Nothing is more painful for me to write about than the slow death of a show that used to be a staple of my TV viewing habits. Series can climb the popularity hill one season, only to be led directly into the depths the next. This is the case with the former all-star NASCAR performer Inside NEXTEL Cup on SPEED Channel.
The Daly Planet has documented the changes in management and on-air talent that affected this program series, but this past week's edition of the show elicited nothing but sadness about what is, and anger about what could have been.
The first chair on this show has been occupied by only one man. But, once again, Kenny Schrader did not make the field for this week's Cup race. His pain was evident and palpable to veteran viewers of the show. Someone who at the height of his career was mentioned with the likes of Harry Gant, Bill Elliott, and Dale Earnhardt Sr. now finds himself pushing inferior equipment in a sport filled with Jeff Gordon clones and young "hot shoes" with big attitudes. He is a vanishing breed, that will not come again. His wit and wisdom will be missed when he steps aside.
In the second chair sits "the disaster." The problems that have befallen Michael Waltrip this year are only made more "real" by his Monday presence on Inside NEXTEL Cup. Its easy to see him in a thirty second "sound bite" on the news talking about next week, or the future. Its easy to forget about him when the race starts and the action on the track heats up. Unfortunately, its impossible to deny reality when he is forced to comment for a solid hour on the very sport that has forsaken him with absolutely no mercy. The memories of Daytona victory and the DEI glory days pale in comparison with his current life. It is all made even worse by the many SPEED TV programs in which he is featured...or used to be.
In the third chair sits the ghost of Johnny Benson. No one has ever come close to replacing the "person" that viewers came to know and love. The "replacements" may have been driving in Cup, they may have been on big teams, and they may have even won some races. But, they have never erased the personality that meshed so well with the dry wit of Schrader and the over-the-top lifestyle of Waltrip. This season, Greg Biffle sits in the third chair and answers scripted questions from the host without emotion or laughter. The ghost of Johnny Benson continues to haunt this set.
In the host chair sits the loneliest man in North America. Dave Despain has been universally blamed for "ruining" this show, hating NASCAR, and almost anything else that fans can think of. A veteran announcer in a true no-win situation, Despain once had WindTunnel on live every night and was the "Larry King" of SPEED. Then, management left racing and skewed to the hip-hop "NOPI" culture, the "reality" entertainment genre, and an endless string of poorly conceived NASCAR "theme" shows. WindTunnel was traded for Pinks, Unique Whips, and NASCAR Nation. Former all-star Despain was traded to Inside NEXTEL Cup. Roger Clemens had been sent to The Toledo Mud Hens.
The entire dynamic of a straight-laced Alan Bestwick trying to control three rowdy NASCAR drivers and one guest made this show a "can't miss" for fans. Once, Michael Waltrip was water-cooler gossip for all the right reasons. Fans held out hope that Schrader might win one more before his career was over. Benson held his head high despite losing his Cup ride and sliding to the Truck Series. Then, SPEED released Bestwick and Benson in mid-season.
There were no goodbyes, no video tributes for the years of hard work, and no explanation other than Bestwick saying thank you and so long. The brutal reality of the television business had been placed front-and-center for SPEED viewers, and they did not like it. Now, several years later, Despain carries on like a man with no where else to go, and the show has become meaningless. Race highlights that have already been seen, comments that have already been made, and drivers who were not even in the race. No guests, no fun, and no chemistry.
As the 2007 season hits May, there are no changes on the horizon for Inside NEXTEL Cup. Despain and company will carry-on with a formula created by a senior executive who is no longer even with the network. SPEED is seemingly unable to acknowledge that things are in a total tailspin, and a new pilot and a new course are needed before a very big accident. With the recent changes in senior management at SPEED, perhaps there will be some pro-active work done to try and restore this former "franchise" program series to its original standing. It can't get any worse.
The Daly Planet welcome comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below or email editor@thedalyplanet.tv if you wish not to be published. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
Alan leaving made me turn off INSIDE NEXTEL CUP". Poor Michael soon will be BANKRUPT. He never was a race car driver, but he used to be funny. Poor Schrader should retire now. Can anyone say "Too OLD "?? DAVE?? What does this guy bring to the fold? Dry ugliness!!
dave despain is a good pick for the job..I've followed his career from the old days of calling motorcycle races..ken schrader would fit well anywhere...he has seen it all..has the knowledge and the humor to carry the show..biffle is just filling a seat..the biggest thing that has turned me against the show is waltrip..he is an ego maniac just like his brother..bill elliott..harry gant and others have won as many races in a month as waltrip has in 20 plus years but he still tries to come off as an expert on all aspects of racing..he is a clown..that's it..maybe good for marketing a product with his andy griffith wannabe style..he has taken over the show..tried to make it his own and on several occasions used it for personal grudges against other drivers..hopefully despain can regain control of the show..waltrip will continue to miss races and his sponsors finally get fed up and leave and waltrip can fade away to mayberry
I have to agree. All the joy in this show has died. It was always "must see" for me until Speed canned Bestwick and Benson. Yeah, Motormouth Waltrip drove me crazy with his constant sponsor plugs, but Kenny's wit and Benson's sense of fun and the fact that Allen really liked these guys and could at least herd the cats a little bit without stepping all over them, made it great fun to watch and listen to on Monday nights. I'm not a big fan of Despain -- he's too abrasive for me, but he does know his stuff although I do think he has always looked down on NASCAR, so he's stuck, too. I never watch the show live any more because it's not any fun. On the other hand, I don't watch Pinks or the auctions or any of the other stupid stuff that Speed thinks I want to see. I watch qualifying and some of the other NASCAR programming. It's a shame. I've e-mailed the channel telling them what I think, but well, like NASCAR, they don't listen much to the fans.
During Despain's initial term on the program, those God-Awful stools they had to sit on drove me nuts just to watch. At least this year someone had the good sense to replace them with decent chairs. That's the only improvement I've seen.
I totally agree with you and that is why I gave up the show. It is sad that the show has really gone down hill since Allan left. He was so good for the show. Dave is an arrogant, no personality person that just doesn't get the job done. Who is responsible for this show anyway? Can they not see the mistakes that have been made? Really, the only one left that makes the show bearable is Ken Schrader. I love him and will miss him terribly when he calls it quits. Thank you for a great article.
Oh how sad, and how true an article has ever been written. I too was one of those who never missed Inside Nextel Cup. I now can tolorate the small bits I get while surfing away from some mindless sitcom during commercial breaks. Dave I loved you on Wind Tunnel but you don"t work on Inside. And Mikey he has not been the same since his ego caused him to give up the best ride he will ever have. Kenny love ya man......zodton
I hear you loud and clear but @ 8 pm EVERY Monday night I tune in!
Why? Because I am a NASCAR fan and also a Mike'y & Schrader fan.
I agree, Despain is NOT the Man for the job, Alan was more personable and fun! This is the only show to watch, ESPN's 'NOW' sucks! Other than race day this is all us fan have, I still enjoy listening to Mike'y & Kenny though.
If they could only find a front Man! Just think of all the fun if Bruton Smith owned this show???
I completely agree with your take on Inside Nextel Cup. I loved, loved, loved the combination of Allen, Johnny, Kenny & Michael. It was my favorite program of the week--bar none. My friends and family knew not to try and contact me during the show because I couldn't stand to miss a moment. As much as I love Michael and Kenny--and I do--the show is a sad shadow of its former self.
This is a perfect example of the old saying "if it isn't broke, don't fix it."
I keep wondering why SPEED seems to have foresaken NASCAR and Busch Fans. There is so little programming this year compared to the past. I still tune into Inside NEXTEL Cup, but it seems a little contrive when two out of three "commentators" can't even make the race week after week.
I could agreee with you more!
Dave Despain is worst choice that could have made! He brings nothing to the show at all. Sometimes, the way he talks, it's like he knows nothing at all about NA$CAR! Unless the race was won by one of my drivers,I don't even bother watching it anymore! I miss Allen Bestwick more than anything! I wish they could bring him back, along with Benson!!
Bring me back the good ol' days of 'Inside Winston Cup' with Ned Jarrett....that was a show worth watching.
I still watch the show for the humor. Michael used to talk alot, but now, sadly, he is allowed to dominate. I long for the good old days, when on monday night I could sit with Johnny, Kenny, and Alan, crack a cold one and listen to a couple of real racers poke fun of themselves while giving insight into what really happens during a race.
I quit watching Inside Nextel Cup shortly after Alan and Johnny were let go. It's just not as enjoyable as it used to be. I still love Kenny and Michael, but Dave Despain just ruins the show. SPEED Channel has ruined alot in the past few years. They canceled NBS 24/7 and Nascar 360, both were very good shows. The only thing I watch on Speed now is qualifying and Race Day.
Well, I am probably the first to ask..but not the only one to wonder....Could Mikey be ahh..a little lite in the loafers.....
Excellent article. The show was great when Johnny and Alan were on. It's essentially unwatchable now.
I too miss Johnny and Alan. That stupid Distain (sic) made the comment that "the Bif" was the only one who made the race. And he isn't a good thing to have out there. I miss the old show
NASCAR And anything that has to do with NASCAR is the trouble.A lot of people are fed up with the mess.It is not racing and has not been racing for a long time.
After reading this article I really miss the "old" SPEED channel, before Pinks, Unique Whips, and the other "reality" shows that are on now. Don't get me wrong, I still love to watch Speed, but it's just not the same. I love Wind Tunnel, which I seem to make sure that I watch more than Inside Nextel Cup now, it just seems better. I think that Dave is great on Wind Tunnel, but not Inside Nextel Cup, he doesn't seem to "click" with Michael, and Biffle just doesn't seem to "fit" the show at all, I think that it's just his personality. JB and Allen Bestwick were so much better on the show.
the show has gone how NA$CAR has gone during king brian's era,down hill.it is flat and dull with one or two good moments.but i still love Schrader the last real racer left.
I watch it mostly for Schrader anymore. You're right, it really was sad to watch this week. I've gotten used to Mikey's understandable mood change of late but I like Schrader and hate to see him the way he was this week.
But on to the comments I'm reading here. I have to call out the Despain hatred being shown. You guys are focusing on the wrong guy here. He's just doing as he's told.
I like him. I think the "he hates Nascar" comments are complete nonsense. I've never thought of him as a 'hater'. Robin Miller yes, Dave Despain, no way.
He may question things and certainly likes other forms of racing, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like Nascar.
Being from the Philly area I'm surrounded by sports fans with thin skins. They can't take announcers who aren't total homers. What we end up with because of it are amateurs since real announcers might dare show objectivity. Do you want a 'know nothing' amateur in charge of your Nascar shows?
If you do, please turn to 'Nascar Now' and leave Despain alone! ;-)
That is in no way saying this show doesn't need fixing by the way.
I hope Speed wakes up and fixes it.
Inside Nextel Cup can still be a good show. Speed Channel has problems. They can't decide if they want to follow a regular schedule. Dave Despain is one of the best race show announcers. Take the control away from Mikey. Move the show back to 7.00 PM. Have it on every week, not just part of the time. Talk more about the problems that NASCAR has because it is not controlled by the Good Ole Boys that made the sport and are the only hope that it will remain popular.
What is truly sad in Mikey has become a shill for Nascar. To hear him talk Nascar can do no wrong. I too agree that SPEED has taken a wrong turn somewhere, however they need to sell advertising so they need to follow the latest craze.
Yikes! What a bunch of whiners. Get a grip. I think Dave is great. He isn't a homer and he plays foil to the others. He also plays devil's advocate. Do we always need participants to be able to comment on any sporting event? In the past many times "the boys" have said they weren't aware of something because they were in the race and could only see it from their windshield. They could use someone to balance Mikey. Biff seems a little out of his element. He doesn't have an exciting personality. He is starting to speak up more. I liked the exchange between him and Kenny when he remarked about "leveling the playing field" with the COT. That certainly wasn't "scripted". I think it's ironic that many of the complaints come from individuals who don't watch the show!! John, you have bigger fish to fry with Nascar Now.
I send Speed an e-mail each week to tell how I think their network now sucks. The old show was great and I never missed it. I didn't care alot for Benson, but he fit in. I used to enjoy them busting Vickers each week; then they added him. Fixing it would require going back to the old format, but I doubt Alan would return... Oh well they should just cancel it, which would leave more room for PINKS (another stupid show)! Thanks
I too have stopped watching (sorry Kenny but it's too grim - I feel for you)since Speed booted Alan and JB. Get off Dave DeSpain, he is so far above NA$CAR that he shouldn't be involved in it except from WindTunnel. Dave can get anyone he wants, on for an interview, be it king brian or Ecclestone (F-1). He is the only hope for keeping sanity for the big picture in motorsports, and the only hope to bring USAC and open wheel racing (WoL,Silver Crown, Sprint, and Midgets) back to the prominence they deserve. Face it INC is LOST.
I agree with your article. It seems that everyone else does too. I hope someone from SPEED reads this and does something about it.
Afraid I disagree with you on most points. I think Dave is the perfect man for this job. Like him much better than Allen. Kenny is the best one on the show. The only problem I see there is if they got rid of Mikey there wouldn’t be anyone for him to bounce his comments off of. Mikey is another story. He has always been a NASCAR “Yes” man, never disagreeing with anything they did or said. True, at one time he was funny, but now he is just pathetic. As for Johnny B. as far as I could tell, he hardly ever opened his mouth and rarely contributed much. I was glad to see him replaced. However his replacement was a disaster! I like Biffle. He makes a good straight man and has a lot to contribute.
The show in general is still o.k. but since Mikey made the smart mouth comment about being out qualified by Morgan Sheppard'that just put the lid on his arrogance.He can never hope to be the driver that Shephard has been.And there is no doubt that Morgan is more man.
Use to watch "Inside Nextel Cup" every week. Couldn't get use to the change. Haven't seen it in over a year. Guess haven't missed much!!!
Most of the article and many of the comments are right on the money.
I have watched the show since its first or second season, and the show -especially Michael Waltrip - got me back to watching NASCAR after a long absence.
Many of us complained loud and long on the SPEED message boards when the show was changed, and we got mealy-mouthed network babble for an answer. WE knew what was going to happen and we were right. The "suits" were dead wrong. I have several old shows on tape and I need only watch one of them to remember what it was. Even the old setup behind the big desk was better for the chemistry AND the visuals than anything they've come up with since then. ("Hey, y'all check 'iss out...")
Some of what was good about the show is still there - most notably Schrader... AND Mikey. I'm not someone who deserts his favorite just because he's going thru some tough times. SOme seem to ignore that Michael is also a car owner, and how much more INSIDE can you get?
I'm also not a Despain hater like some here. And Greg Biffle is fine with me - in fact he contributed to the comedy with his wry comments about his misfortune this past week, which some here obviously missed like they also haven't figured out that without Mikey this show dies. Minus Schrader, it would only take a little longer.
All that having been said, it's not as bad as some make it out to be. It is still the only show I tape to watch at my convenience.
And some of the the duffusses who complain about Michael "not being a real driver" etc., were doing this BEFORE Michael had ever won his first Daytona 500, and continued non-stop after EACH of his subsequent wins. Nuff said.
I agree the show has gone down the drain. I never missed a weekly show when Alan was host and there was Johnny, Ken and Mikey. I tape it now and fast thru and stop and listen to what Ken and Mikey say. Can't stand Despain's voice. Another great show that Corporate America has taken and screwed up.
I agree, this show went downhill ever since they made those changes. Kenny and Johnny are both class acts and brought their own sense of style to the show. Michael lost his humorous side,he always seems down and depressed, which I understand seeing what he is going through, but he should set that aside for the sake of the show. Last, but not least Alan, he brought the whole show together, he knew how to relate to each driver and made the show funny, but yet he was also serious when needed. That group of guys just worked well together. Bring the regulars back and make the show worth watching again. We miss you Alan and Johnny!!!
Great article and sadly so true. The last Monday Bestwick was on there was the last program I watched. The show use to be fun and spontaneous. I loved Bestwick trying to ride herd on those 3! The best times were when Kenny Wallace sat in. The Kenny, Kenny and Mikey show was great. I emailed Speed a number of times and told them I was done if Bestwick left even tho I love the panel, I can't take Despains snobbish point of view of NASCAR.
I stopped watching this once great show after I forced myself to sit through an interview Brian Vickers did with the president of Texas Motor Speedway. That in itself was a disaster. The idiots at speed destroyed this show when they dumped Bestwick for god-knows-what reason. I haven't watched this show in more than a year and never plan on tuning in again.
Mikey was the reason I watched before. The chemistry with Bestwick, Schraeder, Benson (or Wallace, and Mikey was incredible. When Dale died I lost a part of me that was connected to racing. Now that this top 35 locked load of crap has taken over I rarely watch NASCAR. What does it say about the joke that NASCAR is becoming when the 20th fastest qualifier fails to make the race?
I can say that I used to watch SPEED more than any other channel offered on my local cable provider, but I hardly tune to it anymore for anything other than Qualifying and an occasional CTS race. Not even NASCAR, but what happened to SPEED showing USAR Hooters Pro Cup races from the previous week on Thursday nights? At least they still show them on Fridays at noon, but I'd much rather it be the old way.
It seems that SPEED is like NASCAR in they they come under new management and try to make all these new changes to a format that already worked great, and in turn it forces fans to turn against them.
In terms of NASCAR, I can't say everything that Brian France has done has been all bad, but his drive to push for all these new markets too quickly is something that I worry about. Sure, NASCAR has seen some phenomenal growth patterns over the past few years and especially since Dale Sr. died and Jr. became the face of NASCAR and was marketed correctly by Budweiser...But I think NASCAR should slow its progress and make sure that these new fans are willing to stick around, as us long time fans have. Taking races away from tried and true locations like Rockingham and Darlington and moving them to markets where more people live doesn't necessarily mean more people come...California Speedway; Prime example. Race leaves The Rock for Cali, yet it has yet to sell out. Isn't that the whole reason why NASCAR left The Rock behind, because it wasn't selling out? Living an hour and 15 minutes north of that track straight up US1 and having it stripped away wasn't much fun.
You don't see the NFL, NHL, NBA, or MLB constantly trying to add new franchises, so why must NASCAR jump the gun?
I think its time NASCAR and SPEED go back their old notes and use what worked before, before its too late. The last thing that I think any of us want is to see our favorite sport and the one channel that 'used' to cover it well be run into the ground.
Raleigh, NC
It's sad because INC used to be a must-watch show that I looked forward to, now I tune in just because I like Michael and Kenny so much. I agree completely that the show is inferior to what it used to be, and much of that is due to the changes that Speed made. It's mind-boggling that they didn't realize what a gem they had in that show. Now the show is often nothing different than any other show that shows clips and reviews the races.
I used to laugh constantly throughout INC, but I feel like Michael and Kenny were told at some point to tone down their antics, and the show doesn't have the same sense of fun it once did. Dave Despain is an intelligent man, but he's not the right host. I had high hopes for Greg Biffle because he has a decent sense of humor and he usually isn't afraid to give his opinions but he hasn't seemed like such a great fit on the show either.
I wish that Speed would let the panel relax a little even if it meant that they got off-track sometimes. Somehow I suspect that they're just going to keep shuffling various drivers on and off the panel rather than really address the problems with the show.
Having been a NASCAR fan for over 25 years, I expected the natural progression of the TV generation to take over programming. The programming on Speed is pathetic! I can't stand watching a bunch of "lil weenie" boys shooting their mouths off on Pinks.
As for Inside Nextel Cup, it is pathetic also. I miss the true racer mentality between Kenny,Johnny and Mikey. Say what you want about Mikey, but I wish that I could get the corporate sponsorship to run a 3 car team, for even just a week.
I can't believe a 22 year old kid being an "expert" about racing when people like Kenny and Mikey who have been racing longer than he has been alive can do it in their sleep.
If I want to watch Nextel Fan Scan, I'll go to the race and rent one. I can hear the in car audio from my house, I don't need to hear it again on national TV.
I'm sure the show will fade away into the sunset like Speed wants it to, and it will be replaced by something like a "reality" show for the masses to oogle over and talk about it at work the next day. How about "American Race Car Driver Idol"? Then Dave can host that show too.
An hour of Dave Despain a week is plenty. They need to send him off to cover motorcycle racing and get Robin Miller to host Wind Tunnel.
Ok, I hate to be the odd one here but I have been a NASCAR fan for probably 20 years and I have to disagree with SOME of what you said. First off I couldnt stand Alan Bestwick because to me he was TOO squeaky clean and he pronounced every word like he was reading poetry or somehthing and hee got on my last nerve. I am glad he is no longer on the show or in the booth for NBC. I DO love Kenny Schrader because to me he is the true essence of a racer and I value his opinion. Mikey to me was GREEDY and left one of the best rides he ever had to build NASCAR world at his shop and I hope its great but I agree he is nothign but a NASCAR yes man and there are plenty of them already. I still watch the show and I DONT watch Pinks and all that other garbage. I used to love SPEED channel but I rarely watch it anymore. I wished these message boards were viewed by NASCAR and SPEED and they actually listened but I am in a fairy tale world I guess. I happen to live in NC and I am sorry but NASCAR and SPEED have seemed to try and get as far away from what they call the good ole boy network so I guess now that I gave up my season tickets they can build there new fan base in New Mexico or Long Island because they have pretty much lost me. Thanks, Stephen Durham NC
I did not like Despain until I met him and the 2 Kennys at a dirt track in Iowa. He is a great guy. Mikey is the problem. Biffle has NEVER been a fun guy. Let's just cancel it. I tape it, but seldom watch it anymore.
I agree that Speed channel has been a huge let down recently. Who in the world watches Pinks, Unique Whips and some of the other crap on that channel. I too like the Nascar shows like Wind Tunnel nightly, 24/7, but the way it is now, all that I watch is qualifying and maybe a rerun of Inside Nextel Cup. Hopefully the Speed Execs will listen up and read these comments and do something about it!!!
Is it still on the air?
go old school bring back Bestwick admit you made a mistake
We are sick of Mikey, so we have quit watching. However, I do like Dave. Just get rid of MW. Brian Vickers was another lump on a log, too! DUH
We like Biff & Schrader.
I work all day and really look forward to coming home and relaxing and tuning in to Inside Nextel Cup. I love the show, I do think that Biffle seems alittle out of place, with Michael and Kenny's humor, people need to chill out, this show is for information and entertainment and it does a great job, I see we have the typical Michael or Kenny haters leaving comments, sheesh get a life will ya.
Speed jumped the shark when they replaced Alan and Johnny. The chemistry between the 4 of them made the show, and that's broken.
Dave is a cool guy, and he's great at his own thing (I like Wind Tunnel) but he never should have been on INC with others, those ingredients do not mix.
I used to never miss the show. Now I never watch it. As in so many other things, once the magic is gone you cannot get it back. Cancel the show and put together something different, with or without the past/current cast. INC is done and over.
A little more ranting: Speed, you have ruined more than just one show, you've ruined the whole dang channel. I still miss FIA Rally! I thought this was about 'speed' (you know, like the name of the network?!?) Nobody drives a whip, jockey's use those on race horses. How many times do you put big wheels, a loud radio, repaint a perfectly good car and call it unique??? They did the same thing to the last one. So now everyone with an aftermarket radio or wheels has their own unique whip. Oh yeah baby, what a show!
My main prob with the show is MW, he is a loud mouth arrogant jerk. He uses the show to bash other driver and bascially be a smart a** about anything he wants. The constant stream of snide remarks toward JR are getting a little sad. He acts as though is is a 3 time Cup champ, not some one who lucked into a great ride and was to arrogant to keep it. ALso I like BEstwick but Dave is ok. BTW What ever happen to SPEED coving Hooters and late modle racing?
Speed pay attention, first you screwed up Two Wheel Tuesday and now Inside Nextel Cup. If its not broke don't fix it.
Alan was the perfect straight man. Extremely knowledgeable and organized. The show was great, now it sucks. I loved Alan in the booth too. It's amazing how much this reality garbage is being shoved down our throats. Nascar and Speed have given up on the true loyal race fans and are trying to keep the attention of todays kids. Well, you better have a ton of 5 minute shows because that is the attention span you're catering to. Unique "Wipes" and Pinks just shows how much they've turned their backs on us.
I really don't think it's important if we like or dislike Dave. The fact is, he's been around motorsports since Christ was a Corporal and has probably forotten more about every level of racing than most of us will ever know. He picked up where Ken Squier left off about ten years ago and his mind is still extremely sharp for critical details....and he's not a NASCAR mouthpiece, like most of the drivers who appear regularly. Letting Bestwick walk was a HUGE mistake and I'm fairly sure the ratings reflect it.
Simply put: BBB (Bring Back Bestwick)
I agree with everyone, I miss Alan and Johnny but Dave isn't that bad. He is better on Wind Tunnel though. I never missed the show last season and have yet to see it this one.
I thought Vickers and Biffle traded off for the third seat, if its a Vickers week. What would they comment on - how the race sounded with the surround sound in their family room? If anything they should bring on a driver who has been at the top level a couple of years and still has potential. Someone like Sorenson, Yealy or Bowyer.
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