The Friday NASCAR TV day starts at 1PM and runs through 9PM ET on SPEED. From NASCAR Live to Trackside with some practice and qualifying coverage thrown in, it should make for an interesting day.
This post is for your comments on the SPEED coverage as the day rolls by. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by The Daly Planet.
I am ready for Danica weekend, baby! She loves Vegas. She tears up thinking about Dan Wheldon at Vegas. She has a bright green car that spins so you can see it from the stands. It's going to be incredible. I cannot wait to see her in victory lane! Go #10 Go!!!!
I find it inappropriate to have a vendor with a big sign advertising "bloody marys" in the background behind the Speed stage, given what happened here last October.
Roland...I think you're overthinking things just a bit. It's just a sign for drinks, nothing more. You can't control every little thing that shows in a camera shot.
I still find it inappropriate. Just rubs me the wrong way. I also noticed the skid marks are still there in turn 2.
The cars are on the track so why are they not showing it. Now the 42 hits the wall and the are blabbing instead of showing the cars.Come on SPEED, get with it!!
I know it must be Friday. Tune in to the Planet and there is a picture of Danica! The only driver in NASCAR!
Boogerty … Boogerty --- Boogerty
{yes, I know I'm being juvenile}
I'm digging all the practice sessions on Speed! They started at the perfect time for me. I feel the booth does a much better job during practice then the race! Didnt watch last weeks race as I was there but ready for Sunday
I was waiting for someone else to say something first, Thank you!
Looks like JD is riding that DP train just like everyone else!
Ride on JD! Ride on!
Ancient and Bobby, I was wondering why we had a pic of Danica baby on the page, too.
Bored now.
can I say how much I hate the words to prove I'm not a robot? How about letters a person can actually read?
Ahhh, another post Danica, even if Danica has nothing to do with the topic. Welcome to The Danica Planet, with your host John Daly.
I looked at the page today and thought,Gee,a Danica photo(again). Interesting considering i have read many a spirited discussion here about "disproportional coverage" of all drivers involved. Luckily she has plenty of photos to choose from so a repeat in the next 30 odd weeks is unlikely. But anyway, back to the action on the track
You guys don't know why the Danica pic? This is "her track to shine" and she should win the Nationwide Series race...right?
OMG! What the bleep happened to Trackside with Steve & the boys? :-(
Goofy women on & acting stupid, playing guitar & singing. This is NOT racing stuff.
SPEED major double shark jump. Fake reality show wannabe ???
@Sophia run, run , as far away from the new Trackside as you can. You will find the rest of us hiding out at the local walk-in clinic trying to get our eyes to stop burning from seeing what this show has become.
Can't find a person who likes it, but SPEED PR said ratings were up.
Diane, JD & others:
SPEED PR= liars.
How could this junk possibly be as good as Steve B, Larry M, Jeff & the boys w/a driver talking racing.
Turned it off & watching "This Old House" on PBS.
SPEED continues to disappoint.
Speechless. . .
Seems to be a very frail excuse for using her face JD.
Please explain so us lowly slobs with an interest in racing might be able to follow.
See Gina's post if that will help you!
Sorry really, just giving you digs like I do everyone that uses DP!
Don't you get the pic? She is looking to Smoke for guidance!
Jeez, I worked to find that one even!
JD, No I do not get the pic.
Except that you are just the same...
Riding the train....
And not a robot here.
But unwilling to try and figure out your DA security words.
See you somewhere else maybe, but not here. I feel like Peyton.... It's been fun! See ya.
Except of course....this is a TV and media blog. This was her race to shine. It's not happening...like...at all.
Blogspot is working to ease the veri words, bots a huge problem right now.
Danica mania kind of feeds on iteself. This blog is a case in point. It puts up a big Danica photo to make a point about how the television media is Danica-saturated (a great point)... but the irony is that it instead feeds the Danica mania by becoming one more Nascar outlet where you click and see her first. Either way, she is the center of attention and conversation. And laughing all the way to the bank. Tony teaches her how to race, and Dale teaches her how to sell gear. What a team.
What are bots?
Haven't commented for a, (long), while. The comments so far have drawn me out of my "cave".
I didn't see the subtleness in the photo until it was pointed out. I had just ignored it to read the post. However, now that I understand the intent, I like the purpose of it.
What has caught my attention here is the intensity of the comments. Many Planeteers seem to to be taking all this personally. Of course, that is one thing that makes this blog fun to read. I am really looking forward to the comments after the Knaus/Johnson appeal ruling. I expect it will receive extensive TV coverage, so something will probably end up being posted about it here.
I hope BSPN does a better job of showing the race today. Vegas can put on a good race, even without the Drama Queen.
If trackside is gaining viewers they certainly are not race fans. Just cannot imagine who would like watching such stupid things. They have also ruined NASCAR performance.
They can do what they want with the shows but please STOP saying they are about NASCAR.
I love the new trackside. Half an hour is just right. Get to know a littl more about one driver on each weekend show and have some fun doing it. To each his own I guess. I see John that some of the negativity that is creeping in to your blog is even being aimed at you, namely your DP picture.
batchief, everyone has the right to their opinion.
To try to paint a person as being negative when they are just expressing how they feel on one topic is maybe a little off-base.
Bots are automated programs that contain spam messages and links to sites for porn, ED products and prescription drug outlets. They search for blogs without verification words and post. Once they find one, they will load it up.
It is not uncommon for me to have 50 bot posts waiting for me in the morning to delete through moderation. Big hassle.
JD has a lot more patience then I have. I'm no fan of Danica's, but I didn't react one way or another at her pic. This weekend is her best shot this season to do well. Vegas is a mile wide oval where all you have to do in a good car is to stab it and steer. PIR was more of a drivers track and she finnished 3 laps down. I tried to listen to Friday's TV coverage, but couldn't do it.....The same old nonsense from DW, Larry and Mike. They repeat the same war stories, trivia and silliness every week and year after year. They'll always comment on Carl Edward's white gloves and of course, when we get back to the old tracks, we'll hear Mike Joy tell us for the hundreth time about the shape of the track dictated by someone's minnow pond. What Nascar TV needs is some new blood with some new perspectives and technical/driving experience that doesn't go back 35 years. I'd give Evernham, Craven, LaJoie and others a chance. It would be like a breath of fresh air compared to the gang on TV now.
Sorry John, but I offer my opinion and I am offbase? You post a Danica picture to highlight your blog for today and some say you are on the Danica bandwagon when in fact it is just a simple example of how she is a big part of this weekend and will be for a while to come whenever she is on the race ticket. That is not offbase?
sorry JD I missed your point with the pic of danica - i didn't recognize the back of stewart's head and i doubt that little miss can't be wrong looks to anyone but herself & whoever is holding the bag of cash for guidance.
sounds like espn will be busy w b-ball tourney's, too, so while this may be dp's track to shine, will nascar fans get to see the race?
No problem! I should have explained it in the post.
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