This night is always an interesting one. First, the highlight show of the combined Nationwide and Camping World Truck Series banquet is airing from 7 to 9PM. This is basically an edited version of the four hour banquet. The TV folks tried, but getting that much content into a tiny timeslot is never an easy task.
The Sprint Cup Series banquet is a long affair on TV. It is often "chunky" in terms of flow and the transitions between the live, pre-produced and time-shifted content.
This function is made for those attending in person. After a brief opening, the actual dinner begins and lasts approximately an hour. We described how SPEED does the "content shuffle" to fill the gaps in the post below.
Steve Byrnes and Jeff Hammond are the TV guys who direct traffic for the entire four hour telecast. Rutledge Wood and Marianela Pereyra are hosting the pre-race show that features conversation with the arriving personalities.
Once things get underway, Krista Voda and Mike Joy handle the duties on the stage. The presentations also feature NASCAR President Mike Helton and Chairman Brian France. Other key sponsors will appear to present specific awards.
This is a TV program produced by NASCAR about NASCAR. It is scripted, rehearsed and completely coordinated in advance from start to finish. The speeches are aided by a Teleprompter and the night is designed to focus on sponsors, drivers and teams.
If you are a person who follow social media like Twitter or Facebook, you may get frustrated that live pictures and real time comments originating from the ballroom do not match the video on SPEED. I would just remind you again that the TV presentation is designed to integrate commercials, cover the dinner portion of the evening and then not drop any content from awards and speeches.
This is a long night of banquet TV. We welcome your comments on the presentation of these two events. To add your opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thank you as always for stopping by The Daly Planet.
Any bets that the Truck and Nationwide banquets will outshine the Cup series?
Ok JD,
I just finished typing a comment and you closed the blog from yesterday.
anyway. what i typed was something to the effect that if the previous coverage of the SHOW at vegas is as good this year as the last two, i will enjoy it very much.
And I wanted to mention that your posts on the left side of your blog are a must see for me to see what is on and where. thank you, Lou
opps another commerical is over. later.
Each year the NASCAR Media Group gets better and better at packaging this first show.
The editors and producer once again had some tough decisions on what to leave in and what to take out.
You know they were serving many masters with this one, especially inside NASCAR.
yes JD, I know.
Krista and Rick have started spot on tonight. True professionals.
enjoying the pics and how NMG has put this together. I do not know how long it takes to put it all together for this show. But it seems like the personnel at NMG work long and hard after the last race to give me the viewer the product I am now watching.
Maybe next month this could be a topic for a blog post.
commerical time is over. later.. enjoy the show all
The sound effects when a graphic is shown on the screen are driving me NUTS.
Yep, many masters. That's why we have to hear from the manufacturers winner, when we, the fans would rather hear more from the drivers speeches. And when they show a comedian or musical number, it makes it even worse.
Anon....me too! Muted it!
I use the side TV listings all the time as I've mentioned before...but I must admit, I don't see a 'all times eastern' there. I guess I ever noticed because I'm eastern & JD lives in 'north Cuba' so I just assume.
Not watching yet, just flipped over to see a couple minutes. Krista looks nice. I know when they went to this 'interview' format the guys seem a little more at ease.
Glen, TV listings are always ET. I think NASCAR.com just does not get it sometimes. We have kept all times ET in NASCAR for years.
Argh! #turner
I just try not to leave out our poor left coasters!
Rick was funny there with the watch. I have discovered there's not much on TV.
Conspisuously absent @ Truck / Nationwide banquet - Brian France.
Would you expect anything else ?
Conspiracy theory! Love it.
I turned it on just in time to see Austin Dillon doing his speech. Nicely done.
geez, robin pemberton looks like he was rode hard and put away wet!
it sure is nice to see such well mannered young people winning championships. And it bodes well for the future. The shame is that there are so many more able bodies out there than there are rides.
Gina, that guy is the stress king!
On another note, Dale Junior has his longtime girlfriend with him tonight and is going public in a big way.
He and she are being interviewed on the red carpet. Look for it!
Good thing the action doesnt really start till 10. I can catch Gold Rush!
Be back later. Im not missin Kid Rock.
LOL, JD. he sure looks it. Be still my heart - Jr has a girlfriend -
Not offf to a good start! That thing with Samantha and Marianela was STOOPID!
Marianela is the new star. No idea why or what is going on.
sex sells, JD. no different than danica mania
I'm surprised they didn't rewrite history to say Kulwicki won a 'Sprint Cup'.
sally, i was thinking the same. i hate them making comparisons that are just not accurate.
The 2 championships are not the same - including the fact that Kulwicki won his over a full season, not a 10 race shortie.
Just like Johnson's 3 in a row is not the same as Cale's accomplishment.
I said aloud...'Alan didn't have Hendrick engines.' Plus all the points you make, Gina.
glen, yeah, it bugs me because i know better, but newer fans may accept all the nonsense as fact
Good points.
that isn't to say I'm not impressed with what Tony & Haas have done. But it's not the same.
Okay, not impressed with Marianela in this format--she's not having a great night so far.
Just hit record after watching more than I could stand. Now I can watch later while filtering out the Shinola. I'd have turned on the recorder earlier except I was busy driving the porcelain bus after that sappy opening bit.
I really enjoy Nascar racing in any form but I can't stand these award shows. To me they are just a lot of crap. I suppose the ladies like it though.
Is Rutledge wearing jeans to the Sprint Cup Series banquet?
anon, it depends on the show. There have been some seriously lame banquets over the years. I'm not real impressed so far.
and a sweater, JD. Probably his best outfit. Somebody didn't give him the dress code memo.
I think Rut is one of those who think being totally inappropriate for an occasion is real 'cool'. Shows what an individual he is?
I wish Danielle Trotta would retire from broadcasting local football games in Charlotte and go full time with Speed! Marianela is OK but obviously out of her comfort zone here. I think Danielle would be a lot better.
The heart of every girl in Junior Nation just blowed up!
well. I can see why Jr. said his 'future wife' would win a wet T shirt contest...if this chick is her, anyway.
Apparently the drivers made quite a few jokes about her being like Snooki - Jr isn't lookin at her face.
Sally, there have been shots of her on TV during the pre-race shows and on the Pit Box a few times, but no one knew who she was. I thought she was the wife or girl friend of one of the crew members.
women throw themselves at Jr...if big kahunas were all he was after he could have had that long ago...my guess is, he's not just looking at her ta tas.
woo hoo, got a glimpse of Jeff and Ingrid there at the end. She always looks good.
I do have to say that I thought Jr's girlfriend looked beautiful in that red dress.
Anon, I thought wanting big cajones was something men wanted?
You can go to LarryBrownSports.com and type "Amy Reiman" in the search box.
Larry has a story from 2010 on how things supposedly went down with all of this.
Just one side represented, keep that in mind.
Boy Speed must be broke if they have to give us one hour of fluff wrapped around commercials before the banquet.
Kenny, they are covering the actual dinner being eaten inside.
Then they will start with the real stuff around 10PM.
Kind of like....NOW!
This is why NASCAR's move to Las Vegas for the banquet is not fitting. Starting the banquet at 10 PM does not bode well. When the banquet was at the Waldorf=Astoria, they started at 7 PM with the major ceremony at 9 PM, and the event could easily end before midnight. The entertainment is going around while everyone's eating.
Jersey Boys? WTH? See this is why I dont like these awards shows. Were 4 minutes in (not counting the hour of fluff) and Im already annoyed.
again, Bobby...this isn't for you...it's for the teams.
Gina, of course they do...but it's not the *only* thing... :)
ok did i just hear jj called tony......lol
The almost got thrown out of NYC! Remember no more motorcade and no fans anywhere.
The casino at Wynn was packed with fans last night. I got a ton of pics and tweets of fans interacting with drivers, media personalities and crew members.
I know they are still dialing it in, but the only other place it would go is Charlotte to save the Hall of Fame!
LOL, JD, I went to the site you mentioned - very interesting for sure.
Oh what a night? Oh brother!
It's a shame that they didn't use that 'dinner' time to tape more driver interviews on the red carpet. I would much rather see that than their stupid 'awards'.
That was a joke. JJ came out into Tony's seat and checked the namecard and then left.
Those two cooked it up, told no one. Told it went over big live.
The Las Vegas gig - presentation, entertainment etc kills the crap they had in NYC previously.
I understand the joke: Party like 2005! Two of Tony's titles form the bread of Jimmie's five consecutive titles, which served as the meat and veggies of Smoke's title sandwich!
thanks JD, I missed that.
the JJ/Tony thing was funny.
Marianela and Rutledge were a desperate attempt at grabbing the casual, young viewer that does not exist in this sport.
This is a generalization, but the 'offbeat' youth Wood's character is aimed for would attend a climate summit before a NASCAR race. Their second strategy of 'sex appeal' can be found on every other channel before SPEED today (except PBS, for now). SPEED swung and missed with both. Only hardcore fans are going to channel surf to SPEED and sit through a scripted awards dinner, but SPEED is making a great push lately putting characters on instead of the people actually from the sport.
Kid Rock >> Tony's good buddy
Busch, makes you wonder who they are chasing since tonight's program is actually produced by NASCAR's own TV company for SPEED.
JD, whoever it is they are chasing, I don't think they are catching any one.
I'm with Sally, i'd rather have seen more driver interviews than the made up awards.
Wasnt Kid Rock's best performance. Hes hit or miss with live performances. Thats ok, he is still the American BadA(keepin it PG). Back for Keselowski's speech. Yall have fun.
I'm with Sally on the first hour. I would have much rather seen more red carpet interviews. Can the stuff with Byrnes and Hammond.
I talked with them at length last year, which was really worse than this.
They just really cannot deal with the fact that the banquet should either be made for TV or just edited and shown later.
I suggested they just stream it live, including everyone eating dinner, on NASCAR.com and then edit a TV show for later airing.
That did not go over too well.
The only time I've been impressed with Kid Rock was during a rain delay at a Nascar race a couple years ago. They interviewed him as a time filler, and he picked up his guitar and sang briefly. I was amazed that he has a pleasant voice, and was quite good 'live'. At least he is a REAL 'car guy' Nascar fan, unlike most of the entertainment they get, or the 'celebrities' at the track.
bs61...without the casual young fan, this sport may be doomed. We better hope Travis Pastrana is successful.
At least NASCAR finally figured out the right location to put the banquet, sorting out the tv stuff will come soon enough.
The only time the New York news networks covered the banquet festivities was the list of street closures on the traffic report.
So, how did Nascar manage to grow so big all those years without the 'characters' being pushed in their face?
Now, that was cute...and relevant,for a change!
I agree Anon, the drivers have to do it, not the tv people.
Sally, that's because we used to actually get to see the racing, not have to try and figure out what happened while we were away at commercial because the guys doing the camera work and PXP actually talked about the races.
Now we have the cult of personality to distract us from the really poor racing.
Gina.....thank you!
Reba looks a little bit....refreshed in the facial area.
That Kardashians joke was cringe-worthy.
Hey, if I could afford to get 'refreshed', I'd look a whole lot better, too!
well at least Reba knew her stuff. Unlike some of the lame comedians from the past shows.
Ouch. Nothing like blowing the manufacturer's rep intro!
Even Tony's car made it to the banquet, but not a Busch in sight.
J.D., why not just start it when the actual awards ceremony starts? If they wanted to do the red carpet hullabaloo just tape that and edit it down and roll at 10 Eastern. Start recording and time-shift the ceremonies, and play it after the red=carpet padding, catching up as the commercials play.
Tony did not bring his dead weight. Been partyin with crew and fans this week.
You're welcome, JD. I hate what the new TV contract and Brian France has done to the sport. I could put up with redneck jokes from my friend's as long as I saw good racing - now I get redneck jokes AND bad racing so i can't even defend the sport, all I can do is shake my head and shrug.
Kenny, it is split into two parts. We are watching the first. The actual crowd just finished eating dessert.
NASCAR formats this for the sponsors, not TV. They will not change.
So, TV has to catch the couples live as they come in, then fill for an hour and then try to catch up.
HEY HEY don't forget to thank the Daly Planet Krista.
Is Monica Palumbo headed into a TV career next year?
OK, this is going to make me sad, so I'll come back when they are done with the In Memoriam.
Anon, Monica is getting married and says she is looking for PR or marketing career in the Charlotte area.
No indication of any role on TV right now. Only network in play would be SPEED.
maybe I'm wrong, but I'm assuming the comedy stuff is all written for Reba, although she delivered it well.
I was thinking the same on Monica. Replace Marianela with her. They could do a lot worse.
Monica has more credibility
Mike Joy handled that audio problem well.
Michigan as track of the year? Now there's some material for Reba.
I was thinking the exact same thing...MIS?
ha, I wonder how much MIS paid to get that award? I'd have said Martinsville or Darlington.
Oh wait, they aren't in the big media markets or the manufacturer's back yards.
finally, they've gotten to the driver awards. I'm ready to go to bed.
Love Newman's dry humor.
Busch, me, too. Newman is at least interesting.
The banquet TV is soo boring even our troll fell asleep!
JD, let us not wake him up.....
so it's not just me who's bored? that's good to know. Once Jeff does his thing, I'm going to bed.
One guy on my Facebook page said Dale Junior's date will no pass post-banquet inspection.
OK, that's funny.
Sounds like Darian Grubb is welcome at Hendrick.
The crowd is really dead tonight at the banquet. I wondered why even Mike Joy looked nervous.
Hmmm. Using the "Dale Junior trying to mount one last charge..." as they're showing Kyle's car shoving him forward....
OK, that clip of Jeff breakdancing just made my evening. So on that high note, my friends, I will bid you all a good night.
Thanks again, JD, for hosting the blog for the banquet. I'll be looking forward to your columns.
I hope you enjoy the holidays, everyone. Be safe and happy.
Jeff's gotta work on his handsta...I mean breakdancing. At least he has the courage to try.
Buschseries61 said... Love Newman's dry humor.
Ryan Newman and Matt Kenseth should try a night at the Improv sometime during the off season. Both are very funny!
See ya G!
Back for Bad Brad!!! Good to see Mr. Weaver win that award. Very deserving.
Brad Keselowski is pretty funny too! And not using the teleprompter!
Think Carl earned a new record in banquet history. Thank You.
Yep...no doubt about it....Miss Reba done went and got her some "tightenin' up"....such a shame...
Banquet is about out of steam.
Stewart's team was just awkward standing around Reba and Ms. Sprint Cup as the jokes bombed. Someone missed a cue after the Danica joke. Then, finally Joy started talking and paused for a deep breath.
You KNOW that the assembled racers are chomping at the bit for this to end and let the REAL drinking commence....was like that in NYC back in the day, and what better place than where they are tonight..."what happens in Vegas...."
When Reba tried to smile....that was awful. She was so pretty and now is just another victim.
Quote of the Night by Tony Stewart: "I was startin' to worry listening to Carl's speech that I was goin' to have to give one for 2012."
Officially, Tony's speech did run longer than Carl's for those of you wagering at home.
Have a great weekend everyone.
New columns on Monday for your comments!
It gets better each year. Maybe in another year or two NMG will get a handle on making this great not only for the race teams and sponsors, but also for TV viewers and radio listeners at home and on the road. Great job NASCAR!
Can't wait for Speed Weeks!
Well, I watched the paint dry on my walls instead......it was a better show
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