At 5PM on Friday, SPEED will present the ARCA race from Talladega. This should be one very interesting event with the incredible mix of drivers.
The ARCA "regulars" like Frank Kimmel, Norm Benning, and Billy Venturini will be joined by Indy 500 winner Dario Franchitti and former Red Bull Formula-1 driver Scott Speed. Add-in Erin Crocker, Kerry Earnhardt, and several young guns like Colin Braun and Dexter Bean and it should be exciting.
SPEED has not stated who will call the action, but with Steve Byrnes, Larry McReynolds, and Jeff Hammond already in place, they may simply be supplimented by some of the regulars like Don Radebaugh and Dan Pardus. We shall see.
This page will host the TV-related comments for the race. Fans may post in-advance, during, or after the event. Please read the rules for posting on the right hand side of the main page and then let us know your opinion of the TV coverage. We made this exception for the ARCA event because of the amazing NASCAR connections in this one race.
To post, simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the simple instructions. There is nothing to join, and we do not want your email address.
I thought I should also post this here: something weird happened when SPEED transitioned from NASCAR Live to arca coverage. When NASCAR Live was going off air they showed cars making pace laps around the track. those cars looked like arca cars. When the arca coverage started the cars were sitting on pit road and have not even started yet. Is the arca coverage delayed?
JD, Is this the same team that produces the truck races?
Yes they are showing the race delayed. There is a live feed via a radio station and it is about 10 laps ahead.
man this is baaaaaad coverage.
way too wide and no documentaion of guys on the move. Terrible
wendy venturini is too shrill for me
calm down girl
not every report needs to be in panic mode
If SPEED doesn't have the ball joints to cover the race LIVE LIVE, then get out of the business
This is chicken dung
Anonymous said...
If SPEED doesn't have the ball joints to cover the race LIVE LIVE, then get out of the business
This is chicken dung
October 5, 2007 6:33 PM
JD suggested people TiVo this race which was supposed to start at 5. Arca started the race early and if SPEED were to start the coverage early, many people would miss the start of the race.
I think Rick Allen & Phil Parsons, along with Hermie Sadler are doing a great job. No I am not related to any of those guys.
Yes, it is the Truck Series production team.
I'm enjoying the race and the guys in the booth.
I agree that the early coverage was awful. It did seem to get better as the race went on though. As for the taped-delayed coverage, I think it's great, especially at Talladega. We hardly ever miss anything because they return from commercial right where they left off.
Love the Speed production but I think they are a little out of their element on such a big track as Taladega. It just feels different than their other races they cover.
Bill H (aka BillWebz)
JD - Is it possible to move the comment box to the bottom of the page. When comments are open for the busch / cup races and there are 70 / 80 comments you keep having to jump up / down.
I am enjoying this race as well. Heck, guys that do not feel they have to YAP NONSTOP.
AND it's great to watch a race w/o a bunch of CRAP on my screen to take away from the racin'.
ESP U could learn alot that LESS IS MORE and just "show us the race."
And the cameras here have been quick to show the wrecks. I have no problem with the announcers either.
It looks dark there though...plus it was overcast to start with...
P.S. Bill, does the Collapse comments help you to keep from scrolling so much? As long as you keep a number of how many folks posted since you were last here, hitting collapse comments helps alot.
If this has NOTHING to do with your question, sorry for buttin' in.
We will be transitioning to a new stand-alone website in the off-season. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but it will have all the bells and whistles that you could possibly want. Including a full service forum that will allow selected users to start their own discussion threads. Shh..don't tell anyone!
Anonymous said...
Is it possible to move the comment box to the bottom of the page. When comments are open for the busch / cup races and there are 70 / 80 comments you keep having to jump up / down.
October 5, 2007 7:07 PM
If you want to get to the top of the page with out scrolling all the way up, you can just hit the "home" key on your keyboard. To get back to the bottom of the page you can hit the "end" key.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Including a full service forum that will allow selected users to start their own discussion threads. Shh..don't tell anyone!
October 5, 2007 7:14 PM
I don't mean to ruin this, but who can be a "selected user"?
I don't believe it! Speed just went to commercial with 8 laps to go! Geez what is with the networks? You don't go to commercial at 'dega with under 20 to go let alone 8 laps. Dummies.........
we are under caution!!
Does anybody hear the computer email chime on the air after the end of the race! LOL, they need to turn the sound down..
I have noticed it during the truck races as well...wonder who the guilty party is?
Good race and NO BIG ONE!! Dario held up well...wonder how he feels after his first stock car race.
Yea I was very surprised with the commercial at 8 laps as well...I mean I know it's still about 20 miles of racing but it's toward the end stuff happens at Dega. Least the break was relatively short.
SophiaZ123 said...
Does anybody hear the computer email chime on the air after the end of the race! LOL, they need to turn the sound down..
I have noticed it during the truck races as well...wonder who the guilty party is?
Good race and NO BIG ONE!! Dario held up well...wonder how he feels after his first stock car race.
October 5, 2007 7:35 PM
I have also noticed that computer chime. I don't know where it's from though.
I thought there was a "big one"
VINCE....You don't know your watching a taped race!!! They come back from breaks with the same laps.
Anonymous said...
VINCE....You don't know your watching a taped race!!! They come back from breaks with the same laps.
October 5, 2007 7:40 PM
I do not think they delayed race during commercial breaks also. That would mean the race ended more than 30 minutes ago in real time and i don't think it did. I think it was only delayed 10 minutes from the start because ARCA started the race early and that was the only delay.
SOOOOO...What would happen if the big boys used a 10-20 lap delay in coverage like this race? No missed restarts, accidents or racing action. It seems many people watching did not even know it was taped. On the other hand people complain on here about being 5 seconds behind on Sunday's coverage. I like the way the race was handled today with the delay.
I thought the broadcast was not going to end until 8!!! why is SPEED showing something else?
Hey Guys,
Nice ARCA race. Little weird with the time shifting, but we did not lose laps at the end. I guess SPEED has learned that from their qualifying coverage.
I am not a big Rick Allen fan, but he is always accurate and lets Phil Parsons do his thing. Wendy looked a little up-tight on pit road, and the other pit reporter was not someone I had seen before.
There will be a bunch of announcements soon about us opening things up and letting you participate and be empowered to host your own topics and lead your own live discussion groups.
During the off-season we will have some really fun things to keep race fans busy for the two months.
None of this would have happened if you all had not helped us build this into a fun and informative site this season. The best info in racing lies with the fans...period.
Now, onto Trackside! Thanks again.
When they broke on lap 8, they came back to coverage with 8 to go.
Anonymous said...
SOOOOO...What would happen if the big boys used a 10-20 lap delay in coverage like this race? No missed restarts, accidents or racing action. It seems many people watching did not even know it was taped. On the other hand people complain on here about being 5 seconds behind on Sunday's coverage. I like the way the race was handled today with the delay.
October 5, 2007 7:45 PM
I would hate that. If i did not want to see the race LIVE i would TiVo it and watch it later. Or I would watch the replay Monday on ESPN2. But I do want to watch it LIVE so i don't want the delay. If FOX can work around commercials ESPN can learn too.
I still don't believe that is exactly what SPEED did to today's ARCA race. It is debatable.
Anybody else have the voice out of sync with the video on their TV?
Speed has been this way all day on mine.
Anonymous said...
Anybody else have the voice out of sync with the video on their TV?
Speed has been this way all day on mine.
October 5, 2007 7:53 PM
I did not have that problem today, but I have had a similar problem before and all I had to do to fix it was reset my cable box.
I did not have the lip sync issues today but have in the past, especially on SPEED.
ALso, somebody earlier in the week asked if the audio went up and down in volume on it's own. That has ALSO been an intermittent issue on SPEED. I wondered if it was a TIME WARNER deal...but you could be in the kitchen and the tv sound would drastically change by itself.
Once I realized it wasn't my room mate or one of the cats stepping on the remote, we figured it was a SPEED and or TW deal. Also we get the broken picture pixel thing a lot on cameras at the track when they are interviewing before the race on raceday...Don't know if that is a digital deal or SPEED.
But out of all the stations we watch, we have had more problems with SPEED.
p.s. I was busy emailing a friend during the last break at Dega..you mean they WENT to break at Dega with 8 laps and came back with 8 laps? Frankly, that does not bother me a bit if I do not miss the racing. :-)
But I think a few of us would rather see the race delayed a bit in it's entirety than cut off early or channel hop.
but since the race ended just a few minutes early why could they not just give more ARCA drivers some interview time?????? Dumb call at SPEED to show half a show joined in progressed.
Course, that could make MRN hell to listen to..We do not have DVR's in this house to stop the show and start again.
Most of the production team is the same as the trucks but the producer I know is different. Also that other pit reporter Jim Tetrow(?) always does ARCA.
SPEED Channel has its own ARCA production team.
Re: SPEED has their own ARCA production team....it bust be ARCA as in "Ain't Really Competent At All"
This was a poorly produce event.
Thanks again for all your comments. Once and a while, we step out into ARCA land when the NASCAR connections are everywhere.
I appreciate you taking the time to leave your opinion.
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