The Daly Planet encourages readers to leave comments on any post and forward email directly to editor@thedalyplanet.tv for suggestions on articles or additional comments on the NASCAR TV partners. Thank you for all of the feedback.
Sean in Comments: Totally agree with you 100%. Please (help ESPN) make NASCAR fans happy, NASCAR Now is the only show us fans get to see daily on the sport. Great article, and I look forward to reading more.
GinaV in Comments: Your articles are great. This is a sport with lots of things to watch and talk about, but ESPN needs someone who knows what to talk about.
CRU on Comments: Its most important to encourage you to continue examining TV reporting, and ESPN in particular. Please keep up your good work, it is needed!
Mike via Email: Thank you very much for your comments regarding (ESPN's) NASCAR Now. They are the total truth and I emailed ESPN with almost those exact words.
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