Tonight ESPN2 presents the Camping World 300 Busch Series race from Fontana. It is scheduled to begin at 9:45PM Eastern Daylight Time.
This post will host the comments about the TV coverage of the race while it is progress and also host the post-race comments.
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the forth quater just began on ESPN2. Will this game end in time for the race?
9:20PM ET. 25 min till coverage starts. Football game has just entered 4th Quarter. Looks very unlikely that coverage will start on time on ESPN2.
I don't thing we will see Countdown, but there is a good chance the race will start on time.
Dang, I would take a peek in here just to get nervous about when the **** race will start.
Just finished watching Happy Hour. Those guys in the booth have so much fun together!!
Might one of you football aficionodos (sp?) PLEASE explain to me WHY games last LONGER than they used to???
This is going to be the way of the world with Nascar and ESPN. It's now 8:27CDT, and the football game has 13:45 left in the fourth quarter. I JUST KNEW this stuff was going to happen with ESPN and football. It's going to be another week of channel hopping with ESPN kicking the Busch race all over their channels. This stinks
15 min left until countdown was supposed to start. it does not look like that will happen. 11:15 left in play
This will be interesting tonight. I wonder where all my emails to ESP U go to. Do you think anyone even dares to read them. I fire one or two off each race they screw up. I'm still waiting for a return response...
Well, at least a couple College Football teams back in NC, (where so many car teams are based) pulled off some nice wins, like Appy State and UNC!
Coincidentally(?) Titanic is on
TNT-HD (1080i)
I wish my Skunk graphic would show up on this site. I have a cute cartoon skunk (Not Pepe le Pew) that I would LOVE to post whenever I mention ES P-U.
15 minutes in football is like 40 minutes in real time. What if (gulp) these games go overtime...but that doesn't look to be an issue tonight.
But it happens.
can we still watch the coverage online if it is not on ESPN2?
Hey Guys,
Two things to notice as the game runs long.
One, the announcers never even mentioned Countdown was supposed to start at 9:45 PM.
Two, what script do they have prepared to read about the race, where it will be, and what the situation is. Right now, its just the computer inserting the lower third ticker.
Should be interesting.
Well then,
NASCAR got what was left...the Internet...ESPN360.
we are officially in countdown's time slot and it has now been proven that ESPN can't schedule a race and a football game back to back w/o problems.
College games rarely finish under 3 and 1/2 hours on TV these days. Networks have to get their commercials in!
will it still be on nascar.com?
They have shoved the race on ESPN 360. What the blank is that? We don't get that channel on our cable system. Nascar needs to wake up and do something about this stupidity
ESPN is now saying nascar countdown is on espn360
I can't get it.
ESPN 360 is not cable its online
Is ESPN360 opening for anyone else? It will not open for me, says it is busy. No NASCAR.
Doesn't NASCAR share some responsibility for this debacle? Didn't they know about ESPN's committment to College football before they signed this Busch deal? Everyone questioned this last year when the deal was announced, but once again, NASCAR doesn't seem to see the whole picture of anything they do.
No luck for ESPN360 for me
Just like the mystery debris cautions for Jr., I think this is a conspiracy on ESPN's part to get even with NASCAR for taking away coverage for the past eight years.
Bill H
All I got is Sirius radio for right now.
Can anyone who is watching ESPN360 online please tell the rest of us what is going on? Thanks!
Got to ESPN360, but it told me my ISP doesn't support it? WTF? Looks like NASCAR may need to adjust start times as ESPN wont stop showing football...
ESPN360 just changed their interface the other day. New system combined with a crush of requests to watch the race equals disaster.
BTW 360 is available only to select ISP's. AT&T is one that does.
I don't have any online pay stuff &^#%!@$!&^&!$
Sophia stomping her feet like an angry Danica patrick.
How, pray tell many HAVE ESPN360??
What a bunch of shirt without the R !!!
I would guess MORE HAVE ESPN NEWS than ESPN360
I can't get onto ESPN360 either. I think the site may have crashed because of all the people going on it to watch the race.
Are you on the phone with Brian France yet over this mess?
Amazing to me that the on-air announcers have never even referenced the fact that the NASCAR race is next. They are in a deep discussion about Michael Vick and his dog hobby.
Even the studio cut-ins have NEVER mentioned the NASCAR race.
I only get the message that my ISP doesn't offer ESPN360.com. What's really baffling is why they didn't take the basketball replay off of ESPN Classic to show live sport.
Ah well, at least the stream at nascar.com is free...
sophiaz123 - I think more people have ESPNU than have access to ESPN360.
360 crashed, I was watching it this afternoon. Should have kept it open :)
Track side pre race starts in 2 minutes according to MRN
Because this game is a blowout, we are not seeing slow play or the use of the remaining timeouts.
We could easily be seeing this game run over thirty minutes into racing if it was a close one.
Please rise and remove your hats, Now its the prayer
countdown is on nascar.com!!
ESPN360??? Hu??? mercy this is getting out of hand.... Are THEY FRICKEN SERIOUS?????
Pissed off race fan here.....
National Anthem being sung now
I don't think we get ESPN360 either I checked the programming list on DirectTV. This is worse than switching from ESPN2 and ESPN Classic then back again because of the tennis match.
Got it! Doing the anthem.
Man, this is rough tonight
Bevo, thanks for your explaining that football needs longer games for commercials.
I just tried to get a photo of a raccoon under the birdfeeder....he would not pose and the second pic caught my flowers (hard to aim in the dark with a flash and low light) Poor critters of all sorts starving in this drought.
I can see it's going to be a night of "coon hunting" in between this ESPN Balogna.
NOW ESPN is opening with NO AUDIO??
We have racin!!
busch fan-
ESPN360 is online at ESPN.com - not on TV
Can't sign on to ESPN 360. All they allow me to do is sign a petition asking my cable system to carry 360.
Guys, this stuff is going to keep happening and it's only going to get worse. When ABC gets the Chase, they're certainly not going to interrupt their football to show Nascar.
finally got it going here ... punch wallace petree
Hope the race doesn't go long, I need my US Nationals!
College football has been struggling to get their games under 3 and a half hours. They changed timing rules last year which did that, but the coaches didn't like them. So they switched back this season to the old rules with minor tweaks.
College football running long isn't anything new and won't go away anytime soon.
why did everyone keep trying to get ESPN360 when all along the race was on nascar.com?
And it doesn't look like many Cup driver "fans" are in the stands either, the front stretch looks empty. I thought Nascar wants them in the races to bring out the fans. Hmmmmm!
Gee, looks like a full house (sophia rolls eyes!)
But between the location and the heat, what does NASCAR expect.
Least the racin' has begun.
there is less people due to the heat, but if you look closely it looks empty because everyone is in the upper stands.
Didn't Petree just say the car was too low may have to raise it due to pressures, but good old Rusty has to repeat what Petree said and got stuck saying it.
draft track!! its okay as long as they dont use it TOO much
I wonder how hot those cars are. Can't believe it still says 95 online!! Hope those guys helmet hoses stay cool.
Oh, and I just found out Stevie Wonder is the marshall tomorrow night for the Cup race.
Rumor has it he has been secretly moonlighting at ESPN as a camera guy/director.
Just kidding...love the Steve.
Oh, no
that dreaded, loathed and detested DRAFTRACKER taking up GREEN LAP RACING AGAIN.
Is everybody taking notes?!
It do look like a Cup race.
yepee!!!! downforce and draft track
Nice comments about Almendinger. Barely worth mentioning in a Cup race, a small quality touch on ESPN's part to mention how he came from the back after replacing two engines to 21st.
Haven't seen a full lap of green flag racing since this round of pit stops started. Was there no racing on the track while cars were in the pits?
This is the perfect opportunity for video boxes.
This is Fontana. Is there any racing on the track when there isn't green flag stops?
I thought the coverage of pit stops was great. They did a great job telling us who did what and how the cars were handling. Would a slipt screen of the track and pit road help? Absolutely, but this was impressive for ESPN.
rusty said downforce
Must be a busy bunch of boys and girls up in Bristol. None of them have come here to berate us on our comments :)
The only people who know if there was any racing on the track are the 46 people roasting in the stands. ESPN should show the viewers. They call it "racing" not "pit stops".
Cut back from commercial for the 88 crash.
88 hard into the wall!! ESPN actually cut out of the middle of a comercial to go to coverage.
Wow they came back for a wreck I hope they are ok
brad k of the 88 is taken away in a stretcher.
ESPN360 - even without the problems, it is not user friendly for those of us with dialup. Neither is NASCAR.com. And there are still many people without internet. And Brian is still in denial about the numbers dropping in viewership. Perhaps if it was viewable for more those numbers would not drop so much.
this firey crash did not look good
When you're carried off on a backboard you're not exactly "walking away" for a wreck Rusty.
Why does Rusty think getting carried out on a stretcher is walking away?
brad was able to stand up. i think that's what rusty meant to say.
ke -
ESPN360 is for broadband. They have it set up with select ISP's using a dedicated connection for high quality video.
And that's the only Busch driver they'll show tonight unless all the full time Busch drivers pulled into the garage and stopped racing! Hope Brad is fine what a terrible wreck he's been doing great in that car!
I think Rusty should have been more careful with his words. That was an accident that most drivers would have not been awake afterwards or able to get out of their car from on their own years ago, thats what Rusty was trying to say. "Walked away" doesn't literally mean that anymore, it means they werent't knocked out in an accident.
If Rusty's been learning to think before he speaks, he needs some extra homework. He just compared Keselowski's wreck to Dale Sr's fatal crash, and said that Brad walked away when clearly he was standing stork-like and in pain on his right foot. Then they take him away on his back. Rusty abhors the vacuum of silence and feels compelled to fill it.
Brad to be taken to a hospital on a helicopter.
Did ya'll see that lighted sign there saying Trouble in Turn 1? Almost instantaneously with the wreck. See where they have to repair the safer wall.
Decent tech center report
I saw that sign too. Interesting how fast it starts to say "Trouble"
the faceless body in the seat showing us the inside of the car. They really haven't shown Tim Brewer tonight guess after a couple of more weeks and he'll be gone.
race to start up again!
I dont think they should get rid of tim in the tech center.
rusty successfully predicted a crash.
I don't think ESPN is using Tim Brewer and the tech center effectively but I don't think they should get rid of him although I think he's a little scary looking.
Let's see. The Biff runs near the wall and spins. Kahne runs near the wall and spins.
Rusty predicting the Bowyer spin after he ran multiple laps on that very high line is like predicting that day follows night. It shows that Rusty was paying attention, not that he was clairvoyant.
Sorry, Hamlin not Bowyer.
You get the feeling ESPN doesn't know how to fill the caution period? They've shown highlights of almost every race this season. Hey ESPN, want to know what to do? Go talk to the crew chiefs!
I think the tech center has it's use...just SPLIT screen as they did tonight...do not show it INSTEAD of the racing. I know most of the stuff but sometimes still learn stuff.
Like a few weeks ago that type of steel the size of a brick that weighed 30 lbs they put in cars!! WOW...I learned something from that.
Personally, I don't like to see older guys put out to pasture if there is a use for them anyway.
I would rather see Tim than that insipid Daffy Duck tracker that TAKES OVER OUR SCREEN IN PLACE OF GREEN FLAG RACING?
just my two cents.
Did I hear Burton's crew chief/spotter say something about "They're running out of TV time"? Funny, I don't think you'd hear that during a college football game.
Alright, radio communication to Burton, "They're running out of TV time." I just love ESPN, ""NOT"".
Burton's crew chief said "get to victory lane as quick as possible, they might be running out of TV time"
I thought this was a decent race for ESPN. Noting bad happened to ESPN, they covered a lot of stories and they had a wide shot at the finish.
"They're running out of tv time"
anyone else have video problems during the race? I saw a few seconds of snowy picture towards the middle of the race.
I also heard the spotter saying "we're running out of tv time".
SHEESH..the program FOLLOWING was on tape! HELLO.
Whew boy...my damn MRN station better be working tomorrow.
I must say somebody is paying attention about the camera gripes.
Yet, and this is terrible to say, I wondered if they didn't come back from the commercial due to the violent nature of the wreck...like if something 'happened', ESPN would not want to miss it...I hate to be cynical but it would be nice if they broke in more often...I have to give them props for doing so...
but I do NOT know how you racing vets watched the wrecks before SAFER Barriers....still scary today but back in those days....so many lost.
I got an ache in my stomach and tears in my eyes especially when I realized Brad was hurt...I am just too sensitive for some of these wrecks...the one at Sparta a few years ago where I think they guy only broke a finger or something...that bothered me when he hit the inside wall that was an entrance...they air cared him but I found out on SPEED boards 15 minutes before the tv guys told us...somebody at the race, called somebody on the boards to say what they heard on the scanner.
Anyway, thoughts to Brad.
p.s. Sometime during the race I heard static in the broadcast with maybe a bit of interference on the pic, but not too long...I have digital cable...but it started off on my tv with NO AUDIO for several seconds.
I noticed the audio problem only at the begining, but I think it was just the audio staff waiting for a cue from the director considing how quickly we went from football to racing.
I need a better spell checker...
I noticed the audio problem only at the beginning, but I think it was just the audio staff waiting for a cue from the director considering how quickly we went from football to racing.
At least ESPN HD came back on air before the race. It was out all over the country, cable and satellite, for much of the day.
I noticed ESPN 2 had no audio for about an hour during a football game earlier.
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