another car on the expressway and the car just moves.
Horsepower lets you go fast, but in most NASCAR-type racing (i.e. not drag racing), it's a little more subtle. Being able to get up off the corners fast is more important than straight-line speed.
Your Watt quote is great - the (de-)acceleration is related to the wall movement and the force is related to the change in velocity. In reality, they are linked!
Great question! I may steal it for my class next semester.
Dr D, great explanation, now I know why I feel good when I jump on the gas!
JD, thanks for the update on the schedule.
Interesting race. Great fight by Johnny Sauter and James Buescher for the championship tonight. Nobody made it easy for Austin, but he recovered from his horrible restart to hold on to the championship.
SPEED did a great job, except for a few moments. The wide shots were amazing, and I hope ESPN uses them tomorrow. Things went off track after the double commercial and the shots became tighter.
Thank you to SPEED Channel for another great season of trucks!
Nice spending Friday night with you folks.
Good job by Speed.
I'm staying on Blog for the trophy presentation. Tomorrow's should be even more heartfelt, considering IT WON'T BE A CUP DRIVER! :D
Johnny Sauter made Austin work for it though. A well-deserved championship for Austin, whole new champ next year though. :)
Pretty good TV tonight! Must feel better because of the mess we have been getting from the Mothership.
Dr. D:
Beer has torque.
My wife does not :)
Sally, seriously...I think that's part of why NASCAR came down so hard on Kyle. I mean, if RC punching him didn't do any good, they had to be pretty strong with punishment, eh?
Kinda silly making Austin drive his car to VL and pretend to get out like he just finished. But I wouldn't take away his happiness or Johnny's celebration either, rain is always weird.
Glen, you think SPEED and NASCAR might have gotten that a little better. I guest the rain threw them a wrench.
I always feel sorry for the race winner at the last race if he isn't the champ...kinda gets lost in the shuffle.
I'm gonna chalk that up to rain. They do have to take the photos & please the sponsors & all like it was normal.
Kind of a weird ending! But, of all the TV stuff, Keith and Roger produce and direct a daggone good telecast.
Thanks to all of you for hanging in with us on the truck races this year. Got rough at times!
Feb. seems like a looong time ago!
JD. we all hope you aren't going to disappear until February!
Wow! Look who is up late! The blazer boys.
Sally, there is sooo much media and online info about to bust loose I will be updating daily.
I got over 500 emails just today and the Turner guys called me twice!
Tony Stewart's in-car will be on RaceBuddy and on Facebook live Sunday!
Going to be an interesting off-season.
Torque comment, BTW, courtesy of Andy Randoph, Engine Technical Director of ECR. I'm looking for him in Victory Circle now!
Glad to hear it, JD. Lately, this site is more interesting than the racing. At least here, someone actually listens! You are a life saver to many fans.
DrD, thanks for stopping by tonight! Stay dry.
Thanks Sally!
Got the new TV sched for tomorrow up on the front page.
Thanks everyone, see you tomorrow!
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