It is Media Day at the Daytona International speedway on Thursday. Basically, time for drivers to answer the same question asked by different faces hundreds of times.
This year, SiriusXM and NASCAR.com will be live from the location all day. ESPNEWS will be live from noon to 3PM. Then, Mike Massaro hosts a 30 minute NASCAR Now show. SPEED is up next with RaceHub running for two hours, from 6 to 8PM ET.
Media Day runs from 8AM to 4PM like a big singles dating party. Every media outlet gets an allotted amount of time and then someone says "change" and everyone gets a new partner.
Let's use this post to allow you to tell us where and when you see these NASCAR drivers during the daytime as NASCAR moves toward more TV and radio exposure for the sport.
To give us your observations, just click on the comments button below. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
recThanks Tuner/Nascar.com.
I'll be tuning in via the while at work.
Now lets make this web-casting thing a main stay going forward.
Going to be a great speedweeks.
I think most drivers hate today worse than any day of the year (except for Danica)
thanks for the schedule, JD. the live streaming is good for those of us who are working during the day.
may i just say that I hate the new version of verification words? I swear they make them hard to read on purpose.
Gina, these old and tired eyes are having a hard time reading the words too. I guess that's progress though. We can't livestream at work so I have to wait to get home and watch the dvr'd stuff. I'm enjoying Mike Massaro & Ricky Craven on Nascar Now this week.
We say Hello to Speed's Monica Palumbo, who is wearing a NASCAR.COM shirt and slacks, a notepad, and is now on the other side -- no longer a model, she's in the journalist's line. We'll see how she goes today in her first "major" event on the other side of the queue.
This is very telling today as to ESPN’s commitment to all things NASACR.
Today is the big “met and greet” day at Daytona. All the drivers are there and they will all have time to talk to anybody with a microphone.
Where’s ESPN? Home at Bristol with Nichole the one person representing the network.
Thanks JD for all the information during the non-off season we just had, what fun. We’re stoked for the new season and will be reading every blog.
Have a great year everyone!
They just had Tony Stewart on Sportcenter live about twenty minutes ago, pretty lame interviewer though. Standard Sportscenter, Spend thirty minutes on this 'LINSANITY' and five seconds on Nascar which kicks off Saturday night.
And Junior is on Sportcenter right now too!
Sure has been interesting to watch the online and TV coverage today.
DirecTV guide showed NASCAR Media Day, 2011, so I watched the CNN news and turned the TV off. Now I find out it was just another screw up by DirecTV. They do that quite often with their guide. Morons.
ESPN News covered it I believe from noon- 3PM had a long interview with Junior but no ESPN reporter on site - interview by satelite only
I wont be watching it tonight. This is about the most useless day of the year. They just had a media tour so I never figured out why they needed today other than for the TV networks to shoot promos. Tired of talking, ready to race.
I think John Roberts has had too much coffee. I don't remember him talking like he's stuck in fast forward.
Media Day. Where was the mainstream media when this story unfolded?
On CBS Sports website (Jan. 23, 2012), Pete Pistone wrote an article titled, "Next Hall of Fame Class Should be Diverse". A reader commented and identified himself as Little Red Vogt. I'll let you read the article and comments:
Not a peep from the media about this claim.
Also, since Danicamania is in full blown psychosis, I found NASCAR's next pair of soft porno marketing bimbos. Derrick Cope must be proud of his little girls.
It's media day alright.
I can't believe on Race Hub saying that media is from 4 countries! WOW whooped di do! It seems like the same drivers, Ku Busch, Ky Busch, DP, & Clint being interviewed. Where's the other drivers??????
Race Hub, 7:15 PM EST
Trotta's comment about father-to-be Harvick "not shooting blanks" was very sexist and not proper for evening TV, even if on cable.
My grandkids were watching with me.
Off-topic, but is the YouTube channel TheOfficialNASCAR really the official NASCAR YouTube channel like it claims to be? I ask mainly because it seems unlikely that an official NASCAR channel would only have 150 subscribers after two months of activity.
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